
By zodiacobsessed

1.1K 27 0

i have to add some... drama.. Y/N Lupin has been in love with professor Snape since 3rd year.. she doesn't re... More

Ch 1 || Dont Talk Back To Me.
Ch 2 || Again?
Ch 3 || Your Drunk??
Ch 4 || I'm so sorry.
Ch 5 || Where Have You Been?
Ch 6 || Good Girl.
Ch 7 || Such A Good Slut.
Ch 8 || Grounded.
Ch 9 || Prison.
Ch 10 || Windfall
Ch 11 || I Miss You.
Ch 12 || They Know.
Ch 13 || Gold Vs. Silver
Ch 14 || Double Trouble
Ch 15 || Friday
Ch 17 || Dinner
Ch 18 || The Night
Ch 19 || Days Off
Ch 20 || Step Father.
Ch 21 || Christmas
Ch 22 || Severus' House

Ch 16 || Inspection

17 1 0
By zodiacobsessed

I wake up and look at the time "FUCK" I scream causing Lana, Elise, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle jump awake "Y/N! What happened?" Draco says looking at me with a hint of concern. "It's 2 pm.." "WHAT" Lana screams and looks at the time. "Shit.." Draco says looking around.

"Guys.. don't we have dorm inspections today.." I say looking at them with wide eyes and Goyle slowly nods. "Fuck." Me, Lana and Elise say at the same time. "Draco we should go clean our dorm-" Crabbe says and Draco nods "Okay- Sorry for the mess.. But we have to go clean our dorm."they say and we nod "It's okay" I say with a smile and unlock the door allowing them to leave.

We grab a few trash bags and throw the empty bottles, boxes and all the garbage into the bags. We get our owls to take the garbage somewhere far so no one on the ground will see it.

We take our vapes and the rest of the alcohol and edibles into an extendable bag and toss it out the window "Okay let's see if it works first.." I say grabbing my wand. "Accio vapes!" and the bag flies into my hand "Sweet" Lana says with a smile. I throw it back out and we start to put away all of our clothes.

Then we make our beds and clean the bathroom. We pick up all of our dirty clothes and put them into our washing machine when we hear a knock on the door and we all look at each other. "C-Come in.." I say hesitantly. We have pounding headaches and are hung over.

Professor Snape walks in with his clipboard and looks around. Basically if all our beds and the whole room and bathroom are clean, no trash anywhere or clothes laying around we get 30 points. If it's half clean we get 20, and if it's a little dirty then 10, if everything is a mess then we get no points.

He nods walking from bed to bed, closet to closet, and the bathrooms, under the bed, basically everywhere and then finally says "Perfect. 30 points for Slytherin." He says in his normal cold tone. We smile and high five each other and he smirks.

"Lupin, may I borrow you for a moment?" The girls giggle and I hit them "Shush. And of course professor." I smile and follow him out of my dorm, into the commons and then into the corridors. I smile and he smiles back and looks both ways before giving me a soft quick kiss.

"I was wondering, If you would like to have dinner with me tonight?" He says with a smile and my face brightens. "I'd love to!" I say with a big smile that makes him chuckle a bit. "I'll meet you in the corridors at 7:00 sharp. Do not be late love." He says giving me one more kiss before leaving. "Oh, wear something sexy.. under your pajamas.. incase we get caught." He smirks and then walks off.

It's like 5 pm now and I go back into my dorm and tell the girls who squeal. They pick out a black laced bra with matching black laced panties. Then they got a green dress with the back open. And to put on over it.. they grabbed me a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

I smile and get in the shower and wash and shave my legs making sure that I look good. I get out and get dressed and then put the hoodie and sweats on. Lana and Elise then braid my hair into two braids behind my head.

(A/N- you don't have to do this.. js the thing i'm imagining for the look.)

Once that happens it's now about 6:00 pm. "Do i have time for makeup?" I say and Lana looks at the clock "Yep!" "Actually.. he's probably gonna fuck it right off of me" I laugh and they nod in agreement.

We play a quick card game and I look at the clock "Oh! 6:40! I gotta go!" I say as I grab a bag and my wand "Bye guys!" "Bye! Good luck and have fun!!" Elise says and I smile.

I walk out of the dorm, into the common room, and then into the corridor. "Lumos" I say and my wand turns on. I start to walk when all of a sudden I bump into Snape. "Good evening darling." He says taking my hand and kisses it. "Hello Severus." I say as we begin to walk to his office. A few moments later, we turn the corner running into my dad fuck. "Y/N! are you okay?" He asks and I look at Severus.

"Your daughter forgot about her detention with me so I came to retrieve her." He says in his cold tone and I play along with it. "Sorry dad.."

"Y/N! What did you do now?"

"She.. didn't clean her side of the room.. she was doing homework. So now she has a detention. Don't worry, Remus, I won't hurt her." My dad looks at me "You didn't clean?"

"No.. I forgot.." he sighs "fine.. have a good detention." he says kissing the top of my head and then walking away. I look at Severus who takes my hand and we laugh proceeding to walk to his office.

Once we get inside, I look around and see a trail of rose petals leading to his chambers and I gasp. "Turn around for a second.." I say and he cocks his eye brow. "Do it! If we wanna do this, then we gotta do it right." He sighs "What's this about, love?" "You'll see.." I take off my hoodie and sweats throwing them on the floor "Okay.. look." He turns around and his mouth drops open as he takes in my outfit.

"You're gorgeous.." he says walking closer to me and he leans in and kisses me with nothing but love. No lust, no desire, just pure love. He pulls back and offers me his arm "Shall we?" I smile and take his arm "We shall" I say and then we begin to follow the rose petals up into his chambers.

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