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By budevesna

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Meet Sylwia
Wretlemania rant


452 16 20
By budevesna

    𝗢𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗼𝗽
    𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

Dallas, October 2014

None knew about her return, and none had to. Not even Randy, who was constantly asking how long it would take for declaring Sylwia clear to compete again. Lying to him was not easy though, considering how close he always was towards her, but the blonde girl managed to do such a great job doing so.

The man lately had been nervous too, since he was scheduled to loose that night at Hell in a Cell to John Cena -a decision taken by the fact that he would have started filming a WWE film the following month, taking him out for some time-, and mad about the fact that Sylwia couldn't be there too; or at least that was what he was supposed to think.

Instead, Sylwia was there, finally free from knee brace and medically clear, hidden in a camper and waiting for her turn and watching every match from her television. Watching Randy's match, she was having a mix of fangirl moments and jolts ones, feeling anxious even though she knew the outcome.

After Randy's official loss, she was quick to send him a text message, telling him very nice words and how proud she was of him regardless everything, and she could only imagine how mad he could possibly be. But maybe her surprising return would have cheered him up a little bit. His response didn't take long and was surprisingly calmer than what Sylwia thought, he even asked more about how she was feeling.

If only he knew.

Quickly, the girl got dressed, getting ready to finally make her in-ring return. Stephanie McMahon went to visit her and both women repeated together what the Polish girl had to do in just a couple of minutes. Bodyguards secretly led her into the arena and the girl quickly ran to the front row, camouflaged in the crowd with a black sweatshirt and sunglasses, waiting for the match between AJ Lee and Paige to end.

AJ locked Paige into her Black Widow, forcing the British girl to tap out few seconds after. And as the referee handed AJ the Divas Championship, Sylwia took off the sunglasses and the sweatshirt, running straight into the ring and attacking AJ from behind with a kick. She hit her several times, with crowd booing her and commentators going crazy for her return.

As final move, Sylwia grabbed AJ's petite figure and applied on her two destructive powerslams. Kneeling down, once the current Divas champion was laying down breathless, the blonde Pole grabbed the championship belt and got up, looking at it and smirking before kissing it, raising it in the air and throwing it against AJ.

"Enjoy while it lasts, you loser, because I'm back to reclaim what's mine!" She yelled to AJ, leaving the ring just after, under people's boos. Sylwia shot another smirk to the cameras before going back behind the scenes, where she was acclaimed by few superstars, who welcomed her back warmly.

Although, there was only a person she would loved to see more than anyone else. After quickly dismissing everyone, the blonde girl made her way to Randy's locker room. Of course she wondered why he was not out there with the others, considering the already boop her return just made; probably he was super mad for his match, she didn't know but she wanted to find out.

The young girl was almost about to knock on her door, when it suddenly opened and Kim came out. Sylwia immediately acted as if she were just going to pass by, even though she began to feel her blood boiling in her veins.

Obviously Kim had to be there, in fact it was her Randy's official girlfriend, so Sylwia knew she had no rights to be mad about it; but she was, hell if she was.

"What are you doing here?" The American woman asked to the taller blonde. "Weren't you injured?"

Sylwia stopped and turned around to face the older woman. "I work here, you genius. And, breaking news, injuries heal." She pointed out, rolling her blue eyes.

Kim chuckled, waving back her black hair. "Sorry, me and Randy clearly missed your return. You know, we were pretty busy." Her intent was clear, she wanted to get Sylwia mad and jealous. Kim wanted to mark her territory, reminding the Polish girl that Randy was her man.

If only she knew that it was the blonde girl herself Randy called everyday, dreamed every night.

"Do you guys last this much?" Sylwia couldn't help but say, causing Kim to almost snap at her. "I'm impressed."

And Kim would have done it, if it wasn't for Randy who showed up at the door, a questioning look on his face. "Who are you talking with, Kim?" He asked before he could spot the tall blonde girl few meters away from his door. Unconsciously, the man smiled at her sight, but quickly cleared his throat to compose himself. "You're back." He said.

"Wonderful surprise, innit." Sylwia nodded her head at his direction.

