Alpha Shield

Por RaevynLondon

38.4K 1.6K 1K

Coming from a traditionalist family who believes that an Omega's only place is beneath the heel of an Alpha... Más

Author's Note
Sanctuary - Abby
Assist - Killian
Alarm - Killian
Blossom - Abby
Notes - Abby
Red - Killian
Mace - Killian
Strength - Abby
Chocolate - Abby
Security - Killian
Simple - Killian
Inevitable - Abby
Beta - Killian
Stranger - Killian
Distraction - Abby
Prey - Killian
Changes - Abby
Consent - Abby
Denial - Killian
Timing - Killian
Worthy - Abby
Follow - Abby

Defective - Abby

1.5K 70 14
Por RaevynLondon

"Killian!" Abby wanted to shriek in surprise, but even upside down over his massive shoulder, she knew if they were caught like this, there would be consequences.

"Quiet," the massive Alpha grunted out, not even pausing as she tried to wiggle her way out of his grasp.

Fisting her hands in the back of his security jacket, Abby tried to use the leverage to kick his stomach. When that failed because of the angle and because of his freakish size, she tried to lift her knee to ram it into his side.

Before she could make contact, the world spun for a moment as he brought her down in front of him and held her securely against his chest so that they were at eye level. With one of arms wrapped securely under her bottom at the top of her thighs, the other giant hand tunneled into the hair at the nape of her neck pushing her face into the side of his neck.

The scent of burnt sugar with a hint of something wild she'd never smelled on him before filled her lungs as she breathed in his essence. The brush of hot air at her own nape followed by the feel of his nose beneath her ear told her he had his own head buried against her.

His head lifted a touch until she felt his lips against the curve of her ear, "I am hanging on by a thread, Blossom. A. Thread. You touched another male. They touched what is mine."


His chest heaved up and down against her own, and the low hiss at her ear was full of menace, "I can still smell them on your skin."

A flick of his hot tongue along the shell of her ear, "I need to fix it. Now. I need you to smell like me. Like mine."

If any other male had touched her like this, she wouldn't have hesitated to scream down the rafters. She refused to be a helpless victim again, but this was Killian. While she may have only known him for a short time, somehow she knew him. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, so instead of kicking and screaming in protest, she relaxed into his hold.

Her reward? The quick flick of a tongue along her neck to where her jaw met her ear before without any effort, he boosted her back up and over his shoulder.

A soft 'oof' left her when her stomach met the arch of his shoulder, and her protest came out as a whispered, "Hey!"

Before she could open her mouth to complain, a firm smack sounded seconds before she registered the impact on her bottom. It didn't hurt, but Abby's eyes rounded in surprise.

He'd spanked her!

On the heels of that recognition, a bolt of unexpected heat centered in her core, and she became embarrassingly aware of how her position over his shoulder pressed against her pussy. Her cheeks flamed even redder when Killian turned his head to press his nose against her hip and took a deep inhale.

"You spanked me!" Saying the obvious was all she could think to say. She couldn't very well tell him to stop scenting her slick!

"Only a tap," his grunted reply was muffled by the fabric of her skirt as his nose started to rub against her.

While he nuzzled into her hip, he stalked down the hallway. Just when she started to wonder how he knew where to go with his face buried against her, another sensation began lower on her legs. Her skirt, modestly hitting her at her knees when she stood on her own two feet, had risen higher up her thighs after being tossed over the behemoth's shoulder. His left arm banded around the top of her thighs over her skirt, but against the bare skin of calves, his other hand began a soft brushing motion. Each time his large hand traced down her leg, it rose higher on its upward journey. When his fingers skated over the exposed skin of her thigh at the hem of her skirt, she inhaled sharply.

Slick rushed between her thighs overwhelming her slick-protection panties. Abby smelled her own apple scent flood the hallway, and Killian's Alpha reveled in the smell of it if his groan was anything to go by.

The rush of arousal ignited the desire to run again so she reached down to brace herself on Killian's back, straightened her arms to their full length, and tried to rear up and off his shoulder.


Another tap from Killian that ended in his broad palm flattening against the curve of her ass proved futile so she instead returned his tap with one of her own right on the hard curve filling out the back of his work uniform.

Abby's hand stung before she fully processed what she'd actually done.

She'd hit an Alpha.

Fear spiked her scent covering the scent of her arousal.

