The forgotten prophecy [Origi...

By 3lysixLH

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everything he knows is a lie. he was raised by the very hunter that killed his parents, only to find out... More

The Forgotten Prophecy
*maps 2*
*I told an adopted idiot he's been lied too*
*My dad tried to kill me*
*the library *
*we burn some books*
*a winged lizard crashed my game(ever thought i'll say that.)*
*elementals realm... let's hope i don't see mah mummy*
*echoes why these bitches*
*my ex has to help me... he hates me*

*new school... again*

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By 3lysixLH

After Cleo and I left, we did go to her house and slept after we pulled a few pranks on Ben and blew up Cleo Ex's house no biggie. I got up early to headed back home. Looks like Nick was still sleeping and Ty was playing just dancing in the living room at six in the morning glad to see nothing has changed with Ty's 6 am dance. I went up to my room to change into my training clothes and then to the training room. Even though I have my abilities I have always loved working with weapons since I was a child I don't use my abilities when I am fighting or training, I use weapons.

'So you guys do use this room?' Nick walked through the doorway interrupting my training. His hair was a mess and he was in a jogger with a shirt.

'What did you think it was for style?' I throw my dagger at the target, which happens to be next to his head. He had good reflexes, however, he did get scraped by the dagger near the curled of his lips along his cheek. he was unbothered

'I'll move if I was you or the next one hits your arm.' He quickly moved away from the targets.

'Is that payback for the bullet?' he questioned with a lopsided smile.

'You should problem sleep with one eye open I might bite.' I warned.

'oh, feisty. Ma vilaine.' he grinned, inching closer to me.

'Why are you here?' I sighed curiously, annoyed, to say the least. He grabbed my hand and spun me around as if I were some rear jewel. Puzzled by the nerve he has.

'I want to get a 360 view of who I'll be living with.' He explained. He tugged me closer. Morons live longer because they challenge death too much, death feels assaulted just being around them. Nick was one of these idiots. I flicked my wrist exposing my claws, I smiled at him then I pierced him with my claw, hearing my claws sink into his flesh near the ribcage till I could feel bone. He expectedly grunted from the pain inflicted. This expression changed fast as if he was turned on by the pain. My claws look smooth but are choppy at the edges so it hurts when I pull out. I stepped back a bit leaving a gap. Gripping the handle of my dagger, which I had in my back pocket whipping it out and stopping when the blade grazed his throat. His smile grew dark, 'are you gonna make me bleed with that?' he asked playfully.

'maybe,' I taunted. He looked me dead in my pupils and crept to me causing the blade to cut into the layer of his skin, blood running down his neck.

'vilaine? Are you flirting with me.' he asked wrapping his arm around my waist to close the gap. Dumbfound, bewildered, he's fucked up.

'flirt?' I laughed, airy. The audacity, 'I wash my hands of this.' I walked out in a state of disbelief and confusion. I passed Ty walking into the training room.


Ty is my Half-brother hence the big age gap we have the same mother but different fathers, Ty's dad died at the hands of the hunters when he was six, three months after when Ty fell into a "coma" for 200 years when he woke up he was still six he didn't age. Years following our mom got remarried to my dad a werewolf then I came along. Ty is 226 years old but technically, if you minus the coma he is 26. My mom is an Elementalist she can control both fire and water. The only thing about elementalists is unlike other supernatural beings they can be turned into a vampire or werewolf.

My mother got turned. Therefore, unlike my brother who is technically ninety-nine percent vampire and one percent elemental his abilities are still somewhat predictable because he can't control any elements as for me my abilities are unpredictable. It's kind of like that one sibling who is photogenic and that one who isn't. I am the photogenic one by the way... he smiles like a donkey that's another thing about us we can appear in photos that's kinda my messed up family's history...ish.

Ty and Nick were finished training and Nick came out looking like a newborn bird when they have no feathers. How hard can training be, he did like ten minutes.

[Well training with Ty feels like being hit with a brick in the face for ten minutes. -N]

'Where is the school?' I stood up

'You have to wait for Nick.' He said

Nick walked down and stood waiting by the door.

'You're going to Nick's school.' he smiled doing jazz hands. He's messing with me, right?

'No, I am not.' I sat back down crossing my arms.

'Well since she isn't coming I will leave.' He seemed happy I said I was not coming. He left.

'Fine then you can come with me to visit Mom.'

'I will go to school...ok.' I angrily agreed.

It's not that I don't want to see my mother it's just she is um scary. I got to school and the first person I met was the principal, Mr. Scott. I don't know what he was saying about the school and my classes I was too busy admiring his fantasy map on the wall it looked familiar but I couldn't place it.

