The Temple of Nightmares

By ralitie_writes

1.3K 57 12

"This is just a nightmare." ... "Wake Up!" .. . What happens when our dear family of Divinus Magia is put thr... More

Chapter 1 - A Mystery Island
Chapter 2 - Island Quest
Chapter 3 - A Temple?
Chapter 4 - Trapped
Chapter 5 - Ritchie
Chapter 6 - Kit
Chapter 8 - Brandon

Chapter 7 - Mario

119 9 0
By ralitie_writes


I must apologies for how long it took for this chapter to come out. Unfortunately, I don't have any excuse except that I am a procrastinator, sadly. I hope you enjoy, and I hope I can get the next chapter out faster. Sorry, if this one is a bit weird(as in it doesn't align with canon), I had trouble coming with something for pebbles, but this idea piqued my interest. 

<3 Ren


//TW// bit of swearing/suicidal ideation//


"You useless piece of shit! "

It was cold. The stone floors echoed as 2 pairs of footsteps hurried through.

"I gave you one job, and you mess it up?!"

One was tramping in long strides while the other stumbled behind.

"A simple mission. And you struggle to fucking complete it."

A loud slam was heard all throughout the hall as a steel door was thrown open. Seconds later, a young man was tossed inside the room as a shadow stood tall at the entrance.

"I overestimated you, and because of that, you fucking failed. But don't worry, I'll make sure that you never do that again."

The shadow slowly stalked to the crumpled figure. When they were close enough, they forcefully yanked the boy's chin up to make eye contact.

"I'll make sure that this time-" the shadow leant closer and whispered in his ear, "-you actually learn your lesson,"

With that, the shadow stormed out of the icy stone cell as the door slammed shut behind them. The boy couldn't make himself feel relieved though because he knew that his "master" would be back.




Mario groaned as he forced himself to sit up to rest against the icy brick wall. His body hurt. Fortunately, it was soreness and some bruises, nothing too serious and nothing he wasn't used to already. Mario glanced back at the hard steel door that he left through.

Things will probably get worse once he gets back.

Whenever he was told he needed to learn his lesson, it was never with a textbook and teachers. You know just what you expect a lesson to be. But no.

All Mario had was his Master and whatever torture device he decided to use based on his mood. And based on his reaction as he stormed out of the cell, it is not going to be fun.

Maybe this time I'll actually fucking die.

He doesn't even know how he has been holding on to his life this long. Why he keeps fighting not to give up. It always confuses Mario. He doesn't have anything or anyone to live for, not anymore. Ever since Earthus disappeared, that has been the case.

So, why do I keep holding on?

Mario shook his head and ignored the way his ongoing headache grew to the point where he felt lightheaded. It is not the time to have an existential crisis.

Taking a deep breath and resting his head on the cooling brick wall seemed to help take his crisis thoughts away. Which made him a bit calmer even though he shouldn't be this calm in this situation when oncoming torture is in his predictable future.

But it all just made it, so it gave way for other thoughts to come forward.

Why didn't he just do as Master said? Why did he have to mess up that mission? Was he still hoping that he could somehow make it out?

Maybe he should just give up and accept his fate. No. Mario shook his head. He will definitely not do that. He might accept his death but will never accept his life here. That would mean that he accepts that- that all he is- is just-

A Pet.

He is not going to do that. Accepting that he is just a tool to be used. Mario is not going to accept his humanity being taken away. He is not going to become someone's pet.

He will make it out of here one day. Will it be either by escaping this rotten place himself or by death, he doesn't care. But it gives him reassurance that one day this will end.

And of course. This calm moment was ruined when Mario heard faint footsteps drawing closer. He couldn't help as his whole body tensed up. How his heart started beating faster. How his breathing started being more and more shallow.

Calm down. This has happened before; you should be used to it.

He tried to tell himself but the closer the footsteps got, the harder it was not to focus on the inevitable pain that was coming Mario's way. He knew he should calm down because if he saw that Mario was panicking then he would be satisfied and would think that he won.

