Invisible Strings | Anthony B...

By _Crystalights_

1.5K 49 0

Two people who couldn't be more different, for the first time in her life she could say she truly hated someo... More

Invisible strings
a Bennett and a Bridgerton


243 8 0
By _Crystalights_


Sunrise. A moment within time that Celestia loved truly. The blending of the nights colours into the ones of daytime, a beautiful sight that the young Bennett girl does not see all too often, a reason as to why she took it upon herself to sneak into the stables, ready her horse and flee her residence in all but her nightgown and coat to cover herself.

All that she could feel was the crisp morning air hit her face as she instructed her horse, Dover, to go faster, she had a plan to make it to the clearing through the forest where she could watch the darkness of the night be overtaken by the day, which she was seemingly going to be late for.

As much as she cherished the life with her family, these moments in her life were most definitely her favourite. It made her forget, just for a second, about her duties. She felt free. As though she had nothing waiting for her once she would return home. Unfortunately, that was a dream that she could only imagine on her occasional morning rides, when she was able to make it out of her home.

"Excuse me!" A voice had yelled from somewhere in the forest, she assumed it wasn't directed at herself and continued to ride, not wanting to stop in case she missed the sunrise. She hadn't realise that a gentleman had been trailing behind her for quite some time now, riding behind her, trying to keep up with her speed.

Upon Anthony Bridgerton's morning ride he did not expect to see a woman ride past him in the forest with such urgency, as though she was in trouble. He had found it the most appropriate action to follow behind her to see if she was in any trouble.

He struggled to catch up to the woman, who seemed to be in a world of her own, ignoring his calls as as often as he shouted. He eventually reached the woman, his horse becoming side to side with her own. He reached for her reigns that she had grasped within her hands and tugged them backwards, causing the horse to come to a dramatic halt.

Celestia had been most frightened by the gentleman's appearance beside her, wondering as to why he was following her and urgently stopped her horse in such an unpleasant manner. The young girl steered her horse in a direction so that she was facing the strange gentleman before her, ready to question his actions.

"Are you quite alright, miss?" Anthony questioned, talking a glance upon her appearance as she stared at him, he did not expect such a composed woman to be riding in the forest at such early hours of the morning. He had noticed that she held an unnerved demeanour. "I apologise for having to stop your horse so abruptly, I saw you riding quite a while back and became quite worried."

Celestia studied the gentleman in front of her, casting her eyes upon his pristine appearance, it was clear that he had some sort of high standing within society, she wasn't at all taken aback that he didn't know of her, seeing as her family were quite new to the ton.

"I do not appreciate being followed, sir. I assure you there is nothing to worry about, I am in quite a hurry, so, I shall be on my way." Celestia nodded to the gentleman, ready to take her leave, turning her horse to the side by stopping almost immediately.

"If you could hold on for a moment." Anthony stopped her. "What has you in such a rush?"

"I believe that should not be of your interest, sir. I have my own reasons for being here, as do you, now, we do not have to share them." Celestia grew curious as to who the man in front of her was, he had been quite intrigued with where she was going.

"I suppose you are right." Anthony nodded. "May I ask are for your name, miss? I don't seem to recognise you."

"And I do not recognise you, maybe it best we keep it that way." Celestia suggested, a small smirk upon her face. "It may seem improper if anyone takes notice of us alone here together, sir. Do you wish to hold me here any longer?"

Anthony conspired for a moment, not yet answering the beautiful woman in front of him, whose name he was most desperate to know. He knew that no one travelled this path often, never mind at a time as early as this, he wished to keep her here longer but he would not inform her of his conflicting thoughts. He was intrigued, to say the least.

Celestia grew tired waiting for a reply, she turned to look in the direction she was heading, noticing that the reason she had travelled so far for was currently taking place, she had missed her favourite part of the day, no thanks to the gentleman before her.

"What are you looking for? I can assure you that no one travels this path but you and I." Anthony reassured her, not realising that she hadn't a care if anyone rode on this path.

"I do not care if people are to ride this path on this morning, sir. If you must know, I was trying to make it in time for the sunrise, which I have now missed, no thanks to your intrusion." Celestia commented, she knew it was improper of her to speak in such a manner, but, she couldn't help but display her anger towards the gentleman.

Anthony was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect for the lady in front of him to speak to him in such a way, he had never been spoken to in such a manner, perks of being a viscount. He couldn't help but find it refreshing.

"My apologise, miss. I did not realise, I can escort you back to your residence as a sign of my gratitude." Anthony suggested.

"I am quite capable of making my own way back home, thank you, sir. I bid you goodbye." Celestia informed him, placing the hood back on her head.

She tapped Dover on the side with her foot, signalling for him to ride on and before Anthony could respond, Celestia had left him there alone with his thoughts, wondering who she was indeed.


Celestia had always been very close to her family, holding her younger sister dear to her heart. Louella Bennett was a young lady is strong intellect, only the age of ten and two. It was clear she looked up to her eldest sister with such admiration.

Lord William Bennett and Lady Catherine Bennett loved their children ever. William had never cared about the gender of their children, when his wife had revealed that she no longer wanted to have anymore children once dear Louella was born, he was supportive with her desires.

He loved his two daughters terribly and would put his most effort in finding them suitable husbands to treat them as well as they had treated them.

Celestia thought that she had managed to sneak back into the Bennett house without anyone noticing her, her thought success were soon to been diminished when she was soon to be scolded by her parents in the morning room.

Once the ladies maid awoken Celestia for what they thought was her first rising of the day, they had readied the young lady for the very busy day ahead of them.

"Celestia, good morning." William greeted as she walked into the morning room, a bright smile upon her face.

"Good morning, mama, papa." Celestia smiled, sitting down beside her mother, reaching for her embroidery. "I apologise for my late awakening, it appears I was enjoying my slumber."

William looked towards his wife knowingly, he had been informed by one of the staff that Celestias horse had been cleaned yesterday and was found dirtied upon feeding not long ago.

It wasn't the first time that Celestia had been caught, they had ridiculed her more often than not about riding alone at such a strange time in the day, it was a mere worry about her safety.

"I had a lovely walk down to the stables this morning." William informed, leaning forward to take a biscuit. "What a surprise it was to be told that Dover was already dirtied after his cleaning day was only yesterday afternoon."

Celestia paused, the needle that was going through her hoop pricking her in her finger only slightly, she let out a quiet hiss.

"Oh, dear, please do be careful." Catherine acknowledged, taking the embroidery from her hand and putting it to the side. "Answer your father."

"I am sorry, papa, truly." Celestia made sure to put on her sweetest voice, she knew it would work on him as it did always. "You know how much I love to watch the sunrise, I could not help myself this morning, you see. It calms me when I am at my most stressed."

"Why are you stressed, sweet girl?" Catherine questioned, taking her hand in her own to comfort the girl.

"It is indeed a big day today, is it not? The ball this evening is to be my first presentation into the season, due to the Queens sudden halt a mere few days ago." Celestia told them. "I am just worried in finding a husband, that is all."

"You will present this family honourably, I am sure of it, daughter. I have no doubt in you." William reassured her. "You are the eldest daughter of the Bennett family, the first to be presented within this society, I have no doubts that you will cause heads to turn."

"You speak so kindly, father." Celestia smiled. "I have no one to thank but you both, you have raised me in the most proper way, I shall do this family proud."

"I don't doubt it for a second, my dear." Catherine grinned, placing a hand on her daughter's face, taking her beauty in.

It would be no surprise to Catherine if her daughter had a line of callers at their door tomorrow, she had true beauty that she wish Celestia would see in herself. She had a feeling she would find her love match very soon.

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