'Your first class is history after class you will get a tour of the school from Kai Rivered.' I nodded and left to look for my history class. When I did find it, I wanted to walk out. I saw Nick sitting at the front of class and to make matters worse all the desks were occupied except for the one next to him. I walked in completely ignoring his existence.

'Isn't it bad enough I have to see at home but now in my history class, love' Nick turned to me. 'We got along so well at the café ma vilaine' He smiled.

'We did, didn't we.' I mocked him, my voice soft. We did get along well only because I didn't think I'd see him again. Mr. Jones didn't bother to look in my direction for the rest of the class which is good cause I didn't hear a word he said during class however Nick on the other hand was just pissing me off by breathing. I left class and headed to my locker; Nick followed me out of class and continued to follow me.

'Are you following me?' I narrow eyes

'What! Why would I follow you? I see enough of your pretty face at home.' we walked together to my locker.

'Sup, Jay!' Nick said to the boy next to my locker. He was heading to his friend's locker.

'Hey Nick!' the boy closed his locker and turned to me, surprised to see me. 'Yo hey Red!' he knows me... wait right he's the guy Cleo likes.

'Uh hey, Jason right, the one that texts Cleo right?' I awkwardly smiled.

'I didn't know you went to this school?'

'She didn't know either... she found out today.' Nick jumped into the conversation.

'How do you know that?' Jay asked curiously.

'Um last night after the gun thing her brother came and saved me and now I live with them' he added.

'Okay, forget that do you two know a Kai Rivered?' I asked.

'Nope,' Jay said.

Instead, Jay agreed to give me a tour of the school at lunch. Nick somehow was not too happy. After which some red-headed Barbie doll walked up to us corrected Jay and started talking to him about basketball trust me I don't know who she is but she knows absolutely nothing bout that dam sport. I could tell yah that. Jay was a little uncomfortable however, on the other hand, Nick seemed to notice her but not acknowledge her.

'so are you also training with me?' Nick asked, his voice low but deep. The type of thing makes a girl get turned on.

'we'll see where the day takes us,'

'Really, C'est comme ça?' he asked flirtatiously in a seductive tone.

'yes, it is so.' I answered. The expression on his face said it all.

'It's high school French, I can understand.'

'viens, laisse aller embrasser sur toit, tu devrais m'embrasser plutôt que te plainder,' he inched his face closer to me.

'Oui.' I stuttered, unsure of what the fuck he just said. He wrapped is hand around the back of my neck, his fingertips in my hair and pulled me, our lips met, a lazy fast kiss. I didn't push him away but he pulled away. He completely forgot that Jay and that girl was there.

'what did I say yes to?' I demanded, still a lil shaken.

'It's high school French.' He taunted

'I never took French.'

'Oh, well that's just poor communication on your part, I thought you understood.'

'Insufferable,-' the girl interrupted,

'Hi, I'm Kimberly a good friend of Jay and Nick.'

'You talking to me raccoon.' She was irritated but she kept her composure.

'Yes, I am talking to you who else would it be.' She grinned with attitude.

'Oh sorry... but my name is not important.' I forced a smile. I have no interest in talking to her and my name is not her business.

'This is Ma vilaine.' Nick answered with his French accent, his eyes fixed on mine as he fixed his arm around me. She proceeded to hold my hand to shake it but I pulled away.

'Rude.' She muttered

'Fake' I replied. She gave me a "try me bitch" look. I smile sweetly.


'yes, yes I am. You got a problem with it?' I answered

'Hey Red what class do you have now?' Jay intercepted when he felt the tension building up.

'Geo. Why?

'Good I have the same class let's go.' Jay pulled me away from them. As we left, Kimberly's eyes followed me I just smiled back at her holding up my wonderful middle finger.

'So Jay what the deal with you and the raccoon? She has a thing for you.'

'The raccoon?' he chuckled, 'you mean Kimberly? She is um clingy; her dad funds a lot of the events at school and our fathers are friends.'

'Okay, Kool.' I said it was clear she likes Jay.

'True. How're your friends Ben and Cleo.' he asked looking down at his fingers.

'They are great... also Ben told me what when down at the mall.'

'What do you mean? I'm just...'

'You want to know if they're together.' I smiled. 'Ben, Cleo and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Ben is like a brother to both Cleo and I and we're like sisters to Ben.' I wanted to lie and say "Maybe they are" but Cleo would kill me so honesty is the best policy if my life depends on it. He began to smile.