He hasn't won shit, and he will never win. Just breathe Mario. Relax your muscles.

He took a big breath in and out that helped with his breathing and calmed down his heart to an acceptable rate. Slowly Mario's body turned back to limp form that it was before as he schooled his face to not show any signs of fear.

He took one last breath as the door to his cell was thrown open once more. By then though, his walls were perfectly built back up to take another beating and survive.

"Did you miss me, my Pet?" That was the first thing Mario heard from the man that he calls his Master. No, that he was made to call Master because of course he didn't bother telling Mario his name.

"Yes, yes, I am sure you did. I mean, what kind of Pet does not miss their own Master?" His smile changed into a wicked grin as he looked at Mario before him, but it fell seconds later at the lack of reaction or response from Mario.

"And it looks like someone still hasn't accepted their place." He snarled as he stalked closer to Mario.

"Don't worry though. When I'm done with you, you'll be just a mindless Pet bowing at my feet for my next command."

Mario had to suppress a gulp at that comment as his Master kept coming closer to him. Which made it possible for Mario to finally see what kind of tool will be used to break him apart.

The cat. Of course it is the cat o' nine tails. That is Master's favourite toy after all. Mario wouldn't say the same thing though, that multi-tailed whip haunts his dreams day and night.

"This is going to be fun".

This is going to be hell.




Screams rang out throughout the halls.





"Yes! Oh, how I love hearing your screams!"






Please just end this.


It hurts so much.






"You're just a pet and it will all get better once you accept that simple truth,"






Like every other session before it doesn't stop when Mario is covered in bruises and his own blood. It will only end in 2 different ways...

1. He passes out and his Master deems him not entertaining anymore because of it.

2. He accepts that all he is, is just an obedient Pet.

He might pass out soon but who can really tell and there is no way in this hell that he is going to accept that. No way.

All Mario felt was pain. All he could taste was his own blood. He could barely see anything; his vision was too blurry. All he did was lay on the floor while he tried to breathe through the pain.

It took several long seconds for him to realise that there was no more oncoming pain and all he could hear was only his breathing. Before he could think more about the quietness of his cell, he felt a hand grab at the collar of his shirt as he was yanked upwards.

He couldn't stop the painful yelp that left him at that action. As he was forced to make eye contact with his Master, all he saw was the malice, the hostility, the obsession and the possessiveness. Mario couldn't put into words how uncomfortable all of that made him.

"I hope you have learnt your lesson, "He said as he moved his, so he no longer was grasping the collar of Mario's shirt but his neck.

"Next time do not take my commands so lightly," Mario grasped at the arm that was holding him up in the air as he choked on the oxygen that refused to go into his lungs. The longer he tried to just get a breath of air the more his lungs burned.

"You are my pet; it is time that you start acting more obedient and be a good boy." He tightened his hold on Mario's neck. Mario could only gasp for air as he watched his vision turn black as he slowly lost consciousness.



Just as he was about to fully black out, he saw a blue blur run up and yank Master away which caused Mario to drop to the ground. He cried out at the impact as all of his injuries were jostled but not even a second later, he was trying to fill his lungs with the oxygen that it was craving.

As Mario glanced up all he could see was the blur of blue and black.

Are they fighting? Who is the blue person?

Mario was so focused on the questionable blue and black situation he didn't notice as a yellow blur approached him fast and dropped down in front of him.

Wait, this person's also red. Who? No one in the guild wears bright colours like this.

"-rio – Please- do you- me?!"

Oh. They were talking to him. Mario blinked rapidly to focus on the words the mystery person was shouting at him. His vision finally settled he noticed that the person was a woman, with medium length golden hair and a red feather in their hair. And they were still talking to him.

"Mario, do you hear me?"


"Oh my god, there's so much blood,"


"Please, this isn't real Mario, I promise you!"

They know his name. How? He doesn't even know who they are. They are also freaking out way too much, he can tell she is very inexperienced with situations like these. Then why would she be here, Master would most likely deem her useless and end her-

Wait, not real?

