A missing piece... The other...

By 3HaNaNa3

89.3K 3.4K 413

Salvatore Smith meets a woman with whom he shared few nights after loosing his wife. It was 12 years ago, sh... More

Chapter 1 - Fumiko Tanaka...
Chapter 2 - Make a choice...
Chapter 3 - I am your father...
Chapter 4 - Strangers...
Chapter 5 - Give me a chance...
Chapter 6 - She was murdered...
Chapter 7 - Time to say Goodbye...
Chapter 8 - Make your choice...
Chapter 9 - One day after another...
Chapter 10 - New School...
Chapter 11 - New friend...
Chapter 12 - Where is Suki???
Chapter 13 - Onii-san...
Chapter 14 - School bully...
Chapter 15 - Otô-san...
Chapter 16 - Normal days...
Chapter 17 - A day with you...
Chapter 18 - Paparazzi...
Chapter 19 - Takeshiro Tanaka...
Chapter 20 - Happy birthday Mom...
Chapter 21 - Unexpected visit...
Chapter 23 - Weird...
Chapter 24 - Fight at school...
Chapter 25 - Valentina...
Chapter 26 - Uncle's attack...
Chapter 27 - Feelings...
Chapter 28 - Long night...
Chapter 29 - Mr Rossi...
Chapter 30 - The package...
Chapter 31 - Back to school...
Chapter 32 - School Festival?

Chapter 22 - Gianni's training...

2K 113 13
By 3HaNaNa3

Gianni: My Dad doesn't think that it is necessary, but I think the contrary... (She was staring at him, not understanding.)... it's time for you to learn how to defend yourself... or at least, to try to stay alive if someone tries to harm you!

Suki's mind seemed to have stop functioning. Gianni, that tall, bulk, tattooed man, wanted to teach her how to fight? How? He could easily break her in two with two fingers. He was doing 2 times her size!

Suki: Is... it a punishment?

Gianni: What? No! Are you stupid?!

Suki: I... I don't want to... (She stepped back.)... it will hurt... you're too strong and tall and...

Gianni: I'm not going to beat your ass! I will only teach you how to defend yourself if someone tries to hurt you! One of us will not always be there to protect you! What if a situation like... the other day... happens again? What will you do?!

The memory of the incident that happened in that same place was still vivid in Suki's mind, just like in Gianni's one.

Gianni: I don't say that for you to freak out! Don't you want to be able to protect yourself too?

Suki: ... Okay... (She was not really convinced.)

Gianni: Don't move, I'm bringing protections, so you won't be afraid to hurt yourself!

Gianni quickly went to the supplies room and came back with protections and gloves used by the fighters while training. He put a helmet on her head and tried his best to adjust it, but it was still too big. He did the same with the gloves.

Gianni: I should buy kids' kits... so, listen to me and try to do the same. There is nothing difficult, but it can safe your life one day.

Suki: ... Okay...

Gianni: (He smirked.) The scared little kitten is back...

Gianni put his gloves too and started to explain basic knowledges about boxing. Suki was focused, she didn't want her brother to be mad at her. The theory was easy to listen to but now, Gianni wanted to put it in practice.

Gianni: Ready? (She shook her head and he smirked.) Too bad... Lift your fists and hit on my gloves. (She did it and almost fell.) That's crazy, how can you be so weak?!

Suki: ... I'm... only 11... (She murmured but he heard her.)

Gianni: Really? Because with that body, I though that you were 7... max 8! (She frowned a little.) Keep going!

Suki hit once again Gianni's gloves and with the directives of her brother, it was a bit less difficult for her. She repeated the same movements several times before trying another exercise.

The little girl was diligent, and Gianni appreciated that, but he also didn't miss the opportunity to tease her when she didn't keep her guard as he had asked her, by lightly hitting the top of her head.

Suki: ... ahhh... (She stopped moving and stared at him.)

Gianni: That's what happens if you lose your focus!

Suki: ... It hurts...

Gianni: If that hurts, you can imagine what a bad person can do to you... if you were able to, wouldn't you have liked to punch Vito when he was choking you? Or that fu** asshole?

Suki: (Her eyes became more shinning because of the emotions.)... Yes... but... I am not strong enough...

Gianni: If you know how and where to hit, even with your tiny fists, you can put a man like me down.

Suki was not sure at all about what her brother was stating but she shyly nodded in agreement. Then, she continued to do what Gianni said. After a moment, he took off his gloves and hers.

Suki: Are we done?

Gianni: Nope! I think that you need at least 10 years of training to be able to hurt someone with that small body... brief, I will teach you technics of self-defense now.

