
By loveybucks333

611 79 692

Imagine this. You have a night terror and you wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavy, just to be relieved t... More

Welcome + A/N
Twenty One
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six


20 2 58
By loveybucks333


48 hours till.

My body felt heavy as I open my eyes, blinded by the intense sunlight coming through my window.

I hadn't had a good sleep in months and I was surprised to feel incredibly well rested.

It was finally Saturday, and the only thing I could think about was how my father was going to kill me when he finds out I'm sneaking out today.

He'll inevitably find out, but I had to do this.

17 hours ago


''You want me to put a spell on you?''

I examine the book Riordan gave me. I'd been given a copy of this book years ago by a mentor, and had a feeling what exact spell she wanted me to put on her.

''Precisely, yes.''

Her eyes sparkled when she said this--I think she truly believed that I would want to do this to her.

''I'm not bringing your lost memory back.''

''Come on, Soren--it couldn't hurt. My Mom wrote about Faye being there when I was born--maybe there are other memories I have of her from when I was little.''

''You believe that if I restore your childhood memories that you'll somehow find where she lives?''

''Maybe? It's worth a shot, right?''

I shake my head and pinch the bridge of my nose.

''You have no idea how this warlock thing works. Some spells come at a cost. Your ability comes at a cost. It's how the universe does it's math.''

''God, don't even start with Math. I will literally blow my brains out.''

''Riordan, this is serious. Some memories stay dormant for a reason. I don't want to bring back any past trauma you could potentially have. Maybe there's a reason you don't remember your Aunt Faye--have you ever thought of that?''

''What possible reason could that be?''

''I don't know. It's just a possibility. You're already going through a lot right now and putting another spell on you, I don't think it's a good idea.''

Riordan crosses her arms and smiles mischievously. ''You care about me.''

''I do not have a choice but to care about you. I'm your Guardian.''

''My what?''

''Guardian. And frankly I find you incredibly stubborn and hot-headed.''

''But you still care.''

I crack my neck, aging rapidly from this conversation.

''Sit down.''



"But why—"

''Just sit the hell down, Riordan--you wanna do this? Let's do it. But don't say I didn't warn you.''

She raises her hands in defeat, and sits down on her bed, cross-legged.

I flip the book, surprised at how many markings the book had. Whole sentences were underlined, highlighted and circled. She'd written in the margins of the book almost obsessively and made me wonder just how much time she spent trying to get to know who she was.

''Avid student, I see.''

''I can't put it down. There's so much I want to know.''

I was privileged enough to have a family full of warlocks who I could confide in. People who knew the strength I harboured and the capacity in which I could excel. Riordan didn't have that. From what Marvallia told me, she was already emotionally estranged from her mother, Rayanne, before she died, which is why she didn't know of her abilities so late in life. Her father, River was mundane--a human with no real concept of the supernatural world.

If all I had were ancient guide books, a retired psychic and a hesitant warlock to navigate my abilities, I would be constantly longing for something more.

Looking into her hopeful, curious eyes were enough for me to figure out just how much she wanted something tangible--something to be proud of. Something her mother would be proud of her for.

Despite the havoc finding out more about herself could potentially reek, I felt like I owed her.

It's was the clairvoyant condition.

Those around them are attracted, captive beneath their wants and desires.

''The geasa I'm going to use isn't gonna be easy on you. You might feel dizzy for a bit."

''If I can handle the power dampner, I can handle this.''

''Suit yourself,'' I push my energy onto her with both hands,''Dìrich.''

Riordan's body lifts off the bed, unfurling her legs from their crossed position. She was breathing heavy now, presumably startled by how quickly we started.

''You okay?''

''I bet you're enjoying this.''

''I am. And I'm about to enjoy it a whole lot more.'' The guidebook she had mentioned that warlocks were the only supernatural force to bring back lost memories, and suggested geasa from an old grimoire that we could use.

However, the geasan in her guidebook were outdated, so I decided to put a little spin on geasa I was taught a couple years ago.

Holding my hand out right in front of her, I recited the incantation.

''Eirich cuimhne, tillidh smuaintean caillte,

tro lasair lasrach, loisgeadh na cuimhneachain.

