Maybe In Another Lifetime (Ro...

By DeterminedNature

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Y/n had known they'd stick with the turtles for a long while, but they never thought about going through an a... More

Prologue to the prologue!!! (+playlist)
Prologue (For real this time)
Chapter 1: The Brooklyn Bridge
Chapter 2: A Midroll Flight On A Dangerous Night
Chapter 3: The Arguement
Chapter 4: Interrogation
Chapter 6: Could This Get Any Worse?
Chapter 7: A Tank in The Subway
Chapter 8: It Got Worse
Chapter 9: Reasonably Confident
A Brief Intermission!
Chapter 10: A Sense of Impending Doom
Chapter 11: Caught in an Iron Grip
Chapter 12: Close The Portal

Chapter 5: Summoning Demon Aliens at the NYC Conservatory

151 6 0
By DeterminedNature

The group watched on from the roof of the wrecked New York City conservatory as the Foot Clan, and the duo Hypno and Warren Stone conversed. 

"Villain to villain, your hideout is a bit, uh... lacking. Might I suggest some velvet, a fireplace, maybe a fuzzy cat with a diamond necklace?" Hypno commented, looking around the dark room.

Purple flames lit suddenly, Foot Soldiers appearing from out of the shadows. The Lieutenant stepped forward.

"Tonight, We liberate our masters from their dimensional prisons. With this Key, we shall free them to lay waste to this world and enslave its people!" The Foot Lieutenant shouts. 

Hypno and Warren suddenly grew weary "Uh, I thought we were just going to rob a bank and be, y'know, crime buddies?"

"We shall follow the Krang as they lead the Foot Clan to glory!" The Lieutenant shouts holding up the Key.

"Boooored." Leo called out, ruining their hiding place atop the roof.

"You!" The Foot Lieutenant calls after spotting them.

"Leo!" Raph scolds.

"What? I was waiting for a good spot to jump in but he just kept blabbity blab-ing." He says with a wave of his hand. Y/n elbows his side.

"Owww.." Leo whines.

"There it is! There's the Key!" Casey calls out, cutting Leo off.

"Get them! Don't let them interfere with the ceremony!" The Foot Lieutenant orders.

April, Splinter, Casey Jr, Mikey, Raph, Leo, Donnie, and Y/n, all leap down from the roof, and begin fighting their way through the Foot Soldiers, trying to reach the Key. While F/Y/n launches into the air, readying their bow to provide aerial support. 

The Lieutenant places the key in some sort of ritual circle, activating it. A bright glowing purple light begins to fill the room as sparks flew.

"No! It's started! He's unlocking the doorway! We need to get up there right now!" Casey shouts desperately, using his grappling hook to knock a foot shoulder to the ground.

Leo slides in front of Casey, "Casey, go. We've got you covered." Leo says determinedly, and with a swish of his sword opens a portal underneath Casey.

Casey falls from the air and goes to strike the Lieutenant, but he dodges out of the way. After managing to knock away the Lieutenant, by using his grappling hook to swing back around. Casey hurries over to the key, and is about to grab it when the air crackles and a purple light rips open, sending them all flying back. F/Y/n immediately dives over to Casey, basically launching themself to try and protect him. 

 When suddenly lightning strikes, and tentacles appear from out of the portal. Loud alien screeches echo through the conservatory. 

"Oh..." Hypno and Warren glance at each other, both deciding simultaneously to book it.

"Oh no..." Casey mutters deflated by their apparent failure..

"They're here." F/Y/n says with a scowl.

"Then let's make sure their visit is short and sweet." Raph says, punching his fists together, gathering everyone around to prepare for the obvious fight to come.

A Krang enters the conservatory from the portal. He is tall with purple goopy skin, orange eyes, and tentacles which he uses to crawl around. The tentacles making slight squelching sounds as it got used to moving on the concreate flooring.

 "I'm finally free! This planet will pay for what it has done to me!" The Krang says, revealing its sharp teeth.

"Welcome to Earth! I hope you don't enjoy your stay!" Raph calls as he lunges at the Krang, but the Krang easily blocks his punch, wrapping a tentacle around Raph's throat, grinning evilly. 

Mikey and April tried using the element of surprise but the Krang spots them, blocking Mikey's chain and April's baseball bat with its tentacles, grabbing their weapons and flinging them to the side. Splinter dodges out of the way of Mikey and April's trajectory, as he and Casey lunge for the Krang, but they're both shoved away before landing any sort of attack.

Donnie and Y/n then take charge, only to be flung along with Raph. F/Y/n manages to land a few mystic arrows on the Krang but is soon grabbed out of the air and slammed into the ground repeatedly. F/Y/n screeches and thrashed wildly in its grip, clamping down their beak onto its tentacle, making the Krang real back. They took the opportunity to roll to the side and manage to get out of the Krang's reach.

Leo suddenly emerges from a portal and throws a katana at the Krang, it misses but Leo uses this to teleport behind him. Leo goes to strike him but the alien blocks Leo's katanas. Leo barely manages to escape a direct strike from the Krang with the use of his portals.

"Enough tricks!" The Krang bellows, angered. Gills sprout from his neck as he releases a sonic wave. Leo tries shielding himself as the mystic energy leaks out of his body, being sealed away. The wave soon crashed over the rest of them.

"Mikey! Donnie! Y/n! No!" Raph shouts using his mystic energy to construct a shield to try and block them from it, but their mystic energy leaks away as well, causing the shield around them to dissipate along with their mystic energy. 

