About Her// Emily Prentiss x...

By lesbianforprentiss

1.2K 42 7

When Y/n gets an unexpected visitor in her CIA office one day she is thrown into helping the BAU uncover a te... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

158 9 3
By lesbianforprentiss

 I arrived at Evelyn's house to look for any clues as to Mitch's whereabouts. I put on some latex gloves and ducked under the crime scene tape, carefully looking around the house. I found a manilla envelope tucked in her desk, unopened. How could the police and detectives not have found this? It only makes sense that Mitch had planted it after the police started investigating, knowing that I would come look here. I opened the envelope to see a disc. It was labeled Isabelle so I knew it was for me. I put the disc into the DVD player in Evelyn's living room and wait. As if on cue Mitch appears on the screen in front of me.

"Hello, Isabelle." He starts with a menacing tone.

"You are probably on your way to try and kill me, but what you don't remember is that I am always 2, 3, even 5 steps ahead of you. You can't catch me, but you will see me soon." The video ends with him smiling maliciously at me through the screen.

I shut the tv off and take the tape out so nobody else finds it. I take the manilla envelope with me and get back in my car to figure out where he would be. I drive and drive until it clicks in my brain just where he would be. I drive to the location I know he will be waiting for me.

Emily's POV:

I can't believe she wouldn't hear me out and kicked me out. Was I really that awful that she won't even listen to me now? I really need to get my point across. I don't really don't hate her and I wish I could take everything back. I turn around to go back and talk to her but I see her start to leave her apartment with a crazy amount of things and am immediately curious where she is going. I duck behind the hallway and hope she doesn't see me and as soon as she passes me to get to the parking garage I follow behind her. I see her get into her car and I hide behind my car until I hear her get in hers and drive away before I get into mine and trail behind her a couple cars behind to not seem suspicious. I followed her to the crime scene we investigated the other day, the house of Evelyn Francis.

What would she be doing here? I parked my car a little ways back so she didn't see me. I watch as she enters the building looking all around before going in to see if anyone is watching her. This is super suspicious and I wait to see her come back. I still don't get why she would come here alone in the first place. Eventually she comes out with a manilla envelope in her hand as she looks all around with a hawk's eye to see if anybody saw her and I swear I see her look my way. I duck down in my seat as fast as humanly possible and it appears she didn't see me. She gets back into her car and starts to drive again. What was going on? She looked like an entirely different person ever since leaving her apartment. I drove back to headquarters to ask Garcia to pull up more information on her to get to the bottom of this. I bust past everyone to get to Garcia's office.

"Hey, Garcia, can you do something for me?" I ask as I get into Penelope's lair as she calls it.

"Of course my lovely! What is it you need on this fine day?" She asks as she turns around in her chair to face me.

"I need you to pull up everything you can find on Agent Y/l/n, now."

"Woah, why so serious all of the sudden? Also why Agent Y/l/n? Isn't she Hotch's guest consultant? Should we tell him before snooping on her?" She asks a little confused and also a little concerned.

"No, we can't tell him. Listen I saw her go into Evelyn Francis' house and then come out with an envelope. I get this weird feeling she knows more about this case than she has been telling us." I am also confused about this whole situation.

"Oh, uh yeah I can pull up her file."

She starts typing trying to pull up anything she can find on Y/n and I watch nervously, hoping it was just nothing and that she was overthinking everything. She didn't think you would kill anyone but your actions were very suspicious. Garcia pulled up your file and her neutral expression changed to one of confusion.

"Uhh it looks like there is a part of her file that's encrypted. I can't get into it." She looks at me with an apologetic look on her face.

"That's not good enough. We need to get into that part of her file." I say in a more harsh tone than I intended.

"I'm sorry Garcia. This is just worrying me and I don't like to think that one of our own is possibly in contact with an unsub." I look at her with a softer expression.

"It's all okay. I get why you're scared. You like Agent Y/l/n and were too scared to say anything before, but now you're worried you won't be able to tell her. Your secret is safe with me." She says as she gives me a knowing smile and puts her hand on my arm.

"I'll see what I can do about the file. You might want to take a seat, this could take a bit." She said as she whipped back around to her computer to try and get through the encryption on Y/n's file.

It had been a couple hours and I had fallen asleep in one of Penelope's chairs when I heard her squeal. I woke up as she turned to face me.

"I did it! You are gonna want to see this." She said with an expression I couldn't quite read.

I looked at her screen and saw that the part of Y/n's file that had been hidden was another identity for an undercover mission. The file was a file for one Isabelle West but it had a picture of Y/n with long light brown hair and a tan. She was wearing a floral dress and the picture of her was almost unrecognizable but I knew it was her because she had the same bright smile.

"She knew the victim and the unsub. They were both on the behind the scenes team for her undercover mission." Garcia said, reading Y/n's file in a concerned voice.

"Garcia, can you find out why Mitch Dennison was terminated from his job in 2015? If I'm right about this then I think Y/n is his trigger." I am nervous thinking about what will happen if I'm right.

"It looks like he was terminated because of complaints of stalking another co-worker by Evelyn Francis. It seems like she noticed that Dennison would sit outside of Y/n's apartment every night and watch her through her windows. She caught him on more than one occasion trying to look into her apartment after leaving her apartment after having a girls night. Y/n didn't come forward because she felt bad that he would get fired so Evelyn did it for her. Emily what happens if Mitch finds her?!" Garcia read out in a more worried voice now.

