Ms. Hummingbird (Various Gens...

By SweetPea-23

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"Trust me, Aether, my life isn't as great as my wanted posters make it look." ~*~ "You are Mr. Owl. I am Ms... More

Prologue -1-
Barbatos Statue -2-
Red Crystal, Red Girl -3-
Mr. Owl -4-
The Knights of Favonius -5-
Troublesome Work -6-
Stolen Book -7-
Gliding Exam -8-
Leap of Faith -9-
Treasure Hunt -10-
Wild Goose Chase -11-
Temple of the Wolf -12-
Temple of the Lion -13-
Experiments: Trial 1 -15-
Results? -16-

The Alchemist and the Sister -14-

493 23 8
By SweetPea-23

"Ah... After such a well rest and a great breakfast at the good hunter, Paimon's all pumped up for today!" The little fairy exclaimed as you and Aether leisurely walked the streets of Mondstadt. With all the temples that Stormterror - or Dvalin - had gotten his power from taken care of, you weren't exactly sure what the next step was in securing the nation's safety. In fact, you weren't even sure if it even involved you and Aether in it at all.

Aether cracked his back and smiled up to the floating girl. "Mm! I feel the same way. I wonder what today will bring..." He pondered aloud. Just as you opened your mouth, Paimon stopped and pointed in front of a large building with a dark turquoise roof. "Isn't that Jean? Seems she's talking to someone..." The white haired girl muttered.

Your eyes widened upon seeing who exactly the unknown someone was. A woman with dirty blonde hair in a ponytail wearing a black and purple outfit. Most notably was the gray mask with little red streak through the side that covered her eyes. Paimon pursed her lips. "Let's let her finish, then go say hi?"

With a tense jaw, you sent the unknown woman a hard look. "As long as I don't have to talk to that woman at all, I'll be fine." You grumbled angrily. Aether and Paimon looked at you with widened eyes. "Y/N, you know that woman?" Paimon asked. You shook your head. "Not personally, but I know she doesn't mean well. Shh... listen."

The unknown woman, with a high and mighty look that made you want to wipe it off her face, looked Jean up and down with condescension. "—Which is what has brought us to this point in the first place." She finished off smugly, "If you are unable to promptly deal with the Stormterror threat, then leave the defense of Mondstadt to the Fatui."

Oh... now you're pissed.

Unfortunately, the woman just kept running her mouth. "We can put an end to Mondstadt's dragon issues. All we need to do is bring that monster to the—" Jean cut her off. "Monster?" She asked with a raised brow. The woman narrowed her eyes from underneath her mask. "Yes. What's your point?"

Jean pursed her lips. "Ah... I'd expect a more professional attitude from your diplomats. Yet here you are saying you want to 'put an end' to one of The Four Winds of Mondstadt?" Her gaze hardened challengingly. "I won't have any of this nonsense in front of the Knights of Favonius." She said firmly.

Suddenly, the lady began laughing, throwing her head back in amusement. "Heh... Hehehe... It's not as crazy as you make it sound." She noted before putting her hands on her hips. "Fine. That's enough negotiation for today. At this stage it's simply... an amicable exchange of constructive opinions, no? I'll be sure to make... thorough notes..."

"Or maybe you could mind your business."

"Y/N?!" Paimon exclaimed in her squeaky voice as you passed Jean to stand in front of her. "Y/N...?! Wha-!" Jean breathed out with wide eyes, surprised at your sudden presence and icy tone. Aether, meanwhile, didn't say anything in favor of just watching with a slightly agape mouth and enlarged eyes.

The Fatui woman raised an eyebrow, the amused smile not once leaving her face. "Oh? And who might you be?" She asked. "No one," you said blankly, "just someone who thinks this is none of your concern."

The lady hummed and placed a hand on her hip. "And are you one of the knights?" She asked. You shook your head. "No—" She was quick to continue. "Then maybe you should stay out of this." The Fatui suggested with a cruel smile. A grin of your own crossed your face. "Really? Funny. I was just about to say the same thing to you." You resorted calmly.

Taken about, the woman opened her mouth to respond. You continued on though. "Frankly, I believe the knights have been doing a wonderful job. Just yesterday we made a major progression with Dvalin and helping Mondstadt. Now what exactly have you done?" You said with a dangerously blank look.

