Wound Healing (girlxgirl)

By neerfB

49K 2.1K 301

Becky is a Operating Theatre Nurse who loves her new job working in one of London's busiest hospitals after h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Epilogue

Chapter 14

1.1K 44 5
By neerfB

Becky rested back against the pillow on the trolley as she was being wheeled down an all too familiar corridor. She was normally the one chatting away to the patients about the news or the weather as the nurse who was looking after her was doing now, she soon realized that none of her patients were actually interested in what Becky was saying.

She was nervous even though it was only an operation on her foot, she was still nervous, she had cried herself to sleep after Freen had left last night, only managing to drift off for a couple of hours before spending the remainder of the night wide awake staring out onto the city lights. She was mad at Freen, yet she craved having her around, were they ever going to get past where they were now, snapping and fighting with one another, an argument riling Becky up so much she had managed to break her fucking foot by kicking the stupid radiator in her flat.

"You alright Becky bear" Tim asked glancing down at her as he wheeled her towards the theatre. Tim was an elderly porter who she knew well who transferred many of her patients back to recover or back to their wards. She gave him a soft smile as she nodded.

"Well look who it is" Irin beamed as she glanced down at the brunette "how you are doing pet" she asked sympathetically as she held onto Becky's hand.

"Mortified" Becky mumbled as Irin just smiled knowing that the entire operating staff were fully aware of Becky's admission.

"Theatre 3 Tim" Irin said following the trolley into the spacious sterile room.

"Right guys you know the drill, 5 minutes before Mr. Jones will be here" Taylor one of the orthopedic scrub nurses declared giving Becky a quick wink and busying herself with preparing equipment.

"I'll see you in recover sweetie don't worry it'll be over before you know it" Irin said as she placed a small kiss on the brunette's forehead, she watched as Irin's face lit up as Irin's eyes remained fixated towards the door.

"About time you got here" Becky's boss said as she headed for the door leaving the brunette to turn and see Freen stood by the theatre door, scrubs on and a surgical mask covering half of her face. The staff were scurrying around the theatre each preparing their own duties as Freen made her way over to her wife.

"Hey how you are doing" Freen asked softly pulling down her mask to her chin as she gripped onto the bed railing, Becky's eyes connecting with the sparkling rings on Freen's left hand caused a jolt of excitement race through Becky's body.

She was still annoyed with Freen's snappy behavior over the past few days but who was Becky kidding of course she was excited to see Freen was actually stood here and wearing her wedding ring.

"What are you doing here" is all Becky could manage as her eyes remained fixed on the sparkling band that wrapped Freen's slender finger.

"You didn't actually think I was not going to show up did you" Freen frowned, her face displayed hurt rather than the anger she had been displaying the past few days. 

"Thanks, I know I haven't said it, but it means a lot you are being here" Becky sighed as she played with her wrist band. She chewed her lip as she reached under her gown, maybe deep down she knew Freen would turn up or she just took a chance, but she revealed her long chain that her own wedding band and engagement ring dangled from.

She had kept it around her neck the past few days. It was comfort to her the past few days even if Freen had been keeping her distance. Freen smiled warmly as she helped the brunette take the chain off and let it drop into her own hand. They remained quiet for a moment while the staff prepared the machines around Becky.

"I've been a real shit this week Becky" Freen mumbled as she held onto the chain tightly.

"I've said stuff that I don't mean and I'm sorry" she added making eye contact with Becky's worried brown eyes as she entwined their fingers together.

"Me too" Becky sighed playing with Freen's fingers.

"I'm sorry I stormed out yesterday morning, I should have known better than to annoy you like that and now look you can't even walk" Freen mumbled.

"We've got a lot to talk about and sort out" she added as Becky nodded finally; they could agree on something.

"Listen I've been thinking, and I know you are going to think I'm crazy, but I've really thought about it and think it will be good for you, for me, for us" Freen stuttered, and Becky smirked at how her wife stumbled her words when she was nervous.

