Knocking Master Izuku

WereLich által

440 17 7

This is a mhaxtoriko story. Több

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

313 11 6
WereLich által

This story was requested by Drakesoul666. Drakesoul666 I hope this story is to your liking.

Chiyo: Izuku dear I've made an arrangement so you can see All Might tomorrow at Takoba Municipal Beach Park.

Izuku: Really granny Chiyo?! Thank you so much! I can ask him if I can be a hero! Um why am I meeting him at Takoba Municipal Beach Park? Isn't that place a literal dump?

Chiyo: It is so no one will be there. All Might wanted to meet someplace discreet. That way he wouldn't have to go through a hoard of fans to speak with you.

Izuku: I think I understand granny Chiyo. I can't wait to meet him!

Inko: Thanks for setting this up mom. It really means a lot to us.

Chiyo: Don't mention it Inko dear. I just wish Izuku would take our word that he can be a hero.

Izuku: I believe you and mom, but you two love me so much. I just want to hear it from someone else. Katsuki and everyone else are always saying I could never be a hero.

Chiyo: I understand dearie. Well you should head to bed. You have to be up early to meet All Might.

Izuku: Okay granny goodnight!

Chiyo: Goodnight dearie.

Inko: Goodnight Izuku.

Inko: Do you think All Might will tell Izuku what he needs to hear? I can't help but worry he'll hurt Izuku.

Chiyo: That oaf better know what to say. If he hurts my precious little grandson he'll have hell to pay.

The next day at Takoba Municipal Beach Park.

Izuku: I'm here but where's All Might? Maybe a villain attacked and he's running late. I'll wait for him.

Several hours later.


Izuku: Wow All Might you really came! I I want to know if I can be a hero.


Izuku: It's called nervous system check. I can see the nervous system of any living thing. See.

Izuku's eyes begin to glow.

Izuku: A-all Might your chest. You're hurt really badly.


All Might jumps away. Izuku begins to cry.

Izuku: S-so I can't be a hero?

Izuku heads home.

Inko: Izuku?! What happened?!

Izuku: I-I can't be a he-hero.

Inko: Oh my baby yes you can be a hero!

Chiyo: I should have known that oaf would louse this up. What did he say to you Izuku?

Izuku: He said with my quirk I-I should go into the medical field. He didn't think I could be a hero who could save the d-day.

Chiyo: That idiot! Izuku dearie listen to your grandma my quirk only heals people and I'm a hero. And Rag Doll from the wild pussy cat's quirk just tells her how strong someone is and where they are. Mandalay is just a telepathic. They're basically quirkless when it comes to actually doing hero work. You can be a hero.

Izuku: W-what's the point if I can't save people though?

Chiyo: Izuku Rag Doll and Mandalay both save people all the time. Plus there's Eraser head. His quirk lets him cancel other people's quirks. He takes out villains with his tools. Eraser Head! That's who I should have gotten you to meet! He wanted to be a hero like you Izuku but he failed the entrance exam.

Izuku: He failed? How is he a hero then?

Chiyo: He won the sports festival and got transferred to the hero course. He didn't give up even after things looked grim. You can't give up either.

Izuku: O-okay granny Chiyo I won't give up, but I don't think I could win the sports festival.

Chiyo: It might be risky, but I have an old friend who could train you. And your quirk would be perfect for how he fights.

Inko: What do you mean risky?

Chiyo: Izuku would have to leave on a long trip for starters. And I honestly don't know what he'd be doing.

Izuku: I-if it can make me stronger so I can be a hero I want to try!

Inko: Izuku... alright I'm in. Can we count on this friend of yours?

Chiyo: Yes I saved his life. He owes me a big favor.

Inko: Go ahead and get in contact with him.

Chiyo: Alright I will. It will take some time for him to get here. Izuku you'll need to continue your exercises and weight lifting until he shows up.

Izuku: Okay granny Chiyo!

One month later

Chiyo: Izuku my friend will be here today.

Izuku: Really?! I'm going to get to meet my new Sensai! I've been waiting so long for this moment! I wonder what he's like!

Chiyo: He's eccentric but don't let that fool you. He's a retired professional you can really learn a lot from him. *Knock knock*

Inko: That must be him now. I'll get it.

Inko opens the door to see an old man with a pompadour. It was also pretty obvious he was drunk.

Jiro: Hello there young lady. Is Chiyo here?

Chiyo: Jiro It's been too long come on in!

Inko: Mom when you said eccentric I didn't think you meant drunk.

Chiyo: Hush now Inko be a dear and pour us some of the wine I brought.

Jiro: Oh Chiyo you didn't have to get me some more of life's blood.

Inko: Mom? Do you honestly expect me to entrust my baby to this man?

Chiyo: It's for Izuku's sake dear. He's my grand-baby too you know I wouldn't put him in any needless danger. What took so long Jiro?

Jiro: I was in the middle of my trip to the spirits archipelago. It took a while for your message to get to me.

Izuku: Spirits archipelago? Where's that?

Jiro: Why it's in the middle of the spirits sea.

Izuku: Spirits sea? Are there ghosts there?

Jiro: Hahaha no Sonny spirits as in wine, whiskey, beer, shochu you name it this ocean is made of it.

Inko: How long do you usually stay there?

Jiro: Two months.

Inko: Mom!

Chiyo: Calm down Inko. Jiro here back in his prime could beat All Might.

Izuku: Really?! Mom please let me train with him!

Jiro: Hold yer horses there Sonny. I'll gladly take you under my wing and teach you knocking.

Izuku: Knocking?

Jiro: This is knocking.

Jiro taps izuku and Izuku can no longer move.

Izuku: I-I can't move!

Jiro taps Izuku again and he can move.

Jiro: To give you a chance at your dream I want to give you gourmet cells.

Inko: But that procedure has a chance to be lethal!

Jiro: That it does. So Sonny are you willing to risk your life to be a hero?

Izuku: What's a gourmet cell?

Chiyo: a gourmet cell has superior, regenerative capabilities, and longevity. Once combined successfully with the cells Another organism, it significantly amplifies the organisms natural traits. A human with gourmet cells can further magnify their abilities further through eating high-quality foods. Basically you'll heal faster and get stronger eating tasty food.

Inko: How did you paralyze Izuku just by touching him?

Jiro: That was knocking. I administered a shock to his nervous system. Normally it would be done with a needle or other such instrument. I know how to do it with my bare hands. So what do you say Sonny?

Izuku: I-I want you to train me please! I understand it's risky but I still want you to!

Inko: Izuku just be careful for me alright.

Izuku: I will mom.

Jiro: Alrighty pack some clothes and we'll go.

Izuku: Okay!

Chiyo: Remember to keep up with your studies Izuku. You'll have to pass the written exam for U.A.

