bad romance

By Emgdif27

207 0 0

marinette is stuck in a toxic relationship with her 4 year lover or so she thought luka.. her bestfriends, al... More

Chapter 1.. toxic
chapter 2.. on the run
Chapter member
chapter 4...plans
chapter five -- Him
Chapter 6 - The return
chapter 7 - The outcome
Chapter 8 - cat noir
Chapter ten - Luka
chapter 11 - first day of school.
Chapter 12 - cat noir or adrien?
chapter 13 - Study date
chapter 14 - L287
Chapter 15 - Caroline

Chapter nine - Adrien Agreste

6 0 0
By Emgdif27

Adrien POV

After meeting her for the first time I couldn't stop thinking about her. Marinette. What a beautiful name. After hearing luka talk about this Marinette girl I felt bad. I felt horrible that I didn't know the girl and I couldn't do anything to save her myself. I love helping people in danger. It's my favorite thing to do. I feel happiness when others are happy. 

The day after I left Lukas, I felt my mind racing harder than before. I had to find this girl to make sure she was okay. When returning back to the mansion that I heard we had a new house mate. Meaning, one of Harleys friend that we have to protect as well. The crazy story about her is that she was running away from someone or something.

 I went into the meeting room that night to hear more about her. During the meeting the joker left the room to go talk to Harley. Everyone else except frosty stayed in the board room waiting for the boss to come back.  I turn over to look at Nino and gave a peace sign. 

Nino and I both work for the joker. Couple of reasons. One, the most important, Protect woman at all costs. Two, the money, and three, we respect the joker and his work. The joker is a good man. He loves to build from the ground up and protect the woman at all costs. He is very deadly person, and he is crazy, but he is still a brilliant mind. 

Out of nowhere we heard sirens and we all stood up. I rushed out of the room to make sure the other girl was safe. She was our protection now.  I finally saw a woman leaving the dressing room and went up behind her and spoke to her. 

"Come with me miss"

I grabbed her hand and brought her right back inside to the room. I heard my radio go off and the joker spoke through it. 


I looked behind me and looked at the girl. She was shaking a lot and it looked like she was about to have an anxiety attack. She started crying and I felt horrible that I couldn't really do thing to make her feel better. I rushed her over to the bed in the room. I have no idea why the joker put one in here for Harley, but I guess it screams for itself. 

I looked at her and I decided to try and speak to her to calm her down. 

"I'm sorry you don't know me, my code name is chat Noir, but I have a real name, but I'm sorry I can't tell you to make you feel more comfortable, but everything is going to be okay. I will protect you with my life." 

She looked up at me in awe. I could see her eyes sparkling. She was beautiful. She had the prettiest bluebell eyes. She had the most beautiful midnight blue hair. Her face was pale and had tiny baby freckles around her eyes and nose. She was so beautiful; I could look at her for hours.

"Thank you catnoir, you are very sweet."

I nodded at her. I didn't want to give her so much emotion because of my job. The number one rule in this house, well besides flirting or trying anything with Harley, its, don't mess with Harleys friends. I wasn't going to risk the job that keeps me alive. 

Her voice caught me off guard. "My name is Marinette. I live here so even though you can't tell me who you really are, I can tell you me." 

She looked down and blushed. She deserves everything in this life. Without even thinking i spoke. 

"You are so beautiful Marinette."

I wanted to face palm. Why would I say that out loud. Does she deserve too here it? well yes of course. But I cannot flirt with the bosses' girlfriend's best friend. That would be a death wish. 

"If you ever need anything just text me, my name is already in your ladybug device, boss likes to make sure the guards are in everyone's contacts for emergency."

I said that truthfully and professional, so she doesn't think otherwise. Even though I wouldn't mind if she did think otherwise. 

Out of nowhere my radio device went back off.  

"House clear, everyone to the basement. Frosty come get Harley and take her to my room, cat noir take ladybug to her room and come to the basement" The joker said calm. 

She stood up and looked at me. I looked back at her and wanted to say one more thing to her because she deserved it. 

"It was nice meeting you Marinette, and just for a reminder, you are beautiful, and you will always be safe with me, I will protect you forever." 

I meant every word. As long as she lived here, she would be protected. 

I walked out of the room and standed by the door waiting for her to come out and lead me to her room. She started walking to her room and I followed close behind her. We arrived at her door, and she turned around and looked at me. She was studying me.  Out of nowhere she hugged me. I felt a wave of shock run through my body. I was happy on the inside. On the outside I kept my guard up. She let go of me and went into her room.

I started to walk away and head to the basement.  My mind was on fire. I wanted to know her. I wanted to be surrounded by her. Seeing her smile consumed me.  When Luka even first brought her up, my mind was curious. 