Suki: Against you? You're too strong... you are going... to kill me...

Gianni: So what? You think to be attacked by Tinkerbell?! Don't be stupid, my goal is not to hurt that little Princess... (He chuckled.)

Suki looked down, she didn't like to be called a little Princess by Gianni, knowing that he was making fun of her while she was serious. The young man took off the helmet. Then, he reminded her of the weak point of men, making her blush. After that, he showed her technics to free herself of someone's catch. The little girl was amazed that it worked.

Gianni: So? I'm not saying shit, right?

Suki: I never said that!

Gianni: You never said it, but it was clear at your face that you doubted my words!

Suki: It's because it's not for real... when someone attacks you... it's scary and... it's not easy to fight back... I'm not... like you...

Gianni: That's the purpose of this, becoming stronger!

Suki: Why... are you doing this? Wasting your time... to teach me this... (She dared to ask him with her green-blue eyes stuck on him.)

Gianni: You're a weakness to our family. 

His tone was without emotions, to seem unattached to her and it hurt the little girl. She thought that they become a little bit close, but it seemed that she was mistaken. She looked down once again but this time, it was to not show him that she was sad.

Gianni knew that he was hurting her feelings, and his words and attitude were only a way to hide his own feelings.

He couldn't say to her that she was slowly gaining a place in his life, that he felt somehow responsible of protecting her because she was young, small and weak. But also, and more importantly, that he became used to her presence, to her gaze on him, and started to see her like a little sister that he found fun to tease.

Gianni: Eh... if you don't want to be seen like that, the only thing you have to do is become stronger, not the easy target that you are for now!

Suki: It's not that easy...

Gianni: Listen to what I say, and it will change! Let's continue if you want to go home... because personally... I can do that all night long!

Suki lifted her head to stare at her brother. He was crazy. She was already exhausted, the night had already come out, she was surprised that they were still there as dinner time was close.

Gianni explained once again 2/3 movements before doing a real-life exercise. He told her that they were done and as soon as Suki turned herself, he attacked her. She startled when she felt Gianni's powerful arm around her neck. He was playing his role pretty well because when she didn't react as he wanted, he tightened his catch.

Suki: Gianni... (She was pulling his arm in vain.)... please...

Gianni: You didn't listen to what I taught you?! Find a way to escape or you will die in less than a minute!

Suki: You...

Suki was feeling her strengths leaving her. Her brother was definitively crazy! Was that story a disguise way to kill her? She had to do something... so she elbowed him in his side area.

She was maybe not strong, but her little sharp elbow was enough to make the young man let go of his catch. She turned herself to face him, thinking that it was over, but Gianni only smirked, with a devilish gaze.

Gianni: Not too bad... but it's not over!

Suki: Wait... ahhhh!!!!

Gianni had grabbed her by her waist like a wrestler on a ring and pinned her down on the fight mattress, fortunately with cautious. The goal was not to break her back.

He was standing over her with one of his knee on the ground and lifted his arm, fist clinched, as if he was ready to punch her.

She freaked out and covered her face with her hands. At the same time, she instinctively lifted her legs and one of them hit Gianni directly in his sensible spot. It was unintentional but efficient... Except that...

Except that... the immense pain that attacked him made Gianni folded in two while Suki tried to get up, causing the young man headbutted the little girl.

Suki: ahhhh!!!! (She fell back... on her back and put her hands on the shock area.)

Gianni: The fu**!!! It hurts as fu**... 

Gianni, on his side, had barely felt the headbutt and he was only focused on his private part, having his two hands on it in a protective way. He let his body to fall on the side and tried to catch his breath to calm the pain. After few seconds, his attention was attracted by Suki's crying.

Gianni: Why the hell are you crying? I'm the one with crushed nuts! (She continued to cry so he looked at her.)... Eh... I'm fine... Eh...

Gianni was annoyed that Suki didn't answer to him, so he sat, and he grabbed her hands so she would look at him.

Gianni: What the fu** is that? How the hell... Stand up!

Gianni forgot his pain in a second at the view of the little girl's black eye that popped up. He stood up and made her stand up too before dragging her to the small room that served as infirmary.

Gianni: Fu**... did I hurt you? It was not in purpose... (He made her sit.)... Does it hurt a lot? (She sobbed and nodded.) Fu** Fu**...

Suki: I... I want to go home...

Gianni: (He took a medical kit.) Put that on your eye... Fu**...

Suki: It's cold... and it hurts...

Gianni: (He stared at her with attention.) It will reduce the pain... and the swelling... Damn... Dad will kill me for sure!

Suki: I am sorry... I was afraid... I thought that you were about to hit me...