Le gliocas saoi, 's le gràs labhan,

nochd mo chuimhneachain, lorg an t-àite ceart.''

The floor beneath my legs rumbled for a few seconds. Riordan's body floated limply in the air as eyes dashed from side to side, a sign that the spell was searching her memories.

I call out her name, hoping she wouldn't reply as that would mean the spell is working.

When she doesn't reply, I let out a breath of relief.

If she was awake, there would be a fifty percent chance the spell could've paralyzed her.

Memory spells are brief but potent. They had the ability to unlock a fragment of someone's memory, previously sealed by another supernatural entity, or entirely wipe someone's memory if need be. A successful memory geasa generally concludes after a minute; any longer indicates you have done the spell wrong, or something is wrong with person under the spell.

Riordan's body drops from midair, landing back on her bed.

She was still unconscious, so I shook her a bit.


No, no, no!

I swear to God, if I had just hurt the person I was supposed to protect with my life, I will literally end it all.

"Riordan, wake up."

Her chest wasn't moving.

I shake her again, scared out of my mind.

"Riordan! Wake up!" I tap her face lightly but she doesn't wake.

Panic sets into my chest and falls all the way down to my gut.

I cradle the top of her head and put my lips to hers, and blow hard.

If there's one thing first aid class in high school taught me, it was CPR. Before I could start chest compressions, she desperately sucks in air and her eyes flutter open.

"Christ." I take a seat beside her on bed.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Are you? You weren't breathing.


I clear my throat awkwardly.

"I've seen it happen before with some spells—mainly ones that put you in a different consciousness."

She doesn't say anything, and sits up.


"For what?"

"For the kiss of life." She laughs through her nose, amused.

My ears heat up a bit. Her face was rosy and dazed as if she'd taken a power nap. In the heat of the moment, I hadn't even realized I'd indirectly kissed Riordan by saving her life.

Her lips were incredibly soft and pillowy. A part of me wanted to feel them again, but probably under a less stressful circumstance.

The thought alone made me feel guilty. I was her Guardian. I shouldn't be thinking of her in a romantic manner. As if it would rid me of my thoughts, I shake my head and breathe.

"So. Any memories?"

She seemed visibly distraught when I asked her the question.

"Nothing relevant."

"Are you sure?"

She nods slowly.

"Riordan, if there's something you need to talk about—"

"Nothing I saw was relevant." She says again, this time with conviction.

I sit down on her vanity chair. "Okay."

She doesn't say anything for a moment, leaving me wanting to fill the air with anything.

"Is Sean home?"

"He isn't. He's at Camp Bridgewod."

It had been years since I'd heard anyone mention Bridgewod. It was Solaris' only adventure camp that you could learn about wildlife and still have fun at.

When I was younger, our junior high sponsored a bunch of kids to go stay there for the week—and needless to say, it was the best time I'd ever had doing something school related.

"Oh sick. It's pretty fun there."

Riordan stands up to straighten out her bed, which she'd messed up after the spell.

"I heard someone died at Camp Bridgewod once."

Jeez. Way to lighten the mood.

"It's all about death with you, isn't it?"

When she bends down to tuck in some sheets on the side of her bed, her shirt lifts slightly, giving me a glimpse of her lower back.

I wondered if she knew about the birthmark she had. Surely she couldn't have, as you can't quite see behind you.

A part of me hoped she'd never notice it.

"It's all I know. Death consumes me, everyday. I feel it, I think about it, I meditate on it. Despite being able to know a vast amount of things without being explicitly told, the first thing that ever made sense to me was the concept of death."

"That's a bit dark, don't you think?"

"Not as dark as me knowing how someone will die, right down to the minute. Trust me, if you were able to know that, it would consume your every thought.''



Faye lived in two cities over, in a town called Aires.

It was known to be the most dangerous town in the country having the highest crime severity index recorded in the last one hundred years.

Some people think that it's because the town has a penitentiary, or because it's littered with beautiful estates disproportionate to low income housing, a problem asking for criminal activity. There was a significant divide between the rich and the poor, and people were furious about it.

