Love Bite | Yandere!Vampires...

By starflame_x

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Desperate for money to pay off your debts, you sign up for a program that allows you to sell your blood to va... More

01: First Bite
02: Sweet Scent
04: Complications
05: Rejected
06: Untouchable
07: Rude Interruption
08: A New Contract
09: Frightened
10: Predator and Prey
11: Impending Danger
12: Unexpected Hangout
13: The Happiest Day
14: Followed
15: Helpless Little Thing
16: Too Far Gone
17: No Freedom in Sight
18: Resignation
19: Crossing Paths
20: All He Needs
21: Unexpected Ally
22: To Seek Forgiveness
23: Still Living
24: Losing Control
25: Passion and Obligation
26: Taking Accountability
27: Honesty
28: Possessiveness
29: It's Okay to be Weak

03: A Tempting Offer

9.7K 389 130
By starflame_x

Once again, Xavier stands before you.

"Hi," you greet, smiling awkwardly. "It's nice to see you again. How are you doing?"

You're not really sure why you keep bothering with the pleasantries, because it'll probably end the same way every time. With him tilting his head at you and furrowing his brows in confusion.

You have to remember that for him, this is purely business. Maybe even less than that, actually.

He's here to sate his appetite, and you are simply a means to an end.

"I'm fine," Xavier replies, still frowning and no doubt wondering why you keep trying to make small talk with him. He then gestures towards one of the chairs. "Are you ready to get started?"

You nod and quickly sit down. Even though you came back here of your own volition, now that he's about to drink your blood again, you can feel how fast your heart is beating in anticipation of the pain.

There's no point in being scared. I need the money. I did it once, so I'm sure I can do it again.

"Whenever you want," you tell him, white-knuckling the armrest of your chair. "I'm ready."

Xavier takes a moment to settle beside you. He seems to be waiting just in case you refuse, and while you appreciate that he won't do anything without your consent, the longer he takes to get started, the more nerve-wracking this whole thing is.

Finally, he bridges the distance, uses an arm to gently hold you in place, and presses his lips against your neck.

Just like last time, it fucking hurts. You can't even pretend otherwise. There's a reason why this program isn't more sought-after. Not only do most humans live in fear of vampires, but the vast majority of people also aren't desperate enough to sell their blood just to make ends meet. It's a scary, painful experience, and it comes at a cost to your health, too.

This program was made deliberately for people like you-the hopeless and rundown.

You almost wonder what the other people who've signed up are like, but you decide it's probably better not to meet them. Nothing good could possibly come of so many sad, pitiful souls gathering together in one place.

Anyways, what were you saying again? Oh, right.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

You tremble in place, doing your utmost not to grit your teeth and tense your muscles too much. The pain is one thing, but the sensation of having your blood drained-feeling it be directly siphoned from your body-is what's truly horrifying. It feels wholly unnatural, and you'll probably never be able to get used to it.

Still, you put on a brave face. You chose this, and right now, it's the only option you have.

But apparently, you're not doing a very good job of being convincing.

Xavier pulls away and frowns. "You look like you're suffering," he remarks. There's some blood on his lips, and you swallow at the sight, trying not to let it unnerve you.

"I'm fine," you reassure. "This is no big deal."

The last thing you want to do is scare him off. You need him to keep coming back. To you, the money you get from this is every bit as vital as the blood flowing through your veins.

Without it, you won't survive.

Xavier narrows his eyes, and you fear that he's starting to become rather annoyed with you. Perhaps he'd prefer someone else. Someone who isn't such a baby and knows how to suffer through the pain without letting it show.

But instead of berating you, he does the exact opposite.

He apologizes.

"Sorry," he sighs. "It's been a long time since I drank someone's blood like this. Up until I was admitted entry to the city, I lived off the government-issued blood packs, so I didn't have to bite anyone. I suppose I should learn how to be a bit gentler."

Uh... what?

You weren't expecting this. You weren't expecting this at all. Granted, he was very vocal about not wanting to force you into anything, but he never really struck you as the compassionate type. His expression is usually so stern, almost as frigid as his ice-cold hands.

But right now, he actually looks a bit sheepish.

You're not sure if it's the tenderness of his gaze, or the fact that someone's actually treating you with empathy for a change, but either way, you find yourself blushing.

"I-It's alright," you say, glancing off to the side. Looking into those clear blue eyes of his is proving to be far too difficult a task right now. "I mean... it does hurt a bit, but I expected as much coming into this. I think I just need some more time to get used to it."