The Fatui diplomat bit the side of her lip in frustrated annoyance. "Nothing as of now, but—" You cut her off again. "Exactly, nothing. Jean and the knights on the other hand have been working day and night to get this under control. You have not. So let's leave this to the people who actually care and work to protect Mondstadt, yeah?"

The two of you stared at each other for a minute, her with a look of appalled disgust, you with empty care. She broke her gaze away first with a scoff. "Very well. But if more process doesn't happen soon, I will be forced to take over for Mondstadt's best interest." She said coldly.

You narrowed your eyes. "I can assure you... that won't be necessary under any circumstance. Especially since you have nothing to do with Mondstadt's best interest in anyway." The woman huffed and crossed her arms before turning away and walking off with an air of annoyance. That was satisfying to you, getting under a Fatui's skin.

Behind you, Jean's fists we're balled up and slightly raised at her sides, a very tense position. Her face was almost entirely pink, borderline red, and her heart rate had picked up significantly at your words. Hearing how much faith you put into her - and the knights of course - was enough to make her preen and nearly freak out. Obviously she wouldn't do that in front of you though. Hopefully you wouldn't notice her full on pink face either.

"Wha—! Y/N, that was so cool!" Paimon yelled while floating up to you, snapping Jean out of her awestricken stare at you. Aether followed Paimon, stars in his eyes at the interaction. You really were awesome!

You looked away and scratched your cheek. "Anyone here would've of said it. I just beat them to it." You claimed with a shrug. Jean would beg to differ! Plus, their words certainly wouldn't have meant as much as your's did.

Clearing her throat and forcing her blush away, Jean looked towards your trio and nodded in a greeting manner. "Oh, Y/N, Aether, Paimon, you're here." She bent forwards in a grateful bow. "Thanks for your help. The elemental flow is finally stable." She turned her gaze to you as she stood back up. "And thank you for standing up for me - er - Mondstadt, Y/N. It... truly meant a lot." She admitted softly while brushing away a strand of hair.

She sighed moments later and crossed her arms. "The aftermath of Stormterror's last attack is finally settled for the moment. However, the pressure from the delegation has become too big to be ignored..." She mumbled sadly. Paimon tilted her head. "Delegation?" She asked, "From Liyue Harbor or Inazuma City?"

"Snezhnaya," You answered for the Acting Grand Master, "They follow the God of Cryo. The Teresa or something." You pondered aloud dumbly. Jean gave you a gentle, fond look. "The Tsaritsa." She corrected kindly. You snapped your finger. "Right. That particular group is called the Fatui. Have you heard of them?" You asked, directed at Paimon while Aether looked a little clueless.

Paimon simply frowned and solemnly shook her head. "Oh, them. They are super famous," she paused, "Wait, infamous is more the word..." She mumbled off.

Jean sighed. "I don't think killing Stormterror is the right course of action. The Cryo God's Fatui have always coveted the Anemo God's power. I don't believe they have Mondstadt's best interests at heart." She confessed firmly.

You nodded feverishly. "100%. As much as I'd hate to compare them, the Fatui are almost like Black Vultures. They're bad even for common vulture standards. They let other people do all the hard work and benefit from it without barely even lifting a finger. They'll wait till you're at your lowest and weakest and then go in for the kill and tear you apart! They do that sometimes, Black Vultures, kill weaker animals like cows and ewes and their newborn. Their attacks are devastating... Oh, sorry, Paimon. I didn't mean to scare you." You said guiltily, seeing the little girl's face go as pale as her hair. "Why would you even make that comparison?!" She cried.

The blonde woman beside you put a hand to her chin in thought. "Mondstadt and Snezhnaya are considered the same in status. Mondstadt is independent, and does not belong to any other nation. In fact, despite being referred to as a city, Mondstadt is a nation. Though, Snezhnaya's Fatui are known to be the most aggressive diplomats in Teyvat..." She said slowly with a look of annoyance over her face. "Aggressive, rude, arrogant, horrid, whatever works, but yes, I agree." You said with a nod.

