Mashle: Strongest With & With...

By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

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In this Magic Realm, is where everything is born with magic. Humanity have evolved to the point they can use... More

Bio of Morgan
Bio of Artoria
Morgan's First Step - Part I
Morgan's First Step - Part II
Besting the Status
Off Campus Class
The "Strong"point
Slashing Mage
Hanging Out
Morgan's Twin
Knight Mage
Wand Material
Battle For Mithril

Life in Easton

389 20 3
By Kaitou-Saikyou-Zeta

Wanting to create a place so that Mash and Regro can live peacefully, Morgan went to attend to Easton Magic Academy so she could become a Divine Visionary. By becoming one, she shall be acknowledged as someone who is chosen by God, and could change the society to gain support. She passed the entrance exam and successfully transfer to the academy. What's left is packing her stuff before she leaves.

One Week Later...

(Burnedead Residence)

At their house, Mash and Regro are helping Morgan in packing her stuff so she can move to the dorm during the House Selection.

Morgan: Toothbrush, toothpaste, extra underwear, extra clothes, books, and my other things... All things are done. Thank you, Pops, Mash.

Mash: 'Kay.

Regro: I can't believe that you are leaving this house. I truly can't believe the day has come for me to let you go! Waaah!

He cried while Mash patting his back, Morgan smile wryly at their adoptive father for being very emotional.

Morgan: Pops, don't worry. I'll come back whenever I could, so you don't have to worry about me.

Regro: Remember, Morgan. These are the things I wanted you to always kept in mind.

He take out a paper and it rolled down all the way to the ground when Regro uses his levitation magic, and the paper even reach near the wall.

Morgan: *in mind* Where did Pops get that kind of long paper?

Regro: First, do you act like you're an adult woman before you graduate. Second, do not drink any kind of liquor no matter what even if your friends invite you. Three, do not interact with bad people. Four, do not wake up late or you will be late for your class. Five, do not cause any trouble to anyone at the school. Six...

Morgan: *in mind* This is just way too many rules... I know, Pops, I'm a young woman. But I know how to take care of myself...!

One Hour Later...

Regro: ...One hundred, always remember that your family always watching you. You can come home anytime you want if you wish to see us. Okay, that is all the rules that I set for you--

But when he look at Morgan, she is totally overheated. Same goes for Mash who is listening to the talk. Smoke literally coming out from their head.

Regro: Ahh, you two get overloaded with information and lose your consciousness?! Morgan, Mash! Hey, kids!

Morgan/Mash: Ah!

Regro: *sigh* Anyway, just take good care of yourself, Morgan. I don't want you to get into bad crowd, that's all.

Morgan: I will do my best to do that, Pops. I wanted to become a Divine Visionary so I can give both of you a fine life than this. Just wait, Pops, Mash, I'll make sure the new society that I create could bring you peaceful life. I still don't like how the system is currently moving.

Regro: Just be careful.

Mash: Nee-chan, you can do it.

Morgan: I will do the best I can! No, I will make sure that it will happen no matter what! Raaaah!

She gets fired up, with the background gets in flame around her.

Mash: Oh, Nee-chan is on fire.

Regro: She literally is.

Morgan grab her bags, and walk out of the house. She wave at her family, as they wave back at her. And this is another one of Morgan's first step, leaving the house.

(Time Skip)
(Easton Magic Academy)

In Easton Magic Academy, there are three Houses that set for the students. Each House have different kind of students that have their own goal which make them chosen to that House. Adler who values courage and conviction, with their emblem is the Eagle. Orca who values wisdom and willingness, with their emblem is the Killer Whale. And lastly, Lang who values ability and ambition, with their emblem is the Wolf.


Inside a hall, the new transfer students and the continuing students from middle school gathered there to determine which House they will be joining.

《Marvina Mevitable》
《Age: 59》

She is one of the teacher in the academy, and take her job seriously. Marvina also observe the House Selection by one of the creature in the academy that they uses.

《Sorting Unicorn》

This creature uses its mind to determine which House that the students will be entering. The Sorting Uniform take pride of doing its job.

Marvina: We will now sort the new students into their dorms. Those who I call their name, please step forward. Then hold the unicorn's horn, and through your magic power, it will ready your thoughts and ideas to select a House that suits you.

The unicorn lower its head that allow the student to touch its horn so it can read their mind to determine which House they will be placed in.

Marvina: First up, Ratt Io.

A short teenage boy with short black hair step up and hold the horn of the unicorn.

Sorting Unicorn: Hmmm... I see. You have ambition and value your ability greatly. You will be in House Lang.

