✓Rebirth: I open a supermarke...

By koushuu17

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Author: Pearl No Milk Tea Link ; https://www.lakanshu.com/book/202376/ [Space + System + Apocalypse] In his p... More



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By koushuu17

Volume 1 Chapter 47 Fever

Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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The next morning, Grandpa Jing got up early as usual.

He glanced in the direction of the bed and found that Jing Yao was still sleeping.

Usually Jing Yao has already gotten up at this time.

Grandpa just thought that Jingyao was tired during this period and wanted to let the child sleep a little longer, so he didn't care and got out of the car to exercise.

Aunt Lin thought the same way, but neither of them called Jing Yao.

Li Mo, who had gone back to the team to sleep, came in time for the Jing family to have breakfast.

Ever since he got the captain's order, he would eat three meals a day with the Jing family.

"Xiao Li is here. You go call the old man to dinner, and I'll call the young lady."

Aunt Lin was a little confused. Was Jing Yao's lazy sleep a little too long?

"Miss, it's time to get up and have breakfast."

Aunt Lin stood under the bed and shouted several times, but Jing Yao didn't respond at all.

Something is wrong with this situation.

Aunt Lin stepped up the ladder and saw Jing Yao on the bed.

Her eyes were closed tightly and her face was abnormally red.

When I reached out and touched it, it was hot to the touch.

"Old man! Old man!"

Aunt Lin quickly got off the ladder.

Just at this moment Li Mo came back with Grandpa Jing.

"What's wrong? Yaoyao hasn't gotten up yet?"

Jing Yao was not seen at the small dining table outside.

"Old man, the lady has a fever!"

Grandpa Jing and Li Mo both looked at Aunt Lin coming out of the RV in surprise.

"I gonna go see."

Li Mo quickly helped Grandpa Jing get into the car.

But Jing Yao was lying on the bed above the cab, and he could only climb up the ladder to get up.

Grandpa Jing is old, and none of them dare to let an old man climb such a narrow ladder.

"I'm going to find someone to help."

Li Mo turned around and went to find someone for help, while Aunt Lin took out the medicine box and found some antipyretic medicine.

Grandpa saw it and quickly held the water cup and asked Aunt Lin to go up first, and then handed the cup to her.

Li Mo was going to go back to the Du family to find someone for help. He knew that the relationship between the Jing family and the Du family was unusual, but Mr. Du was a busy man. He was just one of the Du family's bodyguards, so he would definitely not be able to talk to Mr. Du.

As for Secretary Wen Fengwen, he is also a busy man.

Li Mo decided to go to the captain first to see if the captain could ask a doctor from the Du family to come and take a look.

"Li Mo! What are you doing?"

Someone reached out and grabbed Li Mo. Li Mo saw that it was Zhao Dongyang, the deputy captain of their bodyguard team.

"Captain Zhao."

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Captain Zhao, can you speak to the Du family's doctor?"

Li Mo thought that it would be okay to meet Zhao Dongyang. They were both captains, so they should be able to get doctors from the Du family to see him.

"What's wrong? Who's hurt?"

As soon as Zhao Dongyang asked this question, he also felt something was wrong.

Li Mo was transferred to drive for the Jing family. Now that he came to the doctor, it meant that someone in the Jing family had an accident.

He also knew the relationship between Du Jing's family.

"You go over there to find Dr. Bao first, and I'm going to find Mr. Du now."

Li Mo listened to the instructions and went directly to Dr. Bao.

Zhao Dongyang originally wanted to go directly to Mr. Du or Secretary Wen.

But the two of them had endless meetings even when they were on the move.

I'm having a meeting with the government right now.

As soon as Zhao Dongyang appeared, Zheng Chen discovered him.

It stands to reason that their captains and captains all follow Mr. Du in rotation.

Now that he appeared here, Zheng Chen clearly felt that something had happened.

"Why are you here?"

Zheng Chen quietly approached Zhao Dongyang.

"It seems that something happened to the family Li Mo was driving. They were still looking for a doctor just now."

Zheng Chen's heart skipped a beat, but he felt a little embarrassed: "You also saw that Mr. Du is in a meeting right now, and it's really hard to get in."

"How about you go find Mr. Du."

Zhao Dongyang came here because he couldn't find Mr. Du.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Mr. Du slowly walking out of the woods nearby.

"Mr. Lao Du!"

Grandpa Du was startled by Zhao Dongyang who suddenly rushed out.

Fortunately, my body is very healthy now. If I had left it alone before, I would have ascended to heaven where I was.

"It's you, Xiao Zhao, is something wrong?"

"Yes! Li Mo just came here to see the doctor. It seems something happened to the Jing family."

"Why don't we just find a doctor? Let him go find...whose family do you think has an accident?"

"Jing family."

This time Grandpa Du staggered when he heard clearly that it was the Jing family.

Zhao Dongyang supported him quickly with quick eyes and hands.

"Did you say who it was from the Jing family?"

This... Zhao Dongyang really doesn't know.

"have no idea."

Grandpa Du thought about it, Lao Jing was about the same age as him, and things tend to go wrong as people get older. Could it be that he was the one who needed to see a doctor?

Not daring to think any further, Grandpa Du still had a tremor in his voice.

"Quick, quick, come with me."

Grandpa Du took a few steps forward, remembering that he wanted to tell his grandson about this.

"Aze will come out later. I'm going to Jing's house."


Li Mo rushed to Dr. Bao's car, picked up Dr. Bao and walked out.

"Li Mo! What are you doing?!"

Dr. Bao held Li Mo's hand to prevent him from pulling his collar.

"Let's go! There's no time to talk anymore!"

As he said that, he was afraid that Dr. Bao would continue to resist, so he simply bent down and picked up Dr. Bao.

Dr. Bao:? ? ?

Everyone looked at this scene in surprise. They seemed to have come to their senses only after the two of them had gone away.

"That's Li Mo from the bodyguard team, right? He's so strong."

"I don't know who is sick and makes Li Mo so anxious."

"Li Mo looks so handsome when he resists others~"

There are four people in the same car, and everyone has different concerns.

Li Mo carried Dr. Bao and ran all the way back to the Jing family's car.

Although the journey was short, Li Mo's shoulder was right against his stomach.

Coupled with the turbulence of his running, Dr. Bao vomited immediately when he was put down.


Li Mo looked at Dr. Bao who was vomiting next to him with disgust.

Hey what hey! Try running around with your stomach held up!

"Is the doctor here?"

Aunt Lin heard the movement outside the car and quickly came out to check.

As a result, he saw a man bending over and vomiting, and Li Mo looked at him with a look of disgust.

"Aunt Lin, I brought Dr. Bao here." Li Mo pointed at Dr. Bao who was wiping his mouth after spitting.

Although I dont know why this doctor vomited, the ladys matter is still the most important.

"Dr. Bao, come in with me and see my young lady."

As soon as he saw the patient, Dr. Bao suddenly became energetic.

Following Aunt Lin in, I looked around but didn't see where the young lady Aunt Lin was talking about was.

Grandpa Jing was sitting in the booth, looking in the direction of the bed and wondering what he was thinking.

Ji Xiang was lying quietly at the back in a rare moment, but his eyes were also looking in the direction of Jing Yao.

"Where is your lady?"

Aunt Lin pointed to the forehead bed above the driver's seat.

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