"Freen just say whatever you got to say" Becky laughed as Freen shot her a glare before taking a deep breath. 

"I think you should move in with me" Freen blurted out as Beck's eyes widened.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I think it's a good idea, just until you get back on your feet, it will do us good, I don't mean live, live together, just, just let me help you and let's work things out" Freen said trying to make sense of what she was saying.

"Becky you ready" Taylor beamed as she began connecting the brunette to the heart monitor.

"Just think about it while you eh sleep, yeah" Freen smiled causing the Becky to laugh.

"I'll be right here with you ok" Freen smiled as she leaned down placing a sweet and short kiss on the brunette's lips.


"Babe it's ok" a breathless Becky panted as her wife lay on top of her, so it was the first time they were having trouble in the bedroom department, but Freen was determined to please her wife and judging by the recent moans and shuddering of her wife's body she had succeeded but here she was, her gorgeous wife beneath her and she couldn't focus.

Freen couldn't focus on how good Becky felt inside her, how sweet the kisses Becky placed on her neck encouraging her to let go. Freen sighed as Becky shifted their bodies in the bed allowing herself to be on top as pinned Freen beneath her, sucking her neck as she caressed Freen's tone soft skin.

Freen snapped her eyes shut, what the fuck was wrong with her, she loved sex, especially loved sex with Becky but all she kept thinking about was that smug faced Kade and what had happened last week in Kade's office.

Kade had turned the whole thing back on Freen, she felt guilty even though the coroner had ruled out any fault, the man was a dying man and there wasn't much either surgeon could do for him, but Freen begged to differ.

She felt guilty after what Kade had said maybe if Freen had done the surgery sooner he would be recovering now and not 6 feet under. That wasn't the only thing that was bugging her, Kade's smug face when she spoke about Becky.

Kade had Becky wrapped around her finger, pretending to be mourning and saddened by Mr. Kah's death it enraged Freen how Kade could use an innocent man's death to make herself out to be grief stricken as she used Becky for comfort.

Becky and Freen had already clashed over Kade previous days before, but Freen thought she would be able to put it behind her for one night. She had cooked Becky a romantic meal and wooed her into the bedroom and now she couldn't even relax, she hated herself.

"BB stop" Freen sighed as she unpinned her wrists while her wife's tongue traced over her navel ignoring her.

"Becky" Freen snapped as she pushed her wife back. Becky sighed as she straddled her wife, she hated how distant Freen had become since last week. Becky knew her wife took her patients death badly and it wasn't the first time this occurred, and she was worried about Freen.

Freen had spent longer hours in work this week ensuring all her patients were ok and rearranging any important surgeries as soon as she could get a free slot in the theatre. Freen had made it clear to Becky, she didn't want her speaking with Kade and that Kade was playing her.

Becky knew her wife was protective and jealous at times just like she was but really Kade had seem to change, Kade seemed upset and frail after what happened with Mr. Kah and Becky felt like she needed to comfort her having been there when they lost their patient.

Becky racked her fingers through her wife's dampened hair, studying her wife she was clueless to what Freen was thinking, what was going on in that bright head of hers.

"Babe talk to me" Becky whispered as her hand rested against Freen's cheek, Freen sighed as she held Becky's gaze, she knew the brunette was worried about her but making love and opening up about her feelings was the last thing she had on her mind.

"Nothing BB I just have work I need to get done" Freen replied as she pushed off the bed causing Becky to groan into the sheet she had now wrapped around her body.

"Freen it's after 9 come on, work can wait until the morning" Becky mumbled as she watched her now dressed wife trying her messy hair into a bun.

"No, it can't" Freen snapped.

"I have surgeries to prioritize for next week before 3 surgeries tomorrow" she added as Becky rolled her eyes.

"It can wait" Becky shot back tightening the sheet around her body feeling fully exposed.

"No, it can't, I have patients to look after" Freen snapped as she headed straight for the door.