Gianni: What do you take me for?! (He yelled, unable to control himself.) Sorry... you... you did the right thing... and for this... it's just an accident... it happens when you train yourself. Don't think that I wanted to hurt you deliberately! Understood?!

Suki nodded and after a moment, Gianni kneeled down in front of her to check her eye. She took off the cold pack and he frowned. He approached his hand to check the injury, but she moved back.

Gianni: I won't hurt you... but I need to check the area... your skin marks a lot...

Suki: It's ugly?

Gianni: If the question is... Do people will think that someone punched you, yes... do you have make-up?

Suki: No... I don't use make-up... Can we go home now?

Gianni: (He put 3 fingers in front of her eyes.) How many fingers? Are you feeling dizzy? Headache?

Suki: No... it hurts, that's all.

Gianni: Okay, wait here, I'm taking your stuffs, and we can go.

Gianni quickly went to his office to bring back Suki's schoolbag and uniform. He had a close face. The hit he gave to his little sister was an accident, but he felt guilty anyway. He should have been more careful.

When Gianni came back, Suki stood up and frowned. It didn't go unnoticed by the young man who dropped everything and came closer, worried that she had a concussion.

Gianni: Eh... what's wrong? Do you want to vomit? Your view is troubled? Are you going to faint?

Suki: No... I moved too quickly maybe; it gives me a headache. There is probably medicine at home...

Gianni: We should go to the hospital!

Suki: No... It is not necessary, please... I just want to go home...

Gianni: (He sighed.) Do... you need me to carry you?

Suki: (She blushed, embarrassed.) No! (She wanted to take her stuffs, but he grabbed its before her.)

Gianni: I'mtaking that, let's go. 

Gianni gently took Suki's arm, worried that she would not feel well. They left the MMA Club and the guards' expression when they saw the little girl with a black eye, didn't help Gianni to feel less guilty.

The ride back home was silent. Suki had looked at her eye with the mirror and it was really visible, already dark and swollen. How would she go to school like that? She didn't have make-up, she could maybe find an eye bandage and people will think that she had an eye treatment or something, not that she received a headbutt from her own brother causing a black eye.

Gianni: We're at home. Are you sure to be alright?

Suki: Hum... Gianni... Father, he will be angry?

Gianni: Against me, yes, definitively! There is a big chance that I finish just like you tonight!

Suki: He will not hit you?!

Gianni: (He chuckled.) You're worried that I get my ass beat up? I kind of deserve it, no?

Suki: No!... You didn't mean to do it... it was an accident...

Gianni: When I hear you, it seems that you are not sure and asking for my confirmation. (She stared at him.) Fu**, no, I told you, I'm sorry, I'm not a jerk to attack a little girl like,... even more you...

Suki shyly smiled but immediately frowned. Just the fact that her cheek moved was painful under her eye.

Gianni: I don't get why you don't want to go to the hospital...

Suki: I just want to shower and sleep...

The siblings got out of the car and entered the house. Suki had in mind to go directly to her bedroom, to shower and sleep, avoiding everyone, to hide her injury. She didn't want to bring troubles to her brother. She could ask Maria for make-up and in few days, her black eye would disappear.

But things were not on her side today. She passed near the living room and her father called her. Everyone was present, waiting to have dinner after her and Gianni's return.

Salvatore: Suki? Where are you running? Come to have dinner first!

Suki: I... I'm not hungry... (She avoided to look at him, ready to run.)

Salvatore: Stop! Come here. (She hesitated.) Suki.

Gianni stopped behind her with her stuffs in his hand. Salvatore noticed the little girl's outfit.

Salvatore: Did something happen at school? Why are you wearing a sports suits, way too big for you?

Gianni never had in mind to hide the truth. He was a proud man, ready to face any punishment for his mistakes. He put his hand on the little girl's shoulder and made her enter the living room. Gasps of shock were heard when they saw Suki's face.

Gabriel: What the fu** happened?! Who did that to you? Why none of you called us?! (He had stood up, angry and Suki was startled.)

Gianni: It's my fault, don't yell, you're scaring the kid!

Salvatore: (He bent in front of her and moved her hair.) Suki, it must hurt a lot. (She had her gaze fixed on her father's one.) Gianni, did you take her to the hospital?

Gianni: She refused to go.

Dante was standing behind his father, near Gabriel. 

Dante: Since when a kid has something to say? Don't you see her face?! How could you punch a little girl?!

Suki: No... he didn't... (She was overwhelmed by the situation.)

Gabriel: Father, let's go to the hospital!

Salvatore: (He carried Suki.) Yes, let's not waste more time! Gianni, I will deal with you later!