Izuku: Okay Granny Chiyo!

Three years later at the entrance exam.

Izuku: Granny Chiyo said it will be hard for me to pass the practical exam. The sports festival is my best bet. That doesn't mean I can't try the practical like Eraser Head. I'll do my best at being heroic just like granny Chiyo told me to be. I've got a first aid kit just in case someone gets hurt. The rest I'll just have to wait and see.

Aizawa: Next papers please.

Izuku: Wow! You're Eraser Head!

Aizawa: I'm surprised you recognized me. I keep a low profile being an underground hero.

Izuku: I'm a big fan! I'm going for the hero course but I'll probably have to win the sports festival just like you did! Um do you think I can be a hero?

Aizawa: Of course you can be if you have the heart for it. Let's see yeah with your quirk this test will be completely unfair. I'm sorry but the sports festival might be your best bet.

Izuku: Yeah that's what I was afraid of. But I'm still going to give it my all!

Aizawa: That's the spirit. Head that way for the written exam. Then you'll have the practical exam to go through.

Izuku: Thanks! See you later Eraser Head!

Hizashi: Wow you met a fan and you liked him Aizawa.

Aizawa: Don't start Mic.

Nemuri: Alright once you're all seated we'll begin the written exam!

After the written exam.

Hizashi: For all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! Everybody say hey!


Izuku: Hey!

Izuku got more than a few uncomfortable stares.

Bakugo: Is that Deku?! What's that loser doing here?!

Hizashi: Yeah! There we go little listener! Here's the rundown little listeners for the UA practical exam! As you can see on your handouts you listeners will be divided up into several group's for a ten-minute mock urban battle! Each group will be given their own city that's been overrun with villains! Don't worry you can bring whatever you want with you! Your goal is to nab as many points as possible within the time limit! How do you get points!? Easy! Taking down the villains! As you can see on your handouts and the monitor behind me there are three faux villains that give you points!

Izuku: So I can use my knocking guns.

Hizashi: This fella here is a one pointer! He's the weakest one out of the three! Take it down and you get one point easy!

Hizashi: Next we have the two pointer! The difficulty jumps up with this one! Take him out and you get two points!

Hizashi: Last but not least, we have the three pointer who awards you with you guessed it three points! Don't take him lightly though or he'll rock your world!

Izuku: Robots?! My knocking will be useless.

Iida: May I ask a question?

Hizashi: Yeah! Listener go right ahead!

Iida: On the printout, there are four types of villains. If that is a misprint then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes.

Hizashi: You need to learn some patience little listener. I was going over the villains that give points. The forth villain is an obstacle like a thomp in Mario or gravity in Dark Souls. It's a zero pointer meaning you get nothing for beating it.

Iida: I apologize for interrupting you Present Mic!

Iida was in a ninety degree bow.

Hizashi: Don't sweat it listener! Now before you head to your assigned bus. The great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said... 'True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life.' Plus Ultra!! Break a leg, everyone!!

At city C before the test starts.

Izuku: Might as well stretch before we start.

Suddenly the doors to the city begin to open.

Hizashi: What are you waiting for! There's no 321 start! Go go go!

Everyone runs into the city.

Izuku: Wow look at everyone taking out the robots.

Examinee: Agh!!

Izuku: Oh no that guy got rammed through a wall! He needs help! Hang in there I've got a first aid kit.

Izuku applies first aid for the injured examinee.

In a room full of teachers.

Ectoplasm: We have quite the talented batch this year.

Cementoss: agreed several kids are doing well in each city.

Snipe: who's the kid patching up the other examinees?

Thirteen: It's very impressive. He clearly knows his stuff.

Aizawa: Kids name is Izuku Midoriya. He's Recovery Girls grandson.

Snipe: Chiyo's grandson huh. No wonder he knows his way around a first aid kit.

Snipe: This Bakugo kid really is racking up the villain points.

Hizashi: He doesn't have a single hero point though.

Nezu: It's time to see how they handle the obstacle.

Nezu presses a red button. Back in each city the ground begins to shake making the competitors wonder if an earthquake had hit during the test. Only for that to be proven wrong when a giant robot appears smashing through near by buildings. Everyone quickly realized this was the zero pointer. Panic set in as they began to flee from the zero pointer.

Kyoka: Help! A girl got trapped under some rubble! Help me get her out! Stop running away you cowards!

Izuku: I'm here to help what do you need?

Kyoka: I need you to help me with this rubble!

Izuku: Let's hurry!

Izuku removes the rubble with ease.

Izuku: Let's get her to safety!

Kyoka: Right!

Izuku and Kyoka carry Ochaco away from the zero pointer. Izuku then gives Ochaco first aid.

Hizashi: The test is over! You'll get your results in a week! Good job everybody!

Chiyo: Is anybody hurt?

Izuku: Over here granny Chiyo!

Chiyo: Izuku dear you've just about done my job for me. Did you get any points?

Izuku: No people kept getting hurt I didn't get a chance to try fighting the robots. But that's okay I still have the sports festival to get in the hero course.

Kyoka: I'm Kyoka Jiro. Thanks for actually being a hero and helping me save this girl. I'm sorry you didn't get any points.

Izuku: I'm Izuku Midoriya! Don't be sad I still have another chance to make the hero course!

Kyoka: Well I hope you get in. You're the most heroic person here.

Izuku: You're heroic too Jiro. Don't count yourself out.

Kyoka: Thanks!

Ochaco: Thank you both for saving me. I'm Ochaco Uraraka.

Izuku: You're welcome Uraraka. Are you done for the day granny Chiyo?

Chiyo: Yes I'm done for the day.

Izuku: Great let's go home together. Mom's gonna want to know what happened.

Kyoka: He has a hero for a grandma that's so cool.

One week later.

Inko: Izuku your results are here!

Izuku: Coming! Huh? What's this?

A small black disc fell out of the envelope. Izuku reads a card that came with it.

Izuku: So it's a holographic projector. U.A. really goes all out *click*

Nemuri: Hello Izuku Midoriya! This is Midnight with your test results! You passed the written exam with flying colors! During the practical exam you scored 0 points! But what you may not have been aware was you were being awarded points for acts of heroism! You scored 30 hero points! Sadly this wasn't enough for you to pass for the hero course. But you still get to attend U.A. Welcome to your academia!

Izuku: Hey I got some points sweet! Now I just have to wait for the sports festival.

First day of school.

Izuku: Let's see where's 1-C at. Ah here it is.

Nemuri: Hello everyone I'm your homeroom teacher Midnight. Today will be a short day. We have orientation then you'll be free to go home. So let's head to orientation.


Izuku: What was that?

Shinso: Must be the hero course students. They're not here for orientation.

