His Listening Ear [A HuskerDu...

By Plushjimia

20.5K 571 464

Husk , The Known Alcoholic At The Hazbin Hotel Has been struggling With his liquor intake. Charlie can't he... More

Hypocritical Husk
Hopeful Hotel Host
Late Night Comforts
I Understand You
A Lil Chat
Heart to Heart
Studio Beats
Tender Touch
A Gamblers "Gift"
Backstory on The Tower
His Protector
A little 'Chat'
Words Are Hard
Suite Surprise
The Hoodie
Bedroom Fun
Volume Control
Basket full of surprise
First time Fun
Noise complaint
Losers , Baby
Bullet in my Valentine
The truth
Couple A Dorks

Piglet Party

657 23 46
By Plushjimia

[Husks Pov]

Angel kept his word, staying at the bar for the rest of the evening , although Alastor hadn't returned after Angel had flipped him on his ass.
Honestly it was hot to see the real Angel , the mafia Angel , stand up for me. I wasn't scared to admit that, in my mind at least.

As I was placing the last few glasses on the shelf I heard Angel get up behind me. "Ready to head up?" He yawned as he spoke ; he was clearly exhausted.

"I honestly thought you were joking , legs." I chuckled as I stepped out from behind the bar , watching Angel stretch out his arms . Hearing my reply he frowned and bent down a little so that we were eye to eye.

"I don't joke about safety , husk. Ya coming to my room where I can continue to bodyguard ya until al calms down. Common" with a hum he took my hand and began walking to the stairs.

With a sigh I let him pull me along , my cheeks burning as I stared at his petite hand in my own. His fingers not even covering the heart in my palm.

I didn't know how to feel anymore , he had gone out of his way to comfort me , to protect me. He had shown me his true self, and it is amazing. I'd definitely fallen for him , for whoever he was under the Angel dust persona..

Reaching the top of the stairs he pulled me right , towards a highly decorated door , photos of our friends and his pet on it , surrounded with a pink illuminated LED heart. I noticed a photo of me and him dead centre , and i gave a slight smile.

"Nice photos." I studied them as Angel let go of my hand , and began searching in his chest fluff for something. When he took his hand away I felt saddened , like a child who'd had their favourite toy taken off them.

"Thanks , kitten! They are all ma favourite things!" He grinned , pulling out his hotel key from the depths of his fur and unlocking the door.

"Make ya self at home!" He swung the door open , the smell of fresh roses blasting us in the face. With a smile he wondered in , quickly picking up his piglet who had come to greet us.

As I stepped in I took notice of how pink it was , the walls were pink , the large heart shaped bed was a deep pink , the carpet on the floor matching the bed , the vanity was pink and white. A very angel themed room.

Closing the door behind me I looked on as Angel took a seat on the bed, seemingly blocking the world out as he gave fat nuggets his undivided attention.

I sat myself down on the chair by his vanity , a soft smile on my face as I watched the spider demon interact with the pig, it was honestly the cutest shit I'd seen in a while.

I felt the warmth of my face returning , and turned my head away , ears pinned slightly. When had Angel become so attractive, and why wasn't I scared of these feelings and thoughts anymore.

"I aint freaked about ya past."

This singular sentence caused me to turn and look at him. He was watching me , a gentle look in his eyes and his piglet curled up in his lap.

"We never really finished dat convo, so I'm just sayin. I don't think bad about cha for who ya were before al. We all got shit in our pasts , it's why we're down here , right?" He said with a chuckle. I just nodded , he then pet the bed next to him.

Realising he was inviting me to sit by him I got up and wondered over , gingerly sitting next to Angel. His piglet lifted his head and began sniffing my claws.

"Thanks.. giving me a chance , Angel. Most people dip the second they find out about my.. previous occupation" I sighed , beginning to pet the piglet, who seemingly enjoyed the scratches.

After a moment of silence Angel spoke gently.


"What was that?" I spoke , looking up at the spider , his eyes averting my gaze a gentle blush forming on his fuzzy cheeks.

"My name , My True name. It's Antony. I just felt that if we're gonna have these one on ones constantly, I'd prefer if ya called me that." He said with a warm chuckle , still not looking my way , his arm rubbing his neck awkwardly.

Thats who he was. The man id fallen for was called Antony. I gave a warm smile and thought momentarily.

"Names Hector."

He'd shared his mortal name , I might as well tell him mine, though honestly I'd preferred Husk. "But don't feel the need to call me it.. I honestly prefer husk."

Angel gave a soft smile and lay back , his face a gentle tone of red. "Hector.."

If felt weird to hear someone say it out loud , I'd not heard It in years. Having angels gentle voice speak it made butterflies flutter around in my stomach.

"I like it.. it suits you." He smiled at me , pulling me gently trying to get me to lay next to him. Giving in, I let him pull me next to him , both of us becoming a blushing mess once realising how close we were.

"Antony suits you. It's much nicer than 'Angel dust'.." with this his smile widened into a grin.