Paimon looked up to you with a thoughtful look. "Wow, Y/N, seems like you really don't like those guys," she noted as you just shrugged, "Makes sense, given the tone of that woman just now — so rude!" The pixie cried.

Aether tilted his head to the side, finally speaking up. "Those people in strange uniforms... are Fatui? Can you tell us more about them?" He requested. Jean pursed her lips. "As I said, they're here as delegates from Snezhnaya. Stay away from them. Having contact with them is dangerous, even for innocent travelers." You nodded in agreement. "Just beware of anyone with those masks, okay?"

Jean suddenly straightened up as if she remembered something. "Right, I was meaning to seek you and Aether out," she said before placing a hand over her chest, "The Knights of Favonius have another favor to ask of you two. Please accept the titles of Honorary Knights... and the gratitude of the Acting Grand Master."

Paimon's eyes bulged from her head. "Honorary Knights... of Favonius!?" She screamed. Your own eyes were wide by the proposition, but you opted to keep our mouth shut as Jean went on. "We ask for your continued assistance in finding some answers. Stormterror's rage... and strange crystals... I know Mondstadt's peace hangs in the balance. I must go now, but may the wind open your eyes to the truth. We'll meet again soon. And again, thank you, truly." With that, the blonde bowed again and sent you one last smile before prancing off with a flowery aura.

You blinked, watching her go with wide eyes before looking down to your hands. "What... just happened?"


"Wow~ Honorary knights! You guys are big shots now!" Paimon cheered as the three of you idly walked along the streets of Mondstadt, still somewhat in shock at Jean's proposition. Well, you more so than anyone. Aether flushed a bit in embarrassment. "Don't blow it out of proportion, Paimon." He warned gently with a small smile.

The pixie stomped her foot in midair. "I'm not!" She suddenly looked over to the side. "Huh, looks like Timaeus isn't here today..." She mumbled underneath her breath. "Timaeus?" You asked, leaning over to Aether for an answer. "He's an alchemist we met when we first came here." He explained.

In curiosity, the three of you made your way over to this Timaeus' little hut full of bottles of various substances that were currently being attended to by a woman with long green hair, a hat, and some type of animal ears sticking from her head.

She glanced back only to have her eyes widened. "Customers!?" The girl whispered to herself in surprise before taking a deep breath and making her way over, fists clenched nervously at her sides. "Oh! Um... Pardon me, are you looking for Timaeus?" She asked hesitantly. You eyes momentarily dropped to the Anemo Vision around her neckpiece.

Paimon quickly shook her head and hands. "No no! Just strange for him to not be around. Paimon always sees him standing here." The fairy explained. The green haired girl hummed in understanding. "I see. He was called away by Mr. Albedo a little while ago. I was called over to attend to the store. I'm Sucrose, Mr. Albedo's assistant. If you have any alchemy-related queries, you could always ask me. I'd..." she gulped and readjusted her glasses, "do my best to help."

You crossed your arms and looked down with a serious look before raising your head up suddenly and pointing right at her causing the girl to yelp in surprise. "Again, with confidence!" You demanded. Sucrose blinked and readjusted her glasses again nervously. "I... Actually, I'm not very good at this kind of thing." She admitted quietly. You put your hands on your hips with a determined expression. "We'll work on it!"

Aether tilted his head a bit. "No need to be nervous." He reassured kindly. "Huh? D—Do I look nervous?" Sucrose asked, awkwardly playing with the edges of her skirt, "M—My apologies, I don't get out too often. I'm usually in the laboratory, where there aren't many others to talk to. If you need any help, just call my name. If not, I'll... I'll be reading a book — over there. Mm." She nodded as if to confirm her own statement to herself.

Happily, Paimon hummed and nodded. "Mm-hmm, thanks! No worries, we're all clued up on the basics of alchemy, aren't we, Aether? Y/N?" You and Aether looked away while sweat dropping. "We... might need a refresher." The blonde admitted hesitantly. "Seriously?!" Paimon yelled.

Suddenly, Sucrose's eyes went wide in realization. "Y/N and Aether... Hey, aren't you two the legendary Travelers? The ones who repelled Stormterror?" She asked with growing excitement. You bit your lip. "Well, 'Legendary' is a bit much."