Izuku: So they're getting to show each other their quirks or is it a test?

Shinso: Don't know maybe we'll find out tomorrow.

Izuku: I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way.

Shinso: I'm Hitoshi Shinso but don't think we can be friends.

Izuku: Why not?

Shinso: Because you're looking to get in the hero course by the sports festival too. That makes us rivals. I'll be the one to get transferred not you.

Izuku: We'll see about that, but I hope we both get transferred.

Shinso: You're too naive. The world isn't so forgiving. People didn't take kindly to you patching everyone up during the practical exam. They say your grandma told you about the hero points. You won't find anyone in the general course who's going to be your friend.

Izuku: That's not true. Granny Chiyo just told me to be heroic.

Shinso: Doesn't matter. People are gonna believe whatever they want.

Nezu: And that's all for orientation. You may all head home.

The next day at lunch.

Izuku: Wow nobody wants me to sit with them. I'll just sit by myself I guess.

Kyoka: Hey Midoriya. Mind if I sit with you?

Izuku: I don't mind Jiro, but you'd probably be better off sitting somewhere else.

Kyoka: Why's that?

Izuku: None of the general course students like me. If you sit with me they might shun you too.

Kyoka: What? Why don't they like you? You patched several of them up during the practical exam. You should be popular for that.

Izuku: Someone started a rumor that Granny Chiyo told me about the hero points. They think I was just helping people to get hero points, but she didn't. She just told me to be heroic.

Kyoka: That's horrible. Don't worry Midoriya I believe you and I don't need friends who'd turn on someone because of a rumor. I'll gladly be your friend.

Izuku: Thanks so much Jiro! That's really kind of you! Everyone shunning me wasn't so bad. It's not like they're trying to eat me or anything. It was just kinda lonely, but now that I have a friend U.A's going to be smooth sailing! You're the best Jiro!

Kyoka: Haha thanks Midoriya! But eat you?

Izuku: That's what I'm used to.

Kyoka: People try to eat you?

Izuku: No not people animals. I did a lot of training in the wild with my master.

Kyoka: You have a master?

Izuku: Yeah! Knocking master Jiro is his name! He's the best especially when he's not drunk!

Kyoka: Is he usually drunk?

Izuku: Most of the time he is, but even when he's drunk he's impressive!

Kyoka: What's knocking?

Izuku: It is a special, non-lethal method of capturing wild beasts. It generally involves striking the nerves or pressure points which control a living creature's motor functions either through the usage of specific martial arts techniques or more commonly with specialized weaponry called knocking guns. You send a shock to the nervous system causing paralysis.

Kyoka: Really? Can you prove it by knocking me?

Izuku: I can but do you really want me to?

Kyoka: Yeah go right ahead. I want to see this.

Izuku: Okay then I'll use my bare hands so I can unknock you. If I used my knocking gun you wouldn't be able to move for twelve hours.

Kyoka: Wait what?

Izuku gently strikes Kyoka in the celiac plexus.

Kyoka: I-I really can't move. Okay release me please.

Izuku gently strikes her again.

Kyoka: Wow! And just like that I can move again! That's amazing Midoriya! You can be such a great hero with that!

Izuku: Do you really think so?

Kyoka: Yeah!

Izuku: Thanks Jiro!

Kyoka: So what do you think about Lunch Rush's food? It's really good isn't it?

Izuku: It's prepared well enough, but the ingredients are really basic. It's kinda bland to me. It's a shame Japan isn't a member of the IGO. We would get all sorts of tasty food then.

Kyoka: The International Gourmet Organization. I heard that they have some crazy food.

Izuku: They do and it's all so tasty. Oh I know I have some Garara Gator meat I bought home! I'll bring you some tomorrow! You'll love it I just know it!

Kyoka: Garara Gator? I don't know if I'd like gator meat. But if you go through the trouble of fixing it for me I'll try it.

Izuku: Sweet! You won't regret it Jiro.

Kyoka: So what kind of gator is it?

Izuku: It's a giant gator with eight legs. They're bigger than an elephant and their capture level is usually 5.

Kyoka: Capture level?

Izuku: It's a classification of how difficult a creature is to capture. Think of capture level 1 as a beast that can only be taken down by ten professional hunters armed with shotguns. At capture level 5 sending in tanks wouldn't guarantee success.

Kyoka: How's anybody supposed to hunt that?

Izuku: Gourmet hunters. They specialize in hunting all sorts of animals and food. They're even more popular than heroes in IGO nations.

Kyoka: I bet they would make some awesome heroes.

Izuku: They would but they're usually all in it for the food and money. IGO has some amazing chefs too. Some of them could be gourmet hunters or heroes.

Kyoka: I bet they can make some delicious meals.

Izuku: They do make some amazing dishes.

Kyoka: I've really enjoyed lunch time together Midoriya! Let's keep having lunch together!

Izuku: Sure! I'd love that!

The next day at lunch.

Kyoka: Hey Izuku did you bring that food?

Izuku: I sure did! Tada!

Izuku opens two electric lunch box's. The aroma from the hot meat caught the attention of several people.

Kyoka: That's smells amazing! And look at the meat glisten! It looks like some precious jewel! Can I really have some of that?

Izuku: Your my precious friend Jiro of course you can have some! Now let's eat!

Kyoka takes a bite of the meat.

Kyoka: Mmm that's so good! I was expecting it to taste like chicken, but it doesn't! It tastes like more like a high-quality sirloin steak! This is so delicious Midoriya! Thanks for sharing with me!

Izuku: Anytime Jiro!

The two eat together in bliss while getting many jealous stares.

Kyoka: That's was so good Midoriya I'm stuffed. If you're used to eating food like that then it's no wonder you think U.A.'s food is bland.

Izuku: All food is good it's just some taste better than others. Have you had any hero classes yet Jiro?

Kyoka: Yeah but they haven't gone so well for me. On the first day we did the eight fitness tests but we could use our quirks. I came in seventeenth place and the guy who came in last was expelled. I was so close to getting expelled on the first day.

Izuku: Someone already got expelled?! That's scary.

Kyoka: I know right. Then we had live combat training and I got paired up with the worst partner. I found where the enemy team was and my partner was like let me handle this. He goes in discharges a massive electrical storm and turns into an idiot that says yay. He got our opponents but caught the goal on fire. We were given a draw because of that. It was so embarrassing and I didn't get to do anything. Then I was so scared and worried that Sensai was going to expel me because of Kaminari. It's been a rough start. We have rescue training today at the USJ and I'm worried if I don't do good I'm out of the hero course.

Izuku pulls Kyoka into a hug to calm her down.

Izuku: Hey Jiro It's Okay. You were the first person to go to Uraraka when she was in danger. You've got this rescue training in bag. There's no way they'll expel you. Don't worry about anything and just do your best and you'll shine like a star.