"I was just asking what she was up to." Kim said just after, wasting no time in circling her arms around Randy's torso. "You must be the woman of the night, given your return... Was it a cool one?" She giggled, looking up at Randy. "Told her we were caught up in our own wold and unfortunately lost it!"

At that, Randy looked up at Sylwia, who was watching the scene with narrowed eyebrows. He knew what Kim was doing and he honestly didn't like it. Of course he did not miss seeing her on the screen, and he would have also gone to see her just after if it wasn't for Kim being there too. "It was a cool return." He said, causing Kim's face to drop and Sylwia to smirk. "Happy seeing you back!"

"Sylwia!" Never before were both Randy and Sylwia grateful for Stephen. The Irish wrestler approached the Polish girl, a smile on his face. "Here you are!" He said as he went for a hug. "Have you been waiting a long time?"

"Couple of minutes!" The girl replied, hugging him back.

Stephen was like an older brother for Sylwia, since they first met they bounded a lot, also thanks to the fact that they were both European, among other things. Thing was that Stephen had been her saviour more than once and was always there for her, just like she tried to be there for him when he needed and be the best of friend she could be.

"Oh, hi guys!" Stephen just now faked to acknowledge Randy and Kim presence, waving a hand at them. "I've been looking everywhere for this pretty lass!"

Given the fact that Stephen's locker room was close to Randy's, his rescue totally made sense.

"You found her now!" Kim reserved the Irish man a fake smile, just wanting to get rid of both Europeans.

"A real luck." Sylwia couldn't but comment, not wanting Kim to have the last word. She too showed her and Randy a fake smile. "Wish you two the best of time! Let's go Stephen!"

Once the two Europeans got a certain distance from Randy and Kim, Stephen couldn't help but shake his head. "He is an idiot." He couldn't help but say, causing Sylwia to silently nod.

"Thank you, Stephen." She said, giving him a smile. "Once again you've saved me."

"Don't even mention it, lass!" The Irish man returned the smile, side hugging the younger girl. "Come on, this moment needs some Polish vodka!"

And Sylwia had fun that evening, despite everything and despite Randy not being there. She had her friends, however, who booked a bar for the evening, so they could celebrate. She did not hear from Randy until deep in the night, around 3 maybe, when, in her hotel room, she heard a knocking on her door.

That was creepy, she couldn't lie, and she was also tempted to not open, but she was reassured by seeing the man in the peephole in the door.

"Who told you my room?" She asked once she opened her door, her eyebrows narrowed, her voice not welcoming or kind. "It's fucking three in the night, czego kurwa chcesz..."

"I threatened some people to tell me your room." Randy casually shrugged, getting in before she could even say something and closing the door behind them, not even caring if it was too loud or whatever. Without hesitation, the man took the girl by the hips and brought her closer to him, leaning his head forward slightly so he could kiss her.

Sylwia didn't even fight back, she just kissed him back, as hungry as him to be wanting more and more.

Then Randy picked her up, without ever stopping kissing, and led her to his room, placing her on the bed; him on top of her, towering her.

"What about K..." Sylwia managed to say, breathless once they stopped kissing so Randy coil take off his shirt. She didn't even finish her sentence that his lips were again on hers.

"Fuck everyone else." The man breathed out, between kisses as his hands reached the edge of her shorts. "I want you." There was hunger and lust in his voice and blue eyes too.

Smirking, Sylwia pushed him off of her, now placing herself on top of him. "Show me then." She whispered in his ear.

She didn't have to say more, as Randy made sure she understood how much he wanted and needed her; not only that night, but in his life. It was not just having sex, it was making real love there.

He stayed the night, tangled up in the bedsheets with her; her head resting on his bare chest, her hand running up and down his torso, as he looked down at her like she was the most beautiful and precious thing his eyes ever laid on.

"I'm really happy you're back." He murmured, his hand playing with her long blonde hair.

Sylwia hummed in response. "Did you watch it?" She didn't have to add anything else, she knew the man would have understood what she was referring to. Getting up on her elbow, she looked at him with curiosity.

Randy nodded, a smile forming on his face. "Of course I did. And I would have ran to you, if it wasn't..."

"Yeah. I understand." The Polish girl stopped him, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. "You have to take a decision, though. Sooner or later."

