Collab Saga 1:Kamen Rider Dre...

بواسطة Shadowingdrake

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"You're Fate looks very dreadful!" Welcome to the World of Kamen Rider Dread. The Hundred, an organization t... المزيد

Card 0: The Beginning of the Dread!
Card 1: I'm a KAMEN Rider?
Card 2: Valvarad and Gotchard
Card 3: Clash! Valvarad vs Dread
Card 5: The Plan
Card 6: Jace's Fight
Card 7: A New Threat
Card 8 Dread Evolution Part 1: Failure
Card 9: Dread Evolution Part II: Dread Type One

Card 4: Formed the Alchemist Rider Club

35 0 0
بواسطة Shadowingdrake

As Amber woke up in the infirmary, she saw Hopper1 was laying next to her. “Hey buddy.” She smiled at her Chemy Partner.

“So you're finally awake.” Director Maia looked at the new Rider. “So you're Kamen Rider Gotchard?”

“Yes.” Amber looked at the Dean. “I found the broken Gotchadriver with Hopper1 and Steamliner Cards in it. I fixed it up before I came here.”

“Interesting.” Zay notes.

De-case looked at them with a book opened up “Rejoice for she is The Rider who fights with the power of Alchemy and her name is… Kamen Rider Gotchard Steamhopper! This moment is truly her awakening!”

“Are you going to do that every time?” Zay, the Dean of Hiden Academy looking at the teacher.

“That moment deserved a proclamation.” De-case putting away his book.

“And I got a request.” Amber looked at the two Staff Members.

“What is that?” Zay looked at the Injured Rider.

“Please keep this a secret between the three of us.”

“Alright. Your secret is safe.” Zay notes. “Plus we have a club for you to join. It's called the Alchemist Rider Club. If you join it, I'll keep your secret safe.”

“Deal.” Amber agreed with the terms.


Noa sat on the roof of Hiden Academy. “Why can't I remember my life as Tohru? Am I truly him?” He looked at the damage he caused. “This stupid thing caused it all.”

The Dreadriver or better known as the power of the Forbidden Alchemy. “I shouldn't have touched it.” He was sulking in his hoodie.

“Steamliner?” Noa's replica Chemy sounded a bit saddened.

“It's just nothing, you and I are just a pair of fakes, so here we go; try to take on an army while putting on a Show?” Noa/Tohru looked at the card.

“You're no man and you feel unstable.” Words echo in his mind. “You dare defy the power of The Hundred?”

“I should be the one in control and strike the matches! I should burn everything they love to ashes!” His laughter at this point was uncomforting and uncontrollable.

“Are you sure about that?” Another teacher looked at Noa. Her arms are crossed.

“Yes Miss Aso.” Noa looked away.

“Miss Maia wants you to join this new club.” The teacher hands over a flier.

“A Rider Club?” Noa looked confused.

“Yes, a Rider Club,” the teacher affirmed. “It's called the Alchemist Rider Club. Miss Maia thinks you might find it interesting. Besides, it's a place for Riders to gather and share their experiences.”

Noa glanced at the flier, contemplating the idea. The conflict within him intensified, torn between the mystery of his forgotten past as Tohru and the unsettling power of the Dreadriver.

“Give it a shot,” the teacher encouraged. “Sometimes, finding common ground with others facing similar challenges can help.”

Noa, still wrestling with his internal turmoil, nodded reluctantly. “Fine, I'll check it out.” The teacher offered a supportive smile as Noa considered the prospect of joining a club that could hold answers to the enigma surrounding his identity as Tohru Kageura.

A violin was being played in the background as someone approached them. His eyes were brown, and he had blonde hair. “Hello Noa … or should I say Tohru.”

“Who are you?” Noa looked extremely confused.

“I'm Naganro Soa.” He put away his violin and proceeded to take out a Zuki Driver. “Better known as Kamen Rider Zonjis.”

Sound of a clock ticking as Soa waits to turn his driver around to transform. Noa takes out his Dreadriver. “What do you want?”

“Easy, you betrayed the Hundred when you left.” Sao locked eyes with him. “Even if you pretend you don't remember what you did, you will be erased by my hands.”

Miss Aso looked at them. “Wait you mean …” she didn't finish her sentence.

“Steamliner!” Noa slashed the card across his driver. Then they both transformed.

“Rider Time! Ka-me-n Rider! Zonjis!” The Ziku driver Announced.

“Dread Type Zero!”  The Dreadriver announcement of Noa's base form.

The two clash on the roof. Zonjis looks at the base form of Kamen Rider Dread. “Weak.” The Member of the Hundred has Noa by the throat. He ripped off the Dreadriver and threw it.