Paimon just smirked and winked. "And we don't even charge for autographs." She teased. Sucrose, however, seemed to take this seriously. "Ah! Thank you! I've heard so many stories about you! Always wanted an opportunity to research you up close!"

Your trio sweat dropped a bit. "Uhh, what do you mean, research?!" Paimon asked, backing up a little in fear. Sucrose's eyes went wide again. "Ah! Sorry, don't mind me, what am I saying... Still, you'd definitely be able to help Mr. Albedo. It is you after all."

Paimon crossed her arms with pursed lips. "There's that name again! "Albedo." Is he also an alchemist in Mondstadt?" She asked. "Apologies, I never introduced him," Sucrose said, "Mr. Albedo is the Knights of Favonius' Chief Alchemist. He's also Timaeus' and my teacher."

The fairy's jaw dropped in disbelief. "But Paimon's only ever seen Timaeus teaching alchemy. So that means... Albedo is a teacher-teacher?" She said in a bewildered tone. You had to stifle you giggles.

Respectfully, Sucrose nodded. "Yes, he's dedicated himself to investigating the truth of this world, and has made many an important breakthrough. We often get alchemists coming to Mondstadt from all over Teyvat, seeking his help. They say that the subtlest of guidance from Mr. Albedo helps them to solve the most unfathomable of problems." She ranted on proudly of the mysterious figure. He must be a big shot.

"Wow, Paimon didn't know he was such a big deal!" The white haired girl admitted. "He does sound impressive." You added. Sucrose nodded. "Mm-hmm. Still, it seems that he's encountered a problem in his research recently. Every time I see him, he has a concerned look on his face." She admitted sadly.

Aether looked at her sympathetically. "I'm not sure someone as smart as him could use my help. My knowledge of alchemy stops at basic crafting." He confessed. You shrugged when she looked at you. "I know a lot about birds. Other than that, not much. Especially of potions and stuff."

The girl didn't seem deterred by these words. "I'm sure that Mr. Albedo would love to hear about your incredible exploits. I know it would bring him lots of new inspiration. Mr. Albedo is a true gentleman. He'll be sure to pay you back in equal measure for helping him out."

You and Aether glanced at each other, still deciding your best course of action. "Can he make me stronger?" Aether questioned. Sucrose gave him a little shrug. "I don't see why not. Testing the limits of living beings' capabilities is one of Albedo's areas of research after all."

You swung your finger to point at Paimon. "Can he make Paimon stronger?" Paimon deadpanned at you. "Uhh, Paimon doesn't need any help in that department. But if Albedo wants to pay Paimon back for helping him, a few Mora might settle the score. Tee-hee!" You grinned indignantly in her fantasy. "Of course."

"Mr. Albedo and Timaeus will be conducting research in the mountains right now," Sucrose explained, "I'd love to take you both to see him, but somebody has to attend to the store. I'm afraid you'll have to go to the entrance to the pass and look for him by yourselves. Look out for a refined gentleman with the presence of a true scholar, and... umm..." she paused before frowning, "Sorry, that's the best I can do. You'll have to do your best."

Sending her a wide grin, Paimon gave her a thumbs up. "Hey, stop worrying! We got this!" She exclaimed proudly. You turned to Aether with a grin. "Well, looks like this is our adventure for the day." You joked. Aether smiled back. "How fun..."


On the way to Dragonspine's entrance, Paimon suddenly spoke up. "Sucrose is a whole lot less nervous once she gets talking about alchemy and research, huh. Is that what all researchers are like?" She asked. You shrugged. "People tend to lose shyness when overcome with passion."

Paimon snapped her fingers. "Ah! Kinda like you and birds. You're a lot less awkward when you talk about them." Noted the fairy. You sweat dropped. "Don't make me out to be a bird obsessed freak!" Paimon only shrugged. "Anyway, let's go and look for Albedo. And let's do it quick, too. I'm getting cold!"

You nodded in agreement. After all, Dragonspine was known for being a chilly place, almost always covered in snow. However, you were more concerned for the crop-topped boy next to you than yourself which was covered with your brown mini cloak.