She'd hit an Alpha.

Hit. Alpha.


Blinding fear took over her senses, and Abby fought a battle on two fronts. On one side, she flung herself forward, backward, and side to side trying to escape the steely hold of Killian's arms. The tighter he held her, the more she sunk into a well of panic.

The other confrontation came from within herself. The soft voice that had been making itself more and more known to her over the last few days, shrieked at her. At first, too blinded by her fear, Abby couldn't understand what her Omega instincts screamed at her.

Safe. Safe with Alpha.

Her senses overloaded with the dual battle going on inside of her head. When a low rumble she'd heard once before vibrated through his shoulder where it pressed into her torso, she lost the battle with her fear. His purr rolled through her tense body, making her muscles go limp, and she collapsed over his shoulder with a soft whine.

"Be still," his voice was raspy but his purr remained strong and steady against her.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered against the flexing muscles of his back.


"For hitting you. I know better. Omegas never raise a hand to an Alpha," the memorized words from her childhood spilled from her lips without thought, and a tear slid down her cheek to soak into the fabric of shirt.

"Hitting me? Was that what that was?" The humor in his voice cut through the lingering panic, "I'll obviously have to teach you how to really hit someone."

Wait. What?

"What?" She could hear the incredulity in her tone.

"That was about as light a tap as I've ever felt. Butterflies hit harder than that. I'll teach you how to lay someone out properly. Although," she could hear the smirk in his tone and even felt the curve of his lips where they still pressed against her hip, "if you wanted to touch my ass, there's no need to resort to violence."

At his teasing, the dark undertone to his sugary scent dissipated and the tension in his shoulder relaxed. The firm grip on her legs did not ease up, and she swore she felt a feather light touch of his fingers against the curve of her bottom where it met her thighs.

"Shhhh... Omega." His nose nuzzled harder against her hip, and even through the fabric she swore she felt the heat of his breath.

She heard the sound of door opening, and they left the lit hallway for a smaller dimly lit space.

"Another panic nest?" she questioned, turning her head to try and get her bearings.

"Not this time. Conference room."

The world spun again as Killian turned back to the door they'd just entered through, and Abby stifled a gasp at the distinctive sound of a lock clicking into place. From her peripheral vision, she watched his large hand reach out and flick up one of the three light switches next to the door. More light illuminated the space so Abby could see a large, wooden rectangular table with several chairs pushed up around it. Light bounced off the screen of a monitor mounted on a wall, and in the screen's surface, she could see a shadowy reflection of herself slung over Killian's mass. The room twisted again as Killian turned to walk towards the table.

His hand slid out from under her skirt to slide up her back as he gently, but firmly, lowered her from his shoulder to slide down the length of his torso. Killian's fingers threaded their way through the hair at the base of her neck before the warmth from his palm firmly squeezed her nape.

At the dominant clasp around her neck, Abby felt her muscles go limp so she was dead weight in his arms. Like some kind of off-switch, all the tension in her limbs just melted away without even a token resistance. A shiver rolled from the top of her spine, down her back to settle with a throb between her legs.

Effortlessly taking her full weight into his palms at her neck and beneath her bottom, he laid her back onto the solid surface of the conference table. One last squeeze on her neck before his hand slid back down her spine between her flesh and the hard surface of the table. Both hands slid to grip the sides of her hips. Even with her generous curves, his splayed hands covered her from the top of her hipbone to the juncture of her bottom and thigh. His thumbs dug into the hard protuberance of bone at the side of her pelvis, while the rest of his hand curved around the rounded mounds of her bottom to her thighs. Flexing his fingers on the backs of her thighs, he used a steady pressure to pull her legs apart to make room for his massive frame to step between her thighs.

Pressure from his tree trunk sized thighs pressed hers even farther apart, and her skirt slid up her parted legs to bunch right below the apex of her thighs.

His purr shifted from comforting to something heavy, and the scent of burnt sugar intensified in the room. Looking up at him from her supine position, Abby saw his eyes fixed on the valley between her legs. Her already soaked panties couldn't hold against the gush of wetness she released at the animalistic way he fixated on her. Abby whimpered as she felt a trickle of slick slide down her pussy to pool under her ass.

Any hope he wouldn't notice died when his nostrils flared, and the corner of his mouth curled up to reveal a sharper than normal canine. His Alpha call rumbled between them, the strange scent of something wild she'd noticed earlier floated on the air, and her back arched off the table. Her hips shifted uncontrollably as even more slick flowed from her.