'Ben knows she likes you and he only did that to piss her off.'

'She likes me?' he muttered to himself. He still wants to know bout her even after knowing she isn't human... this is the first. Dam it now he got me smiling.


After class, he gave me a tour of the school. He took me to the gym, it was empty. It was quiet I noticed him with a basketball.

'wanna teach me?' I asked, he threw the ball at me and showed me, he asked about Cleo a lot, I was happy that Cleo found a person that doesn't care that she's a warlock. We left and met up with Nick. Jay's arm was around my shoulders. Nick's eyes narrow down Jay's arm.

'where the fuck were you two?' he questioned, eyes fixed on Jay

'Court I was showing red how to shoot some hoops.' He answered

'Oh were you now.' His tone was sarcastic, mocking and a bit pissy.

'We have gym let's go.' He muttered as he passed by us and flicked Jay's arm off me.

'who's dick is up his ass.' I muttered, Jay snickered. Nick snapped back glaring at us so we held but our laughter.

The coach had us running laps. I looked back to see Nick's eye switching from gold to blue. Well this is new. I had to rub my eyes just to make sure I wasn't blind. I pulled him to the side as the rest of the students ran.

'Your eyes.' I whispered 'Do you not know how to control them.'

'It's a simple yes or no question.' I narrow my eyes. I spotted the tattoo on his wrist and faded feathers printed on his bicep. I pull his wrist closer so I can have a better look. 'you're supposed to be dead...' I shook my head, 'Stormclaws are Fucking dead!' I shouted, surprised as I taped him on the head.

'What is a Stormclaw?'

'You, you're a damn Stormclaw!' I calmed down

If he is who I think he is, his mark caused me so much fucking trouble. I bear the tribal mark of a Stormclaw. When they died out the supernaturals that wore the tribal mark were killed for just having it. Those who were immortal with the mark were considered bad luck and the elders would drop them from their title. My mother was so fucking paranoid she tried to carve the mark out of my thigh but it never worked. I was bullied, and I had a target over my head because of this fucking mark and I was born with it, which means before the massacre of the Stormclaws my mother engaged me to one causing me to carry their tribal mark. The pain I when through because of this I have only hate for the owner of this mark.


When we got home, Nick sat on the couch and I shouted out Ty's name. He peeped out of his room and walked down the stairs

'Hey I bought blood wine.' He smiled

'Did you know that he's a Stormclaw?'

'Yes.' He answered with no hesitation. Ben and Cleo portal into my living room great timing

'What's up?' Ben asked

'What's up is the fact that blue eyes over here is a Stormclaw and Ty didn't tell me.' I argued

'That's good he could be the key.' Cleo smiled

'Yeah, but the royal bloodline died, or else the realm would have never died.' Ben added as he opened a box of food.

'if he is I'll kill him my fucking self,' I shouted, Ben and Cleo knew why.

'Can someone catch me up here?' Nick stood up

'There are three different realms: the Florals, Elementals and Night hunters. The Florals are like elves, fairies, mermaids those who have a deep connection with nature. Elementals are those who are Elementalist. They can control all or one element some have different abilities but they can still control an element. Night hunters are like us, werewolves, vampires, warlocks, kitsuns etc.' Cleo explained, 'each realm has a royal bloodline, once the bloodline lives so does the realm however if the bloodline dies so does the realm. The Night Hunters' realm died the royal bloodline was Stormclaws however thirteen years ago there was a massacre, and rebellion it was led by the king right handman, a Stormclaw, this rebellion led us to hide in the mortal world so did the royal they thought they would be save...'

'Yet with the help of hunters and rebel supernaturals (RSN) they slaughtered all and every living Stormclaw but you ever since then our realm died.' I added. There are portals to get from one realm to another as well as a train but now that one realm died any way of getting into the realm is blocked or sealed off. In the mortal world, there are gates that we use to enter the realms.

'So the bloodline never had a backup plan?' Nick asked

'Once the bloodline dies there is a two-day period for the elders to perform a special ritual to crown a new bloodline but the elders found out about their deaths too late.' Ben answered waving a French fry around.

'Um that's sad I guess but what can I do?' Nick ignored what we said

'Why don't you guys go find out info on Stormclaws at the library for Nick?' Ty asked us

'Or you can tell us, you were friends with one.' I smiled

'Aren't you three the same ones who say nothing exciting happens here plus, I am not asking I am telling?' Look a Ty taking charge. He did have a point we do complain so we agreed to go tonight. And before Nick had asked I told him, the library was hidden from mortal eyes. As usual, Jasper appears when you don't need him. 

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