Twin baby Kim's

By kooprincess05

134K 5.7K 621

( COMPLETED ) This story revolves around two twin girls- Kim Taegukie and kim Taejun, whose parents get separ... More

character introduction
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
The End (1/2)
The End (2/2)

chapter 18

3.5K 162 3
By kooprincess05


"Ewww i can't imagine that old lady's character" jimin said making eww face.

"She is probably villian of yours love story" jimin again said , stating fact about

"And after that , did she stopped ??" Jimin asked jungkook want to know what happened after that incident.

"Probably NO" jungkook sighed rembering , his mother-in-law playing dirty games with him to make him away from taehyung's life.

"WHATTT?? STILL?? SHIT" jimin want really to puke on  She still didn't let jungkook have peacefull life after that.

"What she did then ??" Jimin asked eagerly want to know more dirty tricks of taehyung's mother.

"Did she hurt you ?? Or did she again try to do these types of dirty things again ??" Jimin asked.

"She didn't but after my delivery , she never hold any of my babies" jungkook said remembering that cruel woman's behaviour towards his two babies.

A boy in his 20s is standing in kitchen with a baby in his hands who's crying.

"Shhhhh baby please" jungkook said to baby around month which he have held in his arm,  bouncing her little.

"Jun , my baby. Please don't cry" he bent down and sat on his knees , at the same level to the cradle which is placing near to him in the kitchen.

"Don't cry ple-"  he said patting a little baby's chest who is lying in cradle while crying , as same as the baby in jungkook's hands. But before he can complete his sentences , tears starts flowing from his eyes. His both the babies were crying , they are just one month old.

It was 6:00 am and jungkook was in the kitchen , for breakfast. But his children's who are sick, are crying continuously. His both girls have fever , he want to take care of them. But villian of the story ofcourse the didn't let him do that. Taehyung wasn't at home , he have gone to his bestfriend who got into an  accident.( Jungkook sent him because he knows taeyhungs love for his only best friend.)

Jungkook himself was crying with his daughters. He is hurt. He can't watch his daughters crying like this. Googie was crying in her mamma's embrace while Junie was crying in the cradle. didn't helped jungkook at all. From the day both the twins were born , she didn't touched them even for a once. She wasn't even go for jungkook in the hospital. She knows that twins were sick but still she made jungkook to do kitchen works while sitting on living room couch like queen.

"Mm my baby" jungkook take out Junie from the cradle and hold her too in his arms while kissing her head. He can feel how both of them were burning in fever but still his not so mother-in-law let him go to take care of his babies.

He made the breakfast, crying with his crying daughters while trying to make them stop crying . He placed sometimes Junie in the cradle and sometimes googie. His babies who are just little innocent souls were getting dragged in this family drama. never let him sit peacefully , she didn't stopped blaming him. She made eww face to his daughters. She made jungkook do work even though she knows how  little childrens need their mother beside them 24hrs. Jungkook didn't said anything to her because he don't want any drama in his home. Taehyung have warned his mother for few times but everytime she cried crocodile tears and told him to that her babybear has changed and don't love her  anymore that made taeyhung silent.

Jimin can see  tears in jungkook's eyes , who wasn't flowing from his eyes but shining brightly. Jungkook married before than jimin , so jimin wasn't know why jungkook was away from his husband. He have only seen taeyhung in pictures but not physically. But jimin hates had always hates taehyung because he thinks he's the one who is the villian of story but now he finds its not taehyung but his mother.

Jimin hugged jungkook , patting his back. Jungkoom didn't shedded his tears , just placing his chin on jimin's shoulder.

"Can I ask you the reason that w-why -" jimin said

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