#LoveSTAY - Stray kids x read...

By ih3artskz143

42.5K 549 1.4K

stray kids x reader scenarios, imagines and reactions that hopefully won't make you absolutely cringe and die... More

When they have a crush on you
How you make them blush
Morning cuddles
Them being bothered/upset
Your guys' song
Ways they show they love you
Late night texts
Stray kids in British secondary schools
You have a crush on him and he finds out
Someone hitting on you
You being upset
Christmas with them
You got your wisdom teeth taken out
2 months vs 2 years
Confessions and time taken
Them getting a bit too drunk
Getting ready together
You struggling to sleep
Movie night
Trips/ holidays with them
Them as love languages
Them getting in a physical fight
You're sick
Arguments with them
How they like their kisses
You feel bad about yourself
Them getting clingy
Cooking adventures
Meeting their parents
Them meeting your parents
You end up in hospital
When they're away on tour
First 'I love you'
Stray Kids as friends to lovers tropes

You call them by their full name

1.2K 19 76
By ih3artskz143


-you wanted to see how your boyfriend would react to being called by his full name, which you don't recall ever referring to him as before, so this was going to be fun

-he was sitting in his studio, tidying up some tracks and you decided to storm in dramatically, swinging the door open and all

''BANG CHRISTOPHER CHAN!!'' you yelled, looking away to cover up the fact you were almost busting with laughter and your own stupid ideas

-he looked at you with the most panic-stricken, terrified face ever and rapidly took off his headset, fully  jumping onto his chair and wheeling it into the furthest corner away from you


-by this point, you were struggling to keep a straight face, the poor guy actually went pale and he looked like he'd just seen a ghost

''...it doesn't matter anymore, just let me sit here'' you huffed, trying to act all mysterious even though you were hardly containing yourself 


''forget it!'' you exaggerated, crossing your arms conspicuously

-with pure terror in his eyes not knowing what he could've possibly done, your boyfriend stared at you with a worried face for a while, before you eventually gave in and started hysterically laughing at how silly he looked

-he stared at you with such concern for a moment, unsure about whether you were crying or not, before it clicked and his face went blank in disbelief

''...you're so not funny [name]. so, not, funny. ''

''I'm sorry!'' you giggled, standing up to hug him whilst he got off the chair and walked away from you, still questioning what you just did to him

''oh don't be in a sulk with me now'' you whined, looking at him with pleading eyes and opening your arms to hug him. it didn't take a lot for him to give in as he simply couldn't resist when his girlfriend was offering him a cuddle, could he?

-'' besides, it was just testing out how your surname sounds since I hope to be Mrs Bang one day'' you mentioned mid-embrace, hearing him squirm and assuming his cheeks definitely went bright pink from the warmth they projected

Lee Know

-even though you knew this might end with you being murdered by your boyfriend or something, you still thought it would be fun to see his reaction to his full name

-he was in the kitchen, cutting some vegetables and preparing to cook something that smelt AMAZING

''lee minho, what are you making it smells so good??''

-in the most intimidating way possible, he slowly turned around, eyes wide and shocked, the knife still raised in his hand the way he was previously holding it

''okay first of all put the knife down-'' you panicked, laughing awkwardly and suddenly fearing for your life, what a stupid choice you made

''Is that supposed to be a threat?''


''lee minho. lee...minho. LEE minho?!''

''BABY I WAS JOKING PLEASE- I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'D BE THIS CREEPY ABOUT IT'' you pleaded, boldly taking a step towards him and innocently lowering his arm with the knife so he can release it onto the chopping board ''let's let go of the knife, yeah?''

-even without the knife, he still stood there with a blank face and no thoughts behind his eyes, staring deep into your soul

''you're so scary'' you shuddered

''I think I can live with that'' he responded, but you could tell his tone had softened, along with his facial expression

''hmm, what should I call you then?'' 

''are you serious?'' he was very quick to respond, his voice also went higher with a slight disappointment in it ''just call me what you always did before you got the stupid idea to call me by my full government name like a lunatic''

''and what would that be, Mr lee minho?'' you knew exactly what you were trying to get out of him 

''you know, like baby...and all of those'' he mumbled, barely audible

''oh, what was that? you're going to have to speak up I can't hear you'' you teased, earning a groan from him

''oh you know what I want you to call me, don't act so oblivious!''


-''seo changbin!!''

-within seconds, you could hear the little thumping sounds of someone running up the stairs and soon, your boyfriend appeared in the doorframe, trying to catch his breath after dropping everything to come to you with a worried look on his face

''uhm yes ma'am?''

