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By 4madsxx

37.8K 363 2.1K

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๐“๐Ž๐Ž ๐‚๐‹๐ˆ๐๐†๐˜?

2.5K 32 120
By 4madsxx

Parings: Dior x Charlie

W/c: 2,170

Summary: Dior gets upset after overhearing Charlie saying she's too clingy.

'✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵''✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵'

CHARLIE COULDN'T LOOK AWAY FROM HIS PHONE SCREEN, his eyes moving quickly as he read through the comments. The Bushnell household was quiet as the night settled in, and Charlie had made himself comfortable in his game room. Sitting on the soft carpet, he was surrounded by the luxurious couch. His phone was placed on the coffee table, where he was intently focused on an Instagram livestream. However, he wasn't alone. In his lap, nestled comfortably, was his girlfriend Dior Goodjohn, with her long brown curls and chocolate-colored eyes. 

Charlie and Dior had just entered into a romantic relationship three weeks ago. It didn't take long for them to realize the depth of their feelings for each other, which led to the blossoming of their relationship. Despite being young celebrities, their romance couldn't stay under wraps for long and soon became public knowledge. Surprisingly, instead of being bothered by the attention, the couple embraced it and received an outpouring of support from their fans. In fact, their admirers were so eager to see them together that they couldn't contain their excitement when the couple went live. It was a delightful surprise for everyone, and they knew that the Tik Tok edits would come rolling in quickly.

Charlie's gaze fixated on a comment, capturing his attention as he uttered the words with fervor, "Are you guys excited for season 2- Yes! We are literally so excited," Charlie exclaimed, a grin stretching across his face.

"You're gonna see way more of Clarisse, like, a lot more." Dior interrupted, her restlessness evident as she toyed with Charlie's hand. Their fingers danced together, entwining and then parting.

"God, they're gonna eat that up," Charlie's response was immediate, his eyes darting across the comments.

Dior then removed her gaze from her and Charlie's hands, meeting the illuminating light from the IPhone 15. Her eyes scanned through comments, until one caught her undivided attention.

'I can't stand watching Dior constantly fidgeting and clinging onto Charlie. It's like she can't keep her hands off of him for even a second.'

Despite the uncomfortable comments directed at her, Dior, being the resilient person she is, simply shrugged them off and quickly moved her eyes to other parts of the page. She kept her hands intertwined with Charlie's and snuggled in closer, relishing in his affectionate kiss on her head. Lost in his detailed response to another comment, Charlie remained unaware of the increasing number of comments that were making Dior feel uneasy. She continued to scan through them, but the discomfort in her grew more and more with each one she read.

'Bro, It's like she's trying to prove something to the world, but all she's doing is making herself look desperate and insecure'

'I just wish Dior would leave poor Charlie alone and stop making him uncomfortable with her constant need for physical affection. It's not cute, it's just annoying'

'I hope Dior realizes that not everyone enjoys being touched all the time and learns to respect boundaries. Otherwise, she might just end up pushing Charlie away with her clinginess'

Dior fidgeted nervously. Was she being too clingy? Did Charlie feel uncomfortable with her? Would he break up with her because of it? She couldn't bear the thought of losing him. Charlie was always so kind and considerate, and she didn't want to make him feel bad by pointing out any discomfort. But deep down, Dior couldn't shake the feeling that he might secretly dislike her clinginess. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what to do. Finally, feeling overwhelmed, Dior moved out of Charlie's lap and sat next to him. He stopped talking and looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Come here," Charlie motioned for Dior to join him, his voice barely audible as he patted his lap. But Dior refused, instead drawing her knees close to her chest. Charlie's expression turned to one of confusion and concern, before he focused again on the screen. Dior fought the urge to lean her head on Charlie's shoulder, knowing it would only invite more criticism. Soon enough, Charlie bid farewell to his viewers and ended the live stream with a few taps on the screen.

With a heavy heart, Charlie locked eyes with Dior once more, worry etched on his features, "Are you alright, Angel?" he inquired, reaching out to gently touch Dior's cheek. However, she swiftly evaded his touch, rising to her feet.

"I'm fine. Just...tired," Dior murmured, feigning a delicate yawn.

Charlie cast a doubtful glance her way before letting it slide, "Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes," he promised.

Dior offered a small nod before making her way towards the exit, vanishing around the corner.

As Charlie witnessed her sudden disappearance, a puzzled expression crossed his features and he began to contemplate. Could it have been something he said or did that caused her to act like that?

In that very moment, his train of thought was interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. He bent down and picked it up, only to find the name 𝘈𝘳𝘺𝘢𝘯 flashing on the screen. A grin instantly appeared on his face as he eagerly answered the call, bringing the phone closer to his ear.


Dior made her way down the dimly lit hallway, her thoughts in a frenzy. The thought of Charlie leaving their relationship due to the way she had mistreated him weighed heavily on her mind. However, she knew she had to face this reality - Charlie was her boyfriend, and it was her responsibility to address the situation. With determination, Dior turned around and walked towards the corner, peeking over it to spot Charlie engrossed in a phone conversation, studying his surroundings as he spoke. She gazed intently, but her expression quickly turned to one of sadness.

"You know, Aryan, I have to admit that sometimes she can be a bit too clingy. She always wants to be by my side, constantly texting and calling me, and getting upset if I don't respond right away. It can be overwhelming and suffocating at times. I hope she can see that being clingy is not a positive trait in our relationship. I might end it if this continues," Charlie's words lingered in the atmosphere, slicing through the air like a sharp blade.