Kyoka: Thanks Midoriya I feel much better now. You're a good friend. I'll do my best just for you.

Alarms start blaring

Kyoka: What's going on?!

3rd year student: That's U.A.'s intruder warning! This has never happened before we must be under attack!

Lunch Rush: Everyone remain calm! If you look out the window you can see it's just the press! Please calmly return to your home room. Your teachers will be with you shortly.

Kyoka: Aw our lunch got cut short. I was really enjoying our time together.

Izuku: I was too. I guess I'll see you tomorrow Jiro.

Time skip to later in the day.

Intercom: This is principal Nezu. All teachers are required to head to the USJ. Villains have attacked our school. All students are to stay in your homeroom until your teachers return.

Nemuri: You heard principal Nezu! Stay put until I come back!

Nemuri quickly leaves the classroom. And fifteen minutes pass.

Izuku: I hope Jiro's okay.


Shinso: What was that?!

Suddenly the wall to the classroom breaks and three lesser Nomu walk in.

Minotarus: Hahaha that fog man was right! The teachers all left and now we can kill the defenseless students!

Four Armed Zealot: He was even kind enough to give us these monster's! Nomu kill everyone!

In a panicked rush the general course students flee the classroom. Izuku stays and pulls out a knocking gun from his bag.

Four Armed Zealot: Look at this guy trying to be a hero!

Minotarus: Nomu kill this kid then go kill the cowards that ran away!

Izuku: I've never knocked these creatures before. There nervous system looks mostly human. I'll knock each one multiple times just to be sure.

The Nomu lunge at Izuku all at once. Izuku easily dodges their telegraphed moves. While dodging between blows Izuku hits one in the shoulder with his knocking gun. The Nomu stops moving and Izuku shoots it in several places guaranteeing that it doesn't move. Izuku goes on the offensive and gets within range of the second Nomu. In a flash he knocks the Nomu several times with his knocking gun.

Izuku: Out of needles. I'll have to knock this last one with my hands.

The last Nomu try's to punch Izuku. Izuku smacked its hand away.

Izuku: Impact knocking well done!

Izuku gives multiple strikes to the Nomu's motor nerves. Paralyzing every muscle in its body.

Minotarus: What the hell?! Let's get out of here!

Izuku: Not so fast impact knocking medium!

Izuku rushes the two villains and delivers a powerful blow to their celiac plexus. this paralyzed the villains completely.

Minotarus and Four Armed Zealot: Gya!!!

When the teachers returned.

Nemuri: What are all of you doing outside!

General course student: Villains attacked!

Aizawa: What?! Where are they?

General course student: last we saw they were in our classroom.

Nemuri: ?! Where's Midoriya?!

General course student: He didn't run away with us.

Shinso: We heard a wail of pain. He's probably dead.

Kyoka: What?! Midoriya!

Kyoka runs off to find Izuku.

Aizawa: Jiro wait! It's too dangerous to go by yourself!

Aizawa runs after Kyoka. Both make it to the classroom and see Izuku and the living statues.

Kyoka: Midoriya you're fine!

Izuku: Jiro you're safe!

The two hug each other.

Aizawa: Midoriya did you defeat these villains?

Izuku: Yes Erasure Head.

Aizawa: What did you do to them?

Izuku: I knocked them.

Nemuri: Midoriya you're safe!

Izuku: Sensai you're back!

Nezu: Midoriya we owe you a great deal for saving our students.

Izuku: I just did what a hero should do that's all.

Chiyo: Izuku dear let me take a look at you.

Izuku: Granny Chiyo I'm fine.

Chiyo: I'll be the judge of that. Now come here.

Izuku: Granny Chiyo you're embarrassing me in front of Jiro and Eraser Head!

Chiyo: Nonsense. There you're fine.

Izuku: I told you so.

Nezu: Midoriya how would you like to transfer to the hero course?

Izuku: It's my dream to be a hero. I'd love to transfer that's why I'm gonna win the sports festival! Just like Eraser Head!

Nezu: I could transfer you today if you wanted.

Izuku: That's really generous of you principal Nezu, but that wouldn't be fair to everyone else. I'll wait for the sports festival. If you have to do something special for me could you gather up my lessons from now until the sports festival. I'd like to spend that time with my master so I'll be ready for the sports festival.

Nezu: I can do that for you.

Chiyo: But Izuku you just got back do you really need to go back so soon?

Izuku: I want to be at my best granny.

Chiyo: I can't say no to you Izuku. Inko is gonna be lonely without you. I'll have to stay with her until you come back.

Izuku: Sorry.

Chiyo: Don't be I enjoy spending time with my daughter.

Kyoka: I'm gonna miss you Midoriya.

Izuku: I'll miss you too Jiro. I'll bring you back some tasty food to make it up to you.

Kyoka: That's sounds great! I'll hold you to that!

Izuku: Deal!

The next school day at lunch.

Mina: Why so glum Jiro?

Kyoka: I miss Midoriya. I really enjoy our time together.

Mina: *squeals in glee* You have a crush on him don't you!

Kyoka: W-what?!

Kyoka begins to blush fiercely.

Mina: You do! When are you going to ask him out?

Kyoka: I d-didn't say anything!

Tsuyu: It's written all over your face kero.

Kyoka: Not you too Tsuyu.

Momo: I think it's nice that you found someone you care for.

Kyoka: Stop ganging up on me!

Mina: Come on I know you want to.

Kyoka: I don't know if he's interested in me though.

Mina: I think he really likes you.

Kyoka: Really?

Mina: Yeah!

Kyoka: I'll think about it. I don't want to make our relationship awkward or anything.

Momo: Well I think you should. You deserve to be happy.

Day of the sports festival.

Iida: Straighten up everyone! We must look our best for the sports festival!

Mina: I'm so excited!

Momo: We all have to do our best! This is a great opportunity for our hero career!

Tsuyu: Yeah! All the heroes are going to be watching us!

Ochaco: I hope some big time heroes get interested in all of us!

Bakugo: They will be in me! I'm gonna win this!

Kirishima: Man everyone's on fire! This is gonna be fun!

Hizashi: Hello listeners! You're tuning in live to the U.A. Sports festival! Are you ready to see what the next generation of heroes have to offer!

Audience: Yeah!

Hizashi: Than let's get this show started! First we have class 1-A! All eyes are on the group of kids who held their own against a villain attack! They're followed by 1-B! Next is the General course, and one student here defeated a group of villains saving his classmates! Everyone wants to see him in action and transfer to the hero course! Then we have the Support course and finally the Business course! Look at all these incredible young kids! Give a big round of applause to all the U.A. first years!