From robberies to stabbings and murder, Aires was a town you didn't want to live in or even think of visiting.

And I was born there.

As my "Guardian", Soren would probably have done everything in his power to stop me from going to Aires, and I wasn't going to let him.

His spell had brought back some memories of the childhood home I visited with my parents.

Conveniently, it seemed like Faye and my mom shared a home before she'd gotten married and moved out.

The town was about 1,500 kilometers west of Solaris, a mere day or two of driving, depending on how fast you're going.

Although going alone seemed like a plausible option, it definitely wasn't. One, because our family had one car that I was only allowed to drive if my father was home, and two because, despite not being truthful with Soren, I was scared to go alone.

A brief knock on my window brought me out of my thoughts. Through my vanity's mirror, I see a fluffy haired boy trying to pry my window open.

I laugh to myself as I turn around to see Thor struggling to open my window.

I unlock it and help him in. ''What gives? You never lock your window.''

He was breathless and wind kissed, and I couldn't help but admire the effort he took to visit me despite being grounded.

''I must've locked it without realizing.''

''Huh. Weird.''

''You here to rescue me?''

He smiles, shyly. ''Always.''

God, his smile--his eyes nearly turn into thin crescent moons when he did, and I found it to be one of the most beautiful things about him.


''Good, 'cause even though it's the weekend, my Dad will still freak the heck out if I try to leave.''

''Are you all packed?''

''Yeah, I've got snacks, some good reads, pajamas and a change of clothes.''

''Sweet okay, well, the same way I came in is the same way we're going out. Ready?''

Oh God.

''Excuse me?''

''Well, how else did you think you were gonna get out of here?''

''Through the front door! Like civilized human beings!'' I hiss.

"Your father will hear the front door."

"My plan was to run and pray."

Thor ducks out the window and sits perched on the roof, holding his hands out.

''Don't be a scaredy cat. It's not that high.''

''I will most definitely smash my skull into a billion tiny pieces I attempt this.''

''Not with me here you won't. Come on, we gotta be on the highway in fifteen if we wanna get back on time.''

''Thor, my house is two stories tall!''

''I think I know that. You know, scaling it constantly and whatnot.''

''I'm serious, I'm incredibly scared.''

''Danny. Do you trust me?''

''Wha-what kind of question is that?''

''Do you?''

I nod.

''Then take my hand. I won't let anything bad happen to you.''

As much as I wanted to protest again, I bit my tongue and followed him out onto the roof, holding onto his arm tightly.

He helps me shut my window and I shift all my weight onto him. Our faces were inches from each other, and my heart started to do that mile a minute thing it did yesterday when I'd hugged him. It could've been from the fear of being so high up, or being so close to him.

There was a very brief moment where I'd looked at him for too long, and I had only noticed when he cleared his throat.

''Okay, I know this is counter-intuitive, but you're gonna have to let go of me for this next part.''

''What the hell happened to not letting me splat like an egg!?''

The vibration of his laugh shook my body. ''I'm still upholding my promise, I swear.''

I reluctantly let go of him while he shifts down the roof, feet first. He was on his belly now, scooching backwards until he was hanging off the side with his arms.

I peer off the ledge, instantly getting dizzy. God, I hated heights.

Despite my objections, he let go of the roof ledge and landed on his feet.

''Light work.'' He dusts off his pants.

''Easy for you to say! I don't know how your knee caps didn't shatter.''

''Your turn.'' He smiles evilly.

''I can't believe you actually think I'd do what you just did.''

He rolls his eyes playfully, grabs a ladder that was leaning against my house and sets it up.

''Get on, I'll hold it as you come down.''

He just wanted to see if I had it in me. A part of me wishes I'd proved him wrong.

Once I got down to the precious, beautiful ground, we snuck down the street and right into his truck.

I look behind me, confused to see an empty back seat. ''Wait, wait, wait--''

Thor pauses before turning the keys in the ignition. ''What?''

''Where's Martie?''

She and Thor were supposed to be my support system during this chaotic expedition.

''Blake couldn't get out of a family outing--didn't she text you?''

I pull out my phone to be greeted with zero messages.

''She didn't. She's probably occupied.''

