By Fantasyvico

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When Zed and Addison are dealing with Werewolves joining Seabrook, A certain wolf has a thing with one of the... More

Characters and Playlist
Who is She?
Do It Like The Zombies Do
Call To The Wild
Flesh and Bones
Crashing Prawn
One For All
BC: Aliens?
BC: Hunting (1)
BC: Hunting (2)
BC: Hunting (3)
BC: First Hangout
BC: Trying To Set Them Up
BC: Giving Birth
BC: Goodbye Little One
New Year
I'ts an Alien Invasion
Mind Probe
Come On Out
Exceptional Zed
Saving the Aliens
Fixing Mothership
BC: Dark Isabella
BC: Still Alive
BC: Darkside
BC: "Come Back To Me"
BC: Together
New Book!

BC: Bonding

349 5 2
By Fantasyvico

Never in a million years, or in Isabella's case, 18 years that she would ever go to Addison's place and have a friend night. It was so unexpected that she was actually invited. And it was from ADDISON.

She, at first, was surprised but when she read the text message from her instagram since she doesn't have her actual phone number, she felt needed. In a good way.

It was started to be sundown and Isabella was getting ready to go to Addison's house. She braided her hair earlier and when she undid it, her hair became so wavy, it looked like she actually curled it. She also decided to go with regular mom jeans and a simple red shirt from her closet, along with her black jacket. She looked in the mirror, smiling at her simple, but cute fit.

"You look pretty." Isabella turned around to see Alice, who was standing by her door, looking at her best friend.

"You really think so?" Isabella wonders, turning back to the mirror and trying to fix her hair, but Alice came up to her and stopped her, "Why do you have to ask so many questions? Take the compliment, Bells," Alice said, making Isabella to sighed.

Since Alice and her had become so close, she's the only one besides her three brothers that lets her call Bells. Everyone can call her Sissy since Bells was a meaningful nickname and hearing it from her family... it brings her joy.

"Okay. Yeah. I do feel beautiful." Isabella said, sitting down in the edge of her bed.

Alice sat next to her, "Alice, have you ever asked yourself that you're a good person?" Isabella asked her.

Alice furrowed her eyebrows as she was thinking. It took her a moment before she replied, "I have never asked myself that. Why are you asking?"

"I just... never believed that I would ever communicate with people that are not my family. I be so cold toward them and all they ever do is trying to be nice to me. The reason that I have been like that is because I don't want them to die because of me. That's why I shut people down. But when the werewolves arrived here, I felt great to have friends. Why did I deserved that when I treated them like shit?" Isabella said to her, mostly asking all of those questions to herself.

"Listen to me. I may not known you my whole life, but coming down here on Earth made me realize that life is too short. Meeting people in your life and that talk to you, trying to have a connection with you, keep them. Even if you're risking their lives, you may never have them back. Don't shut them out, let them be part of your life." Alice said, remembering that she did that with Dean, her, Sam and Castiel. They're their family now. Them and the baby girl that's on the way.

"Damn, you make more sense than me. And I have been on Earth my whole life." Isabella laughed softly, making Alice to smile softly.

The two girls didn't notice but Sam and Dean were watching them, smiling at them. It's so nice to see her interact with other people. All they ever wanted for her is to have a normal life. She was too young to be part of something so horrifying to have experienced her life. Now that she's trying to communicate with other people, the brothers could tell that she's trying to be a kind person.

"You know, that's all I ever wanted for her. To be happy. The way she needs to be all along." Sam said before walking to his room.

Dean kept on watching them.

"Isabella," Alice started, making Isabella to stare at her, "I love you."

Isabella smiled before the two girls shared a sisterly hug, "I love you too." Isabella said, hugging her while feeling her now little grown bump.

Dean smiled, "Me too." He whispered before he left as well.

Isabella left not long after her conversation with Alice and was walking to Addison's house. She also found out that her and Addison doesn't live that far away from each other.

She come walking upstairs from her porch and hesitated. Should she do it? She was already here and there's no turning back now. She has to suck it up. She lifted her hand and knock the door gently.

She heard footsteps coming and when Addison opened the door, she smiled, "Sissy, hey. You made it! Everyone else is already here and we were waiting for you. Come in." Addison said, pulling her inside and dragging her to the living room, where EVERYONE was at.

"My parents are out of town for work business, so I had to take this for advantage." Addison said to Isabella.

Isabella looked to see the people that are here. Zed, Bonzo, Bree, Eliza, Willa, Wynter and Wyatt. It has been a month since their date and both of them has been texting and calling each other all day and night, so she knew that he was going to be here.