F/Y/n, who has seen this trick before, shields Casey, and mentally shields themself too, after training for years, they essentially will their mystic energy to stay within themself, and does not allow it to be sucked away. Their mystic energy cracking in the air around them like lightning.

Once the Krang stops the shrieking. The glow of Leo's stripes begin to fade. Leo swishes his swords slightly, trying to use his mystic powers, only to find them unresponsive, now only finding a weakened glow when trying to engage them. 

"No..." Leo mumbles, completely shocked. A feeling of dread settles in, as for the first time in years, he's completely powerless. He looks up, horrified, as the Krang lunges at him, knocking him off the platform.

"No..." Leo mumbles, completely shocked. A feeling of dread settles in, as for the first time in years, he's completely powerless. He looks up, mortified, as the Krang lunges at him, knocking him off the platform.

"Raph, what happened to our powers?" Mikey cries desperately, looking at his older brother.

"Th-They're gone." Donnie says, his voice quivering slightly as he looks up from his hands.

"What did they do to us?" Leo says, horrified.

"Your mystic energy was drained." F/Y/n states, their eyes flickering over to the group while checking over Casey for injuries

"What? How-" Raph begins but is cut off by the Krang stepping up to the portal.

"Brother, Sister, join me. It is time for us to finish remaking the universe in the image of Krang." The Krang's voice boomed throughout the room as two more aliens appear. One is a female with pink skin and cat-like yellow eyes, while the other is small, with a darker pink coloring, and presumably mute.

"Oh how I've waited for this day." Sister Krang said with a grating and high pitched voice.

"Indeed. Brother, widen the portal and receive our ship, the Technodrome. Once it's here, this world will kneel before us." Krang said, curling one of his tentacles like one would curl their fist.

"Oh, if you two don't mind, I haven't killed anything in ages." Sister Krang snarled, looking to the group hungrily.

Sister Krang lunged from the platform, knocking Raph back like a ragdoll. Sweeping April, Casey, Donnie, Mikey, and Y/n off their feet with a swipe from her tentacles.

All the while Brother Krang widens the portal.

Raph barely dodges Sister Krang's second attack. Splinter launches forward, kicking Sister Krang in the face, he quickly evades a counter blow. Then he finds an opening, taking the opportunity to strike her again. But while doing that the Sister Krang is able to bite his tail and fling him into Raph, driving them both through a pillar.

F/Y/n takes to launching their mystic arrows at Sister Krang, drawing her attention from Raph and Splinter, taking to the air as tentacles lung forward trying to take hold of them. They circle Sister Krang like a vulture, swiftly dodging attacks, only launching arrows to keep Sister Krang's attention from the group, hoping to provide a few moments to recuperate.

After recovering from a few seconds of breathlessness and dizziness from being thrown into a pillar, Raph frantically searches for Splinter in the rubble. Uncovering him after a few moments, finding him unconscious. 

"No!" He cries out, crawling over to him and gently picking him up. Raph gazes up shakily, watching for a moment as his brothers, the humans, and F/Y/n try to fight the aliens and keep them at bay. He looks back down at his dad, his fists clenching, internally knowing what he has to do.

"Retreat!" He shouts, his voice cracking slightly.

"Retreat?" Leo questioned, "We don't retreat!"

"Leo, for once, listen to me! They're too powerful and dad's hurt!" Raph grimaced.

"You don't understand. If we don't close that doorway, it's only going to get worse!" Casey challenged.

"If we don't leave, there won't be anyone left to stop it if it gets worse! We need to come up with some sort of plan or we aren't making it out of this alive!" Y/n argued, holding their arm to try and slow the blood that rushed out of a wound inflicted by Sister Krang.

"Raph?" Leo says, gaze flickering between a hurt Y/n and his older brother.

"I'm not going to argue with you Leo. Donnie, escape pods, now!" Raph shouts.

Donnie quickly dodges sister Krang's attempt to crush him with a pillar, sliding out of her reach.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" He declared, pulling up his gauntlet's screen and quickly swiping to launch the escape pods. The Donnie Pods shoot out from his battle shell. The device lands on his chest, and just as Sister Krang was about to bash him with a broken pillar, it yanks him back, the pod closes around him and rockets him off.

An orange one zips to Mikey, who is in the aliens grasp, but is able to jet him away. Sister Krang, frustrating, tries to swing the pillar at April, but a Donnie Pod closes around her and she escapes.

Casey is strapped in, but as it's closing around him he shouts to Leo. "Sensei, we need to get that Key!" He cries out desperately as it closes in around him and carries him away. Seeing this F/Y/n quickly launches themself into the air, flying away after it.

Raph carefully places Splinter into his Splinter sized Donnie Pod and it flies off. Leo looks up at the portal, his eyes narrowing. At the last second he breaks free from his Donnie Pod and desperately sprints to the platform to take the Key. 

"Leo!" Raph and Y/n shout. Y/n tries to break out of their Donnie Pod but it's too late, they desperately cry out as they're launched into the sky. They bang their head on the back of the escape pod, cursing to themselves for not predicting such a Leo move. They watch as the conservatory fades from view, desperately hoping the two will make it out alive. 

A sudden feeling of lightheadedness washed over them, as they felt blood trickling through their fingers as they clenched the wound on their arm.

"Please, I can't lose you, you idiot." They murmured tiredly, feeling themself losing consciousness, as the world around them went dark.

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