When your trio had reached the edge of Dragonspine, where cold rock met snow, you saw a tall woman facing away from your group. She had a long, black piece of fabric hanging behind her head. Her outfit consisted of red, white, and black with a tiny bit of light blue from the Cryo Vision on her back. Was she a nun/Sister of some sort?

Frankly, you weren't planning on approaching her or getting anywhere near her as she practically emitted a no-nonsense aura. Kinda scary.

The three of you were frozen in place when a young girl ran down the path you had gone through moments prior, slightly panting and waving her arms about to catch the older woman's attention. "S—Sister Rosaria, so here you are! Choir practice is about to—"

She was abruptly cut off when the woman turned around revealing dim maroon hair and dull eyes. She was the exact opposite of the young girl before her with blonde hair in pigtails with a wide dress and catalyst with a Hydro Vision hanging at her side. Huh... Had you seen her before? Something was definitely familiar.

Rosaria, the taller woman's name, gave her a blank look. "I've told you already, I don't go in for that kind of thing. I've got more important matters to attend to."

The blonde girl's eyes widen even wider as they blinked a couple of times. "But... this event has commemorative significance. The church hopes that all sisters will be present..." She muttered while informing the elder.

The other didn't seem to have much care on the matter. "Hopes?! That's odd, 'cause I don't recall a "fulfill the hopes of others" clause in my job description." The taller woman said rather rudely. The young girl scratched her head. "I— I mean sure, but..."

Rosaria pressed forwards with a slight glare. "But what? You're the event organizer, aren't you? Do you not find it the least bit odd...?" She drew out. The blonde's eyes widened. "Wh—What do you mean?" She asked innocently.

The marooned haired woman vaguely gestured around her. "This far out from Mondstadt, at this hour? Even if you set out right now, I'll wager you'd still miss the opening ceremony." The woman warned. "Who knows? Maybe this is someone's grand plan to make a fool out of you."

"Huh!?" The other squeaked in shock, "Th—That can't be! People aren't like that!" She defended quickly while gripping the strap holding her catalyst by her side. The elder gave a harsh laugh. "Hah! Evidence decides what people are like, not your feelings." She sighed and shook her head. "Maybe you're a little too trusting of other people. Don't fret, nobody's gonna blame you if you go back empty-handed. I can't imagine anyone else was delusional enough to think I was gonna show up." The lady reassured. "But if you dally any longer, you really won't make it."

The girl pursed her lips, seemingly planning her next course of action before stiffly nodding her head in agreement. "You're right! It's a very important commemorative event. If I'm late, then... R—Right, I've got to get going!" She yelled before turning back around and running the way she came.

Paimon huffed a little from where your trio was behind the rock. "Hmm, seems like that sister's an expert in making people believe anything she wants." The little fairy muttered with a hand to her chin. Suddenly, a rough, tired voice spoke up from in front you causing all three of you to jump. "I thought I heard something — who are you, and why are you eavesdropping?" She interrogated firmly, a hand propping itself up on her hip.

The pixie gasped and ducked to be behind you. "We'd better watch out!" Paimon whispered, "She seems like a dangerous villain... Or a trickster at best." Rosaria quirked an eyebrow up at this statement she found humorous at best. "Oh really? I'm a member of the long-standing Favonius Church. You're an eavesdropping pixie from who knows where, and you think I'M the trickster?"

Yikes. Paimon only gulped. "Wait, she heard that!? But Paimon was whispering so quietly..." She grumbled in disbelief. You pursed your lips. "Are you... going deaf?" You asked, directed at the pixie gripping your cloak.

Rosaria then took the time to observe you and Aether. "And as for these outlanders you seem to be following... Huh — so it's you. The Honorary Knights that saved us from Stormterror. Well, then, given your status, I won't press you on your reasons for eavesdropping." She said with a little shrug, "Otherwise, depending on your answer, I could've arrested you on the spot."

You and Aether sweat dropped as Paimon put her hands on her hips. "What!? Do the sisters of Mondstadt have the authority to arrest people now?" She cried. Rosaria sent her a blank look. "We can't go turning a blind eye to hidden dangers can we? Why shouldn't Sisters have a sense of justice?"