''Yeah. Her mom's forcing her to come along in taking her little cousin to Bridgewod.''

''That's where my brother is right now.''

''Huh. Exorcism then camp. Nice.'' he turns the keys and starts up his truck.

''Yeah.'' I clear my throat awkwardly, '''s just us for the weekend?''

''Seems like it. She was talking about how her Mom wouldn't have let her out for a road trip with friends even if it was over the weekend.''


Damn, indeed! She was supposed to be my buffer! How am I supposed to survive a weekend with Thor given the recent development of my feelings for him?  I'm already so awkward around him lately.

''Are you okay?" He must've caught on to my worried face.

''I'm fine, haha.''

''Good, because our first stop before this road trip is McDonald's.''



''She went where?!''

Marvallia was eating a fruit rollup like she didn't just tell me news that could make me pass out.

''I believe she is on her way to Aires.''

We were sitting in the lobby of the Warlocian Council, anxiously waiting for a hearing I was called for.

''What the hell is she doing going to Aires?''

Marvallia stands up to trash her rollup wrapper in a waste bin nearby and sits back down comfortably before answering my question.

''She's wants to meet Faye.''

" in Rayanne's sister?"


''Wait--she told me she didn't see anything during the memory geasa--''

''You've been swindled, dear.'' Her shoulders shake with laughter.

''How can you laugh right now? She cannot meet Faye. Faye will tell her everything--''

''Faye will not speak of it. I've been in contact with her for years. I'm not surprised Riordan would want to find out more from the only living relative she has besides her father.''

''But Faye is dangerous. We both know what she's capable of. I shouldn't be sitting here waiting for the council to grill me on why I'm the worst Guardian you've appointed.''

''They're not going to grill you, whatever you mean by that. They just want to do a little check in on Riordan's behavior, given her bloodline.''

''I don't believe this--she actually lied to me.''

''I'm just surprised you fell for it. Clairvoyants are horrible liars by nature.''

The Council doors open slightly, producing a tall, blonde girl with a broken staff, crying her eyes out. She jogs down the hall and exits the council building with both of us watching her.

''I'm so fucked.''

''Calm down, they're not gonna break your staff.''

All warlocks were sworn to a staff at birth. It acted as a beacon of power, and if it's broken as a punishment, it strips you of all of it. You wouldn't be a warlock until the next hearing where the Council would decide if you were worthy of being reinstated. If you prove your dedication to being a better Guardian, you're fine.

If you don't, your name is redacted in the Book of Warlocks, a log of who currently is in power, and you're set to live the rest of your life as a mundane person.

''You haven't done anything atrocious with your powers lately, have you?''

''And risk getting hung as a punishment? No way.''


A loud sound boomed from the lobby wall speakers and I wince before realizing it was my name being spoken over them.

Soren McKay.

Hearing my name made my bones freeze. I never thought I'd ever be called into Warlocian Council. It's like getting called to the principal's office but a million times worse.

Usually, being called to a hearing means you've fucked up somehow.

''Wish me luck.''

Marvallia stands up and dusts her hands together. ''You won't need it. I'm going in with you.''



The first city we'd made it to between Solaris and Aires was a place called Slumden.

Slumden was anything but a slum, having the richest forestry in the country of Verdeena. Sadly, no one wanted to live here because of how expensive housing was. It was a shame, seeing closed businesses and "for lease" signs on nearly every residential building we'd driven past. Rain started to blanket the roofs of the city, making everything look wet and abandoned.

Thor pulls into the empty parking lot of a burger joint.

"You're really craving those burgers, huh."

He'd been playing some indie pop music the whole ride, and it'd made calmer about my Dad potentially finding out I wasn't home by now.

"I'm not really hungry, I just want to take a break from driving before getting back on the road."

"I don't mind taking over for the next couple of hours. Here, let's switch."

I hop out of the passenger's seat and walk around to the drivers door and pull it open.

He plays dead and I sigh.


He sticks his tongue out like a dead dog for dramatic effect.

I drag him by his black flannel, trying to pry his heavy body out of the car but he doesn't budge.

Come on.