"He won't, I won't let that happen. We need to go debrief the team immediately though. Get all this information up in the conference room." I say rushing to get everybody in the conference room.

"Everybody in the conference room now, we've got news about the case!" I shout as I pass by the rest of the team and burst into the conference room.

Everyone hurries to the conference room and is shocked to see Y/n's picture on the screen when they arrive. Confusion sets in on everyone's face when they realize that the file doesn't have her name and are waiting for me to explain.

"This is Y/l/n's undercover file from a mission she did in Russia 7 years ago. This file and all others were the ones stolen by Mitch from the CIA. Evelyn Francis and Mitch Dennison worked with Y/l/n on this case as her behind the scenes team. They organized everything for her while she was undercover and set up her way out and other things she would need. That's beside the point, I had Garcia do more digging and we found out that Dennison had been terminated because he was stalking Y/n and Evelyn reported him and got him fired. I saw Y/l/n today leave her apartment with tons of bags and then go into Evelyn's apartment. She came out with a single manilla envelope, she looked around very suspiciously like she might've had reason to believe someone was following her. Then she got into her car and drove off again. I think she is trying to go after Dennison herself." I said as everyone watched me intensely, listening to every word I was saying. They all looked very concerned wondering why she would just go off on her own like that.

"Why wouldn't she just ask us for help?" Reid spoke up in a soft, hurt voice.

"She is a very independent person. She also doesn't really know us that well and doesn't quite trust us yet. I'm not surprised she didn't tell us." I said thinking about the fact that the team hasn't even known her for a month yet.

"You know her though. Why didn't she say anything to you?" He questions looking into my soul with worried eyes.

"Listen, Y/n and I haven't had a great relationship throughout the years and I hadn't seen her since we graduated. I think I would honestly be the last person she would tell." My voice laced with sadness as I looked down at my hands in front of me. I felt guilty about this because if I had just been kind to her maybe she would have told me about all this before.

"Well she's one of our own now, so we need to find her before Mitch does." Rossi speaks up.

"Agreed. Garcia see if you can track Agent Y/l/n's car or find where Mitch Dennison's last whereabouts were. Rossi, Reid, and Morgan you profile Dennison. Prentiss, you and I will look into Agent Y/l/n further." Hotch spoke quickly, giving everyone their assignments.

"Wait, why are we profiling Y/l/n? She didn't do anything!" Morgan asked a little defensively.

"I'm not saying she did anything wrong, but we know nothing about her and now she is a potential trigger for the unsub. We need to find out what her next moves would be so that we can find her and the unsub. If she finds him first, which is very possible, then she will lead us to him." Hotch finishes as he turns to walk out of the conference room and out the door.

I follow him and hope that we can find something that will help us find her. I need to see her again and tell her everything. It hurts me to think about the possibility I might not be able to do that ever again. We have to find her.

Y/n's POV:

I got out of my car as I pulled up to a remote nightclub. I know that he's here, if this is about me this is where he would be. This is the club I used to work at before I had even started the FBI academy. I needed money to get through college and they paid handsomely for a college student. Mitch had gone to the same college as me and had been stalking me for years. I knew he was, I wasn't an idiot, but I didn't care enough to call the police or confront him because he never tried to get close to me. I show my id to the bouncer and get in with no trouble. I look around trying to find Mitch. The neon lights mess with my eyes and make it hard to see anything. I find myself squinting and pushing myself through the crowds to look for him to no avail. Suddenly I feel some guy grab my hips as he tries to say something to me.

"Hey, what's a pretty lady like you doing in here?" He mumbles very close to my ear. I smell the cheap vodka on his breath and I scrunch my nose at him.

"I'm looking for someone." I say trying to keep going through the crowd.

"Oh well who are you looking for because I know a lot of people, sugar?" He starts to lean closer to me and I can feel his lips getting dangerously close to my neck.

"I'm looking for Mitch Dennison, have you seen him?" I ask as I try to push my shoulder back, attempting to distance myself from him. He freezes as I said this.

"Uhh I don't know who that is... Good luck finding him though!" He says as he tries to get away from me in the crowd. I follow him and end up in the back part of the club with private rooms. I pull my gun out of the holster and start checking all of the rooms. I get to one room where the door is locked and I feel that this is the room. I get prepared to kick the door down and take a deep breath. I swing my leg around and kick the door down. The room was pitch black and I couldn't see in, so I grabbed my flashlight and tried to look in. I walked into the room with my flashlight and looked around until I found something that stuck out. It was a white envelope with Isabelle written on it.

"For fucks sake!" I said as I reached out and grabbed the envelope, opening it. This time it was just a piece of paper that read 'Behind You'.

"Behind You? Are you fucking joking?" I laughed as I read the note out loud. I turned around and was met with silence and nothing else but darkness.

"Ok, funny joke. Where are you?" I called out into the darkness.

"Don't be a coward and face me like a real man, Mitch!" I screamed.

"Come on you pu–" I was cut off by a cloth over my mouth and nose that smelled of chloroform. I struggled against the mystery person's grip and my eyes began to feel heavy.

"I knew you would find me here, I thought you would be smarter though. Silly little girl. Did you think I would let you kill me that easily?" Is the last thing I hear before I fall unconscious. 

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