Dior's heart came to a sudden halt and dropped into the pit of her stomach. Tears flooded her eyes, and her entire body quivered uncontrollably. The truth was too much for her to bear - Charlie was upset and the hurtful remarks were accurate. The most painful blow was when Charlie admitted he was considering ending their relationship. Dior couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

Silent sobs and tears cascaded down Dior's face, their salty trails etching a path of anguish. With a sense of urgency, she hastily brushed them away, her trembling steps echoing through the desolate hallway and down the winding stairs. Determined, she stormed into the living room, snatching her belongings with a fierce grip. Another wave of tears had left their mark on her delicate cheeks, but she refused to let them consume her.

With a resolute gaze, she trailed towards the door. As she made her way, Charlie descended the stairs with a smile on his face, approaching the girl.

"Hey, sorry, Aryan called. We can head to bed now," Charlie's words hung in the air, but before they could settle, his face contorted with confusion as he locked eyes with Dior, her tear-filled gaze piercing his soul.

"Are you not staying?" Charlie's voice quivered with curiosity, desperately seeking answers.

Ugh, it was probably all an act, Dior thought.

"I'm sorry, Charlie. I really have to leave," Dior's voice quivered as another sob fought its way past her trembling lips, her hand trembling as it reached for the door knob.

Charlie begged, his voice trembling with desperation, "Darling, stay a little longer. Let's talk about it, we can work things out-"

"No," Dior declared, her voice unwavering yet shattered. With a sudden turn, she flung open the door, and strode out, slamming it shut behind her.

Charlie let out a heavy sigh.


Charlie and Dior had gone a whole week without speaking to each other. Charlie couldn't shake off his confusion and curiosity about what had upset his girlfriend so much. On the other hand, Dior found everything he did and said hurtful. It was especially frustrating for her that he had the nerve to act clueless, as if he hadn't just spilled his true feelings to Aryan, knowing she was still around.

Dior was sitting on her couch, her backpack resting on the floor beside her. She had a notebook in her hands, but her attention was fixed on her computer as she worked on her school assignments. Suddenly, a faint knock at the door interrupted her concentration.

Letting out a sigh, Dior set her notebook aside and got up from the couch. Her Nike socks glided silently across the floor as she made her way to the door. Opening it, she was surprised to find Charlie Bushnell standing there. Her face showed a mix of tension and softening emotions.

"Dior, can we talk?" Charlie begged, his voice barely detectable.

Dior hesitated for a moment, torn between her desire to refuse and her longing to reconcile with Charlie. Deep down, she secretly yearned for the warmth of his cuddles and the comfort of his presence.

"Alright," Dior replied curtly, her voice betraying her true emotions. With a subtle gesture, she invited Charlie to step inside. A faint smile graced his face as he entered, and Dior closed the door behind him. Leading him down the hallway, they settled on the couch in the living room. The air hung heavy with awkward silence until Charlie finally broke the ice.

He inquired, his eyes of rich chocolate locking with hers. "What's the matter?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. "Talk to me," he implored, his gaze filled with empathy.

"It's nothing," Dior let out an exasperated sigh before grabbing her notebook once more, settling it on her lap to resume her studying.

Charlie's eyes locked onto the girl, his finger gently lifting her chin to meet his gaze once more, "Dior Negeen Goodjohn. I can see you're upset, and it really sucked seeing you walk out of my house in tears. Just let me know what's going on, okay?" He pleaded desperately.

Dior let out a gentle sigh, "Okay, so like, when you were on the phone that night, I overheard what you said to Aryan. You said I'm too clingy and stuff, and that it's not good for our relationship. And you even mentioned that you might break up with me if I don't change. I really don't want us to break up, Charlie," she murmured softly, her voice barely audible.

Charlie's lips curved into a smile as he leaned in, enveloping Dior in his arms as his laughter filled the air. Dior appeared puzzled against his shoulder, sensing the vibrations of his chest against hers. Slowly, she withdrew, her expression a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Dior inquired, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

Charlie couldn't help but stifle a chuckle, "I wasn't talking about you, beautiful. I was talking about Juju, this girl I know." he comforted.

Dior arched an eyebrow, expressing surprise.

Charlie wasted no time in clearing up any confusion, "We were like, almost friends, but she's just so weird. I first met her when I was trying out for Diary of a Future President. She was seriously getting on my nerves during auditions, so I was relieved when she didn't make the cut. But then, at the New York Percy Jackson premiere, she showed up. We exchanged numbers, biggest mistake ever. Now she won't stop calling and texting me, it's driving me crazy. And to top it off, I saw her recently and she was all over me," he explained.

"Dang, that's rough," Dior sympathized, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Charlie chuckled, "Yeah, it definitely sucks. But you know what sucks even more? My Angel thinking I was badmouthing her to someone else," he admitted.

Dior's gaze shifted towards the ground as she muttered, "I'm sorry, babe."

Charlie's smile softened, "No need to apologize, Dior. I love you more than words can express, and I hope you know that. I'm sorry if I caused you any worry, though."

"It's alright," Dior reassured him.

Charlie let out a sigh, "I want to make it up to you."

"Cuddles?" Dior suggested, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

"Actually, I was thinking of something a little different," Charlie teased, a mischievous smirk forming on his face. Dior mirrored his expression.

"Cookies?" she playfully asked.

"God, you know me so well," Charlie exclaimed before jumping up and dashing towards the kitchen. Dior burst into laughter and quickly followed suit.

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