“W… why are … doing this?” Noa barely choked out.

“Simple, you were supposed to be the one that stops the Riders: Gotchard and one other.” Zonjis tighter his grip on Noa.

“Attack Ride Blast!” A Magenta colored Kamen Rider steps out of nowhere, shooting at the Ridewatch user.

“Who are you?” Zonjis demands.

“Passing through Kamen Rider, you better remember that!” The Mysterious Rider got out his blaster and opened it up. A card was taken out of it.

Zonjis released Noa and looked at his new Opponent. “Consider yourself safe… for now Noa.” He vanished in the Aurora Curtain.

“That's… Kamen Rider Decade!” Miss Aso looked at the Passing through Kamen Rider.

“Actually, I'm here to speak with Zay.” The belt called the Decadriver was taken off his waist. “I'm passing through Kamen Rider.” He extended his hands as a token of friendship.

Noa smacked his hand away. “I didn't need help back there. I don't need any friends.”

“Alright, I'm just here to speak with Zay.” The Black hair male attached his driver back on his waist.


As Zay led Amber down to a room. “This was an Alchemist club but the funds were cut.” The Dean explained. “I renovated the room to be a base for a team of Riders.”

“Alright.” Amber looked very confused. “Dean Maia, are you a Kamen Rider?”

Zay looked at the student. “I was Kamen Rider Zero-One.”

Amber's eyes widened with surprise as Zay revealed her past as Kamen Rider Zero-One. "You were a Rider? Why did you stop?"

Zay sighed, "It's a long story. Let's just say the responsibilities of being a Rider clashed with my duties as a dean. But enough about me. You're the new Rider here, Kamen Rider Gotchard. Embrace your role and protect the Chemies."

Amber nodded, taking in the unexpected revelation. "I'll do my best."

Zay led her further into the renovated room, revealing a setup with advanced technology and Rider equipment. "Welcome to your new base. This is where the Alchemist Rider Club will operate. You're not alone in this, Amber."

As Amber processed the information, the prospect of joining a team of Riders added a new layer to her journey as Kamen Rider Gotchard. The room held the promise of camaraderie, shared missions, and the chance to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead.

Jace was sitting at a table with The Unicorn Ride Card. “Unicorn!” The Chemy in the card says.

“When I came here on the first day, I was turned into a monster, now I found the one that was used in me to become that Monster and I have bonded with it.” Jace looking at the card.

“Jace here goes out to capture the Chemies.” Another voice adds in. It was Sera. “I found this one. It can be used as your Rider Machine: GoldDash.” 

The motorcycle Chemy appears next to Amber. “GoldDash!” Amber looking at the Chemy Motorcycle.

“Is there anyone else joining us?” Amber looked at the Dean.

“I did invite Noa but he's busy and a special guest.” Zay taking out her phone.

A Magenta colored Kamen Rider enters the room. “Zay, who is that?” Jace looked at the new Rider.

“This is Kamen Rider Decade, he is here to talk about the Goal of this Academy other than just teaching students.” The Dean Looked at the Members of the Alchemist Rider Club.

“Indeed, this school was built in memory of Cero Yuki, Kamen Rider Legend. He fought the Hundred for years. His goal was to be the gorgeous Rider there was.” Decade clenched his fist. “I never knew him personally but I hope that the Heir to his powers will live up to his legacy.”

“I… didn't know that.” Sera looked at the Passing through Kamen Rider. “Just one question: who is The Hundred?”

“They're… an Evil Organization that wants to take over the AR Worlds.” Decade Looked at the Members of the Rider Club. “This takes me back to the days of Fourze.”

“Wait, are there other Riders other than: Dread, W, Accel, Zero-One, Gotchard, and the Hundred Riders?” Jace looked at the group.

“Yes, actually the whole Multiverse is full of Riders. Your world is just one small portion of it.” Decade looking at the boy from Fuuto.

Zay motioned for Decade to hand something over to Jace. “I contacted Decade for another reason. He found something in his travels and it's for Jace.”

Decade takes out a broken Driver. “This is the Alchemistdriver. It's damaged and there is another thing to go with it but I couldn't find it.”

The students looked at the broken belt and then up to Decade but he was gone. “You can come here anytime you want.” The Dean tells them.

“I'm going to try some Alchemy to fix the Driver.” Jace looked at his ring and pointed it at the Driver.

De-case walked into the room. “GUYS! There’s a Malgam is attacking the school with some strange robots!” He warns the Dean.

The club heads towards the running students and the attackers. Then Noa looked from the roof. “I better do something about this.”

Amber goes to grab her Gotchadriver. “Dai Mazines.” Zay noticed them. 