The warmth of one of Killian's hands shifted from her hip to cover her lower abdomen with his thumb nearly grazing the top of her slit. Gentle force pressed her back down to the table to hold her hips still in front of his looming presence.

Abby's breath caused her chest to heave, and her hips to shift just enough under his hold that his thumb slipped a little lower on her pubic bone to actually touch the split of her cleft. He didn't pull it back, and when he pressed down on the slick sodden fabric of her panties, she couldn't hold back the whimper that escaped.

"Oh, Blossom," his dark purr vibrated through her very soul, "Is this for me?"

Her face flaming, she didn't answer but draped her arm over her face to hide from the Alpha looming over her. Hiding couldn't drown out his rumbled words, "I don't think these little slick preventing panty things are working for you. You're completely soaked."

Abby's arm flew off of her face, and she knew her face resembled a tomato from shock and embarrassment. She might have been kept out of mainstream society, but even she knew he'd crossed multiple boundaries with that observation. She lifted one knee to try and twist around to escape where his thighs pressed hers open, but the hand still pressing down on her pubic bone kept her in place.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Blossom. You've made quite the mess here. I'll have to help you clean it up."

Before she could do more than gasp, Killian dropped to his knees between her splayed thighs. His fingers pushed the fabric of her skirt up so that her panties were fully on display, and his nose pressed to the soaked fabric at the juncture of her legs.

"Hmmm..." his voice rumbled from between her legs, strong enough that she felt the vibrations through the skin of her thighs that pressed against the sides of his cheeks.

She looked down to see his nose buried against the fabric, but his eyes... his eyes locked to her own. His blue eyes seemed to glow an electric icy hue, and when he inhaled so deeply that the scope of his broad shoulders crested up and down, the black of his pupils dilated to swallow the blue of his irises leaving only a then ring of blue ice.


Even with his desire riding him hard, Killian pulled his head back enough that she could see the rest of his face over the curves of her breasts and stomach. Still maintaining eye contact, he said nothing, but his nostrils flared taking in her scent directly from the most potent source.

Slowly, so slowly time seemed to stall, he turned his head until his lips pressed against the soft, fragile skin of the inside of her thigh. Eyes still locked on hers, his tongue flicked out to taste the shimmering wetness of her slick. Tracing a light blue vein running under her skin, Abby held her breath as his tongue left a trail of wetness behind that cooled when it hit the air. When his tongue reached her mid-thigh, as high as he could go with just turning his head, he traced a different path back down towards where her thigh met her hips.

His eyes never leaving hers, his tongue flicked out in little cat-like flicks over the tendons that stretched from the outside edge of her panties to her quivering thighs.

Ensnared by the icy fire of his blue eyes, Abby didn't notice his hands drifting from her hips and up her sides to where they now rested just under the curve of her breast. When they slid higher, she jolted at the brush of his fingers on the undersides of her breasts. A feral smile tilted the corners of his mouth, and she couldn't control the shiver that racked her from where his fingers brushed against her cloth covered mounds to the raging heat between her legs.

Her nipples hardened to painful buds inside of her bra, and she barely held in the whine that tried to escape her throat. She failed utterly when his fingers trailed over the undersides of her breasts to the crests, and his fingers closed over the fabric hidden nubs. With a slight pinch, the whine she'd tried to hide escaped, and the strange wild scent she'd caught earlier filled the room blending with Killian's sugary scent to create a release of pheromones that sent fire racing through her veins.

Now that his hands weren't holding her down to the table, her hips shifted restlessly. She wasn't entirely sure if she was trying to get closer to the captivating Alpha between her legs, or if she was trying to escape. Apparently he wasn't sure either because the menacing growl that vibrated against her spoke directly to her burgeoning Omega instincts, and she froze in place.

His fingers moved again on her chest. His massive hands opened around her mounds, but even his giant hands couldn't fully contain the generous flesh of her breasts, and for a brief moment, her father's voice lived in her head, "Not sure how I got such a defect for a daughter. Omegas are supposed to be delicate. You'll be lucky if anyone wants -"


The growled word cut off the remembered vitriol from her father, and Abby's attention snapped back to the present and the massive Alpha crouched between her legs. She looked down at him, and for the first time since he'd dropped to his knees, she found his attention somewhere other than her gaze. His blue eyes were locked on where his fingers flexed and manipulated the covered mounds of her breast.

