《My way of doing things 》OC x...

By Anyaforfriends

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Following the grand Football Frontier events of the previous year, misfortune befell upon Suzuki Sumire, as s... More

《Quick introduction 》
《Chapter 1》
《Chapter 2》
《Chapter 3》
《Chapter 4》
《Chapter 5》
《Chapter 6》
《Chapter 7》
《Chapter 8》
《Chapter 9》
《Chapter 10》
《Chapter 11》
《Chapter 12》
《Chapter 13》
《Chapter 14》
《Chapter 15》
《Chapter 16》
《Chapter 17》
《Chapter 18》
《Chapter 19》
《Chapter 20》
《Chapter 21》
《Chapter 22》
《Chapter 23》
《Chapter 24》
《Chapter 25》
《Chapter 26》
《Chapter 27》
《Chapter 29》
《Chapter 30》
《Chapter 31》
《Chapter 32》
《Chapter 33》
《Chapter 34》
《Chapter 35》
《Chapter 36》

《Chapter 28》

162 16 10
By Anyaforfriends

Sumire POV:

"We're still out of sync."

Ichinose responded as he turned to the boy. Endou sat up straight when he heard this.

"What do you mean, lchinose?"

He questioned.

"This triangle shows that we're not doing it right. The technique only works when all three lines intersect at a single point."

Ichinose explained birefly, pointing down at the field.

"All right, one more time!"

Endou called out to them.

"Oh, fine, let's do it!"

The three of them stood up, once again in position. They got into their positions, waiting for lchinose's command.


They ran forward at a very high speed. The lines that were created by their running intersected
and formed blue air. A blue pegasus emerged from this flame but disappeared into a wind. Endou, Ichinose, and Domon got kocked away by the strong wind.

"Another dud!"

Haruna exclaimed, visibly worried


Aki looked very worked up for the three boys.

"They won't stop until they perfect this," I mused silently, slightly concerned. They already had so many dirt and scratches littering their bodies.

"We almost had it."

Ichinose told the two, slowly standing up as I approached them.

"Sorry, it was my fault. The three of us are supposed to cross at a single point, but l'm the only one who is of by a margin."

Endou uttered, I shaked my head at the thought

"Don't be so down."

"We've challenged it a hundred times so far. We could give up at this point, although I'm not expecting you will."

Domon remarked, his eyes trailing from me to two boys sitting before him.

"Please, let's give it one more try! I think I'm getting the hang of it!"

The head band wearing boy was determined to pull this off...

"Surel, I'm not good at giving up either!"'

Ichinose replied happily

"I knew you'd say that."

The cyan haired boy rubbed the back of his head.

"Okay, l'l help out for as long as you need

He said, which made the two brunettes beam at him

They tried again and were met by the same result.
They tried to do this countless times, and the Pegasus disappeared into a strong wind every time. Nonetheless, they never gave up; they were determined to do the Tri-Pegasus.

"They won't be using this technique in the Nationals, so what's the point of practising it?"

Haruna wondered, her eyes wide.

"There doesn't need to be a point."

Both Haruna and I turned to her.

"The three of them just want to perfect
this technique together. That's all."

Aki stated, and I chuckled hearty, murmuring in process

"Well said, Aki."

After the training-fun playing session, Endou extended an invitation to the entire team to join him for supper at his house.

We all began making our way there, with Shourinji, Megame, Kabeyama, and Shishido leading the pack. Endou followed closely behind, bringing Domon and Kageno along with him. In a moment of panic, Domon grabbed onto Kazemaru's shoulder, inadvertently taking the boy with him.

Somewhere in the middle of the group, Someoka and Handa walked side by side, engaged in a deep conversation that showcased the strength of their bond.

Towards the back of the group, I walked at a slower pace, the sound of my cane echoing against the pavement, oblivious to the lively chatter around me.

Ichinose soon joined my side, surprising Kidou and Shuuya, who couldn't fathom how well we got along despite our contrasting personalities. They walked alongside us, curious about our camaraderie.

The dynamic between Ichinose and I was certainly a topic of discussion, sparking some rumours, but it did serve as a welcome distraction from the overwhelming amount of information Nanami and Hitori bombarded me with.

Mukata's triplets seemed to be on a mission to undermine both me and Shuuya, but fortunately, my accomplishments spoke for themselves, leading to disbelief on their part and resulting in frustration and anger.

Despite their claims that we were a hindrance, it was evident that the team actually missed having me around, as per Nanami's subtle hints. However, I couldn't shake off the feeling that Nanami and Hitori would soon start spreading the news about my injury, preventing me from playing.

It appeared that Ichinose, Shuuya, and Kidou were observant enough to notice the slight wavering of my eyes. Despite acknowledging their words and comments with a nod or a hum, I deliberately chose to respond with only subtle gestures.

Surprisingly, they didn't push for more information or delve deeper into the matter, at least for now. I am genuinely grateful that they respected my need for space and allowed me the time to contemplate.