Audience: *roars, shouts and clapping*

Hizashi: Now your announcer and referee Midnight!

Nemuri: Hello everyone! We'll be starting things off with a speech from the class representative! Katsuki Bakugo come on up!

Bakugo: I just want to say I'm gonna win this.

Audience: Boo!

Iida: What is Bakugo thinking?! Is he trying to make everyone hate us?

Nemuri: Well that was something. Moving on it's now the time has come for the annual U.A. Sports Festival, a tournament of physical capability that gives the Hero course students the chance to show off in front of Pro Heroes who might want to hire them someday! Everyone is going for the gold, but there can only be one winner! Let's find out what our first event is! It looks like the first event will be a obstacle race! All contestants will have to run a nearly 4 kilometer race, full of traps and surprises! Use of quirks is allowed! And yes you can use them to slow down and interfere with others! Students get in position!

Nemuri: On your mark, get set, go!

Everyone immediately started running towards the gate, only to get body blocked because of the narrow exit. Shoto managed to be the first one out. He turned and sent a wave of ice across the ground, pinning those who didn't see it coming in place. All of the hero course students easily avoided the ice however. Izuku bursts out of the group and quickly takes first.

Shoto: What?! Get back here!

Bakugo: Dang it! How the heck did Deku get ahead of me! Get back here Deku!

Hizashi: And our general course star takes first! Will he be able to keep first or will the obstacles stop him!

Mineta: I'm a genius! You're my ride gyak!

A 1 pointer punched Mineta in the face.

Nemuri: They've reached the first obstacle robo hell!

Hizashi: These are the faux villains used during the entrance exam! We also have the remaining zero pointers!

Shinso: This will stop him. He didn't destroy a single robot during the entrance exam.

A 1 pointer gets in Izuku's way. Izuku hits it with a powerful punch breaking it in half.

Shinso: What?!

Izuku: Wow that wasn't bad at all. These are nothing compared to that GT robot master had me fight. Guess it makes sense these are made just to get destroyed.

Kyoka: Wow Midoriya's so strong.

Izuku kept going any robot that got in his way was either easily dodged or dispatched.

Shoto: I won't lose!
Shoto froze a zero pointer and ran past it. Several other students tried to run past it as well but it suddenly collapsed falling on Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. They both pop out of the rubble.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu: Hey! Be careful! That would have killed anyone else! Huh?!

Kirishima: I'm generic enough as it is! You copycat!

Bakugo, Sero and Tokoyami scaled a zero pointer and got past it.

Hizashi: And 1-A is prominently in the lead! Looks like they're about to get to the next obstacle!

Nemuri: They've made it to the next part of the stage! The fall! One misstep here and your chances of winning are gone!

Izuku runs across the ropes wasting no time.

Ochaco: Midoriya's already gone. And there goes Todoroki and Bakugo. We need to hurry!

Hatsume: This is the perfect time to show off my babies!

Mina: Hey no fair! Why do you get to use support gear?!

Hatsume: You have practical training right? In fairness the support course can use anything we make as long as it's support gear or costume related! See ya!
Hatsume fired a grappling hook into the next platform bypassing the tightrope.

Mina: She's getting ahead! After her!

Nemuri: They've reached the last obstacle of the stage! The landmine zone!

Hizashi: Our landmines aren't lethal, but they're loud, flashy and pack a punch!

Izuku avoids the mines and passes the finish line.

Hizashi: And there you have it folks! The general star has finished first!

Kyoka: Midoriya! Congrats on making first place!

Kyoka hugs Izuku and Izuku returns the hug.

Kyoka: I missed you so much.

Izuku: I missed you too Jiro. I've got a treat for you when we take a lunch break.

Kyoka: *giggles* It's tasty food isn't it?

Izuku: Yep!

Nemuri: Everyone has finished the obstacle race, but only the first forty get to advance! But don't be sad we've prepared some recreational games for everyone! Now let's find out what the next event is! I already know it, but what will it be! A cavalry battle!

Kaminari: Oh no I'm not good at those.

Midnight: The rules are simple! You'll make teams of two to four members! One rider the others are horses!

Uraraka: So it's just like a regular cavalry battle.

Nemuri: Each player will be assigned points based on what place you make! The teams total points will be placed on a headband the rider wears!

Sato: Points like the entrance exam, that's nice and simple.

Nemuri: 40th place is worth five points, and 39th place is worth ten! This continues until first place! First place is worth a whopping ten million! This is a game where those in last can take first!

Everyone: Ten million?!
Many predatory gazes looked at Izuku.

Midnight: Don't stop til the game is over! Even if you lose your headband or fall down your still in the game! Use of quirks is allowed, but intentionally knocking down the other teams will get you a red card, disqualifying your whole them!

Midnight: You'll have fifteen minutes to make teams, than a fifteen minute free for all! Start getting those teams together!

Kyoka: Let's team up Midoriya!

Izuku: Sure thing Jiro!

Ojiro: Hey do you mind if I join you?

Izuku: Yeah if you want to you can.

Ojiro: Thanks.

Kyoka: Do we try to get a full team?

Izuku: Sure if we can. Got any suggestions?

Ojiro: It doesn't look like Tokoyami has a team yet.

Kyoka: Tokoyami's really strong. Let's ask him.

Ojiro: Hey Tokoyami how would you like to join our team?

Tokoyami: Sure. Nobody else has asked me to join them.

Izuku: Welcome aboard then! So who's going to be our rider?

Kyoka: You are Midoriya.

Ojiro: Yeah you're the one who came in first.

Izuku: Okay if that's what you want I'll be the rider. It would be better if I had my knocking guns, but I'll start off with some intimidation.

Tokoyami: Intimidation?

Izuku: Yeah it's a technique that lets you scare away beasts that are weaker than you.

Ojiro: Will that even work on people?

Izuku: It varies from person to person but yeah it works on people. Just be ready for it and remember I'm not going to hurt you.

Kyoka: Okay we'll do our best.

Nemuri: Your fifteen minutes are up, and everyone has a team great! Places everyone! The cavalry battle is about to begin!

Aizawa: Oh? There are some interesting teams out there.

Team Midoriya
Izuku midoriya
Kyoka Jiro
Mashirao Ojiro
Fumikage Tokoyami

Team Toru
Toru Hagakure
Koji Koda
Rikido Sato
Hitoshi Shinso

Team Monoma
Neito Monoma
Sen Kaibara
Kosei Tsubaraba
Shihai Kuroiro

Team Tsu
Tsuyu Asui
Mei Hatsume
Mezo Shoji
Minoru Mineta

Team Togaru
Togaru Kamakiri
Nirengeki Shoda
Hiryu Rin
Jurota Shishida

Team Shoto
Shoto Todoroki
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tenya Iida
Denki Kaminari

Team Kodai
Yui Kodai
Kojiri Bondo
Manga Fukidashi
Pony Tsunotori

Team Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Sero Hanta
Mina Ashido
Eijiro Kirishima

Team Kendo
Itsuka Kendo
Kinoko Kimori
Setsuna Tokage
Reiko Yanagi

Team Tetsutetsu
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Yosetsu Awasa
Juzo Honenuki
Ibara Shiozaki

Nemuri: begin!