''damn, why do you look so nervous?''

''I don't know what it is but don't be mad at me!! I'll get you anything-name it and I'll get it right away-''

''what are you on about?! is there something I should be mad at you for?!''

''what-no!! but- but you just called me seo changbin and-''

''yes because I needed your full attention for a VERY, VERY important question I have to ask you''

-he took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally, unsure of what question could possibly require for his full name to be called

''...what is it [name]?''

''well...what should I order to eat?''

''ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!'' his face dropped in disbelief at how stupid your question was, even though he was fully convinced the nerves of waiting for you to drop the big question took years off his like


''I'm literally going to-'' he jumped up on the bed, alerting you immediately that a very extreme pillow fight was about to take place


''YOU NEED TO STOP CALLING ME THAT, [FULL NAME]!!'' he whined, perfectly launching the pillow at your face so you took a fall back

-and so, you ended up being the little children you are at heart for the next 20 minutes or so, completely forgetting about the food order you wanted to do in the first place 


-you just finished work and went home, where you found your boyfriend, who surprisingly got off work before you, eating alone in the kitchen. this was the perfect opportunity for you

''hwang hyunjin.'' you voiced, dropping your bag and standing in the middle of the kitchen with your arms on your hips

''OH-OH DON'T YOU DARE COME ANY CLOSER TO ME'' he squealed, pointing his spoon at you in a threatening manner

''what, like this?'' you took a big step forward, watching him shriek like a little girl and struggling to keep a serious face

''I don't know what I've done but it's not something that deserves the full name-calling- I SWEAR I'LL SCREAM AS LOUD AS I CAN IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER'' 



-you felt the corners of your lips curl upwards despite your efforts, and you knew hyunjin most definitely could tell too

''don't tell me you're playing with me right now...''

''me? noo I would never'' you replied sarcastically, awkwardly scratching your head to make yourself purposely look extra guilty

''oh my god [name] you don't know how scared I actually was'' he exhaled, dramatically putting his hand on his heart ''I thought I messed something up big time''

''oh trust me if you messed something up badly, you'd find out in a much worse way about it'' you responded, eyeing the knife block as a joke

''WELL I WON'T BE MESSING UP ANYTHING SO NOT TO WORRY'' he chuckled nervously, rising from his chair and grabbing your hand so you're facing AWAY from the knife block. he held both of your hands and you both stood there holding each other's hands and staring into each other as if all of your combined brain cells vanished for a moment

''hwang hyunjin, hwang...hyunjin''


''I like it. it's cute''


-you and your boyfriend both work under the same entertainment and as a manager, you were passing by their practice room to get to your office, when you heard a very, very recognisable hysterical laughter coming from within

-you decided it was the best moment to make a big scene in front of his other members to see how he would react in front of them, especially in a moment where you could tell he had A LOT of energy

-you slid open the door and took a step in, everyone went quiet for a moment to greet you, except for your very loud boyfriend who gasped when he saw you

''HAN JISUNG!!'' you yelled, pointing at him in a very dramatic way

''h-han jisung?!'' he repeated to himself, taking a step back and hiding behind his leader


''WHAT WASN'T YOU?!'' you questioned, now wondering what he was denying doing



-the poor guy looked more confused than ever, and he's confused a lot so that says something

''NO NO NO NOT AT ALL'' he was very quick to respond, waving his arms denyingly like some sort of animated character, earning a giggle from you and the other members who were enjoying watching you stress him out

-with two fingers, you pointed to your eyes and then to jisung, indicating that you were watching him, before walking back out of the practice room. the moment you shut the door, you started cracking up at how confused he looked, hand on the wall so you don't collapse from laughing too much

-you didn't realise jisung went after you to figure out what was going on, so it turns out he was standing behind you the entire time you were dying from laughter behind the wall, wondering whether you've lost the plot or something

''baby, what was all that about?'' he whined ''now the guys are saying they're going to try dig up dirt on me so they can see that happen again''

''I was joking'' you giggled ''don't actually give me a reason to refer to you by your full name though-''

''it was a joke?!'' he pouted, however, you could see a sense of relief wash over his face

''I'm sorry!'' you giggled again, finding his facial expression too cute ''go finish your practice and I'll wait for you, we can go out for some good food afterwards''


-your boyfriend was peacefully eating his food and you felt the sudden urge to receive a bit of attention, so you did what you had to do

-considering the fact you've seen his terrified face when his members refer to him by his full government name, you assumed his reaction would be priceless when you do the same

''lee felix yongbok!!'' you announced, storming into the kitchen with a frustrated face

- face brightening at the sight of you, an innocent smile appeared on his face. he's too mesmerized by you to think anything bad of the fact you referred to him by his full name

''that's me!''  he cheered 

''awe, you're no fun!'' you whined, ruffling his blonde locks endearingly. ''I wanted to get a dramatic reaction out of you!''

