Chapter 3

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I excused myself to the bathroom after we had narrowed down the unsub to my old friend and partner on one of my undercover cases. I couldn't honestly believe anything that has happened in the last 24 hours. I was asked to consult on a case about a terrorist that murdered someone trying to get private government information. I am now faced with talking to my old nemesis from college, and have just found out my friend is the terrorist that I now have to track down. As I got into the tiny jet bathroom I slid down the closed door putting my head in my hands. I didn't know what I was going to do, I mean I obviously had to stop Mitch but I can't understand why he would do something like this. I had been hyperventilating for a while, it seemed before I heard a knock on the door behind me and my heavy breath hitched in my throat as I heard Agent Rossi speak on the other side.

"Hey kiddo, you doing okay in there?" He asked in a fatherly tone, which made me feel less anxious.

"Uh yeah, just needed a minute. I'll be out in like 5 minutes. Thanks!" I said trying not to sound distraught and warrant further prodding.

"Okay, just know you can talk to me. I won't judge, sometimes this job can get to you I know. Take your time."

"Thank you! I'll keep that in mind." I heard him give a little knock of reassurance as he left me to gather myself and my thoughts before exiting the bathroom and making my way back to my seat.

Reid looked at me with worried eyes but I gave him a smile that seemed to put his whirling mind at ease. I looked around the jet and was met with her gaze again, except for the first time she looked at me with what seemed like concern, but it faded in a matter of seconds leaving her notorious glare. I broke our staring match and looked out the window of the jet as we were starting to land. We were called over again to the team to discuss where each person would go investigate.

"Reid and Morgan, you to the crime scene, Rossi and I will go and brief the officers at the station, Prentiss and Y/l/n will start to develop a profile and consult with Garcia." Hotch explained to everyone as I looked over at him with confused and angry eyes. He promised me and Prentiss would be separated and now we are supposed to spend the day together. I waited until everyone else went back to their seats and I went to talk with Hotch.

"Hey what the hell, I thought you said that me and Prentiss wouldn't have to work with each other! That was the deal!" I whispered angrily trying to alert the others of our intense conversation.

"I'm sorry but you two have the same kind of background knowledge on going undercover and I thought this might give you a chance to maybe patch things up. If that doesn't work then I will keep you guys away from each other but it makes the most sense right now." He told me hoping that I would get that this was his final answer.

"Ok, but if it goes horribly then you have to deal with this!"

"I am fully aware of that. Thanks for your cooperation here. I believe you will be a great addition to the team." He said smiling for the first time I've known him.

The jet landed and we set out in our respective paths. Prentiss and I went to set up in the conference room of the police station and we hadn't ended up fighting yet so I would call that a win. The day pressed on as we tried to locate anything we could find on Mitch. I was finding it hard to investigate a friend but I needed to know what happened. Why had he snapped? Where was he now? What was his plan? We finished up for the day and went to our hotel where we were waiting for the keys to our rooms. Hotch came sauntering over with a displeased look on his face.

"They only had 3 rooms available. So it looks like we have to double up. Reid and Morgan, Rossi and I, and then that leaves Prentiss and Y/l/n."

"But I-"

"Sorry we don't have a lot of room for discussion. Here's your key."

I took the key with a defeated sigh and started making my way to the room with Prentiss trailing behind me, equally as frustrated. I opened the door to find there was only. One. Bed. This was going to be a long and awkward night. I unlock the door to our room and start to unpack my stuff. I go to take a shower when Prentiss stops me.

"We should really talk. This is obviously not ideal for the both of us but we can try to make it work." She says trying to downplay everything from our past.

"I don't know about you but the last time we talked you definitely made it seem like you didn't want to ever see or talk to me ever again."

It was the night of graduation and there was a huge party going after the ceremony. I was getting ready with Tara Lewis and we went together. We show up and there's a game of seven minutes in heaven going on and the group invites us to come join. I don't know too many people there, but I do recognize one face for sure, Emily Prentiss. We lock eyes and exchange looks of hatred before my gaze is broken by someone walking past my line of vision and heading for their turn in the storage closet to the right of Tara and I.

"Y/n you spin next!" Tara nudged me as I reached for the bottle. I spun the bottle and watched it intensely hoping it didn't land on the one person I hated the most here. The bottle came to a stop in front of a random guy that I didn't know and as the last group exited the closet, we went in. He was mildly attractive but not really my type, still that didn't matter when you were tipsy and he asked if I wanted to kiss and I agreed. After the time had expired we came out of the closet and I returned to my seat with a small smirk on my face. I looked across the circle and Emily's eyes were set on me with a deadly scowl. The game continued and then it came to Emily's turn. She spun the bottle and I was again praying it didn't land on me, but this time it stopped in front of me. I panicked and looked up at her, but she was already getting up to go in the closet. I followed her into the closet and the next thing I know I'm being slammed against the now closed door.

"What the hell was that?!" She screamed at me. I flinched and tried to respond, but she wasn't finished talking.

"You are such a fucking whore aren't you! You can't keep it in your goddamn pants! What is wrong with you?!"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" I screamed back, confused about what she was talking about.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't try to change the subject! Nobody will ever love a slut like you!"

I didn't even stay to finish the seven minutes I ran out of that closet and out the door of the house. Tara came running after me trying to ask me what happened but I was too hysterical to answer her as she drove us home.

"That was years ago and I'm not the same person I was back then!" She raised her voice as the conversation got more heated.

"What does that matter?! How am I supposed to believe that when all you've been to me so far is rude?! Listen, I'm not in the mood to talk about this right now. I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep, ok." I yelled back before storming into the bathroom.

I ran my shower and got in taking the time to fully process the predicament that I was in. I thought about our last encounter and what to do next. I really don't want to talk to her but a part of me feels like it is necessary. I got out of the shower and got ready for bed. I went to sleep on the couch when she stopped me.

"Don't. We are grown ups, we can share a bed. It's not like we have to talk or anything."

I didn't say anything to her but I brought my stuff over to the nightstand and crawled into my side of the bed. I turned the light off and fell asleep, hoping that tomorrow would be better.

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