Bent Not Broken: Kabelo and Z...

By yorahalo

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"Just give me a reason, just a little bits enough, just a second, we're not broken just bent and we can learn... More

Story Aesthetics


78 4 1
By yorahalo

Zuzile Mfusi

My man is turning thirty-four tomorrow, and because it’s such an odd age, I figured I might plan something intimate for him and I.
Not that we ever do something over the top, but there’s always something going on with him. This year I want it to just be the two of us.
But this is Kabelo, trying to surprise him will be futile because I will be utterly disappointed if I do, so I’ll just ask him and spare myself the heartache.
“Baby, I was thinking for your birthday tomorrow, we could do something intimate, just you and I,” I say, stroking his arm gently.
He’s so immersed in what he’s looking at on his phone, that I don’t even think he’s listening.
“Okay, baby.” He approves absentmindedly.
“Kabelo what are you saying okay to?” I ask him, deliberately picking his mind.
I know he’s not listening to me.
“Huh?” oh dear God!
“Can you switch that damn cell phone off and listen to me!” his eyes pop out at my sudden outburst.
He switches it off and looks at me. I don’t know what shocks him when I lose my cool, he’s the one that makes me act mentally unstable.
“I’m sorry for not listening, what were you saying?” he’s squinting his little eyes at me.
You’d swear he can’t see, that’s how tiny they are.
“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” I rephrase my prior question, to avoid further disappointment.
“What’s happening tomorrow?” oh dear Kabelo.
“It’s your birthday Mfusi.” He chuckles and shakes his head.
“Wa tseba ga ke na taba le dilo tšeo. We can do anything you want us to do.” I love it when he brings out his thick Sesotho accent.
Although I sometimes can’t understand what he’s saying, it turns me on. What’s funny though, is his Sesotho is better than his IsiZulu. So much for being a Zulu man!
“Why are you looking at me like that?” since when does Kabelo not take a hint?
“I’m excited about tomorrow, I’m glad you said yes.” I smile at him.
He turns my face and gives me a soft kiss. It’s so tender I start to melt under his touch.
“I wouldn’t have said no, not to you baby. What do you have planned exactly?” I giggle.
He just had to make me weak to get that answer out of me.
“Dinner, just the two of us. And a little gift wrapped in red.” He gives me a seductive smile and captures my lips once again.
It excites me to see that he’s making the first move; we’ve had a dead sex life for the past month or so. If it’s not him being away from home and coming home late, it’s one-sided sex. He gives me an orgasm and sleeps, doesn’t care about getting his own. I don’t know how I feel about that.
I hope today’s not going to be the case.
He parts my legs subtly and starts massaging my clit. I’m already aroused, and I hear a low grumble from his throat when he feels my wetness on his fingers. He quickly climbs off the bed and takes off his shorts. He seems eager and ready for the action, so I roll onto my side and straighten my legs to get comfortable.
He spoons me from behind, and I feel him position himself at my entrance. He starts by kissing my neck, biting, and sucking, making me hum lowly.
He rubs my swollen breasts as he gently slides into me. I hold my breath at the mixture of pain and pleasure pulsating through me. His breath is fanning my face as he starts to move behind me, filling me up completely.
I can’t stop moaning at the feel of his tip tickling my tender spot. This must be my favourite position, where I can experience him full on, his skin on mine, his breath on my neck and him reaching the deepest parts of my core.
His pace starts to increase, still stimulating my tender spot. He lifts my leg for better access and that immediately calls upon all the muscle spasms in my body. He pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around me as I begin trembling under his touch.
“I love you,” I confess.
At the height of what I’m feeling, it’s only fitting for me to confess my feelings for him.
“I love you too.” He groans against my ear.
I feel him wiggle his way out of my cookie and that assures me that it’s over, and just like all the other times, he didn’t cum.
I would question him about it, but I can feel sleep taking over me. Maybe tomorrow he’ll cum.