"Hey! Isabella! Sissy! Izzy! Old pal!" Zed said, shouting every nickname he can give her.

"Woah there, Zeddy. Play dead." Isabella said, before sitting down on the floor between Willa and Wyatt.

"BURN!" Eliza said, covering her mouth with her hand.

The group started to laugh. Clearly, Zed and Isabella aren't friends friends, more like frenemies. That's what makes their friendship funny. They love to roast each other, but don't get offended by it.

"Ouu! Sissy, I love your fit! It's so cute!" Bree said, complimenting the huntress.

"Thank you. I tried my best." Isabella replied, lifting her knees up and wrapped herself close to her body.

Isabella faced with Wyatt, who smiled gently at her, "Hey, pup." He greeted.

"Hey, pup." Isabella said it back, staring at him. The whole group tried their best not to smile at them. They all want them to be a couple already. How long is it going to take them to realize that they both have feelings for each other?

"So, what did I miss?" Isabella said, facing the group.

"We were about to play a game." Eliza announces.

"What are we playing?" Isabella asked.

"The Voting Game." Zed said, setting up the game.

"And how to we play this game?" Wynter asked.

"It's a get to know each other card game. Each player's turn picks a card and read what it says. For example," Addison said before picking up a card, "Who your would be your one phone call if you got arrested?"

Immediately, everyone look at Addison and Eliza.

"It's has to be you two girls." Willa said, pointing at them two.

"How?" Eliza asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Zed asked her, "First of all, Addison's mom is the mayor, so there's that and second of all, you a tech genius. You can hacked the system and free us." Zed tells them, making everyone to agree with him.

"Okay. So let's say Eliza wins this card. She gets to keep it. Whoever has the most cards, wins the game." Addison said, making everyone to nod at her.

Zed finished setting up the game, "The youngest person goes first." Bree said, reading the instructions.

Once they all said their age and birthday, they found out that Wynter is the youngest person out of everyone in the group, The oldest one being Isabella since she's 18 almost going to 19, so Wynter picked up the card and read out loud, "Who will show up to their high school reunion in a Lamborghini rental?"

"Zed!" They all shouted, making Wynter to pass the card to Zed.

"I might actually do it. That would make me look badass." Zed said, smirking.

"More like a dumbass." Willa whispered to Wyatt and Isabella, who snickered at that.

"The player to the right goes next." Addison said.

It was Bonzo's turn and picked up a card, speaking his zombie language, Zed translated to the group, "Who's google search history would you like to see most? And If someone gets more than half the votes, they have to show their history." Zed said.

"Interesting." Isabella smirked, looking around the people.

"Okay, Bonzo. Who you're you like to see their google search history?" Bree asked her boyfriend.

Bonzo thought for a moment before pointing his finger to Isabella.

"Me?" Isabella said, pointing to herself.

"Yes you. And I vote for you as well." Eliza said, "Take out your phone."

"Yes!" Everyone else shouted.

Everyone stared at Isabella, who was already taking off her phone and going to her most google search history.

"Here so I don't cheat." Isabella said, passing it to Wyatt.

Wyatt grabbed it, cleared his throat and was bursting out laughing when he looked at it. Everyone was staring at him, because he was still laughing and wasn't controlling very well.

"Okay. Okay. So the first one said," Wyatt said, trying to control himself, "How to convince your older brother to name their kid after me." Wyatt said, making the group to stare at her.

"Dean and Alice are not going to name your niece after you, pup." Wyatt said.

"And why not? I think they should." Isabella said, opening her mouth in a big 'o' shape.

"Wait, your brother is expecting a baby? Aww! Congratulations!" Addison gushes, before going to Isabella and hugging her from the back.

Isabella froze but returned the gesture slowly. The others congratulated her as well, thanking them for the kind gesture.

"Yeah. He is. I can't wait to meet my little one." Isabella said, smiling about it.

Wyatt was glad that Isabella was happy about it. She has been through so much and a baby for the family is what they needed. A little bundle of joy for them.

"What else does she have on her history?" Willa said, going back to the game.

Wyatt nodded before reading out loud, "How to stop burning/roasting other people, what are the best products to put on your face and my favorite one, Why can't I own a tank." Wyatt laughed out at the end.

"A tank." Willa silently laughed at her, "You're crazy." She nudges her.

"All the best people are." Isabella smirks, shrugging her shoulder doing so.

Wyatt gives the hunter her phone back and Bonzo gave her the card and it was now Bree's turn.

She froze before awkwardly putting the card back, "I think we should play another game." She said, fixing her glasses.