"No. I'm sure it can't be pleasant, so it's up to me to do it in a way that isn't quite so unbearable." He lightly taps you on the hand, beckoning you to look at him again. "I'd like to try one more time," he says. "With your permission, of course."

Fuck. Here you are, selling your blood-which is quite possibly the least romantic thing in the world-but all of a sudden, you've got butterflies in your stomach.

It's his fault for being so damn handsome. Or maybe you're just not thinking clearly from all the blood loss.

Yeah. That must be it.

"Go ahead," you reassure, adjusting your position and exposing your neck again. You take a deep breath, trying to relax, and you remind yourself that no matter how much it hurts, eventually, it will end.

Xavier's fangs pierce your skin again, but even though you wince, you feel as though it's slightly different from earlier. The way he's drinking your blood is slower, more deliberate. It still hurts, no question about it, but you can tell that he's now being conscious of how he does it.

Somehow, just the fact that he's making an effort to hurt you less helps you cope a lot better than before.


"Huh? A different vampire has personally requested me?"

You blink, holding your phone against your ear. Just moments ago, someone from Plasma Inc. called to inform you that you've got another client. The news comes as a surprise, especially since you're pretty sure Xavier is the only vampire you've ever met.

"Um... you guys don't happen to show the clients files of the people who've signed up for the program and rank their blood in terms of tastiness, right?"

It's a stupid question, if the sigh the employee lets out is anything to go off. You felt like asking it anyways, though.

"Of course not," they reply. "This is actually a very peculiar case. We normally match clients and donors randomly, but this particular client apparently caught a glimpse of you in the building. Certain vampires are more perceptive than others and can sense when someone has appetizing blood. He was adamant about meeting with you, but naturally, the choice is yours. Rest assured that we will never disclose any of your personal information to him, so you're welcome to refuse."

As if you would ever refuse an opportunity to earn more money. These people are seriously underestimating just how desperate you are.

"I'll meet with him," you agree. "Just let me know when I should stop by."

This is a good thing, right? Assuming he likes you-which, it sounds like he already does-you'll be able to meet with two clients regularly instead of one.

Paying off your debt is finally starting to feel like more than just a dream.

Not much time has passed since you last saw Xavier, but once again, you find yourself walking down the pristine, glistening white hallways of Plasma Inc.

"Before you go meet with your new client," the doctor begins, "I feel the need to mention that there are limits to how frequently you can come in. We can't in good faith let you come back too often and give away your blood, otherwise it comes at a detriment to your health, and we are liable for it. So, please understand that we will monitor how often you come in and impose restrictions. We won't allow you to put yourself in harm's way."

Damn. Well, that does make sense, and you suppose it's a good thing, ethically speaking.

But financially speaking-for you, at least-it isn't exactly ideal.

Still, you nod in agreement. "I understand. I won't do anything to get you guys in trouble."

The doctor smiles and ushers you along. Well, it's fine. Even if you don't do this all the time, they pay you quite generously, most likely to incentivize people into signing up in the first place. And now you have two clients instead of one, which means that you're bound to get paid more often anyways.

Besides, this isn't a permanent solution. It's only to help keep you afloat until you pay off your debt to Johnny.

Once this nightmare is over, you'll finally know what it's like to live a normal life.

"Go right ahead," the doctor gestures, and since you're starting to get used to this whole process by now, you step inside the room without any hesitation.

Then, you lock eyes with your new client.

He's tall. Really, really tall, as if being a vampire wasn't already intimidating enough. His eyes are even more piercing than Xavier's pale blue ones. They glisten like shards of topaz, bright and beguiling. You haven't yet realized that your lips are parted open in awe, and all of this feels suspiciously like déjà vu. Like when you first laid eyes on Xavier.

It turns out that vampires really are ridiculously attractive.

"Yay, you're finally here!" he exclaims. He runs up to you, and without warning, pulls you into his arms.

Naturally, you flinch at the sudden contact, and even though he's going to be biting your neck later, you're pretty sure that this isn't exactly appropriate.

"U-Um," you stammer. You try to push him away, but he's a million times stronger than you, so you may as well be trying to move a wall.

He squeezes you and lets out a pleased sigh. "I knew it. You really do smell amazing. I can only imagine how sweet your blood will taste."

Oh, boy. He's sniffing you.

This already doesn't bode well.