Paimon crossed her arms in annoyance. "Hmph, that doesn't sound right. But Paimon can't think of a good comeback..." She muttered sadly.

Rosaria quickly snapped her gaze to you. "Let's talk about you. What are you doing in the mountains?" You folded your hands together in front of you. Rosaria was almost like a mix of Diluc and Kaeya - no-nonsense yet sly at the same time. She was like the big sister of the group. Heh... Kaeya and Diluc being siblings. Imagine that.

"We're looking for Albedo. We're investigating the truth of this world." You explained. Rosaria narrowed her eyes. "But you're only travelers, I doubt you have any great skill in alchemy." She said suspiciously. "Well that's why we're trying to find Albedo. We want to learn more about it." You responded simply.

Staring at you for a second, Rosaria scoffed and crossed her arms. "Whatever, I had a notion of who you were seeking. If it's him you're after, I made a point of noting his tracks." Aether leaned over to you. "Why would she do that...?" He whispered. You only shrugged in reply.

The woman continued. "Many people have made their way up after the snowstorm. Let's hope they're still there." With that, she sharply turned around and began her way into the freezing cold. You jumped off of the large rock you were on to follow her, Aether and Paimon following your lead.

With a hesitant tone, Paion addressed the Sister. "So... are you also looking for him?" She asked. Rosaria shrugged. "No, this is just a professional habit of mine. I sensed elemental traces in these tracks. Never hurts to be vigilant." She said nonchalantly.

Aether sweat dropped. "As far as sisters go, you're fairly mysterious." He mumbled. You nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're more like a detective." Rosaria didn't bother to look back. "I couldn't care what you think. Come on then, I'd like to see what he's up to anyway."

With Rosaria done talking, Paimon turned to you and Aether with an excited look. "Rosaria said there were elemental traces in the tracks. They should show up pretty clearly with Elemental Sight!" She exclaimed. You nodded. "Let's keep our eyes peeled, then. And anyways, I hope we see some colder climate birds. I wanna see a Snow Bunting's nest. They make them in rock crevices with grass, moss, feathers, and fur."

Aether smiled at you. "I'll look out for one." He promised. Paimon smiled awkwardly and scratched her cheek. "Sure, I will, too, I guess." She mumbled. Rosaria glanced behind her with a slightly confused look. "Birds...?" She mumbled.


Along the snowy path, Rosaria perked up. "You know, little pixie, your ability to appear and disappear at will is very interesting..." She said suddenly. Paimon's eyes widened before she blinked a bit. "Uh... Yeah?" The fairy responded. Rosaria looked ahead thoughtfully. "After committing a crime, you'd be able to the leave the scene without a trace."

Paimon immediately drew closer to you. "You're so suspicious! Why is Paimon a criminal in your example?" The pixie cried. Rosaria only shrugged.

Eventually you reached the point where snow started to fall from the sky in a light scattering. You clenched your mini cloak tighter around your upper frame to cover your goosebump filled arms. Paimon hugged herself in an attempt to gain warmth. Oddly enough, despite being in a literal crop-top, Aether managed just fine. Rosaria, too, for her sleeveless top.

"Brrrr," Paimon said with a chattering jaw, "It's getting colder and colder. Rosaria, aren't you freezing?" She questioned with a glare towards the maroon haired woman. Rosaria raised an eyebrow. "Me? I'm alright. I got used to operating in adverse conditions a long time ago." She mumbled.

It reminded you of when your father would take you out here or the stupid Cryo nation. That being said, he was always sure to bundle you up tightly to the point you couldn't even put your arms down from all the layers.

Blinking, Paimon tilted her head. "Ah? ...Seems like there's more to being a sister in the Favonius Church than Paimon realized..." She muttered.

You paused slightly, staring up at up a point of leverage before you. There was three dancing hilichurls, one normal and two blue, but that wasn't really your point in interest. It was the man behind them with a canvas in front of him. Was he... sketching?

You had hoped to see a Snow Bunting, but at least you saw someone that reminded you of them. A Snow Bunting had white plumage with black, gray, and golden undertones. Strangely enough, it was the same color base of this guy's outfit. Expect he had platinum blonde hair and some blue added to the mix. Then there was his light blue eyes that shone like freshly frozen over water.