"So fucking perfect."

"Me?" the question left her lips before she could think it through in her head.

His eyes flashed up to hers before returning to her chest. His thick fingers shifted from kneading her breasts to the line of buttons that ran up the length of her torso. Starting at the top, he flicked them open one by one until he reached the point where her shirt tucked into her skirt.

She followed the path of his fingers, her breath coming in pants that caused her chest to pump up and down. His head shifted between her open thighs causing her eyes to return to his once again. His fingers played at the waist of her skirt, tugging infinitesimally at where the fabric of her skirt was the only thing holding the two sides of her shirt together. His irises were fully black with only a thin ring of icy blue surrounding them, and she sucked in a breath and the dark fire that met her own. His eyes flicked down to where his fingers played at her waist before returning to her own. He did it again with a more insistent tug on the white fabric, and this time it rang in her head loud and clear.

With a slight nod of her head, he pulled firmly on the cotton and spread the fabric beneath his palms so that the skin of her torso was laid bare except for the plain white cups covering her breasts. His tanned hands wasted no time in covering the expanse of her chest to enclose her breasts in his hot palms. This time he didn't wait for her timid consent before he slipped his fingers under the top of cups supporting her and pulling them down until the fabric rested underneath her curves.

She gasped and tried to arch when the scalding flesh of his palms surrounded her bare skin, and when the thumb and forefinger on each hand closed around her painfully tight nub, her shoulders shifted against the table.

When his hot breath ghosted across the slick soaked apex of her thighs, she lost all sense of time and space.

Air brushed against her distended nipples where they protruded between his large fingers. Working in tandem, his thumbs and forefingers pinched and tugged on her beaded nipples while the rest of his fingers spread their heat along the pale veined skin. While Abby's brain tried to process the sensations from her breasts, her body twisted on the table top. Whether she was trying to escape the pressure from her breasts or push more into his hands, she didn't know, but Killian didn't try to force her compliance. Instead of using the weight of his hands to force her spine to the table, he flowed with her movements. Never releasing her from the tug and release of her sensitive flesh, he flowed with her restless movements like a ship tossed on the waves.

Lines of fiery energy connected her nipples to her clit. Abby tried to contain the whimper that scratched at the back of her throat, but when the pressure of his fingers tightened just to the between pain and pleasure, she couldn't hold back the sound.

"Hmmm... there we go, Blossom. That felt good didn't it, baby? So sweet. You like just the bare edge of that line between pain and pleasure. I can work with that."

Her hands flew up to grab at his wrists as they continued to tease and torment her, and at his growl so close to her dripping cunt, her nails dug into the thick muscles of his forearms as she searched for any kind of anchor to hold her here in this reality. She felt like if she let him go, she'd fly off into the stratosphere and never make her way back to land.

"My little Blossom has some thorns. Want to mark me up, baby?" At another cry forced from her by his milking fingers, his chuckle caused his breath to fan over her again, "Oh, Blossom. So sensitive. So sweet. Someday, I want to see if you can come this way."

"Som- Someday?" Abby forced through her lips trying to hold on to some semblance of herself. Trying to fight through the enthralling Alpha's touch and presence to find her sanity. "You're leaving. You're going back to Alpha Corps."

As the last words left her lips, everything in the room stilled. Killian's fingers froze on her flesh, and her breath caught in her throat at the sudden sense of danger that filled the room along with a surge of that wild scent she'd been noticing off and on. Killian's normal scent reminded her of sugar with enough smoke to make it fitting for this powerful Alpha male, but this new scent coming from him today reminded her of the woods behind her father's house in Alpha Haven. It was an intoxicating combination of earth, forest and night. A scent that reminded her of when her chores kept her out late, and she'd stared into the darkness of the forest with the feeling that something waited just inside the darkness. Something that saw her as prey. For minutes, she'd try to peer through the darkness to see if something or someone actually watched her, but other than her own heart racing out of her chest, she'd never found anything.

Now she had that feeling again wrapped up in the flesh and blood package of the Alpha kneeling between her splayed legs with his hands wrapped around her breasts. Her heart raced under his palms from his earlier ministrations, and the feeling that she was all alone in the room with a true predator.