Ratt: All right!

Marvina: Next up, Scrue Driv.

A tall and muscular teenage boy with blonde hair step forward and hold the unicorn's horn.

Sorting Unicorn: Hm, hm. You have great courage, and hold your conviction with great pride. You will be in House Adler.

Scru: Okay!

The selection continue on as more and more students have been determine which House they belong at. And it finally her turn.

Marvina: Next up, Morgan Burnedead.

Morgan step forward and hold the unicorn's horn.

Sorting Unicorn: Hmmm... You are a bit tough one. You have the strong conviction, willingness for others and even value ability to the finest level. But from my thought, you shall be in House Orca.

Morgan: Thank you, and I don't mind which House I'd be in anyway.

Sorting Unicorn: Good luck with that House, young lady.

Morgan: Yessir.

After all the students have determined their House, they take their stuff to their dorm.

(House Orca Dorm)

At the dorm area for Orca students, Morgan look around and trying to find where her room is.

Morgan: Uhh... *look around* Room 360... Room 360... Where is it?

She keep looking around but there are so many room around there.

Morgan: Ugh... Which is it? And why there are so many rooms here?

???: May I help you?

She turn around and sees a tall masculine person, who happen to be a student there too.

《Margarette Macaron》
《Age: 16》
《House Orca Prefect / 1st Year Student》

(A/N: As you know, Margarette is a nonbinary person. So Margarette would usually refer as "they." In order to avoid confusion, and those who know he change forms of his appearance, Margarette in his tall muscular form will be refer as "he" while his true form will be refer as "she.")

This person is one of those who need to be watch out at this house. Despite being a double-liner, Margarette is very powerful compare to an average double-liner. His personal magic is Sounds, an ability that allow him to use sound as weapon.

Morgan: Oh, yes. Are you a House Orca student?

Margarette: In fact, I am. My name is Margarette Macaron, a pleasure to meet you. I am the Prefect of House Orca.

Morgan: I am Morgan Burnedead, a transfer student.

Margarette: Ahh, I heard of you. You are the top of the transfer student, am I right? I am happy that there is a top student like you in my House. Ohohohoh.

Morgan: To be honest, I don't really care which House I am in this school. Oh, right. *show her paper* Do you know which room is this?

After looking into the paper, Margarette show where Morgan's room is. Once opened the room, Morgan sees the room is an average size and have needed items.

Margarette: Here is your room, Room 360.

Morgan: Thanks for the help, Macaron-san.

Margarette: Oh, no need of using last name. First name is fine.

Morgan: Then... *smirk* How about "Margarette-chan"?

Margarette: Oh, you are a bold one. *smirk* Then I shall call you "Morgan-chan" in return. I expect you to do well as a student who held in the House Orca.

Morgan: Of course. Though what I do mostly connected with my own personal goal.

Margarette: Ohohoh, everyone in Easton always have their own personal goal. And each House have their own way of life.

Morgan: Oh, I see.

Margarette: The House of Orca emphasizes the traits of wisdom and willingness. Because of those traits, all members show great knowledge, have good judgment, and are always ready to take on any challenge. Each student is uniquely diverse, and many students here are specialist in their fields.

Morgan: House Orca is quite interesting than I thought.

Margarette: Morgan-chan, those in this House always aim for self-interest because who act more as individual than as a group. I hope that your stay at House Orca will be pleasing.

Morgan: You don't have to worry about me, Margarette-chan. I may look like this, but I'm strong.

Margarette: I can't wait to see what kind of show you will reveal.

Morgan: Don't expect it to happen. I'm a secretive person.

Margarette left Morgan at her room so she can get comfortable there. Like Margarette said, House Orca's students always act alone so they usually wanted to have privacy. And that is what Morgan wish for because she don't like when too many people are with her. Morgan get used to her room by putting her stuff at the prepared shelf and table, while cleaning the room to make sure it is "beautiful."

(Next Day)

At Orca First Years Classroom...

On the next day, the transfer students and continuing students from middle school finally start their official class as students of Easton Magic Academy. There aren't many students in the classroom, just around sixteen.

《Eddie Forrestte》
《Age: 29》
《House Orca 1st Years Homeroom Teacher》

He is a young yet powerful mage, a double-liner that have two lines on his face that form like a four clover leaf. Eddie is an alumni of a different magic academy but he choose to teach at Easton Magic Academy. Despite having his talent recognised, Eddie didn't become a Divine Visionary.