"Thank you for trusting me with that information, Antony." I turned my face to look at him , my hat falling off my hair onto the pillow under me, he turned to look as well , our faces inches apart.

"Yaknow , I didn't realise I'd enjoy you saying ma name so much." He smiled , his face redder than ever , I could feel mine burning with blush.

"Hey Hecc?"

Not even been a full ten minutes and he's already made a nickname for it. With a soft eyeroll I responded.


"I like you"

His words seemed to stick in the air , my heart beating a million miles a minute , Angel just lay there , his eyes closed but face extremely red, his fluff moving gently with his heartbeat.

Did I like him? I didn't like Angel.. but Antony. Antony is the guy of my dreams. I wanted to be with Antony. but was this just another flirt? Was he just messing with me?

"That an Angel Flirt?" I said , my voice shakey , hoping deep down he'd say no. My eyes not leaving him.

"Nope. Antony all the way , baby" he spoke gently , a slight sadness in his voice. My heart skipped a beat , breathing out deeply i mustered the courage to finally let my heart speak, hoping this wouldn't backfire,

"... I like you too , Antony."

With these words I gently took his hand , keeping it loose so he had the option to take his hand away if he wanted to.

We lay there for what seemed like hours , our hands intertwined, just cherishing the moment , as if the world had slipped away from us.

A soft snuffle and squeak caused us both to look down , fat nuggets had gotten up and was trying to nudge his way between my and angels hand , wanting to be petted.

With a laugh Angel sat up and scooped the pig into a cuddle with his three free arms, allowing me to keep hold of the fourth.

"Awwwhhh lil Nugs wants attention does he? Why won't you let daddy have anyone else's attention? My little attention whoooore" he cooed , kissing the piglets face as fat nugget squealed excitedly , happy his owner was giving him more attention.

I sat up as well , watching them. I let my wing go behind Angel , as if covering his back protectively. As I did so Angel turned to look at me , his hand still petting the pig.

[Angels Pov]

"What now?"

I spoke softly , my heart still pounding from both my confession and his , I lent into his wing a little as I spoke.
I wanted to kiss him , I wanted to do everything with him , but I knew he wouldn't be comfortable and I didn't want to ruin this.

Husk just shrugged , his eyes seeming to wonder to my lips. Noticing this I moved my face closer to
His , his blush deepening.

"What are you thinking, Hector?" I said gently. I loved his name , and how he seemed to smile a little each time I said it.

"May..May I kiss you , Antony?" He mumbled , his Golden eyes widening as he spoke. my heart skipped a beat , nodding in approval.

He used his clawed finger to gently tilt my head up. Moments later his lips connected with mine ,his eyes closing , timid and gentle as if he was scared. With a gentle smile I deepened the kiss, pressing my own lips against his with a bit of force , gently wrapping my upper arms around his neck.

With this motion he seemed to relax , his hand moving from my chin down to my torso , taking hold of my side gently.

We continued to kiss for a few moments , before breaking our lips apart. The smiles on our faces remained as I rested my forehead against his.

"Yaknow , a lot of people would pay good money to experience that~" I chuckled seductively , giving him a wink. He frowned a pushed me away , huffing.

"Angel , Don't."
I gave a hearty laugh and stood up , Smiling at him , he seemed to sigh and smile back , rubbing his neck. I felt his eyes on me as I wondered over to my closet , getting out some comfy pyjamas.

"Ya wan a show, husky~?" I gave him a wink and blowing a kiss.

"Antony..." he said with an exhausted sigh , laying back down and covering his eyes with his arm. "Don't make me regret this."

"I'm just teasing ya , hec , I'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom. Make yaself comfy ok?"
With this I turned and walked into the bathroom , locking the door behind me.

Sliding down against the door I gave a silent squeal , hugging myself.

I'd just kissed husk , husk likes me back , oh my GOD!!!

I was unbelievably happy , I couldn't believe husk liked me! I had to play this right , I didn't want him to get uncomfortable around me.

With a happy sigh I got up and got changed. I'd picked a set of pyjamas that wouldn't be too revealing , simple lilac crop top with the words 'Daddy's sleeping Angel' and matching shorts.

Looking in the mirror I nodded satisfied with my look , throwing my clothes from today in the laundry basket next to my bath.

Smiling I opened the bathroom door , walking through. Husk was on the bed still , his bow tie and suspenders placed neatly in his hat , that had been put on my vanity.

He was lay on his stomach with fat nuggets on his head , wings spread out and tail swaying slightly. Fat nuggets had made a nest between his ears , looking down and oinking in reply whenever husk would speak.

"Who's a cute little piglet?"
"That's right! You are! And who's gonna grow up big and strong to beat the living shit out of your daddies bosssss~?"
"You got it , Gammon Boy!"

I watched on , leaning against the doorway with a grin on my face. If only ever seen Charlie talk to fat nuggets the same way I did. It was absolutely adorable , and I knew once he'd noticed me he'd stop.

With a squeal fat nuggets noticed me , jumping from husks head to the floor , trotting over to me and rubbing on my legs.

"That was adorable."

"Shut up."

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