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Zuzile Mfusi

I’m snuggled up and so warm in my man’s embrace, I can’t believe it’s morning already and I have to wake up and start my day.
I initially wanted him to wake me up earlier so he could take me back home, but that was hard, and I needed the rest. So now it’s six thirty, and I have to wake up. He kisses the top of my head.
“Wake up my love.” he groans.
His voice is so gruff when he wakes up, I love it. I wish I could stay like this forever, but life continues.
Soon enough, we were ready for the day, I had made him breakfast, ironed his clothes and packed his bags like I always do when I’m here. And you know what this man said, he said: “You’ve always been ready to be my wife. I don’t know why you are running away.”
I don’t know if that was supposed to make me blush or not, but it did. When he dropped me off at the office, the first thing I had to do was call my mother, I’m sure she’s worried sick about me. Plus, I need to remind her about tonight.
“Mom, good morning.” I greet.
“You are at work already Zuzile? You didn’t sleep at the house?” she questions.
I knew she would ask me questions.
“Kabelo came to see me late last night, and we went to his place. I thought I would come back but I didn’t.” I explain.
“Oh.” that’s all she offers me.
I don’t care if she believes that or not.
“I was actually calling to remind you about tonight’s dinner at Kabelo’s house, remember the one I told you about yesterday.” I remind her.
“Yes, the big announcement.” she says.
“Who says it’s big?” why do I suspect she knows something.
“Asazi phela. Since when do you host us at the Mfusi’s?” I rolled my eyes.
My mom likes jumping to conclusions.
“Mom please, it’s a joint announcement, Kabelo’s parents will also be there.” I defend.
“Okay what time are we meeting?” she asks.
“Six thirty.” I tell her.
She quickly mentions something she needs to go do so I quickly end the call. She’s always busy. Housewife chronicles.


I had to take a cab back to Kabelo’s house so I could prepare everything for the evening. I took a well-deserved shower before I went to start the pots.
Kabelo arrived just as I was about to set the table.
“It smells amazing in here.” he says kissing my lips.
“I’m buying them through their stomachs. Hopefully if they are full, they won’t shout too much.” he laughs.
“Don’t worry baby, I know they will be happy. Both of them.” he reassures.
“Okay go freshen up, they will arrive any moment.” I prompt him.
He leaves immediately, and I finish up with setting the table. His parents arrive first, and they are so happy to see me, I’m shocked as to why. He comes down the same time as my parents arrive, and I don’t waste any time, I lead them to the table and dish up for everyone.
“Please don’t make us wait the whole night to tell us the big news.” Ma’ Ruth says as soon as we start eating.
I wonder who told them the news are big.
“Well ma, since you are impatient, we might as well say it. We are expecting.” both parents looked at me.
Well not me exactly, but Kabelo’s hand that immediately flew to my stomach.
“I told you baba, ngicela imali yami!” that’s my mother.
So my parents made a bet, I can’t help but laugh.
“That’s amazing!” his mother stands to come and hug us tightly.
“I’m so happy, I’m going to be a grandmother again.” his father is acting subtle about it, he offers us a congratulations.
Their reaction is nothing like I expected. In my head I was prepared for something so much harsher because even though I’m a grown independent woman, I’m still an unmarried woman and live with my parents, but I guess the union and beautiful relationship we’ve built between our families in the past four years has paved the way to this beautiful reaction we have received today to the news of the arrival of our bundle of joy cooking in my stomach. I’m glad everything went smoothly, and I don’t feel as guilty for letting go and allowing myself to fall pregnant. More than anything I thank God for blessing me so much with such a wonderful man although he has his flaws, and a loving and accepting family.
They popped a bottle of bubbly, and my baby was celebrated before we called it a night. Now it was just me and my baby daddy in the comfort of his chambers, and I was safely tucked away in his warm embrace, my home.
“I can’t believe they were so happy.” I say.
“I told you they would, you were panicking for nothing. You said you are how far along again?” he asked.
“I’m 11 weeks, going onto my 12th. That’s a good three months if I count correctly.” I say.
“Wasn’t that the time we were out the country, in Australia?” I smiled and looked up at him.
“We are carrying a foreign baby.” I laughed.
Silence passed between us for a moment, his hand playing around my flat tummy.
“I hope it’s a boy.” I say softly.
“Well, it’s not actually, it’s a girl.” I looked up at him quizzically.
“And how do you know that?”
“I’m the one who put her in there, I know it’s daddy’s little princess.” he says with excitement audible in his voice.
“We will see about that.” it’s my body, I think I know it best.
“We should go to the doctor to find out the gender then so we can put this to rest.” he says kissing my neck.
“Who said I want to know the gender?” plus, it’s too soon to know anyway.
“It’s not only your baby.” I laughed.
“Okay, you know what, I’ll ask my friends to plan a gender reveal, I want something cute.” I say to him.
“What is that? Is it one of those parties where you get gifts and play those silly games?” oh wow Kabelo.
“No, that’s a baby shower sthandwa sami. A gender reveal is a small gathering where we reveal the baby’s gender.” he shakes his head.
“How am I supposed to know all of that?” he’s so oblivious.
But it’s cute. He continues to listen to all my crazy ideas about what I want for our baby. I know what I was feeling yesterday but now I can slowly feel the excitement kick in. I think the positive response from both his family and mine contributed greatly to this excitement that I feel. And now I can slowly start imagining myself as a mom, and maybe, just maybe someone’s wife. Kabelo’s wife.