Heading down to the meeting I thought to myself, 'I will never have her'. I'm stuck like this. As a bodyguard forever. I will never have a normal life anymore. I will be stuck as the jokers left hand man. Which didn't make me mad. I loved this job. I loved to protect people and being the jokers left hand man made me feel wanted and respected. My family never gave me that. 

Heading into the meeting. I saw frosty sitting on right side of joker. All the other henchmen on their correct sides. I went to the left and sat to the left of the joker. Right across from frosty. Frosty looked at me and nodded. I looked back and nodded. 

The joker turned around and looked at Frosty and then me. He looked around the room to make sure everyone had attended. 

"Everyone knows how I like my mansion to be run...yes?"

Everyone nodded. I looked at the joker. He is a very different man then he once was. Harley grew on him. 

"The alarm system doesn't just go off...The alarm system is in tacked to protect myself and you and especially my queen and now, our new guest, Marinette."

Frosty stood up and looked at everyone around the room.   

"We are happy that it was just a cat running past the fence, because if it was a human they would have been killed. with no hesitation."

I nodded. Thinking in the back of my mind, I wish it was Luka who ran across the fence. I would love to see that man tortured.  

The joker looked at frosty and nodded and looked back around the room.

"I will be installing more cameras soon and have more protection come in soon. We have one motto here...killed or be killed." The joker said with his creepy smile he always gave.

The joker looked at me and then back to the front of the room. 

"Let's recap of the rules...The most important rule...Harley is to be protected at all costs if I am not here..and! No one is allowed to do or try anything with her."

Everyone looked at the joker and nodded. I could tell most of them wanted to shit themselves. They were all scared of him. Anyone in this mansion would be stupid to try anything with Harley.

The joker spoke again. "Second. Marinette... our new house member. will be here for a while...she is not to be touched or spoken to unless aloud. she is not here for your pleasure. Shes here to gain protection."

I started to smile a little but caught myself. I can't have anyone noticed. I looked at frosty and saw him giving me a curious look. I looked at the joker and waited for further instructions.

"Lastly, we have a new assignment, we have a new target. we are not to capture him yet...we are to watch him and wait till its time and my signal."

We all nodded, and the joker looked back in the room and looked at Nino. All the henchman looked forward. I looked forward and kept a straight face.  

"I know that you are friends with Luke. But I know that you Arnt anymore because of what you heard, so your job is to continue to be friends with him and show no signs of anything. Tonight, I want you to ask him to a movie and try to get him to talk about Mari as much as you can. Report back to me tonight."

Nino nodded. The joker looked around the room and looked at frosty and walked to the front of the room to read paperwork on his clubs. I began to walk out but frosty stopped me.

"Adrien. your new job every day is to guard Marinette's door. she is to be highly protected and you're the man for the job. Don't let the boss down. Or you will be killed off."

"Yes sir."

I looked at the joker and he looked at me. 

"You are my left-hand man for a reason. Don't let me down."

I nodded and walked out of the room. I went to the kitchen and saw everyone in there eating dinner. I grabbed a plate of food and sat down. While eating I heard my phone buzz. I was allowed to use my phone, but I hate using my phone while I work.

I looked at my messages and saw one from Marinette. I started to smile. She made my heart skip. When I was alone in that room with her. I wanted to hold her tight. Tell her that she was going to be okay, and she was safe with me. I told her she would be safe with me but hugging and saying it is different.  

 'Hello Mr. cat noir, I would love to have you hear my story.'

I smiled. I wanted to hear her story, but I wasn't allowed to do that ever. I had to respect my boss and I didn't want to be killed and then she's never safe. 

'We have time later miss Marinette.'

'Thank you for everything that you do for me.'

'I'll do anything for you miss Marinette.'

'Cat noir you are too kind.'

'Only to you miss Marinette.'

I instantly regretted what I said to her. But it was true. I knew the joker never went through anyone's phones or seen messages, so I knew I was good. 

She replied back and My smile fell. 

'I wish I could see your face without the mask.'

I didn't reply back to her after that. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't fall in love with her. I had to stop this now. No matter how bad I wanted her, I knew I couldn't. I put my phone away and put my plate into the sink and went to the bathroom. After the bathroom I went to my room and saw the joker in it with a couple of men moving everything around. The joker saw me and looked at me smiling. 

"So, I just remembered something...Marinette's room has a connected door leading into another room and that is going to be your new room starting tonight."

I wanted to smile but didn't. I knew this was a bad idea in my head, but I felt safe knowing I will be able to protect her better. This is going to be a fresh start. 

Hey you guys! Sorry for late update, I've been going through it but I'm back now! Stay tuned for another chapter tonight and a chapter in Ur my life! 

But hey!! finally Adrien's Pov. You guys will be getting more of that throughout the book! hope y'all enjoyed. Next chapter won't be as long Butttt it's going to be in Lukas Pov. Sorry that all of it is back tracked. Just want you guys to see inside the minds of the other main characters. 

xoxoxoxo green:)

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