All the teams begin heading towards team Midoriya. Izuku begins his intimidation. Izuku's features become frightening and a wave of killer intent stops everyone in their tracks. They're paralyzed with fear. Even 1-A whose lives were in danger by villains weren't prepared for Izuku's Intimidation.

Shoji: M-Mineta you didn't just.

Mineta: I-I'm sorry but can you blame me.

Kendo: L-let's go get someone else's points.

Everyone was in agreement they did not want to risk going after the ten million points. They decided to go after the next highest points team Bakugo.

Juzo starts things off by softening the ground under team Bakugo.

Bakugo: Soy sauce face pull us out!

Sero: My names Sero!

Sero shoots his tape onto solid ground. Sero and Kirishima begin pulling the team out of the softened ground. Ibara sends her thorny vines to grab Bakugo's headband.

Bakugo: Raccoon eyes burn those vines!

Mina: I'm on it!

Mina sling's acid all over the vine melting through them. Team Bakugo makes it back to solid ground and gets away from team Tetsutetsu. Team Shoto gets in team Bakugo's way.

Shoto: Yaoyorozu, Kaminari now!

Kaminari: You got it! Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!

Electricity flooded the area stunning most of the teams. Kirishima took the brunt of the electricity for his team. Bakugo ditched his team and flew up into the sky avoiding the electricity all together. Kaminari started giggling like an idiot saying yayy. Shoto was going to freeze the stunned teams for a bigger advantage. As soon as the tarp came off Shoto sent a wave of ice pinning several teams in place.

Izuku: Are you guys alright?

Kyoka: N-not really. That was horrifying Midoriya.

Izuku: It's gotta be to scare off wild creatures.

Tokoyami: I-I can see why that would be so effective.

Nemuri: Times up! In first place we have Team Midoriya! Second place goes to team Bakugo! Third place goes to team Todoroki! And fourth place goes to team Togaru! The finals are a one on one tournament! After a half hour lunch break we'll continue the sports festival! Now head to lunch!

Mic: Wanna grab a bite to eat Eraser?

Aizawa: I'll take a nap.

Kyoka: So what do we have for lunch today Midoriya?

Izuku: Remember how you said the Garara gator looked like a jewel?

Kyoka: Yeah I remember that.

Izuku: I've got us some jewel meat from a regal mammoth!

Kyoka: Jewel meat? Why's it called that?

Izuku: Because it literally shines light! Plus people used to propose with it.

Kyoka couldn't help but blush. Izuku was giving her something people would propose with. It made her happy and it made her hope Izuku might ask her out.

Kyoka: So it glows?

Izuku: Yeah! It's really pretty! See?

Izuku opens the two electric lunch box's. A bright soft light filled the area. The aroma from the hot meat makes people drool.

Kyoka: Midoriya this looks just amazing! I've never seen anything like it!

Izuku: Wait til you taste it Jiro!

Kyoka takes her knife and cuts into the meat. Meat juices erupt from the cut like a little geyser.

Kyoka: Wow it looks like fireworks! Well here I go!

Kyoka takes a bite.

Kyoka: (mmm my mouth is full of savory juice, but it's never too overwhelming. It's moist and creamy, but it tastes like ribs. I need another bite. This bite tastes like sirloin. It melted instantly in my mouth. Even the fat is smooth and goes down easy.) What?! Izuku you're glowing like the meat!

Izuku: *giggles* So are you Jiro!

Kyoka: Hey you're right!

The two continued to eat in bliss completely unaware of all the hungry jealous eyes that were staring at them.

Kyoka: That was the best meat I've ever had!

Izuku: Yeah it was well worth going inside that giant mammoth and finding our way through its maze of a body!

Kyoka: You went inside the mammoth?! How big was it?

Izuku: The one we entered had a body length of 1,500 meters and a height of 1,000 meters.

Kyoka: That's huge!

Izuku: I hope you saved room for dessert because I have another tasty food for us!

Kyoka: Really? What is it?

Izuku: A sherbet apple! See?

Kyoka: So this apple tastes like sherbet?

Izuku: It's actually filled with it see?

Izuku cuts the apple open revealing the sherbet inside.

Kyoka: That's unreal!

Izuku: Let's hurry up and eat Jiro!

Kyoka: Yeah!

The two share the sherbet apple.

Kyoka: That was so good Izuku.

Izuku: Yeah it was. Hey Jiro?

Kyoka: Yeah Midoriya?

Izuku: Would you be impressed with me if I won the sports festival?

Kyoka: Yeah.

Izuku: W-would you be impressed enough to want to be my g-girlfriend?

Kyoka: M-Midoriya are you asking me out?

Izuku: Y-yeah.

Kyoka hugs Izuku.

Kyoka: Midoriya you don't know how happy that makes me! I-I was seriously considering asking you out myself, but I didn't know if you were interested in me. You don't have to win the sports festival Midoriya. I'd love to date you right now.

Izuku returns the embrace.

Izuku: I'd love to date you right now too Jiro.

Kyoka: Then we're a couple. Call me Kyoka please.

Izuku: Okay Kyoka, but you have to call me Izuku.

Kyoka: I'd like that Izuku. I was hoping you would ask me out when you said people would propose with jewel meat.

Izuku: *Giggles* That was the plan. My master came up with it though. I was too stressed out worrying about asking you out to come up with a good idea.

Kyoka: Well your master is quite the romantic.

Izuku: Hahaha well his first few plans involved booze so hold your praises. I am grateful for him always being there for me. I'm here for you too Kyoka.

Kyoka: And I'm here for you Izuku.

The two lean on each other.

Izuku: Mom and granny are going to flip when they hear I've got a girlfriend.

Kyoka: *Giggles* My parents will too. I can't wait for you to meet them.

Izuku: I can't wait either. Could we go and see my granny since we're done eating?

Kyoka: Sure!

Izuku: Okay let's go!

The two leave the lunch room and go to the nurses office. They leave several jealous and angry people.

Izuku: Granny Chiyo guess what!

Chiyo: Your plan to ask Jiro out worked?

Izuku: Yeah!

Inko: Oh I can't believe my baby has a girlfriend!

Izuku: Mom? What are you doing here?

Inko: Your grandmother asked me to come over and help her out today.

Izuku: Are you expecting a lot of injuries today?