She was right, he knew it. "I will." He replied, caressing her cheek. "You're gonna be a champion soon." He smiled again, changing topic. "The top of the women's division."

That sentence made Sylwia chuckle. She let go the previous topic too, not wanting to ruin the moment; but it had to be a talk to face, they both knew it. Laying again her head on his chest, the blonde girl smiled. "About time, I'd say."

"You have no idea how proud I am of you." Randy honestly said. "It just sucks I have to film in the meanwhile."

"Listen to you, you're gonna now move to Hollywood!" Sylwia chuckled again, making him chuckle too. "You're gonna be surrounded by horny fangirls with your posters in their rooms, living with delusional you're gonna notice them."

"What makes you so sure I'm not gonna notice them?" The man teased her, laughing.

"Because you have me." The girl snapped, raising her head to look at him right in the eyes. "And you better get up now because we have a lot to catch up since you're gonna be away for a while."

At her words, he smirked, moving on top of her again. "Say less."

January 2024

The road to WrestleMania officially started, but first there was the Royal Rumble. Randy was scheduled in a Fatal-4 Match against Roman Reigns, LA Knight (Yeah) and AJ Styles for the Undisputed WWE Championship; while Sylwia was still uncertain about her WrestleMania future.

Surely, she was going to the Immortal Showcase still holding her championship, but there were still internal decisions going on who could be her official opponent.

That night, however, on a Smackdown episode in Lincoln, Nebraska, Sylwia was supposed to have a face-to-face with Becky Lynch, with the Irish woman cutting her usual cringe promo against the Polish champion.

The Pole was sitting backstage, waiting for her time, Becky sitting next to her. Working together for almost a decade, the two women were still in that acquaintance era, not having much to bond with, or anything at all. The only common things between them were they were both immigrated from Europe, the two of them were mothers and both of them were a WWE workhouse. That was all.

"Sylwia." A staff member called, gesturing her that it was her time.

The blonde woman nodded and got up. "See you out there." She quietly said to Becky, who only nodded in response. Making her way to the gorilla, Sylwia felt someone playfully smacking her ass. Turning around, she was about to punch whoever dared to do such a thing, only for her left to stop just one centimetre to Randy's nose.

Obviously it had to be him. None was that stupid to touch her.

Randy even looked amused by the woman's reaction. "Sorry. Couldn't resist." He raised his hands in surrender, noticing the killer glance she was shooting him.

"Careful, Orton." She said, rolling her blue eyes. "I have to go, what do you want?"

At her question, he simply shrugged. "Just wanted to see you, even for few seconds." He honestly replied. "I'll be waiting for you when you finish."

"Don't you have a match too?" She asked, quickly fixing her clothes. "Should be preparing for that."

He flashed her a smile, blinking an eye. "Being with you has always been my best warm up, work out and adrenaline pumping, don't you know?"

Sylwia couldn't help but laugh at that, shaking her head as she waved her hand at him. "See you later then."

Once her music rang through the arena, the woman made her entrance onto the stage, repeating her usual sinuous entrance while already clutching a microphone in both hands. She did not look any impressed, keeping a straight face as she positioned herself in the centre of the ring, bringing the microphone closer to her lips. "Is this the reward I deserve for defending my championship against Iyo Sky? To arrive in Nebraska?" She shook her head, always causing people to boo her. "The disrespect towards me! I'm used to the beauty, to the fantastic European panoramas, certainly not the sight of your cows! How disgusting!" She even pretended to throw up before composing herself. "Anyway, as I said, last week I obviously retained my title against Iyo Sky. Are we all surprised of this? Of course none is! Look at me! Where can you find a more beautiful, stronger, more dominant champion? You can't! But, hear me out you dirty cowboys, we are officially going into WrestleMania! Isn't it exciting? Well, technically road to Philadelphia officially starts at the Royal Rumble, and I'm feeling so kind to give you a little spoiler: I'm entering WrestleMania still as your WWE Women's Champion, no matter who I will face in the meanwhile. Want another spoiler? I will be leaving WrestleMania always as your champion. Because let's be honest, whoever wins the Rumble and chooses me, well, she's just going to get the chance to be humiliated in the greatest show of them all! And let's be honest, there is none in my locker room worthy to challenge me. None!"