Once I realized he was committed to the bit, I stop dragging him and just stand and stare until he peeks at me with his bruised eye.


He shuts his eye and resumes death.

"Daniel Silvestre Thoreau!"

Thor gets up immediately, taking himself out of the car.

"Glad to know you have an off-switch with your little shows."

"Don't you dare say that in front of anyone else."

"And if I do?"

"I'll snuff your entire family." He fake grins before hopping in the backseat.

"Speaking of family, do you think what we're doing is silly?"

"Going after your aunt without a specific address? Completely."

"I know the exact route. She lives across St. Luther's Presbytery. There's only one in town, so narrowing down her address should be simple."

''And what if she's moved?''

"I have a hunch she hasn't."

"We're banking on a hunch, here?"

"I'm clairvoyant, I'm usually banking on one. Trust me."

He sighs and gets into the backseat and shuts his door.

"Why're you back there?"

Great. I already sounded needy.

"I wanna lay down." He positions himself horizontally, using his arms as a pillow.

"I don't suggest sleeping while I drive."

"Oh don't worry, I could sleep through a World War."

"My driving's not that bad—" I turn around to see him strapping all the seatbelts around himself the best he could in his lying position.

"Are you serious?"

He grins. "Precaution."

I turn back around, and unpause his GPS.


"Hold on."

Thor bows his head, closes his eyes and clasps his hands together, muttering to himself.

"Real funny." He smiles in prayer and I reverse out of the parking lot.



"Good afternoon, your Majesties." My voice echoes through the Council room.

The ceilings were incredibly high—so high that every shift made was amplified for the council leaders to hear.

There were three red royal chairs facing both Marvallia and I. On the right and left sat the Maighstirean, the presenters of the case.

In the middle sat the Warlocian god, Luga, the Gaelic master of justice. Rumor amongst Warlocks has it that he was quick to enforce his judgment, often very fast and without any mercy at all.

The Maigh whispered to the white bearded god as if they were unimpressed with the few words I managed to say.

I look to Marvallia, and she reassures me with a confident nod.

"Plead your case." One of the Maigh says.

"He doesn't have a case to plead." Luga corrects.

"Right. I was called here by mail. I was told the council wanted to meet with me regarding my Guardianship."

"State all your guardees and your appointer." The other Maigh quips with the Book of Warlocks sitting in his lap.

I got the sense that Luga and the Maighstirean knew who I was, but they asked about me anyway.

"Marvallia Temple is my appointee. And I only guard one clairvoyant. Her name is Riordan Deidre Roche."

The Maigh look at each other in shock, whispering things I couldn't hear. Luga raises his hand to stop them.

"Welcome Soren. We've been expecting you." Luga calls for his maidservants who were usually at his beck and call.

"Bring out a table and two chairs. And maybe some refreshments as well."

I frown. This didn't seem like a confrontational meeting of any kind.

Once we were seated and drinking water, Luga speaks again.

"What have your duties been like since being appointed three years ago to Riordan?"

"To watch over her and make sure she stays out of danger."

"Good. Anything else?"

I look at Marvallia nervously, and she lightly squeezes my hand under the table.

"No, your Majesty."

Luga pauses.

"Are you aware of Riordan's bloodline and the gene that accompanies her?"

I clear my throat. "Yes, I am aware of the Demark gene."

"Good. So you're taking extra measures to facilitate her wellbeing, as well as those around her, correct?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Excellent. Well, the reason we called you in is because we believe that being appointed to a Demark gene holder requires more Warlocian power—more than the typical for young warlocks like you. Did you bring your staff?"

I nod, spawning it from thin air, and laying it on the table.

The Maigh stand up and walk to the table, grabbing the staff with two hands, and return it to Luga, who examines it.

"Your staff has wood breaks in it."

It was a symbol of Warlocks making error with their spells. The more error you make, the more damaged your staff will appear.

"I'd made a couple bad calls in the last few days."

"Like doing a Fuadach spell incorrectly." He states.

Why even ask me if he already knew everything about me, and ever spell that I've ever done?


"You entrusted Riordan for a banishing spell?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"A spell that requires nil of bloodshed and sterling of heart?"