Eddie: Good morning, class. I am your homeroom teacher for Orca students. My name is Eddie Forrestte, a pleasure to be your acquaintances.

"Oh, Eddie Forrestte!"

"He's the famous forest mage, right?"

"I can't believe he is our class teacher!"

While looking around, Morgan sees Margarette sat at the back while she at the middle.

???: What do you think about that teacher?

Morgan: Hmm?

She turn to the students sat next to her.

《Iris Sparker》
《Age: 16》
《House Orca 1st Year Student》

Born from a member in the Bureau of Magic, she is well-known for being smart and strong even for a single-liner. She is a continuing student from the middle school section. She is also the niece of one of the current Divine Visionary.

Iris: I just wondering what kind of teacher is he.

Morgan: Who knows. Anyway, I didn't catch your name. I'm Morgan Burnedead.

Iris: I'm Iris Sparker, nice to meet you.

Morgan: Eddie Forrestte... From what I heard, he's an excellent mage. He could become a Divine Visionary if he wanted back when he was a student.

Iris: Yeah, I heard of that, too.

Morgan: That is as a mage. I wanted to see how is he as a teacher.

Iris: Right...

Eddie: I know that you all have trained, especially those who from middle school section. However, there are difference to the transfer students. There is no record about you, so that is why I'd like you to use just simple magic.

He take a lock and his wand. Eddie point his wand at the lock and channel his magic energy.

Eddie: Opti Ars.

The lock opened using the magic.

Eddie: Now, I'd like you to try.

Those who are transfer students perform that magic. Morgan lazily chant the spell and open her lock.

Eddie: Good. As House Orca students, I expect that you will do well as an individual. Remember, every House have their own speciality and ours are mostly research. I hope that you all can continue on with my teaching.

"Yes, sir."

(Time Skip)

After the morning section is over, the break time has become. Morgan walking through the hallway by herself.

Morgan: This is a fine first day here. Well, I guess this is just normal for everyone here.

While walking through the hallway, Morgan stopped and turn to side. Behind a glass window, Morgan notice a scale like item. The scale have numbers from one to fifty, having three sets of place which have the animal of each House in the academy.

Morgan: This scale...?

???: Looks like you found that scale.

She turn aside and sees Iris.

Morgan: Iris.

Iris: Hello, Morgan.

Morgan: What is this thing?

Iris: This is Coin Scale. It is a measure for how many Gold Coins collected by each House.

Morgan: Coin? What for?

Iris: Oh, you don't know yet? In the school, students are doing their best in collecting the coins. Because that is how you able to enter the Divine Visionary Selection Exam.

Morgan: Divine Visionary?! Iris, tell me more!

Iris: Huh?


Once at the cafeteria, Morgan and Iris grab a meal before they take a seat at a table and talk about Divine Visionary. They eat their meal while talking to each other.

Morgan: Iris, tell me more how to become a Divine Visionary.

Iris: S-Sure, but why do you want to become a Divine Visionary?

Morgan: Because I want to change this crappy society, and have a peaceful life.

Iris: Eh? What kind of reason is that?

Morgan: Just my personal reasons. So, tell me more.

Iris: As you know, Divine Visionaries are the core of the Bureau of Magic, which means they are those who led the whole Magic Realm along side with the head of the Bureau. By becoming one, you will be recognize as one of the strongest mage and you will be acknowledged by the God.

Morgan: I actually already know about that. Can you tell me about how to become one?

Iris: In our school, you need to collect Gold Coins. But getting just one Gold Coin isn't easy. There are two more type of coins, Bronze and Silver. To form into a Gold Coin, you need ten Bronze and five Silver Coins. In order to participate in the selection exam, you need to collect five or more Gold Coins. The exam is held once every end of the year. The exam have three stages, getting pass all three, get to the finals and you will become a Divine Visionary.

Morgan: I see.

Iris: But that won't be easy, Morgan. Once you obtain a Gold Coin, then the other students who wanted to become a Divine Visionary will go after you to get that coin. Just one Gold Coin is that valuable.

Morgan: Oh-ho? *smile* That actually sound interesting.

Iris: Morgan, don't expect things would be easy. While this school have mostly single-liners, we have the most double-liners compare other magic school. You--

Morgan: --can't win by myself, right? That is where you get it wrong. Iris, I'm strong.

Iris: How come you have so much confidence?

Morgan: Because I believe so. If there is someone who could beat me, only my younger brother could.

Iris: *tilt her head* ...?

From distance, there is a certain group of students who is watching Morgan. And from the look of it, they seems to recognize her.

To be continued...

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