Before she could continue, Becky Lynch's music blasted making people go crazy and chant along side her theme song. Sylwia rolled her eyes as she waiting in the centre of the ring, watching the Irish woman doing her usual entrance things; honestly the blonde Pole had to fight the urge to now yawn, that was hella boring.

"You know what, Sylwia, we never properly met since your return!" Becky started to speak, as Sylwia looked totally unimpressed. "So welcome back my old friend, and congratulations on that gold around your waist! You know, I gotta give you credits when you first said that actually there is none at your level. I watched you, since your return, and you're on an incredible run, immediately getting the gold... And I think we both have something in common, even though we both hate to admit. Two young girls who emigrated in America with a dream and an unmatched determination, two hardworking girls, now two women who made their names and established themselves at the top of their division, two powerful mothers... But one of us was into this sport since birth and worked her ass off since young age, the other one ended up here by chance, as if by destiny, gifted with a natural talent... One of us went to win a WrestleMania main event and become a Grand Slam Champion, the other one left for three years." As Becky smirked, the crowd started applauding her. "Three years are a long time in our world, my dear Sylwia, but you came back just like you left: dominating the whole women's division. And maybe it's true, you're not only gifted by beauty, but God really made you his greatest creation. Look at you, Sylwia! Tall, athletic, strong, looks like none could beat you." The red-haired woman took a step forward, remaining face to face with the blonde, who had to lower her head slightly to be able to look her in the eyes. "Something tells me you may be better than me right now, that is why I'm gonna win the Royal Rumble and challenge you at WrestleMania. I need to prove to myself that I'm better than you, to remember why I'm The Man, just like you proved in the past that you're more than a pretty face and Orton's valet."

At that, Sylwia stopped smirking. Although it was scripted, her anger issues couldn't take it, just like her pride, and it got worse when crowd started chanting, one again, 'who's your daddy'. That always irritated the Polish. Bringing her microphone up to her lips, she shot Becky a killer glance before speaking. "Says the girl who always needed someone to be relevant. First your brother to introduce you to this business, then Nia Jax for breaking your face, then your husband to become somewhat relevant, and also Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair to make you have your WrestleMania moment. Oh, you also needed a girl in her twenties, who was at the top of her career, to satisfy your wishes to be relevant. Aren't you ashamed of fighting a young girl in NXT? Of taking away her spotlight? Right, you are not, because you are a fame sucker! And now, what a surprise, you need me." She spoke letting out a laugh, making Becky's face drop. "Yes, you can brag around how I entered here without any experience, and yes, I'm naturally gifted, but I've worked my ass to be on top of my division more than anyone else. You should know it better, since I always defeated you, pinned or submitted you. Why don't you also add this to your boring speeches? Whatever thing tells you I'm better than you, listen to it, because it's not lying. Want to living in delusion? Go ahead, win that Royal Rumble, dare to challenge me. I'll be watching. But don't cry too much when, once again, I'll leave you so bruised that your daughter and your husband won't even recognise you; because every man falls in front of me and you're not that special."

At her final words, Becky threw the microphone away and threw herself at the champion, hitting her several times, but without making her fall. In response, Sylwia was quick to remove the belt from her waist, first pushing the Irish lass away with a strong kick to the abdomen and then hitting her in the face with the belt, leaving her on the ground. Grabbing again a microphone, the champion smirked, now raising her belt in the air. "Mamusia always make uncivil men learn to behave."

Leaving the stage, with referees running to check on Becky and people booing her, Sylwia felt a pair of arms circling her from behind. She did not even need to turn around to understand who it was; she would have recognized those arms, that grip, that scent anywhere. As if it were something natural, the woman placed her hands on Randy's arms, leaning her head back on his shoulder. "Enjoyed the show?"

Randy hummed in response, leaving a kiss on her forehead. "I enjoyed you." He smirked. "I didn't enjoy the script they gave to Becky, or did she improvise by herself?" He couldn't help but bring up, causing Sylwia to look up at him with raised eyebrows. "I hate when people assume you got here just because you're hot, or because of me." He honestly spoke. "Scripted or not."