Mercifully, he pulls away quickly enough, stopping to flash you a sharp-toothed grin. "I'm Felix," he introduces. "Man, you're even prettier in person too! This day just keeps getting better. I really struck gold here."

You can't tell if he's a big flirt, or a creep, or if he's just really excited to drink your blood.

Regardless, you don't make any motion to leave.

No way in hell are you leaving without your money.

"I'm [Name]," you say, nodding your head a bit. "It's nice to meet you, Felix. I heard that you requested me specifically, so... hopefully I won't let you down."

His grin gets even wider. "There's no way you will. I'm confident about this. I don't think I've ever met a human who smells as good as you do."

"Um... thanks."

You're not really sure what else to say. He's a lot different from Xavier, though, that much is for sure. He's infinitely more expressive and doesn't seem too concerned with keeping things professional.

Regardless, he's a client, and unless you give him what he wants, you're not going to get paid.

"Should we start now?" you ask, already sitting down.

Felix nods eagerly. He's practically vibrating, incapable of containing his excitement. You suppose it's a bit endearing. It seems like he's really been looking forward to this, and money aside, it's nice to be able to make someone happy.

You adjust the top of your shirt to better expose your neck, and you swear that Felix gulps at the sight.

"Whenever you're ready, just-"

The rest of the words don't make it out in time. He grabs you by the shoulders, forcefully, then bites into your neck without even bothering to ease you through it.

A sharp cry escapes your lips, and you whimper, doing everything you can not to scream again.

This is bad. Unlike Xavier, he's making no attempt to be gentle. He's slurping from your neck greedily, and even though he's already pierced your skin, his fangs dig deeper, in a relentless pursuit of everything you have to offer.

Tears blur your vision. Holy fuck, it hurts. You never imagined that it could hurt this much. It was already bad enough before. Will you... even be able to handle this?

You moan softly, and even though you're doing your best to hold it together, a few tears end up spilling down your cheeks. You can feel how damp your skin is. Not just your face, but also the tender spot on your neck that Felix keeps burying his fangs into.

The pain makes you pass out for a few moments, but it's better this way, because when you come to, Felix has finally stopped.

His lips and chin are completely stained with your blood, and he makes no attempt to wipe it off either, unlike Xavier.

To make matters even worse, he actually has the nerve to smile.

"Amazing," he mumbles. He doesn't seem awfully concerned with the fact that you're only semi-conscious right now, and instead presses his body closer to yours. "[Name], you really are amazing. I've never had such delicious blood before. Most humans taste disgusting to me, and it's a pain just finding something I can stomach. I don't think you understand how much it means to me that I've finally met someone like you."

Sure, it sounds like a crappy situation, but you're having a hard time sympathizing with him after he basically just mauled your neck.

You wince and press a hand against the bite mark, and when you pull your fingers away, you're horrified to find that they're completely coated in blood.


Felix leans into your line of sight, still grinning widely. "Hey. I have an offer for you. I'm sure they must have told you that there are restrictions to how often you can sell your blood, but if you're here, it's because you need the money, right? So, how about we also meet up outside of our scheduled appointments? That way, I can drink your blood as often as I want, and you can make more money. And by that, I mean that I'll pay you double what you're getting here. Hm? How does that sound?"


As in, two times as much?

You blink repeatedly, suddenly completely lucid. The pain is still there, clear as day, but what you've just heard has imbued you with a new sense of bravery.

Felix clearly doesn't know the meaning of holding back. You doubt he cares about hurting you, which means it'll be painful as all hell, every single time. Honestly, if you really wanted to, you could drop him as a client altogether. He seems like the type that's difficult to keep in line, especially when there's something he wants.

But it's obvious that he really, really likes your blood, and apparently, he's willing to pay a steep price for it.

With that kind of money, you'll be able to pay Johnny back even faster. You'll be able to treat yourself to a nice meal every now and then, to put your feet down from time to time and get a proper night's sleep.

Forget just surviving, you want to know what it's like to actually live.

"This is strictly between the two of us," Felix continues. "It has to be done in private, without anyone finding out. The laws on this stuff are pretty stingy, and I'm sure neither of us wants to get in trouble. But I promise I'll make it worth your while."

Just a few moments ago, when you saw the bloody mess he made of your neck, you were actually considering never seeing him again. The pain was simply too much. You've suffered a lot, but even you have your limits.

Alas, in the face of money, you are nothing but a pathetic, subservient fool.

"Okay," you mumble weakly. "Let's do it."

It's probably a big mistake.

But you're too desperate to care.

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