"This all just a stupid dream- well, more like a nightmare or flashback-" All he could do was stare at her in disbelief as she kept going about how this isn't real. Mario was sure it was real; his soreness called his body was all the evidence he needed.

"You were on a mission with David and Inmo and Blake. You entered this stupid temple without waiting for us first- which was so dumb-"





"Island Scouting,"


"Labelled S class"


"Come with me, pebbles?"




Mario gasped as he jolted into a sitting position. His head hurt, like a lot. As he was worrying about his aching head he felt as arms wrapped around him, and he was embraced in a tight hug.

He blinked as he looked down at the individual that was holding onto him so tightly.


Mario quickly embraced back the phoenix slayer as everything came back to him. All he could do was swear in his head because they saw that.

"I knew you said it was bad but- Fuck. I'm so sorry," Kit mumbled as her arms tightened around Mario.

And Mario. Well, he didn't know what to say to her, he was speechless. He never thought that they would learn the extent of that. He tried to reply but he couldn't get anything out of his mouth.

Honestly, he probably looked like a fish stuck on land. So, he just tightened his embrace as well and hoped that conveyed what he meant, what he wanted her to understand.

Right then he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. When he looked up, he came face to face with understanding blue eyes.


"Inmo got you guys" Mario sputtered out. Of all the things he could have said, he said that.

He felt the hand on his shoulder tighten while Kit slowly released him. She was giving him a look. Not the 'I'm sad for you look' but 'you did something extremely stupid look'.

"Yes, he did. What were you thinking?" She asked him sternly while all he could do was stare at her in confusion. Kit seeing his confusion continued.

"What were you thinking just running in this place without waiting for us first?"

Oh. That's what she is talking about.

"Well-" "Like really Mario? I know sometimes you can get impatient, but this wasn't the time." Kit just kept on going and Mario knew he was going to hear this for a week.

"Ok, ok I hear you, but I got the door open, and it started closing again right after, so I just took my chances." Mario quickly explained before Kit continued her rant.

As she was about to open her mouth to retort, Ritchie cut in. "Though it was stupid, I would have probably done the same." he said as he patted Mario's shoulder and then stood up from the floor.

"Of course you would, you're dumber than he is." Kit retorted with a grin at the lighting mage which landed her an extremely light-hearted kick. Mario chuckled at the two's antics, but it did surprise him since they haven't acted like this since that day.

"As much as I would like to sit around and relax from that-" Ritchie glanced down at Mario for a quick second which made him duck his head in embarrassment "- we have a new passageway." with that he fully turned his attention to one of the passageways in the room.

With that Mario lightly pushed Kit so he could also stand, and she followed his actions by standing as well.

"Ok, but I'll need an explanation since it looks like you two have got most of it down" Mario turned to look at his fellow guild members for an explanation.

He might've been one of the people that were sent on this mission but that doesn't mean he knows anything about this creepy ass temple.




*One explanation later*




"That's fun" Mario groaned at awaiting horrors that are the rest of his guild members worst possible nightmares. He heard Kit snort at that as she started walking to the ominous doorway.

"Welp no time like the present, right?" She said as she looked back at the other two. Ritchie was already walking up to join her, so it just left Mario to catch up with them.

It didn't take long before they arrived in the next room where they found-



"So, we just have to make him realise that it's not real?" Mario asked for confirmation and to his relief he received a pair of agreeing nods. With that out of the way they started approaching the unconscious guild leader.

And soon enough everything went black again.


"This is.... Our home?" said the Prince.


Also, if you are wondering what the cat o' nine tails is and you don't want to look it up (or you can if you want to), it's a multi-tailed whip and it originated as a physical punishment tool, more notably in the Royal Navy and British Army. (it was also used in prison and penal colonies in Australia and etc.) This tool has mostly been banned and abolished from use in most places in the 1900s except Trinidad and Tobago. (yikes)

(Sorry I'm now info-dumping)

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