"No. No. Can't skip your turn. You have to read it." Zed tells her.

"Do I have to?" Bree asked.

Everyone yelled, "Yes!"

"Okay. Fine." Bree said before grabbing the card again and read it out loud, "Who lost their virginity at the youngest age?"

Everyone stood frozen before they all looked each other, mainly to the two couple.

"Okay, before anyone can get uncomfortable, we won't judge anyone who is still or not a virgin. It's our body and our choices." Addison said to the friend group.

"She's right. We're all friends here. I'm not going to judge." Eliza said.

We're all friends here, she said. Everyone except you.

Isabella has to keep a straight face when the stupid voice in her head keep on taunting her.

"Raise your hand if you're a virgin?" Zed asked, making a few people to slightly hesitant to raise their hand. It was Bree, Bonzo, Wynter, Willa and Wyatt.

Isabella was in shocked that Eliza didn't raised her hand, "Wait a damn minute. You're not a virgin?" She asked her homework buddy.

Wyatt notice that Isabella didn't raised her hand. So she lost her virginity? He couldn't be affected by it since they're not in a relationship, but he couldn't help himself.

"No, Sissy. And it was recent too. So I lost my virginity at 17." Eliza said.

"Who!? Tell me, zombae!?" Addison said, wanting to know more.

"That I'll keep it private." Eliza blushes.

Zed and Addison were being watched by the group, "So you two did it?" Willa asked them.

The main couple blushed and looked down. "Eh. We all kinda knew it. You guys have been together for a while." Bree said.

"Yeah. Both of us being 17 as well." Zed said.

"And how about you Isabella? Not a virgin?" Willa asked, not trying to eye at her brother, who looked kinda upset.

"Yeah I'm not. When you on the road a lot with your brothers, you get to meet people. I was uh...15." Isabella said, making the group eyes go wide.

"Wait 15?" Wyatt asked, "Isn't that a little too young to start?"

"Wyatt!" Willa said, slapping her brother's forearm.

"Relax." Isabella said, trying to calm the situation, "Yeah, I was pretty young, and I was stupidly naive about it as well. But it was just meaningless." Isabella finished.

Meaningless. I mean that's not bad right, Wyatt thought.

Isabella notice his fist was clenched under the table. To help him out, she put her hand under the table, put it on top of his hand. Wyatt stop being tense and relax a little. He gently wrapped his hand around hers, intertwined it.

"So I guess another card goes to Isabella." Bree said before passing it to Isabella.

The game continues and once it was finished, the game ended with Addison being the winner. It was now "break time" and the girls were outside, sitting on the porch while the boys were inside, playing Mario kart.

"So, Willa and Wynter, how do you like school? How do you feel now that you guys have been accepted here?" Addison asked them, sitting on the staircase.

"It's has been glorious! The froyo, you guys, the cats," Wynter was going on and on and notice Willa was staring at her, "Too much?"

"Not at all. You're just experiencing your new life." Bree tells her.

"It's not that bad. Could use a little more... rebellious people, but other than that, Seabrook is becoming a more better town." Willa said.

"And it's all because of you two, Addison and Isabella." Wynter said.

"Me? What did I do?" Isabella asked.

"Are you for real? You told Zed's dad to stop the demolition and he did." Addison said.

"And don't forget you used your power to help us get our moonstone outside safe and secured." Willa said.

"I guess I did helped out." Isabella said, feeling proud.

"Yeah. You're not just a hunter, Sissy, but a good person. A good friend." Eliza said.

Hearing it from someone else other than her family made her feel great. She always doubted herself that she was a horrible person. Always. But it all changed when she was hanging out with them.

"I'm glad I get to know you guys." Isabella started, "At first I thought you guys were very.. cheery people and that "school rules and we all united yeah!" Isabella imitates being a cheerleader, making the girls laughed at her outbursts, "But I guess you guys are cool." Isabella said.

"Well you stuck with us, Sissy. Whether we annoy you or not." Addison said.

Back inside with the boys.

"So when are you going to ask Isabella to be your girl?" Zed asked Wyatt, who were neck on neck playing a round of Mario kart.

"What are you talking about?" Wyatt asked, trying to be clueless.

"Don't act dumb. We all could tell that you like her. You were upset when you found out that she wasn't a virgin." Zed tells him.

"Zee zag ziggy zug." Bonzo said, grunting.

"Yeah you so right, Bonzo." Zed said.

"What did he said?" Wyatt asked Zed.

"He said to stop being a pussy and go ask her out before anyone can beat you." Zed said.

"What if she said no?" Wyatt asked, getting hit by a red shell by Zed.