All Alphas were predators. Some hid it better than others. Some hid their true nature behind smiles and charm, while others didn't bother to mask their intentions. Alphas at Alpha Haven proclaimed to live the way nature intended them to live. They were the apex males and females and all others were but fodder for their desires. Selah had told her about the education and conditioning modern Alphas went through, and that sometimes, there was an Alpha who couldn't gain control of their inner beast. Sometimes the predator inside their minds overtook the human part of the Alpha, and those Alphas were sent away for re-education. Most of the time, they never came back.

Looking out at her from behind Killian's eyes was one of those predators who should have never been left in society. It was disconcerting, and for a moment she felt the hair on her arms raise with the knowledge that there was way more to the Alpha she'd been coming to know over the past weeks.

Keeping his feral eyes locked to hers, Killian's hands slid from her breasts and down her sides to rest on her lower belly where her serviceable panties hid her sex from his eyes and hands. Slowly, deliberately, he wrapped his fingers in the band of fabric at her waist, and with the same deadly intent of a large cat hunting prey, he tightened the fabric around his fingers. Bringing the gathered fabric to his mouth as he dipped his head, Abby saw Killian's enlarged canine she'd caught a glimpse of earlier flash as his one side of his lip curled up in silent snarl. As she watched, he used that sharp point like a blade on the useless fabric of her underwear. A small hole started where his tooth cut into it, and for a brief moment, she felt the elastic pinch her skin but the sound of tearing fabric joined the sound of her labored breathing.

She watched with shallow, panting breaths as he used his fingers to widen the hole until the small patch of hair at the top of her mound showed through the opening he'd created. When his nose dipped down to the hole he'd created, Abby couldn't tear her gaze away as she watched him inhale her essence through his flared nostrils. His eyelids fluttered closed and his shoulders rose and fell on another deep inhale.

With a growl, his fingers curled into the now gaping fabric, and with a quick jerk, her panties ripped open from the center to both sides of hips with only the elastic at the waist and around her thighs keeping the slick-soaked gusset covering her labia. She gasped with the suddeness of his movement, and his primal gaze came back to meet her own amber eyes. The black pupils of his eyes had expanded so much that the color of his iris was a barely visible ring of ice, and a shiver flowed over her skin.

With a quick twist of his fingers at her waist and again at her thighs, she briefly felt the pinch of the elastic cutting into her skin before the audible snap and release freed her from the shredded fabric of her undergarment.

Despite the looming Alpha between her legs and the heat of arousal filling the air, when Killian reached his thick fingers to the damp scrap of fabric and slick absorbent pad between her legs, she felt embarrassment flush over her cheeks. Shifting just as his fingers made contact with the fabric, she failed to dislodge him, but he did pause and look up at her.

Even if she was brave enough to actually talk to this prime Alpha about the state of her slickened panties, she couldn't get any words out from her dry throat. When he fingers tucked beneath the fabric, and she just knew he'd brushed against the insert she'd added to control her slick, she let out an embarrassed whine as humiliation started to cut through the arousal he'd built within her.

A rough chuckle blew his breath against her delicate flesh, and she closed her eyes in mortification wishing the table would collapse and bury her in the rubble.

"Eyes on me, Omega."

She could hear the rough amusement in his voice underlying the heat and menace, but it did nothing to diminish the command in his voice. Abby forced herself to open her eyes and meet his darkened gaze again.

"Nothing between us is embarrassing or shameful. This," the fingers of one of his massive hands wrapped all the way around the gusset of her panties before stretching the fabric up to his nose with another deep inhale, "is all you, but it belongs to me."

Before she could even process his words, he pulled the fabric from between her legs and slid the tattered shred from under her bottom to drop the destroyed panties on the table next to where her legs splayed around him.

Killian slowly lowered his head between her legs so that all she could see was the top of his head and his black stare. His head dipped, and she felt the hot lash of his tongue swipe the length of her slit from her bottom to the sensitive bud at the top of her pussy.

Sparks ignited along her nerve endings, and she couldn't stop the reflexive tightening of her fingers in his arms. Still meeting his gaze, she panted through the fire racing through her bloodstream. His head lifted enough so that she could see a devilish smile before he began his true assault on her flesh.

Opening his mouth, he engulfed her pussy and feasted.

The wet sounds coming from where he devoured her, the slick flowing from her pussy to pool under her ass on the table, and his fingers playing with her nipples caused her to lose all sense of herself. Her back arched off the table, and her head dropped back to the hard surface with a solid thunk.

