Tomura Shigaraki X HS DXD

By AresMars06

35.1K 655 181

Idk first story so please be nice More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Side story
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chaper 3

2.7K 49 22
By AresMars06

Shigaraki: who are you?

???: my name is Ddraig the welsh dragon of dominion and you Shigaraki Shimura are my new host

Shigaraki was stunned by what he heard he had one of the heavenly power on top of the quirks you had already received.

Ddraig: I have to say to awaken me at such a young age is very impressive. But then again you are the successor of All For One aren't you?

Shigaraki: H-how do you know about that?

Ddraig: I have been with you since birth and I have taken a glimpse into your memory's of your previous life but that's beside the point the reason I am talking with you now is because I want to get a head start on your training with the boosted gear

Shigaraki: I see well let's get started then

Ddraig: I agree

(Time skip 10 years)
For the 10 years every night after he went to sleep he would train in his mindscape not only working to master the boosted gear but also his other quirks. During that time he manure unlock balance breaker at the age of 10 and at the age of 13 he was able to use juggernaut drive for 2 hours before he started to lose his sanity.

During this time he had finally figured out who his birth parents were. He had no ill will to his birth parents just neutrality. He did however dye his hair a very light blue just in case his true identity was discovered. On top of that he decided to go by Shigaraki Shimura as a tribute to his former family and to make sure he wasn't discovered. He also learned the ability to sense someone's race. He had decided to get into the modeling business to make some money. To his surprise he was an instant success he was able to make a few million and buy his own house.

He is also a hired assassin in the supernatural world who has made quite the name for himself they even started to call him the "Walking Destruction" he had also managed to gain an alliance with the Yokai faction and the Shinto Faction thanks to him rescuing the daughter of the head of the Yokai faction.

We now see him at the entrance of the former all girls school Kuoh Academy. This school is very prestigious and only took in about 40 male students Shigaraki scored the highest in the exams while his two friend barely made it in.

Shigaraki: Well my first day in highschool

Ddraig: *Teasing* (hey now partner think about the positives you can maybe start your own harem here)

During the past 10 years the two formed a brother like bond with each other. Shigaraki shared what his life was like and what he had experienced. Ddraig offered the boy sympathy having to go through what he had gone through would be tough for anyone even himself. Even though they formed this tight bond that didn't stop Ddraig from teasing him.

Shigaraki: *flustered* S-shut u-up!

Ddraig laughed at the boy knowing how easy it was to get him flustered with conversation like this. As Shigaraki was walking through the entrance of the school he noticed he was being eyed at a lot from the females he got looks of lust and from the males he got looks of envy and jealous and who could blame them. He has a 6pack and very noticeable muscles but not to noticeable to where you looks like a body builder.


As he was about to walk into his classroom he had a feeling has rarely ever felt before. Nervousness even in his previous life he only attended elementary school after his former master took him in he was home schooled and never got to experience his middle and highschool life. He quickly calmed his nerves and walked in. He walked in and took his seat in the back of the class.


Currently right now the Shigaraki eating lunch. He had decided to eat in front of the old school building and was currently shut down and only used by the Occult Research club or ORC for short. At he was eating he noticed one of schools queens Rias Gremory heir to the Gremory family and sister of the current devil king Lucifer. Though everyone who was unaware of the supernatural just called her Rias-Senpai or Onnesama. Shigaraki decided to use his search quirk on her since he already knew who she was thanks to Ddraig. Rias then made eye contact with Shigaraki and smiled at him which caused the boy to blush.

(Scene change)

Rias: Akeno who is that boy?

Akeno: the one with the light blue hair? His name is Shigaraki Shimura in class 2-B he is quite the genius if you ask m. Why do you  ask are you interested in him?

Rias: No just curious also checkmate

Akeno: Aww I was hoping to beat you

Rias: I could see right through your plan. I'm going to go take a shower now

Akeno: yes I will get you a change of clothes ready

As rias walked into the shower she began to think to herself

Rias: just who are you Shigaraki?


Classes had ended for the day and he has gotten his own nickname the "blue haired prince" he didn't know who came up with that but he couldn't care in the slightest. Shigaraki was walking home he stoped by a bridge but he soon felt two presence behind him he had deduced one to be a fallen angel due to the dark holy aura surrounding them. He then decorate other had to be devil due to the dark aura but this person seemed to be hiding. He turned around a saw a girl around the same age as him wearing a different school uniform he had never seen before with the letter P embroidered on it.

???: um excuse are you Shigaraki Shimura?

Shigaraki: yes that is me how can I help you?

???: well I was wondering if I could be your girlfriend?

Shigaraki: W-wait W-why me!?

???: well I've seen you around town before and you seem like the perfect person so would you please go out with me?!

Ddraig: (partner I suggest you go along with her you and I can both tell she is a fallen that and she seems to have some ulterior motives who knows this could be fun)

Shigaraki: (I agree I'll go along with and see what information I can gather out of her)

Shigaraki: how about this Sunday's at 11?

???: that's perfect here's my contact info I'll see you then!

Shigaraki: wait! You never told me your name!

???: it's Yumma Amano!

Shigaraki then used his "Search" quirk before she left his line of sight. He noticed the devil that had been watching him had disappeared he didn't care. He then smirked to himself knowing that this weekend was going to be very eventful. He then started to walk home wondering how this would all play out........

End of chapter

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