"Yes, your Majesty. It was an uninformed call, which Marvallia had later made me aware of after we'd concluded."

"But you didn't conclude the geasa."

𝑵𝒊𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅, 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒕.

"I did not. No."

"Well, what exactly did you learn in warlock school about the consequences of not concluding geasa properly? Especially a Fuadach or for clarity, a banishing geasa.

"Demonic repossession of another nearby host, the previous host developing a hive mind"

"Marvallia, could you enlighten your appointed?" Luga impatiently asks.

"The spiritual attack and war on a false initiator."

I turn to Marvallia.


The Maigh start to whisper again, this time including Luga in their conversation.

The spiritual attack and war on a false initiator.

Riordan was a false initiator.

I'd set her up for death.

Oh my God.

"Silence!"  Luga's voice booms through the room, reverberating off of every surface there was.

"I didn't know that—I swear I would never purposely hurt my guardee."

"You have put an owner of the Demark gene under danger. If their disposition doesn't already put them at a moral disadvantage, their need to fight will. And knowing how Riordan isn't a fully trained clairvoyant, this is a big problem for the council."

"Fuck, just break my staff already." I let my head fall to the table.

Not only was it amazing having the hardest guardee to protect, I had to just mess up her life as well. How wonderful.

A loud snap echoes through the room, and my heart plummets.

Tears sting my eyes, and threaten to fall once I lift my head up from the table.

I deserved this.

If only I'd been more careful. More diligent with the spell.

To my surprise, Luga used his godly power to lift my broken staff into the air, moulding it by moving his hands around in a familiar sequence.

The sequences were bright green; neon symbols floating in the air.

"What is he doing?" I ask Marvallia as I wipe my tears.

"He's drawing Celtic runes. That one," she points to the one he'd successfully finished making first, "is Laguz. It's Luga's own rune for wisdom and intelligence, as well as making the right decisions."

I point to the second one he'd finished making, "Sowilo. Clear vision in choice making."

The last rune he'd drawn out was massive, bigger than the first two he'd made.

"What the hell is that?" I whisper.

"It's a combination rune. Only Warlocian gods have the power to combine runes. It's Uruz and Algiz."

"What're they?"

"Uruz is a power rune and Algiz is a rune of divine protection."

Luga, heals my staff back into one piece with each of the runes spiralling the length of it. The runes were moving incredibly fast making it look like a bright neon green snake was curling around the staff.

In a matter of minutes, Luga grabs the staff from the air to examine it.

It had specks of green on it, and a purple teardrop of glass tethered to the top of it.

"Step forward, Soren McKay."  I stand up from my seat and walk towards Luga.

He was way bigger up close. Luga hands me the staff.

"You have made mistakes, Soren. Grave ones. But I see you as the only warlock I trust to handle someone with the Demark gene. I'm sorry we did not do this before, but you required a stronger staff since you were appointed to Riordan."

The Maigh finally crack a smile, easing my nerves.

"I've gifted you with extra abilities for your beacon. You must use Laguz, Solwilo, Uruz and Algiz to further your guardianship, and are allowed to elect one mundane person of choice to become an honorary warlock."

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head.

An honorary warlock was incredibly rare. The only one I'd ever heard of were in my history books.

"Your Majesty—"

"I know you don't feel competent. But the dedication and heart you've shown towards a gene holder makes your work commendable, despite the outlandish mistake you've made. I'm impressed you hadn't made more with the little power you were given for your guardee."

"Your Majesty—I can't accept this."

"You have no choice, Soren. It's Warlocian Law."

I look down at the staff and remember how he'd snapped it only moments ago and I thought my life's purpose was over.

"Well? What're you waiting for?"

Marvallia yells from behind.

I turn to Luga, who nods in approval.

"Activate your beacon."

Grabbing the staff with two hands, I plunge it onto the floor of the council, causing a green tsunami of energy to disperse in all directions.

The energy directs back into my chest, turning the veins in my arms neon green for a brief moment.

The Maighsterian clap loudly, then die down for Luga's official announcement.

"Congratulations, Soren McKay. You are now a Grand Warlock."


Hope you enjoyed the long chapter!
Angelo Brewing

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