“Hopper1 and Steamliner!” Amber's belt reads the cards.

Noa takes out the Dreadriver. “Your fate looks very dreadful!” He gives his pre battle catchphrase.

“Steamliner!” His belt scanned the card.

Both of them looked at the monsters. “I'm going to save that pure Chemy!” Amber declares.

“Henshin!” Both of them exclaimed as their suits manifested from their respective drivers.

The Skateboard Malgam throws them around. Greyon watched from the distance. He was unseen by anyone. “All that glitter my dear Tohru isn't gold.”

The weapons clashed against the Dai Mazines. Noa took out his Bloody BB guns. “You're pissing me off.” He pulled the trigger and fired a single shot at the robots.

The shot went through three Dai Mazines. “You're seriously done.”

Amber was riding on Golddash fighting the Skateboard Malgam. “Let's go!” She turned the handle bars on the Motorcycle Chemy to chase after the monster.

“Hakstar and Saboneedle please lend me your strength!” Amber please with the two Chemy Cards.

De-case stood there with a book and announced. “Rejoice for she is The Rider who fights with the power of Alchemy. Now let her count up your Wings! Her name is Kamen Rider Gotchard Needlehawk. This moment is truly her Awakening!”

Everyone stop fighting and looked confused at De-case. “May you truly fight in peace.” The teacher closed his book and stepped away.

Amber Dodge the attacks of the Malgam. “Hakstar Fever!” Amber's driver Announced the finisher as her armor moved to her foot to increase the power of her kick.

Jace holds up a card and no Chemy flew into it. Instead Valvarad was where the Malgam was. “The plan worked.” Greyon appeared.

“What?” Noa looked at the Forbidden Alchemist..

Amber stood up and took out her two Chemy Cards out of her driver. “What's going on?”

“Just an experiment.” Greyon blows on his cube and the Skateboard Chemy, Skebow, returns to him. “Now become Gold!” His cube was pointed at Noa.

Jace points his ring at a bench and it becomes a shield for Noa to use. “How did you do that?” The silver hair male looked at the green hair male.

“It's… Alchemy.” Jace looked at his ring.

“You mean Magic.” The Rider corrects him.

The wave of dust is blocked by The shield made by Jace. “Alchemy against the power of Malice.” Valvarad attacks Gotchard.

Sera looked afraid. The two Riders are exchanging blows.

“Master Greyon!” Takehur sees three mysterious girls approaching him.

De-case noticed that girls. “No.”

The girls stood behind Greyon. “The Three Dark Sisters: Clothes, Atropos, and Lachesis.”

Jace tried his ring once more. “Please work.” He pleads. Nothing happened. He is pointing it at a tree. Nothing happened again.

“Gotcha and Go!” Amber placed her Hopper1 and Steamliner Cards into her driver once more.

Her hands form a triangle as she pulls on her belt. “Steamhopper!”

Noa used the shield to block Greyon’s gold. “I'll stop at nothing…” his body was starting to feel heavy.  The Dreadriver was rejecting him now.

“Steamhopper! Fever!” Amber's belt announced as she deliver a Powerful Rider Kick towards Greyon. In a single second, Greyon stopped her with his cube. She was turn to gold.

“Nice try but you're not ready for this.” Struggling to get up, Noa's eyes where close. He couldn't move. His body felt heavier than steel. The driver was removed from his waist.

“I'll take that.” Valvarad took Noa's Driver and collection of Chemy Cards.

The five members of the Hundred won this time. Noa was powerless and the school was not safe for them now.


The boss of the Hundred looked at the Forbidden Alchemist and three of his creations. “You sure delivered.” The results were impeccable.

The remaining Chemy Cards are sucked into the cube. “Now tell me Boss of the Hundred, what's your end game here?” Lachies, the tallest and the youngest member of the Abyssal Sisters, asked.

“Simple, I'll take over the AR Worlds with the Legendriver.” The Boss keeping his face covered.

“That's it?” Greyon messing with his cube.

“Yes.” The Boss letting his golden hair be seen for a second. He didn't have a Ziku driver or a Ridewatch.

“Something tells me you want more than the Driver and Multiverse Conquest.” Atropos, the oldest and the smallest member of the Group, hints. “We want the power of the Forbidden Alchemy, and our Master Greyon will achieve it.”

“Girls, let me talk to the power I have a contract with.” Greyon hands over the Chemy Cards to them. “Go make some malice with these.”

The three Sisters took their leave. “Greyon you know our contract is over since I got the Dreadriver and I knew where Tohru is.”

“Tell me Cero Yuki, what truly happened for you to lose your sense of Justice and powers as Legend?”

“I… don't know what you are talking about.” The boss trying to deny everything.

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