It’s not every day that my man does a homely duty like bring me breakfast in bed. I know it wasn’t prepared by him, but it’s the thought that counts.
I just had to ruin in by being extremely nauseous, and I had to run to the bathroom to vomit it all out. The smell of eggs and grease makes me sick, and he hasn’t lived with me long enough to know that they do.
“Please take them away.” I begged as he rubbed my back.
My head was still over the toilet bowl. I saw a flash of disappointment in his eyes, and I felt bad. He immediately left the bathroom, and I took some time to compose myself before getting up to rinse my mouth and exit the bathroom.
The bedroom was vacant, so I decided to make the bed before making my way downstairs. I had lost my appetite, but the helper was still busy making more breakfast.
“Morning ma.” I greeted her politely.
She’s a little older than I am so I show her the same respect I show all elders.
I couldn’t bear the smell of what she’s making.
“Yoh ma, those eggs.” I say holding my mouth.
I want to stop myself from gagging. She looks at me and smiles, why is she smiling?
“Little one making you sick already?”
“How did you know ma?” I ask tilting my head to the side.
“Kabelo came in here the other day excited like a little boy and told me he was going to be a father.” he’s already a father!
This is not his first child for him to be this excited. At this point the whole world will know I’m pregnant.
“Okay let me throw these out before you throw up.” she says patting my shoulders.
As she walks out, I go to the fridge to look for something light to feast on. I may be nauseous but I’m starving. I find some yogurt and fruits and mix that in a bowl. MaNgcobo comes back and heads to the kitchen sink.
“Ma, do you know where Kabelo disappeared to?” I want to go apologize; I saw that he was disappointed that I turned his gesture away.
But it’s not my fault, it’s the grease; and it’s still suffocating me, I need to make my way out this kitchen fast!
“I don’t know sisi, look for him in his study.”
I thank her and pick up my breakfast, quickly making my way out the house, next thing you know I’ll be vomiting again, and I don’t need that.
I make my way up the stairs, all the way to his study. I let myself in, although I know very well that he doesn’t like that one bit. He’s always preaching respect to me, not that I don’t have any, but some of the things he does are different from mine.
In turn, he turns and stares at me with a questioning look. I ignore it, close the door behind me and set my bowl of food on the table. My aim is to check if he’s really okay. I go up to him, push his chair back and force myself on his lap. He’s sulking but I cup his face and peck his lips.
“Why did you run away?” he looks at me blankly.
“I hate seeing you sick, do you want me to take you to the hospital or something?” is that why he’s sulking.
I chuckle and peck his lips again.
“I’m pregnant Kabelo, so sharing your body with someone else will trigger some other things, and one of them for me unfortunately is vomiting. But that’s only because I’m in the first trimester, hopefully the morning sickness will be over soon. Don’t stress out, you only stress out when you see blood.” he nods, with a bit of uncertainty on his face.
“How can I help then?” he asks.
It’s a simple question but it triggers my tear ducts, I don’t want to cry.
“Just be here for me.” that’s all he can do.
He nods and begins to gently brush my flat stomach.
“Little one, it’s daddy her, please stop making your mother sick. I love her and I don’t like seeing her sick.” my heart flutters.
He’s corny but it’s so sweet of him. He goes from kissing my stomach to kissing my lips gently.
“So, are you going to be fine?” he asks resting his forehead on mine.
His eyes are staring into my soul. I love him so much.
“I’ll be fine baby. But there is one thing you can help me with.” I say and flash him a naughty smile.
He chuckles and lifts me up excitedly. He would never say no to that.
I have long forgotten that my stomach is empty, my man is going to fill other things.

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