"And what about your wife" Becky shouted after but it was too late, Freen was already out of ear shot. Becky groaned in frustration as she collapsed back on the bed glancing over at the clock on Freen's bed side locker, the night was still young.


Becky stomped her way into her living room, after a long hot shower and change of clothes she was still livid at her wife. She grabbed her jacket as she plunged each arm into the material and made her way to the full-length mirror by the front door, checking her appearance even she knew she scrubbed up well.

She had now gotten her wife's full-blown attention, who immediately sat up from her slouching position on the sofa and dropped her laptop on the sofa nearby.

"Where are you going" Freen asked like a young child asking their mother where they were going.

"Out" Becky replied dryly applying a layer of lip gloss and giving her wavy brown locks a toss.

"Out where" Freen asked impatiently as she rose to her feet and walked around the coffee table.

"I don't know yet, I haven't decided maybe a bar or a club" Becky replied finally turned to face her wife who now had a face like a slapped ass.

"You are joking right" Freen let out a nervous yet dry laugh. If Becky was looking for attention she had certainly gotten it now especially dressed like that. Becky rolled her eyes, something that she knew infuriated her wife to the max.

Most of time she wasn't aware she was doing as she turned in her knee length boots taking a few steps forward she knew her tight black jeans hugged her ass and would definitely get her wife's attention.

"Don't wait up" was Becky said as she swung her bag over her shoulder opening her front door smirking as she listened to Freen's raised voice following her trail, she slammed the door shut as she continued to walk down her driveway and unlocking her car as she climbed into her convertible BMW, a present she had gotten for her 25th birthday off her wife.

Her front door opened a few seconds later as Freen stood in disbelief by the door frame, watching on as Becky reversed out of their driveway and within seconds of revving the 2-liter engine she was gone. Just like that her wife was gone and she had no idea where or who with.


Becky allowed the remainder of the burning liquid in her glass slide easily down her throat, she was well and truly pissed by now, pissed drunk and pissed off at her wife.

It wasn't so much the fact she felt she couldn't please Freen earlier in bed, which had never in the history of her broad sex life had she ever gotten complaints from previous partners.

Becky had always received compliments of her loving and adventurous attitudes in the bedroom department. What pissed Becky off was the fact her wife wasn't acting like her wife, any issues they ever had they spoke openly about it but now the past week or, so Freen was distant.

Sure, Becky knew what happened in work had affected Freen but treating Becky like a complete stranger wasn't exactly making it easy on either of them. Freen spent long hours in surgery and then checking he patient's post-op leaving herself exhausted and coming home to spend even more time catching up on paperwork which left Becky sitting watching TV or tossing and turning in bed alone.

"Can I get another" she mumbled pushing her shot glass towards the bar man who gave her a sympathetic look and nodded. Her body shuddered as she watched him pour more tequila into her glass, she had given up on the salt and lemon an hour ago and worked herself up an expensive tab.

Taking out her phone she glanced over her missed calls, Freen had rung 16 times in the past two hours and Kade had also rang once, Becky sighed, she had given Kade her number on Tuesday after Kade approached her crying along once of the corridors and explained to the surgeon to call her whenever she needed to talk to someone.

Becky felt weird connection to Kade maybe she felt like she had to protect the surgeon from Freen knowing her wife was on a warpath or maybe it was that she knew how Kade was feeling, they were both there when Mr. Kah died, both watched as his blood pressure and heart rate drop within seconds, both performed CPR as he bled to death.

Becky grumbled a quick thank you as the barman slid another tequila in front of her, her eyes fixated on her phone, she quickly knocked back her drink and clicked the call button after 3 rings an eager voice answered.

"Hey" Becky sniffed placing the shot glass onto the bar.

"Can you come pick me, I'm at the old navy bar" she cried as she nodded to her response and quickly hung up the phone.

Guys, who do you think Becky called? Freen or Kade?? leave a comment and thank you for reading :))


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