Additionally, I have been reminded on multiple occasions that my birthday is approaching. I couldn't help but catch snippets of hushed conversations hinting at a surprise party being planned in my honour.
My thoughts were not solely consumed by this matter... Upon reflection, what lies beyond the Football Frontier?

My mother is urging me to walk in her footsteps... I am compelled to reach absolute perfection. There can be no room for excuses...

I am left wondering why I was the one involved in the accident. Why is it that I am the one facing consequences for something that wasn't my fault?

A trembling exhale escaped my lips as I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me.


The sound of a sweet, melodious voice saying my name snapped me out of my reverie.

With a perplexed expression, Ichinose tilted his head as he graciously held the door of Endou's house open for me, a gesture that lasted longer than expected.

As Shuuya descended the stairs, his eyes softened as he approached me, extending a helping hand in a kind gesture.

In response, I mustered the best smile I could, grasping his hand and with the help of the cane walked to the door, expressing my gratitude to both of them, and together, the three of us made our way inside the house.

As the boys' conversation filled the living room with energy, I quietly excused myself and headed towards the kitchen, my footsteps muffled by the sound of their laughter and banter.

I peeked through the door, walking inside the kitchen, seeing a woman cooking near the stove.

She is wearing an orange shirt and white trousers. Her hair colour is light brown, and her eyes are black. She also has freckles.

"Good evening, Endou-san."

Approaching cautiously, I softly called out to her, causing her face to light up with joy. She eagerly gestured for me to take a seat, quickly wiping her hands clean of the oil she had been working with.

"Sit, sit, dear. Suzuki Sumire, wasn't it?"

I affirmed my agreement with a nod, prompting her to take a seat beside me with a cheerful demeanour. She mentioned that Endou had spoken highly of me on numerous occasions, deeming me a clever young girl for my age.

I could see the genuine concern in her eyes as she expressed her sincere wishes for my well-being and recovery, which brought a smile to my face.

Her personality bore a striking resemblance to that of her son, and although I admired their vibrant energy, I found myself unable to keep up.

It wasn't just a matter of mismatched personalities, but also the fact that I was already dealing with a heavy load of responsibilities.

I attempted to extend my assistance by explaining that my upbringing, which was almost parentless, had taught me how to do a variety of tasks.

However, she adamantly refused my offer to stand up and insisted on demonstrating some basic tasks for me to do while seated.

Realizing that I had failed to inform anyone of my whereabouts, I promptly sent a brief text message to my father. In response, he expressed concern for my safety, stating that someone would need to accompany me back home later on.

Aki promptly made her entrance, only to be whisked away by Endou's mother to assist in the kitchen. Despite my protests, I was then directed to join the boys.

The ultimate betrayal came when I attempted to discuss my situation with Aki, seeking a mutual understanding about my presence there, only to have her side with Endou's mother and send me to the living room.

The evening extended well into the night, with everyone enjoying themselves as lively conversations filled the neighbourhood for an extended period.

Sumire POV:

The following day, Endou, Ichinose, and Domon made an attempt to finalize the Tri-Pegasus before Ichinose's departure.

Ichinose carefully contemplated all the details, pondering the ideas that were shared with him the previous night, with the hope that he would grasp the underlying message I passed him, as they required a combined determination to succeed.

He and the other individual were already stationed in their designated spots, with Aki anxiously clasping her hands together, observing them with concern.

As they exchanged nods, silently communicating their readiness, they simultaneously sprang into action, converging at a specific juncture.

A majestic Pegasus materialized before them, prompting them to leap up and take aim.

However, just before they could reach their target, the Pegasus abruptly vanished into thin air, leaving a powerful gust of wind that forcefully knocked them off balance.

My face contorted in discomfort as I averted my gaze; witnessing their descent was far from a pleasant experience.

However, upon deeper reflection, one must consider the inherent risks and challenges that come with attempting to soar to great heights.

It is a rare feat to navigate the skies with ease and grace, as many falter and stumble along the way, struggling to maintain their lofty ambitions.

Aki squeezed her eyes shut as I calmly rose to my feet and approached her with a purposeful stride. I carefully lowered my hand on her shoulde with a gentle squeeze murmuring into her ear.

"Sometimes, we all require a gentle nudge to reach our goals, Aki. It is now your opportunity to motivate them."

Kabeyama expressed his frustration, stating that it was futile. Aki approached the group at a leisurely pace, catching their attention.

A realization dawned upon her, and she recollected the crucial information. She revealed that in order for Pegasus to soar through the skies, it required the sincere prayers of a maiden. With a mischievous wink, she concluded her statement.

"It is my time to push their limits."

And with that, Aki was off to the field.

Aki stopped beside Endou, who questioned her.


Ichinose, and Domon looked up to meet her eyes.

"l'll act as your landmark. I'l stand at the point so the three of you will know where to cross."

She proposed, and her eyes held an unparalleled resolve

As I walked towards the bench adjacent to Kidou and Shuuya, their eyes followed my every move.