Chiyo: It's possible, but it's really just an excuse to get Inko here so we can watch you together. Now then Jiro I'm so happy you're dating Izuku!

Kyoka: Thanks Recovery Girl! I'm happy to be dating him myself!

Chiyo: Call me Chiyo dear you're family now.

Inko: Yes call me Inko. Jiro you don't know how happy I am that my baby has such a beautiful girlfriend!

Kyoka: Thanks miss Inko!

Inko: Jiro you're welcome in our home anytime I want you to know that.

Kyoka: Thanks! I hope me and Izuku can spend a lot of time together.

Izuku: We will Kyoka!

Chiyo: Well you two need to run along now. It's about time for the finals to start.

Izuku and Kyoka: Okay bye!

Nemuri: The finals are a one on one tournament where anything goes besides groin shots and murder! No holding back here kiddies! But don't worry if you didn't advance! We have all sorts of recreational games for you to play! Of course our finalists may want to conserve their strength for the tournament!

None of the finalists took part in the recreational games.

Nemuri: It's now time to start the tournament! Our first match will be Izuku Midoriya vs Mashirao Ojiro followed by Hanta Sero vs Jurota Shishida followed by Denki Kaminari vs Mina Ashido followed by Tenya Iida vs Shoto Todoroki followed by Kyoka Jiro vs Nirengeki Shoda followed by Togaru Kamakiri vs Eijiro Kirishima followed by Fumikage Tokoyami vs Momo Yaoyorozu followed by Hiryu Rin vs Katsuki Bakugo! Me and Cementoss will be referees and can stop the fights at any moment! Let's get started Midoriya and Ojiro get into the ring! Begin!

Izuku: I'm not going easy on you just because we were teammates Ojiro.

Ojiro: Good! I want you to go all out Midoriya! I'm looking forward to seeing your martial arts! Here I come!

Ojiro runs towards Izuku and jumps into the air spinning. Ojiro swings his strong tail at Izuku. Izuku smashes Ojiro's tail between his knee and elbow.

Ojiro: Agh! I can't move my tail?!

Izuku: You're wide open! impact knocking medium!

Izuku delivers a powerful blow to Ojiro's celiac plexus. this paralyzed Ojiro completely. Ojiro had an expression of intense pain.

Ojiro: I can't m-move?!

Nemuri: Ojiro is unable to move! Izuku is the winner!

Izuku: Let's me unknock you Ojiro. There you can move again.

Ojiro: I still can't move my tail. I think you broke it.

Izuku: Sorry I didn't mean to. Go see granny Chiyo she'll heal you up.

Ojiro: Yeah I'll go see her now.

Kyoka: Good job winning your first fight Izuku!

Izuku: Thanks Kyoka!

Nemuri: The second fight Sero vs Shishida will now begin!

Sero: I don't feel like losing!

Sero shoots his tape at Shishida and wraps him up.

Shishida: This is nothing! Beast activate!

Shishida grows larger and breaks free of Sero's tape.

Sero: Dang it! Try this!

Sero shoots more tape but Shishida dodges it with his enhanced physical strength. With a savage blow Shishida sends Sero flying out of the ring.

Nemuri: Shishida is the winner! Let's start the third round Kaminari vs Ashido will now begin!

Kaminari: Sorry Ashido but I'm going to win this. I'll make it up to you with a date.

Mina: We'll see about that Kaminari!

Mina runs at Kaminari.

Kaminari: Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!

Electricity floods the ring zapping Mina.

Nemuri: Kaminari is the winner!

Kaminari: Yayyy!

Nemuri: the fourth round Iida vs Todoroki will now begin!

Iida I can't give you a chance to use your quirk Todoroki! Recipro Boost!

Iida at an incredible speed grabs Shoto and begins taking him to the edge of the ring. Iida suddenly stops. Shoto had blocked Iida's exhaust pipes with ice. Shoto continues to freeze Iida in place.

Nemuri: Todoroki is the winner! Let's keep going! The fifth round Jiro vs Shoda will now begin!

Shoda rushes Kyoka trying to get in close. Kyoka begins stabbing Shoda with her jacks. Shoda can't handle the sound filled attacks and is knocked out.

Nemuri: Jiro is the winner!

Izuku: Great job Kyoka!

Kyoka: Thanks Izuku!

Nemuri: Let's start the sixth round Kamakiri vs Kirishima begin!

Kamakiri rushes Kirishima blades extended. Kamakiri slashes Kirishima's hardened body and sparks fly. Kirishima try's to punch Kamakiri but he's too fast to hit. Kamakiri repeatedly slashes Kirishima making it rain sparks. Both go for a strong strike at the same time. When the blows connect Kamakiri's blade breaks. Kirishima takes advantage of his shock and delivers a powerful punch to Kamakiri's face knocking him out.

Nemuri: Kirishima is the winner! Let's go ahead with the seventh round Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu will now begin!

Tokoyami: Dark Shadow go!

Dark Shadow flys straight towards Momo. She makes a shield and metal pole, but Dark Shadow easily forces her out of the ring.

Nemuri: Alright let's get the eighth round going! Rin vs Bakugo will now begin!

Rin: within one scale carapace! Sprouting scales!

Rin shoots his scales at Bakugo. Bakugo dodges and flys at Rin using explosions. Bakugo rears back for a right hook.

Rin: Reverse scales!

Rin's scales stand up giving him spikes. Bakugo's punch only hurts himself.

Bakugo: Dang it that hurts! Try this!

Bakugo rears back both his arms and releases a huge explosion. The explosion shatters Rin's scales. Bakugo continues to blast Rin until he's unconscious.

Nemuri: Bakugo is the winner! Let's start the ninth round Midoriya vs Shishida will now begin!

Shishida: I won't let you touch me! Beast!

Shishida grows in size and strength.

Izuku: I wonder how my intimidation would work on you now? Only one way to find out.

Izuku's features become frightening and a wave of killer intent floods the ring. With Shishida's instincts enhanced by his quirk the intimidation was extra effective.

Shishida: H-he's going to kill and e-eat me?! I've got to get out of here!

Shishida quickly ran out of the ring.

Nemuri: Midoriya is the winner!

Kyoka: Did you really have to scare him like that Izuku?

Izuku: I was curious if his quirk would make my intimidation more effective. And it did. I'll apologize to him later. Good luck with your next fight Kyoka.

Kyoka: Thanks I'm going to need it I think.

Izuku: I believe in you Kyoka.

Kyoka: Thanks Izuku.

Nemuri: the tenth round Kaminari vs Todoroki will now begin!

Kaminari: Having to fight you sucks. I'll just have to zap you before you can freeze me!

Shoto: I won't let you use your quirk. Take this!