-although it might've not been the reaction you expected, you couldn't say you were disappointed either, his smile is a gift you are happy to receive any time

''so you were trying to prank me?!'' he teased, pinching your cheeks to annoy you ''well shame on your [full name], because it didn't work out!!''

-you felt goosebumps pass your whole body hearing your full name, it was so unusual

''don't call me that, it's weird''

''why not?! your name is so pretty''

''besides, I was trying to get a different reaction out of you by calling you lee felix yongbok!'' you blurted out, quickly changing the subject to stop your cheeks from heating up any further at his previous statement

''well, maybe I like it when you call my name''

''you're too sweet'' you mumbled, grabbing a plate with food and taking a seat next to him ''I can't even prank you because you know you're too kind to have ever gotten yourself in any trouble with me''

''I don't think I've ever gotten in big trouble with you, have I?'' he questioned, trying to recall a time when he did

''no. and you better keep it that way''

''yes lady''


-you knew your boyfriend was fearless and wouldn't have some sort of dramatic reaction, but it was still going to be fun to refer to him by his full name

-seungmin was sitting in your living room scrolling on his phone, he seemed to be in his own world so you assumed now was the perfect opportunity

''kim seungmin!!'' you screamed, putting on your best angry face but still feeling the corners of your lips curl inwards every so slightly, hopefully in not a too noticeable way

-no shock, no startle, no reaction whatsoever, he simply pulled his eyes away from his phone slowly and looked at you with a baffled look

''think you're scaring me huh?'' he answered back, crossing his arms and crossing one leg over the other, looking at you with so much attitude

''no. I'm angry at you'' you snapped back, barely holding in a very loud laugh that was threatening to come out

-the boy looked you UP AND DOWN, gave you a funny look and looked at you  as if trying to catch you slip up on your act

''damn seungmin I didn't know you were sassy like that'' you mumbled, rolling your eyes and giving him the same energy back

''I'm not being sassy'' he retaliated, somehow managing to put even more attitude into his tone ''besides, what is it you're SO ANGRY at me for then?''

-you had to think long and hard to make up a reason on the spot for being 'angry' at him

''well...just because!''

-after staring blankly at you again for a moment, he burst out into laughter

''are you laughing at me?!''

''yeah, I am'' he pretended to wipe fake tears from his eyes from laughing too much ''I'm laughing at how silly you sound right now, just because you tried calling me by my full name''

-suddenly, a slightly mean but genius idea popper in your head on how to salvage your act

''well actually, you missed a really important anniversary, so-'' the moment you said that, his face immediately dropped and he looked the most stressed you've ever seen him

-you knew it was a horrible thing to do, but you couldn't help laugh

''[full name] I swear to god don't ever joke like that again, you're so-'' he yelled, getting up from the sofa to catch you

''noo I'm sorry I'm sorry!'' you squealed, picking up some pillows to block his path to you with


-it was late at night, you and your boyfriend were getting in your bed ready to go to sleep when suddenly you had the great idea to see how he would react to his full name without any reason

- putting on your best serious tone, you spoke quietly;'' yang jeongin.'' 

"h-hi" he replied to you, jumping slightly and quickly raising himself into a seated position after hearing you speak

''why do you sound so worried?!''

"you said my full name," he pointed out to you, "that's what you use whenever I'm in trouble with you"

''well, do you think you're in trouble?''

''I don't know, am I?''

''you tell me.''

-he looked at your face for a long moment in an attempt to figure out what he could've possibly done, and that's when he saw a subtle smirk escape your lips

''[nameee]!'' he whined, letting out a sigh of relief but still looking at you with a frustrated face


''stop doing these stupid pranks you keep seeing on tiktok, they're taking years off my life and I'm going to start getting grey hairs!''

''I didn't even see this on tiktok, I don't know what you're on about!''

''where then?''

''instagram, actually''

-that's when he gave up with you. he scoffed at you, lay down facing the opposite way and switched off his nightlight

''noo I'm sorry baby don't leave me to freeze in the night alone!''

''you've got a duvet I'm sure you'll be fine, maybe Instagram can teach you how to stay warm''

-all it took was a bit of shaking him aggressively so that he had no chance of falling asleep to get him to give in and face you so you could snuggle into him, so overall your prank was a win for you

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