Her eyes drifted closed, but colors sparked behind her eyelids. His growl vibrated against her clit, and she couldn't hold back the keening cry that escaped her parted lips. Gasping in air, her hands twisted uselessly beside her trying to find an anchor. Almost frantically, her hands found his own where they rested against the edge of the table by each of her thighs. Entangling her fingers with hers, she felt his strength transfer to her when his big fingers wrapped around hers and stilled their panicked fluttering.

Never lifting his hot mouth from her flesh, Killian took their joined hands and brought them to her waist where he wrapped his fingers into the fabric of her skirt at her waist before covering her hands with own. When the fabric at her waist constricted around her middle, she felt oddly grounded. He'd given her the anchor she hadn't known she'd needed, and Abby felt muscles along her arms release the tension she hadn't been aware of before.

"Eyes. On. Me. Omega." Killian's growl vibrated against her heated flesh and sent shivers fluttering down her spine and spiking to her clit. Accompanied by his firm grip around her hands, she felt the slick pulse from her opening.

Forcing her eyes to open, Abby met his dark gaze from between her thighs. His tongue came out from between his plush lips, slowly and deliberately his head lowered back to the pink, slick heat that pulsed in anticipation of his touch. When the tip of his tongue met her flesh, lightening sparked from where he swirled his tongue around her clit.

Keeping her eyes locked on his while his mouth nuzzled between her pussy lips sent her spiraling even higher. Tension gathered between her legs and wrapped around to her lower back and back to her abdomen. Muscles she didn't know she had tightened in her hips and back while a whimpers fell from her lips. Fear of the sensations he inspired fluttered across her consciousness only to be tossed to the wind as pleasure spiraled up and down her legs.

Without her permission, her legs tried to tighten around his head, but the broad width of his shoulders prevented them from closing. Unable to close her legs, her hands released the fabric of her skirt only to be caught up by his hands that still covered hers. Bringing her hands to his head, he threaded her fingers through his hair and pressed her hands into holding his head to her.

The feel of his silky hair under her hands and the vibration of his rumbling non-stop growl against her sensitive flesh made her feel like a rubber band stretched too far on the verge of snapping.

"Please, please, please," the begging words fell from her lips without any thought. She didn't know if she want this feeling to stop or to never end. Did she need to push him away or pull him so close he became one with her body.

Killian answered that for her with one simple word.


Abby exploded.

Her back arched off the table, and her head tilted back towards the ceiling as a loud keening cry left her lips. Behind her closed eyelids, fireworks lit up the darkness and white heat flared throughout every one of her nerves. Slick rushed from her, and the sound of Killian's drinking her down spurred the spasms of her pussy to pulse around him.

As much pleasure as ripped through her, she felt... empty.

Her pussy pulsed with her orgasm, and a satisfied lassitude swept over her. But her pussy clenched in rhythmic waves over nothing. For the first time, she'd experienced an orgasm outside of heat that wasn't self-induced, but even in the post-orgasm bliss, Abby found herself wanting more. She wanted that stretched and full feeling that came from being stuffed with an Alpha cock and knot.

Killian's mouth gentled on her, but he continued a soft exploration with his tongue until a brush against her too sensitive clit made her flinch slightly. With a soft kiss to her softening nub, he lifted his head, and she met his gaze with her own.

While his pupils were still dilated, the remaining ring of blue around his eye had lost that icy quality to them. His scent still filled the room, but the wild dangerous scent from before had dissipated with her surrender to his touch and the pleasure he'd given her.

Tilting his head to the side, he rested his head against one of her thighs. Killian took her relaxed hands from his hair and lifted them down to rest beside her hips where he started massaging the palms of her hands with firm, sure strokes.

Quietly, his vibrating call shifted from a growl full of danger and intent to a satisfied purr that filled her with a different kind of pleasure. She hadn't done anything but accept his touch. Let him guide and touch her, but his purr spoke of his satisfaction.

She'd done that.

She'd pleased her Alpha. The warmth that filled her soul with the completeness. The rightness. The knowledge that she'd done something, anything to please Killian might later fill her with shock or shame, but right now, she floated along in a haze of satisfaction and warmth from an orgasm without an undercurrent of fear and from giving to her Alpha.

Maybe she wasn't completely defective after all.

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