Shoto sends a wave of ice freezing Kaminari. Kaminari discharges his electricity becoming a frozen idiot.

Nemuri: Todoroki is the winner! The eleventh round Jiro vs Kirishima will now begin!

Kirishima rushes Kyoka delivering a quick punch. Kyoka barely dodged it getting scraped cutting her. She tries to counter attack with a kick, but only hurts herself. Kyoka shatters the ground under Kirishima with her quirk to get some distance. Kirishima undeterred quickly catches up to Kyoka, and hits her hard in the shoulder. Kyoka cries out in pain she knows her shoulder is broke. She stabs Kirishima's foot with her jacks and blasts it with sound waves. This time it's Kirishima who cries out. Kirishima tries to punch Kyoka again, but she jumps on his shoulder knocking him down. Kyoka than repeatedly stabbed Kirishima in the back blasting him with sound waves. Kirishima's hardening couldn't handle the assault and dissipated. With one final attack Kyoka knocked Kirishima out.

Midnight: Kyoka is the winner!

Izuku: Kyoka You're hurt pretty bad. Let's get you to granny quickly.

Izuku picks Kyoka up like a princess and carries her to Chiyo.

Chiyo: lay her down here Izuku.

Izuku: Kyoka's gonna be fine right granny Chiyo.

Chiyo: Yes dear she's going to be fine. Would you like to keep her company while I work on her?

Izuku: Yes please.

Nemuri: The twelfth round Tokoyami vs Bakugo will now begin!

Tokoyami: Dark Shadow go!

Dark Shadow rushes Bakugo only to be hit with several explosions. The flashes of light begin to weaken Dark Shadow. Bakugo notices this and uses a special move.

Bakugo: Stun grenade!

Bakugo makes an explosion with a huge flash just like a real stun grenade. The light sends Dark Shadow reeling back into Tokoyami. Bakugo then blasts Tokoyami out of the ring.

Nemuri: Bakugo is the winner! We've made it to the semifinals! Our champion is one of these four finalists! Let's watch and see who will win the tournament! Now without any further delay the thirteenth round Midoriya vs Todoroki will now begin!

Shoto: I'll end this in one move!

Shoto stomps the ground sending a huge glacier towards Izuku. Izuku stands his ground and hits the ice with several powerful blows shattering the ice.

Shoto: What?! Try this!

Shoto continuously sends wave after wave of ice at Izuku. Izuku keeps breaking the ice sent at him. Shoto suddenly stops. He's got a lot of ice hanging on him and he's shivering. He's reached his limit.

Shoto: W-why aren't you even shivering and why can't I see your breath?

Izuku: Your ice doesn't even compare to Ice hell master took me to. My cells have already adapted to extreme cold. Your quirk is useless against me.

Izuku begins walking towards Shoto. Shoto out of options uses his fire side and sends a large fireball towards Izuku. Izuku runs straight through the fireball and strikes Shoto in the shoulder knocking him.

Nemuri: Midoriya is the winner!

Izuku: Let me unknock you.

Izuku gives Shoto a tap and he can move again.

Shoto: Why did my fire not stop you?

Izuku: master took me to the gourmet pyramid. To get there we had to go through the desert labyrinth. It's 90 degrees Celsius there, but it feels more like a 100 degrees Celsius. I'm used to extreme heat and cold. And I wasn't in your fire long anyways.

Nemuri: We'll now start the fourteenth round Kyoka vs Bakugo Begin!

Kyoka: Midnight sensai I'm still hurt.

Before Kyoka could finish speaking Bakugo was flying at her in a circular motion.

Bakugo: Howitzer Impact!

The massive explosion sends Kyoka flying. She tries to get up but Bakugo blasts her with more explosions. Kyoka finally gets up her ears are bleeding. Suddenly she starts to pass out, but not before Bakugo hits her with a maximum strength explosion. It sends her flying out of the ring and into a wall.

Nemuri: That's enough Bakugo! You won! Get ready for your last fight!

Izuku: Kyoka!

Izuku rushes Kyoka to Chiyo.

Izuku: Granny, Mom please help Kyoka!

Chiyo: We will lay her down on this bed.

Inko: What was Bakugo thinking?! Kyoka was going to give up because of her injuries!

Izuku: I bet he did it to get at me.

Kyoka: I-Izuku?

Izuku: I'm here Kyoka what do you need?

Kyoka: D-don't worry about me. C-Chiyo and Inko will take good care of me. Y-you go win the sports festival.

Izuku: Okay Kyoka I'll win just for you. You try to get some rest. I love you Kyoka.

Kyoka: I-I will. I love you too Izuku.

Nemuri: It's time for the final round Midoriya vs Bakugo begin!

Izuku: Why did you hurt Kyoka like that Katsuki? She was still hurt from her last fight. She was going to give up!

Bakugo: Because of you Deku! You were nothing more than a pebble in my path, but then you disappeared for three years and came back a monster! That pebble turned into a mountain blocking my way to becoming the number one hero! Then you had the gall to get a girlfriend before me! How dare a worthless loser like you get a girlfriend before me! You and that ear freak do deserve each other though. You're both worthless! Now die Deku!

Bakugo flys at Izuku using explosions. And opens with a right hook.

Izuku: Impact Knocking well done!

Izuku strikes Bakugo in the back of his arm. Izuku then hits Bakugo's stomach with four fingers followed by several blows to different parts of Bakugo's stomach, shoulder and chest. Izuku spins getting behind Bakugo and strikes him in several places on his back. Each blow sent a wave of immense pain through Bakugo's body. Bakugo's was now paralyzed with a look of agony on his face.

Nemuri: Izuku is the winner!

Izuku: You can stay like that until the knocking wears off!

Izuku leaves to go check on Kyoka.

Bakugo: De-Deku d-don't le-leave me-me l-like t-this! D-Deku!

Izuku: Are you feeling any better Kyoka?

Kyoka: Yeah I'm pretty tired, but I feel pretty good now. Especially after seeing what you did to Bakugo. I'll be able to attend the award ceremony.

Izuku: That's great Kyoka!

Nemuri: Alright we're ready to hand out the medals! And we have a special guest to.


Midnight: All Might you cut me off!


All Might places the bronze medals around their necks and gives them a hug.


All Might places the silver medal around his neck. Bakugo was still paralyzed.


All Might places the gold medal around Izuku's neck and gives him a hug.


Everyone: Plus Ultra!!!

Olvasás folytatása

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𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐲 �...
42K 447 14
This is a mha/bmhaxhobbit a bit, also and izukuxRias but read the story if you want and find out what its about.
91.1K 3K 27
The first chapter is dedicated to the changes I've implemented, this was inspired by a "Deku? I think he's some pro hero...". You should definitely s...
93.6K 1.1K 23
As I said I am rewriting this story.