Now, Sylwia unfolded his arms around her and turned to watch him. "What happened to the real Randy Orton?" She asked, shaking his shoulders aggressively. "Who are you?"

"The man of your life."

She couldn't help but ask at his blunt response, which was undoubtedly also true; but Sylwia was not going to tell him, just yet or in a fucking arena in Nebraska. "You sure about that, Orton?" She teased him.

"More than just sure." The man confidently nodded. "Just like I'm more than just sure you're the woman of my life."

"You've realised just now?" Sylwia narrowed her eyebrows. "Guess better late than never."

Randy did not reply to that, he just put an arm around her shoulders, as they both made their way to their respective locker rooms. "And now just imagine: you and me, both happy and on the very top both at work and at life. Doesn't it sound amazing?"

As they stopped outside the woman's locker room, Sylwia cupped his face with one hand. "After we're done with Smackdown, get ready." She said, sounding incredibly authoritative. "Because you're taking me out and you better find a great place."

They stared at each other for a while, not moving at all, until Sylwia smirked mischievously and let go Randy's face, opening the door to her locker room and closing it again. She said nothing else, no hug, no stolen kiss, just a door in the face.

Randy shook his head and laughed. Immediately after the episode, having asked around and done some research, he took her to a ski slope - the man made sure he had a private slope to have their privacy -; he knew that Sylwia loved skating, she often told him about all the times she did it in Poland.

It was definitely the right choice, they had a lot of fun, almost as if they were both teenagers again. Randy had to admit that ice skating wasn't his specialty, but he still managed not to fall, also thanks to Sylwia's help -she certainly wasn't a champion either, but she did quite well-.

"I really want to kiss you." Randy spoke, his voice low, his eyes stuck on hers, as they were both standing in the middle of the ice skating rink, a slow song in the background to set the atmosphere.

Placing both her hands around his neck, the Polish woman waved back her hair and smirked. "I don't kiss people in Nebraska."

"You sure about that?" He teased, bringing her body closer to his and starting to lean in. Just when he was this close to kiss her, already savouring the moment, the woman turned her face, resulting his lips to meet her left cheek. "Sylwia." He breathed, starting to leave kisses from her cheek to her jawline, until he was very dangerously close to her lips again. "What's stopping you now?"

What was stopping her? That was a good question. Now there really was nothing but her fears. "You know." She said.

"Let the past go." Randy said back, moving his hands from her hips to her cheeks, so he could have looked at her again in the eyes, hoping she could see into his how serious he was. "Don't deny yourself what you really want. Let you be happy."

"I prefer when you don't speak these bullshit!" Rolling her eyes, Sylwia grabbed him by his collarbone and let their lips meet.

That kiss was different from all those given in the past, with a different meaning: theirs was no longer just an illicit affair, they were no longer two young people in love but unable to be together because they were full of fears; now they could finally gather the courage to fight for their story, two adults who knew what they wanted and how to get it.

And there was everything in that kiss: passion, desire, love. Finally they could feel on top again, nothing was there to stop them anymore.

Their illicit affairs felt right in the past, didn't matter how that controversial it was, but right now, loving each other gel even better.

Lincoln, Nebraska

Sylwiawodiczko Best thing ever happened to Nebraska: me. Y'all welcome losers.🌶️🌶️

Liked by randyorton, gunther_aut and other 77.888 people

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Username Blessing whole America
  Username Whole world

Username Woman, I'm on my knees
  Username We all are

Username Hit me up if you're single
  Username 😭😭
  Username 💀💀
  Username If she is, I doubt she'll acknowledge you

Username Pls, Sylwia, you're so pretty

Username Who's your daddy

Username I wish I looked like you

Realscarlettbordeaux Unreal😍😍
  Sylwiawodiczko 🌟🌟

Randyorton Or call me if you're single
  Sylwiawodiczko I'll think about that
Username 😒😒
Username I never got if they were a thing real life or not
Username I think they still are

Username Honestly she served, cooked and ate in her promo with Becky
Username Slayed everything

Published: 10 / 3 / 2024

Anyway, I'm working on another masterpiece, but I'll drop it after I end this one.

I'm just undecided if love interest will be Randy or Der Ring General Gunther -who I am dearly devoted-. Which one are you suggesting??

- Світлана

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