I’m excited about tonight, the moment I woke up, I’ve been preparing for it. I asked MaNgcobo to help me with preparing things for dinner, but there’s only so much that she can do. I still need to go do some shopping and drop off Mvelo at his grandparent's house for the night.
Mvelo is excited to go visit Muzi, their relationship is the cutest thing. He hasn’t stopped talking about how he wants to beat him at video games, it makes my heart flutter.
I also bought Kabelo’s gift, well I had bought it a long time ago, I was just waiting for it to be shipped, and it conveniently arrived today.
He left early the birthday man. I didn’t get a chance to see him, I only got a glimpse of him as I fluttered my eyelids open when he kissed my forehead goodbye in the morning.
I’ve been meaning to call him, but I’ve been so occupied with this dinner preparations I haven’t gotten a chance.
“Hi, baby.” I greet.
“Zuzile I’m in a meeting.” There’s a hint of annoyance in his voice.
I instantly feel like a nuisance. Why is he being so harsh?
“Oh.” Disappointment surges through my body.
“I’ll call you when I’m done.”
“Oka…” he hangs up.
He just hung up on me! I can’t believe him! He didn’t even have the courtesy to let me finish my sentence or at least my word.
After last night I thought we were okay again, he was slowly beginning to be like himself again. Why the sudden change now? That was so cold of him, and I know he did say that he’s in a meeting, but he didn’t have to be hostile in his approach. He could have said so nicely, how would have I known that he’s in a meeting?
Maybe I bruise too easily and took too much offense, I mean he does have a problem controlling his anger, and maybe he’s not in the happiest of moods currently. I just wish I wasn’t on the receiving end of it, I didn’t do anything to him.
“Mommy.” He snaps me out of the thoughts threatening to drown me.
“Yes baby.” He looks worried.
He comes to stand in between my legs and lays his head on my bump.
“Why do you look sad?” his voice inflects, he even sounds worried.
My heart shatters.
“I’m not sad baby, look at me.” He lifts his head and stares at me.
His eyes twinkle with pure innocence.
“Mommy is not sad, you see, I’m smiling.” I force the smile, although I’m trying really hard to push back the tears warming my eyes.
I can’t let him see me cry, not when he already looks this disturbed. I wonder how Kabelo would feel at this sight.
“We are going to leave soon so you better get ready. Do you want to go shopping with me or should I drop you off at gogo’s first?” I know the obvious answer to that.
“Leave me at gogo’s,” he says jumping up and down happily.
“Okay then, go get all your things, I’m going to get my keys and purse.” He nods excitedly.
“Can we also get ice cream for Muzi and me?” I just offer him a nod and a smile, and he gives a loud excited thank you as he makes his way out the lounge.
It’s easy to distract him, but after today, I’ve learnt to see that he’s very observant of his surroundings, and Kabelo and I have to be very careful of the things we do or say in front of him. I don’t want to scar him.


Shopping in a packed store with a baby bump is not the most exciting thing to do. I’m so fed up with this whole thing. I don’t even think I have the energy to continue with this dinner. Also, my mood hasn’t improved since that call with Kabelo. He never even got back to me, and quite frankly, I don’t want to talk to him as yet.
All these negative feelings are wrong, today is supposed to be a happy day; it’s his birthday for crying out loud.
“Mrs Mommy.” I turn around immediately.
I’m met with a big smile accompanied by dimples. This man’s beauty always baffles me.
“Mr Gumede, how are you?” I ask, immediately bringing my hand up to my face to cover my mouth.
He chuckles.
“I’m okay, but you look tired, uze uyasigwinya.” I laugh, recovering from that yawn.
“I don’t know where that came from.”
“You should rest, it’s an indicator that you don’t.”  he reprimands.
“I do rest, but it’s almost futile when you have to carry around a human being in your body. I can’t stop my life just because she needs a place to live in my body.” he laughs.
“That is true, but she’s going to leave soon, and things will be back to normal again, don’t worry. Just one more month.” I sigh heavily.
“Just one more month neh.” He gently places his hands on my stomach, and looks at me for permission, I just nod.
He starts rubbing my belly in a circular motion, and a smile forms on his face. I smile back at him when I feel her kicking and I immediately direct his hand to where her foot is.
“This is amazing.” He marvels.
It really is. Being pregnant and growing this baby inside my body has been the greatest gift god has ever given me. I’m so grateful to have had this experience. Not a lot of women can.
I get so lost in the moment I forget that we are literally in a shopping centre, in the middle of an aisle, and people are passing and looking at us like weirdos. He also sees this and chuckles awkwardly, removing his hand from my tummy.
“It was nice seeing you Gumede, but I’m rushing home, we will talk on the phone,” I speak first.
“Correct lapho skhokho.” I just laugh.
Sandile is anything but human.
I wait for him to start walking away but he doesn’t. I can feel his hand lingering around my hand, his fingers are subtly touching mine, and that sends shivers all over my body.
“Go Sandile,” I whisper.
He’s not even looking at me, he’s facing the other direction, unsure whether to go or stop. My heart is racing. His fingers are gently dancing on the surface of my skin.
“I’m going.” He whispers back, sounding like he’s in agony.
What the hell was that!? Zuzile you keep getting yourself into complicated situations.

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