Catching your bewildered gaze, the blonde man looked down for a second and observed your awed face. Suddenly, a small smirk crossed his face as he went back to his sketching.

Paimon finally saw him for herself and pointed upwards. "Is that Albedo? Why would he hang around a place like this?" She asked. "The word on the street is he loves painting. He'll hang around anywhere for a good landscape," Rosaria responded as she looked over her nails. "The views and scenery here are pretty good, potential paintings everywhere you look."

The little pixie sweat dropped. "But... can't he see those hilichurls? Isn't he in danger?" She asked. "To be fair," you started, "he does have a Geo Vision on his collar. A small one... Kinda reminds me of a Snow Bunting's beak with its deep yellow color!" You said with a small spark of pleasure. Then there a small growl to the left of you causing you to turn. "Huh?"

Three hilichurls looking your group of four down with snarls. Paimon gasped and quickly moved to hide behind you. "Eek!" You quickly summoned your sword, Aether his sword and Rosaria what looked to be a spear. Rosaria did an impressive spin with her spear and slashed one of them. You were quick to followed her lead, jumping up with a boost of Anemo to land on another one's chest, only semi-aware of the blue eyes watching you.

"Uh-oh, looks like we startled them," Paimon said to Aether who swung his sword at the third one. "Enough talk, let's take them out of the picture first!" She cried even though she was the only one talking.

You used your fast flying ability to fly around the hilichurl you were fighting, stabbing him at random points. Every time you hit him, he swung around to try and hit you in return only for you to blast away seconds later. When he was weak enough, you decided to deliver the final blow in fashion - was it because a pretty boy was watching you... 🤷‍♀️

Using a burst of you Anemo power, you were shot to the sky. When you came down, you landed your feet on his shoulders and jammed the rapier into his head. With the final blow, he groaned and began to disintegrate, you jumping backwards and onto solid ground just in time.

Looking up, you noted Rosaria was already finished with her hilichurl, now idly examining her nails. Aether was just finishing his off. He used his wind blade as the final blow.

Just as you were about to say something to him (him waiting for some sort of praise with wide, awaiting eyes), another voice spoke up from behind you. "Who are you? Why did you alarm them?" He questioned calmly. "Thank the gods I'd already completed my painting. Would've been a shame to leave these particular hilichurls unfinished." He admitted with a little shake of his head.

Aether looked away from you to the male with a confused face. "You were painting hilichurls?" He asked in confusion, "I thought you were painting a landscape." Paimon nodded in agreeing confusion. "What's up with painting hilichurls? What makes them so interesting?"

Albedo, who you presumed to be Albedo, put a hand to his chin in thought. "Hmm, I'm afraid the answer isn't easy to explain. If you'd like to have a look at my painting, it may give you a clue." With that, he lead your group over to his canvas. On it was a giant colored picture of an average hilichurl.

Aether stared at it for a minute before sweat dropping. "Uh... Very... avant-garde." He mumbled. Paimon's eyes widened. "Wow, look at the detail! But some of it seems to have been done in a hurry." She noted, glancing around the picture's edges.

Albedo went on in his explanation. "You can find these hilichurls anywhere, quite boring in fact, not worth closer inspection. But take a look at this specimen. The build, the coat... And there's a distinct force at work here." You put a hand to your heart with wide eyes. "That's exactly how I feel about birds!" You exclaimed. "Even the most common and simplest ones have their own special and unique features that set them aside from the rest."

The platinum blonde raised his eyebrows in your direction before grinning gently, glad to be understood even if by a little. "In the cyclical lives of such primitive communities, such unique attributes are an indication of evolution at work. Evolution, the transition from nothing into existence, from the known to the un—"

"Hold your horses," Rosaria interrupted as she held up a hand. "Ugh, something tells me we're in for a thesis, and I haven't got the stamina." She turned to look at the three of you. "We've found your man, I'm headed back." She said bluntly.

Paimon's eyes grew wide. "What!? Don't you have any questions for him?" She walked away without glancing back causing the pixie to gasp at her audacity. "Hey! Ugh, what a weirdo." She grumbled.