"Yes!" Zed cheered before replying, "I don't think she'll say no. You guys already had a first date, both of you can't stop staring each other, like come on, are you two that blind?" Zed said, raising his hands up before going back to the game.

Zed is right. He's taking too long to ask her out and there can be a possibility that another person will take her away from him.

"Zed, you're right." Wyatt said.

"Of course I'm right. I'm never wrong." Zed scoffed.

"Zed," Wyatt warns him.

"Sorry. I'm being to cocky."

"Want to help me get my girl?" Wyatt asked him.

"Of course, bud." Zed said to his new buddy.

The two got distracted by Bonzo, who hit a blue shell at Zed and since Wyatt was close to him, he got knocked over as well.

Bonzo took his opportunity and won the race.

"Oh, come on!" Wyatt and Zed exclaimed.


The group were inside, watching a movie together. Since they all decided to watch an action comedy, they watch Jumani; Welcome to the Jungle.

It was going quite well, until a phone was ringing.

"Boo!" the group shouted, throwing some popcorn at Isabella, who's phone was ringing.

"Sorry. Sorry." She chuckled before she got up and went to the kitchen to answer her phone.

"Hello?" Isabella whispered, not looking at the caller I.D.

Wyatt didn't want to eavesdrop, but he was curious on who she was talking to.

"Hello, sweetheart." She heard a familiar voice said, making her smile softly.

"Uncle Bobby, it's great to hear you again." Isabella said, softly.

Her uncle she has mentioned before, Wyatt thought.

"Me too, sweetheart. But this is urgent and I see that your idiots brothers aren't answering, I see that you're my last resort." Bobby said, making Isabella to stiffen up.

"What's wrong, Uncle Bobby?" Isabella said.

"The news is already spreading. They know, Isabella. They know about the baby." Bobby warns the girl.

She was flabbergasted by the news she got informed, "What? How? We tried many ways to keep her hidden." She whispered shouted, not wanting her new friends to hear her.

Wyatt was staring at the panicked huntress. Who knows about the baby?

"The people who hates us are going to track us down, Bobby. My baby niece will not be used." Isabella said, closing her eyes. She doesn't want her baby niece to end up like her. She got used and it cost her best friend to be killed. She doesn't want that for the niece.

"Well not good enough. Crowley- Oh great that damn demon." Allison scoffed.

"He's the main one you should be careful. Be careful. Warn your brothers and whatever you do, protect Alice at all cost." Bobby tells the Lightwood girl, who nodded.

"Yes, Uncle Bobby." Isabella said, relaxing a little bit.

"I'll be in town in a few days to help your house be secure and the safest place for Alice and the baby." Uncle Bobby said.

"Okay. I see you soon then." Isabella said.

"Will do, sweetheart." Bobby said before hanging up.

Isabella sighed. She so did not wanted to hear that. She was having a normal day, but nothing will ever be normal with her.

Wyatt carefully stood up, "I'm going to get more popcorn." He said softly to Willa before going to kitchen, where he sees the hunter, trying to calm herself.

"Pup?" Isabella turned around and smiled at Wyatt.

"Hey." She smiled back and wrapped herself, "Family drama."

Wyatt put the popcorn bowl down and look at her in concern, "Should I be worried?" He asked her.

Isabella shook her head, "No, pup. It's just... you know how I said that us hunters don't get a happily ever after because people are after us?" Isabella asked him.

"Yeah. You mentioned it." Wyatt said, nodding his head.

"Well, the baby somehow is the most important being right now for the people that my brothers and I made enemies and are after her." Isabella explained.

"You know my pack and I will protect your family if it comes to that." Wyatt said. He will do that. For her.

Isabella smiled before going closer to him, making him to look at her like she's the only person in the world.

"I love that you care, Wyatt." Isabella started, "But I'm not going to let you do that for me. The people that are after us... they could hurt you and I don't want to see you get hurt." She said, truthfully.

"So you do care about me." Wyatt said, glancing at her eyes.

"Wow, I'm trying to let you know that you might get hurt, but managed to make this about you." Isabella said, biting her lip.

"But you like it, why lie?" He said, making her to tilt her head.

Is he really trying to flirt with her? Right now?

Her phone started to blow up from Uncle Bobby.

"Crap." Isabella said, before getting herself ready, "I have to go. I'll let you know if something happens."

Isabella quickly kissed his cheek before she went to say goodbye to the others.

If anything happens to her and her family, Wyatt will of course do something about it. She helped him with the moonstone, so he will return the favor. He'll be dammed is something happens to the girl he got attached to.

It's always going to be her.

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