I Will Always Love You

By Jori_Cade

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What happens when a freak accident takes the memory of your love? Do you walk away or stay and fight. More

Chapter One: Crash
Chapter Two: Hospitals
Chapter Three: Without You
Chapter Four: Beckett Oliver
Chapter Six: With You
Chapter Seven: Two Years...
Chapter Eight: KISS
Chapter Nine: Hardest Thing
Chapter Ten: One Step
Chapter Eleven: The West Family
Chapter Twelve: Reconciliation
Chapter Thirteen: The Therapist
Chapter Fourteen: Jade's First Day Back
Chapter Fifteen: Songs and Psychs
Chapter Sixteen: Chemistry
Chapter Seventeen: En Motion
Chapter Eighteen: KitKatKiss
Chapter Nineteen: Oliver's
Chapter Twenty: Holding On
Chapter Twenty-One: Crying Girls
Chapter Twenty-Two: Cat Is The Answer
Chapter Twenty-Three: Love Wizard
Chapter Twenty-Four: Memories
Chapter Twenty-Five: Fall Out
Chapter Twenty-Six: Trail of Broken Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tears and Tries
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Very Peculiar Session
Chapter Twenty-Nine: And Suddenly All Is Revealed
Chapter Thirty: I Will Always Love You
Chapter Thirty-One: Signs
Chapter Thirty-Two: Just The Girl
Chapter Thirty-Three: Epilogue

Chapter Five: Becks got the way I should feel.

66 5 4
By Jori_Cade

Tori Vega

It's had been two weeks, two incredibly long weeks. Jade hadn't woken up the whole time and I was getting more and more concerned by the second. I was almost ready to explode if I became any more concerned. Everybody knew what Jade meant to me, I'd gone on and on to Cat and André multiple times of how I believed that Jade may very well be my soul mate. But even though all the teachers had quite the soft spot Jade and I (they believed that I was really good for her), they couldn't permit me two weeks off of school. So I had gone back a week ago. It was killing me.

I'd start my day in the hospital since I'd, of course, spend every night there with Jade, then I'd go to school, spend my lunch break at the hospital, and go back to school. When school let out I'd go home, take a shower, and rush back to the hospital, proceeding to stay the whole night once again. I couldn't let Jade wake up with nobody else there. André, Cat, Robbie, ad Rex came every day but only stayed for an hour or two. Even Sinjin and Trina came once, neither of them acted as annoying or weird as normal. Beck was the only one ever slightly close to my level of caring. He'd stay the night about three times a week with me. I knew what Jade had meant to him for those three years they had dated. We never spoke, but it was a comfortable silence.

Tuesday seemed like just another average day. I woke up in the hospital chair, leaning over onto Jade's bed. My back felt like crap because hospital chairs were extremely uncomfortable. Jade still hadn't moved from the previous night. I sighed and glanced over at Beck, who was sitting there with two muffins in his hand, a half-eaten coffee muffin for him and a blueberry one for me. It was just part of our usual habits. We'd both gotten used to it. With a smile and a small thank you I took the muffin from Beck. I devoured the muffin and then went to the bathroom, doing my make-up etc. I came out, gave Jade a peck on the forehead and left the room with Beck. Whenever Beck stayed the night he'd drive me to school in his R.V the next morning, just another one of our normal morning habits I was forced to get used to.

Arriving at school was hell-ish. Cat, Robbie, Rex, and André all asked about Jade's condition. Reporting that nothing had changed made me feel like shit. Sitting through classes literally put me in physical pain. It was awful. I used to love classes, even before Jade and I started dating, but now it was torture. I could no longer play footise with Jade, or hold her hand, or steal glances at her ass. Everything about Hollywood Arts reminded me of her, reminded me of how I may never get to hear her cynical laugh again, see her addicting smirk, or feel her electrifying lips against mine ever again. So getting that phone call in the middle of my class with Sikowitz was practically heaven-sent.

I looked at the Caller ID. It was the hospital. I looked down in an excitedly nervous way. What would the news be? Is Jade okay? I instantly picked up. "Hello."

"Tori Vega?" Asked the nurse.

"Yes," I responded immediately.

"Tori are you talking on a cell phone in my class?" Asked Sikowitz grumpily. I waved my hand at him. Shut the hell up Sikowitz!

"Well... your not immediate family, but considering your dedication to Jade I figured you'd like to know that she woke up," the nurse said.

"Jade's okay?" I ask hesitantly, making sure I heard right. Everybody leans in closer. I can see Cat buzzing at the possibility of her best friend being okay.

"She is," confirmed the nurse. A thousand feelings rocketed through me. Excitement, I'd get to see my girlfriend again. Love, obviously. Passion. Relief, she'd be okay. Confusion, why is she okay? Nervousness, what if she's mad at me? Anger, why didn't they tell me sooner? Envy, that the nurses got to be there for her when I couldn't. Concern, what if she woke up and fell back into a coma again before I got there?

"Thanks," I said, stunned. I hung up the phone and announced, "Jade's awake!" Cat, André, Sikowitz, Robbie, Rex, and Beck all run out of the room with me and we pile into Beck's R.V. Beck must've broken like... fifty laws to get to the hospital in under two minutes. Even I admit that was impressive.

We all race inside, barely able to stop in time to get out visitors passes. We all huddle into the elevator and I urgently click the button, hoping it'll go faster. As we run into Jade's room my heart is beating a mile a minute. All this time I haven't been able to see her... it was killing me.

Entering the room I saw Jade. She was sitting up, her eyes were open, and she looked like the most beautiful thing in the world. I instinctively go to hug her. "Oh my god Jade I missed you!" But as I say the words, her arms push me off of her. I look at her, confusion clouding my vision. I know Jade had a lot of walls up, but you'd think being in the hospital for two weeks would make it okay for her girlfriend to hug her.

"Who the fuck are you?" And in five simple words, my world comes crashing down.

Jade West

Who is this chic? I didn't recognize her. Why the hell was she hugging me? Why the fuck is Beck letting her? I pushed her off of me, and instantly I see hurt and confusion in her eyes. "Who the fuck are you?" I admit, it sounded a little harsh, but I didn't know who the fuck she was, it's only a normal reaction.

The beautiful brunette back away, fresh tears in her eyes. "Jade?" She sounded heartbroken. I don't know why, it's not like I even know her, but I felt my heart break as hers did.

"What?" I asked in my pissed off voice.

"You don't know who I am?" She barely whispered it out. I watched as tears fell from her eyes.

"Should I?" With that I watched as the girl with gorgeous mocha colored eyes turn towards André and cry into his shoulder. Maybe she's his new girlfriend?

"That's Tori!" Said an easily recognizable voice. I turned to see my favorite, most annoying, best friend Cat. I didn't remember her having red hair...

"Do you know who I am?" Asked a serious voice. I turn to see my amazing, fluffy haired, incredibly hot boyfriend, Beck.

"Of course I do baby," I said. Who forgets their own boyfriend?

"Oh my god! Do you know who I am?" Asked Cat excitedly. I rolled my eyes in a 'duh' way.

"Yeah. Cat, André, Beck, and Robbie," I said to each of them. "Although I wish I could forget you Robbie." The nerdy, curly haired boy looked instantly hurt. "So why am I in a fucking hospital bed?" I asked nonchalantly. Beck looked down nervously.

"You were in a car crash," said Cat.

Car crash? I don't remember any fucking car crash! "What the hell are you talking about? I'm fifteen, I'm not even old enough to drive."

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