Suki: Otô-san... wait... it was an accident... please... don't get angry.

Salvatore was containing his anger with a lot of difficulties and his silent troubled Suki. Gabriel was following them. They got in the young man's car in that heavy silence. 

Davide: I'm wondering what that thing did for you to punch her!

Gianni: I didn't punch her! It was an accident!

Dante: Your fist accidently hit her face?!

Gianni: I was teaching her self-defense, but when she kicked my balls, our head bumped in each other... Fu**, I'm not punching kids!

Vito: So, you punched her because she kicked your balls? That's fair!

Gianni: Fu** idiot! You didn't listen to me? It was an accident!

Dante: Dad didn't clearly express that he was against teaching her how to fight?

Gianni: If we don't teach her how to defend herself, she will always be an easy target! At her previous school, you told me that she was bullied and even in that rich kids' school, she had troubles! Danger is everywhere, especially for girls like her!

Enzo: I'm with Gianni on this, she needs to learn the basic. But I'm not sure that Dad will understand your motivations.

Davide: Bro'... you touched his little princess... you're dead!

Davide, as always, found the situation funny. For once, he was not the one in troubles with his father because of that girl.

Gianni: I need a shower! (He left to his bedroom.)

Dante: Let's have dinner, they won't be back soon.

Vito: Great, I'm starving, and I'm done to wait for nothing!

In Gabriel's car, Suki found the courage to talk, and she explained what happened with Gianni.

Suki: Otô-san?

Salvatore: Gianni made a big mistake. (His tone was calmer but still showing his annoyance.) You don't need to learn how to fight. You're too young for that! Your family is here to protect you. Your father has to protect you.

Suki: Gianni... he hadn't bad intentions...

Gabriel: Good intentions or not, the result is the same!

Suki: I am sorry... it was my fault, please don't fight with Gianni.

Salvatore: Suki...

Gabriel: We arrived.

Salvatore got out of the car, and he wanted to carry Suki, but even if she refused strongly, he did as he decided. They were welcomed by a nurse, and she quickly took them to a private room for auscultation. The doctor entered just after. 

Doctor: Mr Smith, what happened to your daughter?

Salvatore: She... accidentally... received a hit on her face.

Salvatore accentuated the word " accidentally" while staring at her daughter. The doctor looked at the little girl then at the two men. He didn't understand the signification of Salvatore's words.

Was he responsible of his own daughter's injury?

Doctor: Sirs, can you both leave the room?

Gabriel: No! (Suki looked at him.)

Doctor: Miss Smith deserves some privacy, please understand.

Salvatore: Suki, are you hurt somewhere else?

Suki: No... Doctor, if it's okay for you, my Father and Brother can stay? I only bumped my head with my other brother while doing sports. He gave me an ice pack.

Doctor: Okay. Let me check your eyes. Please excuse me in advance if it hurts but I need to check that your bones are not broken. (He touched her, and she frowned, making Gabriel move.)

Gabriel: Be careful!

Salvatore: Is it broken? Do you have something to reduce her pain?

Doctor: It doesn't seem broken but well swollen. You have a skin that bruises easily. I can give you a pomade that will help to heal quicker. I'm going to prescribe pain killers too.

Suki: Doctor, do you have an eye patch or something to hide it?

Doctor: Sure, the nurse can find something suitable for you.

The doctor wrote everything on his files and gave to Salvatore the medicine note. Then, he left with the nurse, who went to find the necessary requested by the little girl.

Suki: Are... you both still angry?

Gabriel: Yes... but not against you. (He sighed.) I am sorry Suki, I can't see my little sister hurt, like you are now, even more because of one of our brothers. It is unacceptable.

Salvatore: Gabriel is right. We know how painful it must be.

Suki: Gianni was hurt too... because of me...

Gabriel: He looked for it! (The nurse came back with eyes patches.) Thank you. Can we leave now?

Nurse: Yes, Miss, please be careful. (She smiled and left.)

Salvatore: Let's go home. You need to eat and rest.

Suki understood that his father and brother would need time to calm down. The ride back was silent. When they reached home, the rest of the brothers were in the living room. They already had heir dinner, except Gianni, who preferred to wait his father's return. Salvatore took Suki directly to her bedroom. She needed to shower and wear her own comfortable clothes.

Downstairs, Gabriel had a close face and an extremely powerful and dangerous aura. He took a lot on himself until now.

Gianni: Gabriel... I know what you will s...

Gabriel: (He punched him violently.) Eye for an eye!

Gianni stepped back by the force of the hit. No one dared to move or talk. 

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