With a warm smile, I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders, conveying a sense of affection towards them. It was as if I was saying.

"I'm simply allowing everyone to grow and develop in their own unique ways."

"Manager. That's dangerous!"

Kabeyama called out

"It'll be okay! Believe in them."

She answered, not wavering.


Ichinose muttered.

"We're counting on you, Kino."

Endou said, and Kurimatsu walked up.

"Captain! lf she stands before the point and you fail, the manager will - "

He was cut off by Endou.

"That's why well make it work! Kino believes we can do it!"

The captain proclaimed. He whirled around to look at lchinose and Domon.

"Right? When someone believes in you with all
their heart.."

He started to say, while Aki turned a bit to look at me, I chuckled and called out from where I was sitting

"Let the Pegasus hear maiden's prayers!"

Ichinose slowly smiled. I could only send him a wink for him to finish Endou's statement.

"You respond through action, right?"

lchinose interjected

"Man, this is the same thing that happened in the past"

Domon rubbed the back of his head

"When we made Tri-Pegasus work for the frst time. Aki was standing in front of the point back then too."

Ichinose stated. I remember that he mentioned it to me once.

He said he agreed on that idea because of the resolve in Aki's eyes, and when everyone around seemed to consider it dangerous, little lchinose agreed to it

"Endou. I said the same thing that you said to Aki. When someone believes in you with all their heart.."'

Ichinose said, and Endou finished

"You respond through action."

The two tuned to Aki, who nodded at them. They looked at Domon, who, too, nodded.

Aki stood before the line as planned.

"We've only got one chance, guys. Got it?"

Ichinose called out to them.


They answered and got ready.

"Let's hear the maiden's prayers."

lchinose said, and they dashed forward. Aki braced herself upon seeing them run forward.

"We'll definitely make it work!"

They chorused. A Pegasus appeared as they intersected at the point. This time, they were able to shoot the ball into the goal successfully.

"All right!"

The four of them hugged each other.

"We did it!

"We did it, lchinose!"

Endou exclaimed happily.

"Yeah! We did it, Endou! Thank you, Domon!"

Ichinose said joyfully

"How was that?"

The cyan haired boy chuckled

"Yeah! You're all wonderful!"

Aki said, tearing up, and Endou was taken aback by the sudden appearance of new voices in their midst. As they all turned to see Kabeyama, Shishido, and Kurimatsu, a sense of relief washed over them.

"Guys," the captain began, his voice trailing off as he tried to make sense of the situation. Shishido spoke up, reminding everyone of their initial intention to protect the manager.

The other first years nodded in agreement, acknowledging that they had all entered the fray to shield her. However, Kurimatsu couldn't help but feel that their actions may have been unnecessary in the end.

The rate at which this team progresses surpasses that of Kidokawa Seishuu, demonstrating their rapid evolution and growth.

I'm proud.

Sumire POV:

I was completely taken aback by Ichinose's announcement that he would be staying. He seemed delighted by my shocked reaction, but his joy knew no bounds when I suggested a plan to surprise Aki and Endou with the news.

As the sun began its descent, Aki and Endou gazed skyward, spotting an airplane soaring through the sky.

"Could that be his plane?"

Aki inquired, seeking confirmation from his companion. Not seeing Ichinose and I creeping behind them.

"Yes, most likely,"

The girl responded with a sense of certainty in her voice. The scene was filled with anticipation and wonder as they watched the aircraft disappear into the horizon, leaving behind a trail of curiosity and excitement.

"Ichinose! Let's play together again some time!"

Endou yelled. He and Aki weren't expecting someone to answer from behind them.

"Yeah, let's!"

They tured around and saw Ichinose standing there with his luggage, with me on his side with a mischievous smile.



"That was the first time in my life I'd ever felt so pumped up.That's why I can't go back home just yet. l'll stay here for a little longer."

Ichinose held up his plane ticket.


Endou said as the boy just ripped up the ticket.

"I have many friends here, I want to play with Sumire too, so Endou. I will be joining Raimon."

"You'll be joining Raimon?"

Endou asked, eyed shimmering.

"Yeah! I'm looking forward to playing alongside you!"

Ichinose held up his hand for him to shake.

"Same here! Looking forward to it!"

One by one, the other players put their hands on top of lchinose's. They greeted him as they huddled together.

You thought this was a happy ending? Then you're wrong.

Haruna ran to them, looking like she had to deliver important news. She stopped in front of them while panting heavily

"Your next opponent has been decided!"

She informed them.

"Who is it?"

Endou asked her.

"Kidokawa Seishuu..."

It is undeniably uncomfortable to have more than 10 pairs of eyes fixed on me. The feeling of unease intensifies as I find myself standing next to Shuuya, our expressions inscrutable, while a chilling sensation runs through my veins.

"I feel like things are about to go downhill."


I'm so sorry to publish it so lateee, school work pulled up and had to pull a few all nighters.

It is a filler chapter more than an actual one, the next one is the drama-friends thing.

Look forward to it!


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