
By zodiacobsessed

1.1K 27 0

i have to add some... drama.. Y/N Lupin has been in love with professor Snape since 3rd year.. she doesn't re... More

Ch 1 || Dont Talk Back To Me.
Ch 2 || Again?
Ch 3 || Your Drunk??
Ch 4 || I'm so sorry.
Ch 5 || Where Have You Been?
Ch 6 || Good Girl.
Ch 7 || Such A Good Slut.
Ch 8 || Grounded.
Ch 9 || Prison.
Ch 10 || Windfall
Ch 11 || I Miss You.
Ch 12 || They Know.
Ch 13 || Gold Vs. Silver
Ch 14 || Double Trouble
Ch 15 || Friday
Ch 16 || Inspection
Ch 17 || Dinner
Ch 18 || The Night
Ch 19 || Days Off
Ch 21 || Christmas
Ch 22 || Severus' House

Ch 20 || Step Father.

32 1 0
By zodiacobsessed

I find it. The perfect gift.. a black thick notebook but not too big with green stripe on the side.

(Picture this kinda)

I smile and pick it up. There's also a nice quill that came with it. I walk up to the counter to pay. The man smiles and says "Is that all dear?" and I nod "Yes, sir."

"Alright that will be.. 4 galleons please!" he says putting into a bag and I grab the money out of my pocket and hand it to him and he smiles handing me the bag. "Have a nice day!" I smile "Thanks! You too!" and leave.

When I was in our chambers- his chambers.. I mean.. kinda ours now..? right?" anyway that doesn't really matter. What matters is that I saw his favorite cologne is running out. I smile and walk into a little shop that sells cologne and perfumes and the man smiles. "Hello miss! how may I help you?" I look into my pocket and pull out a piece of paper that I wrote the smell on because I knew I would never remember it.

"Erm.. Lalique 'Encre Noir'? I think.."

"Who is it for, may I ask?"

"Oh Severus Snape.."

He smiles "Ah yes this is his smell.." He takes a bottle off of a high shelf and hands it to me "Thank you!" I say as he walks me to the counter. "Alright that will be 6 galleons please." he says while wrapping it in wrapping paper. I go into my pocket and take the money out and hand it to him. He smiled and then gave me the bottle.

I said goodbye and put the two things in my extendable bag. I then walk out of the shop towards where me and Severus were planing to meet and then, I get pulled into an alley. A strong man grabs my neck and lifts me off of the ground.

My step father.

He's known me for like 1 year.. my mom got re married and then I ended up with my dad once I was born because she found out that he was magic and knew I was gonna be magic too. But my step dad found out about me and promised my ma that he would kill me, at least- that's what my dad says.. I don't know, we moved far away to where no one would find us.

How did he find me- what the fuck..

"I've been wanting to kill you freak for years." he slaps me across my face and I wince. "You are a freak and a slut. I saw you with that older man." he says slapping my face again and I wince. He smirks "Aw never been beaten before? Well you'll never be seen again once I strangle you."

He puts both of his hands around my neck pushing me up on the ground and I squirm when I hear "STUPIFY" And I fall to the ground. Severus runs over to me and holds me and scowls at the man "What the hell did you do to her?" My step dad gets up and I start to cry. Severus takes me and squeezes me tightly and all of a sudden we're in our chambers.

"Love.. who was that?"

I sobbed into his shoulder and then finally said "My step father.. I think.." Severus gasps and then picks up his phone and calls my dad. He appears from the floo and immediately runs over to me "That bastard! How did he even get in!?" He says hugging me while letting me stay in Severus' arms.

I shake my head and then tell him what he did to me and he got pissed, like really pissed. Then he storms off to go find him. He returns about five minutes later and says "I told Dumbledore and he handled the situation. You're safe now sweetie." He kisses my forehead.

A few more days later me and my dad both decided I was ready to go back to school. I get up in the morning and get dressed. Severus does my hair in two little braids this time and then kisses my head "I'll see you after school darling." I turn around and kiss him. "Bye love"

I head to breakfast and everyone starts to stare at me and whisper. how does everyone know.. A few seconds later I'm snapped out of my thoughts to Lana and Elise hugging me "Y/N! are you okay?" I sigh "No but it's getting better I guess.." I look around "Does everyone know..?" I ask softly and Lana shrugs "I have no idea.."

I sigh and begin to eat my breakfast. Then after that it's time for classes. I try to re adjust to school again. Then it's potions. I zone out but this time, Severus doesn't give me a detention. He just lets me be knowing that he can teach me this lesson later.

After the bell rang I sat there in my own world leg shaking picking my nails and zoning out. I jump softly feeling a hand on my shoulder and Severus pulls his hand back "I'm so sorry love.."

"No no! I'm sorry I was just lost in thought, that's all.. I promise, I'm not scared of you." I get up and hug him and he hugs me back. Then my dad walks in. he wants to discuss what I wanna do for the holidays. Our Christmas break is for two weeks so we decided that for the first week, when Christmas actually is, I'll stay with my dad, and the second week I'll spend with Severus.

my dad left to go back to his room. A few more days of classes went on and It was finally time for break. I said goodbye to my friends and packed only a few things that I would need while with my father. I walked to Severus' office after I got done saying goodbye and packing.

I hugged him and gave him a kiss which he was hesitant to let me go, we said goodbye and I walked to my dad's office.

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