
By zodiacobsessed

1.1K 27 0

i have to add some... drama.. Y/N Lupin has been in love with professor Snape since 3rd year.. she doesn't re... More

Ch 1 || Dont Talk Back To Me.
Ch 2 || Again?
Ch 3 || Your Drunk??
Ch 4 || I'm so sorry.
Ch 5 || Where Have You Been?
Ch 6 || Good Girl.
Ch 7 || Such A Good Slut.
Ch 8 || Grounded.
Ch 9 || Prison.
Ch 10 || Windfall
Ch 11 || I Miss You.
Ch 12 || They Know.
Ch 13 || Gold Vs. Silver
Ch 14 || Double Trouble
Ch 15 || Friday
Ch 16 || Inspection
Ch 17 || Dinner
Ch 18 || The Night
Ch 20 || Step Father.
Ch 21 || Christmas
Ch 22 || Severus' House

Ch 19 || Days Off

17 1 0
By zodiacobsessed

He brings me the pancakes and a cup of tea on a tray and brings it over to me "Here you go, love." He says with a smile putting the tray over my lap. I smile "Thanks darling" He places a soft kiss on my forehead and sits down next to me as he begins to eat his breakfast as well.

Once we're done, he gets up and walks with the plates and places them in the sink. He comes back and gently picks me up "Wanna take a bath, love?" He says and I nod "Yes please" He kisses me and then places me on the counter in the bathroom. He turns on the water and starts to undress me.

Then he gets undressed and picks me up with my back against his stomach and has his arms gently wrapped around my waist. He shuts off the water and steps into the bath sitting down slowly. I stay on him and rest up against him as he lays down. He takes his hand and floats the bubbles over and pours them into the bath.

We lay there covered in bubbles and start to relax. He then sits me up and begins to wash me. He washes my hair and then takes a cup to wash it off. Then he picks me up and dries me off and gets me dressed gently.

That's one thing I love about Sev, he's so gentle.. and caring, I mean he always takes care of me first. We get out of the shower and he dries me off and gets me dressed while he stands there dripping water. He takes care of my needs first.

Sev kisses me softly and I kiss him back. We go watch some TV and we cuddle for a little as he caresses my hair and back softly.

Merlin every day he makes me fall more and more in love with him.

"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade darling? We've been locked up in here and I want to take you to lunch, and maybe if you want a new book we can pick one out too?"

My face lit up with a smile and I started nodding "Yes please!" he smiles nuzzling his head into my neck "Alright. I'll grab you some clothes." He says kissing me softly. "Thank you, love."

He nods "Of course princess." he smiles and then grabs me a pair of black leggings and a green hoodie that I love. He grabs me some ankle socks and my ugg slippers.

I smile and get dressed and then he brushes my hair and puts it into a braid. Ever since he learned how to braid hair, he always wants to do it now.

He smiles as he finishes it and puts a scrunchie on the end to hold it together. "Hey love can we stop by my dad for a moment?" I ask and he smiles "Of course."

We walk to my dad's office and Severus waits out of the door. I walk in and my dad looks up smiling "Y/N! Sweetie how are you?" he says getting up to come hug me. "I'm good!" I put a silencing spell on the room so Severus doesn't hear me.

"I know it's a lot to ask.. but could I borrow some money to buy Severus a gift, please?" He smiles after a moment "Of course." He goes into his desk drawer and pulls out his wallet. Then he walks around his desk and hands me 10 galleons. "Thanks dad!" I hug him "Any time." he kisses my head softly. I undo the spell and walk out finding Severus still there.

"You didn't leave?" I say shocked and he looks at me in concern "Do people normally?" I look at the ground and he puts wraps me in a hug. "Don't worry Darling, I'm not going anywhere.." He places a soft kiss on my forehead and I smile. "Good" I smile "Okay now would you like to walk or apparate?" I smile "Can we walk please? I like the smell of the air.." He nods and takes my hand "Of course princess."

We start walking out of the castle in the cool early December breeze. We talk and listen to the nature and we head to Hogsmeade. We find the perfect coffee shop that sells Breakfast and brunch. Since it's around brunch, it's still open. Apparently it closes at 2 pm.

He lets go of my hand to open the door for me and I walk in "Thank you love" he smiles softly "Of course princess. I'm paying for you, by the way.. and that's a demand, not a request, understand?" i smile and nod "Yes sir, thank you." he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my head softly.

We walk up to the counter and the boy smiles at us "Hello! How may I help you on this fine day?"

I scan the menu and Severus looks at me seeing that I need a minute so he says "One medium coffee, black and.. an omelette." and then I say "Can I have a small-" but he interrupts and says "A medium darling." I smile and say "A medium vanilla latte and a chocolate croissant please." he nods and adds it up and says "5 galleons please."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the money and hands it to the man who then thanks us. We walk to a seat by the window and a few moments later, the boy walks to our table with our coffee and food.

We sit and eat and enjoy each other's company and I end up revealing a few things that I haven't. Once we finished eating, we got up and left. I told him that I was gonna get a Christmas present for my dad and he nodded and went to go get me a book that I had asked for.

I walk into a shop that sells supplies like office stuff. I open the door when an older looking man with glasses and gray hair greets me. I say hello back and then look around for a bit when I finally see it.

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