Albedo raised an eyebrow. "So Sister Rosaria brought you? Surprising. And I didn't have time to thank her." You furrowed your eyebrows lightly. Thank her? He continued. "But back to the point. From her words, it seems that you were looking for me?" He questioned.

"Mm-hmm," Paimon hummed, "we met a girl in Mondstadt, Sucrose! She said you were stuck with your research." The pixie explained. Albedo nodded in understanding. "I see, so Sucrose sent you here. Then, if I'm not mistaken, you two must be the Honorary Knights. You've got the whole of Mondstadt talking." You sweat dropped. That's not good - for you at least.

"I've heard a bit of everything: your actions during Stormterror's attack, your elemental control, and quite a few other mysterious things..." You and Aether glanced at each other in concern. "I'll skip to the conclusion, there's only one possibility after all." He looked at Aether specifically, "You came from afar — from another world. Correct?"

Aether nodded. "Correct."

Albedo turned to you. "And you're from this world?" You nodded in confirmation before he went on. "Excellent. If I could procure your assistance, I think my research would benefit enormously." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Your research?" You asked, "I'm not sure I understand."

"Ah — forgive me, this must be confusing," Albedo said, "Where should I begin? Hmm... The essence of life?" You and Aether were taken aback. Sounds like an... intense place to start. Paimon thought the same, but decided to voice her thoughts. "Whoa whoa, you want to start with that!?" She hollered.

Albedo narrowed his eyes in thought. "Hmm... You're right. Giving a demonstration would be better than trying to explain. For example, awakening life. Breathing new life into fallen leaves." He explained. Paimon looked even more confused. "You can do that!?"

Aether leaned over to you. "Alchemy really is miraculous." He noted. You hummed in agreement. Albedo went on. "However, I have a particular seed in my possession. The method I'm talking about has produced no results. It's like you," he vaguely gestured towards Aether, "in that it hails from another world. Helping it to grow — to bloom... That's the problem my research is up against. That's where I'd need your assistance."

Paimon pursed her lips. "Well, if you're struggling to figure it out, Paimon's not sure we're gonna be much assistance." She admitted. "I beg to differ," Albedo shot back, "I'm unable to comprehend the intricacies of life outside of the known world. But you're not from the known world. By observing and researching you, I may just be able to find a way to get the seed to sprout."

Aether's mouth dropped slowly. "So I'm an... object of research?" He asked dumbly. Paimon grimaced. "Uh... Shall we just get outta here, Y/N, Aether? This sounds a little freaky." She said slowly.

"I'm actually a little interested." You admitted calmly. Aether looked over at you for a second, his thoughts beginning to process. Eventually, he sighed in defeat. "Is there any danger?" He asked, addressing the question towards the alchemist.

Albedo shrugged. "It's possible. But I will do everything in my control to ensure your safety." Aether crossed his arms, still unconvinced. "What's in it for me?" He asked. Albedo shrugged again. "Mora, knowledge. And the answer to the question you are seeking. It happens to be an answer that I can provide." He glanced over at you. "Also pleasing the female beside you. How does that sound?"

Aether's face bursted pink as a smile grew on your face in amusement. "T-That's...!" Albedo, taking that as an answer, looked away and down the path behind the other blonde. "Time for a change of surroundings, we should be going. There's research to do!"

"What about me?" You asked, "What part do I take in this experiment?" Albedo looked you over before giving you a small grin. "You, of course, will be my assistant. If you have no objections, of course." You smiled back calmly and shook your head. "None at all."

Meanwhile, from behind a bolder a while away, Rosaria spied on your group with raised eyebrows. "Albedo and those Travelers seem to have hit it off. Specifically the girl... Takes a weirdo to know one I guess. I wonder... Does this constitute a risk to Mondstadt?"

She looked up to the sky and sighed before noticing two birds flying overhead. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Huh? What's a hummingbird doing all the way out here?" She whispered.

At least it wasn't alone. A Snow Bunting was with it, of course.

Love Rosaria, but she low-key scares me. Anyways, hope you enjoyed!♥️

Jean: Why is Diluc crying on the floor?
Lisa: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
Jean: And?
Lisa: They got Kaeya.

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