Saiki and Teruhashi's Final S...

By RidTwo

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A Welcome and Return
A Christmas Surprise
The Unstoppable Tennis Duo
Girls' Tea Time (With An Exception)
Time Travel Reflection
Our Warmth in the Cold
Snowball Fun
Rifuta Imu
Prove Yourself
A Private Cruise
A Totally Surprising Reveal
A Gal's Acceptance
In Sickness and In Health
The Saiki Family
A Love Letter?!
A Too Perfect Boyfriend
Love Score Contest
Pyschic da Vinci
Birthday Brother Bonding
Akechi Touma
The Process
King of the School
Valentine Wingmen
The Wingmen Couple
Secrets and Futures
Teruhashi Kanade
Father and Daughter Talk
The Goddess vs The Psychic
The White Dove can Finally Fly Free
A Disastrous Graduation
One Step Forward

Romeo Kusuo and Juliet Kokomi

384 14 4
By RidTwo

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Going along with Kokomi's play gave me more questions than answers. I checked that my character's name is Romeo Kusuo, even though the family names for the play are still similar to the original Romeo and Juliet. As soon as I wanted to talk to Kokomi about it,

T: Your and my name being included is a secret. Ok?

So Kokomi and I are the only ones aware of this. 

I was also heavily underinformed about the play itself. I do know who's playing who, but I do not know their lines and how different our play would be from Romeo and Juliet. I was mostly being left alone to remember my lines, even though Kokomi knows that I can remember everything from first glance. Maybe this is how Kokomi makes up for shoving me to being the main role. 

I was also confused on how I'm not told by Kokomi to practice acting. When I asked Kokomi about it again,

T: Oh, you don't need to act that much.

...What play did I get myself into?

When I was given my outfit, it was a dark brown doublet with a white cape, decorated with purple jewels. Did Romeo even have a cape? I don't even think he was this rich.

It wasn't easy walking past other classes on the way to the hall in a medieval costume without being followed by confused stares. Some stares are very hostile from those who heard of the casting choices of our play. When I made it to the hall, I am greeted by Aren wearing a headset microphone and a notepad. Looks like Aren is in charge with the background of the play, a pretty fitting role for him.

Aren: Kusuo, I heard from Teruhashi that we're doing the cast bow before the play.

S: Which is usually after the play?

A: Yes.

S: Does that mean that the curtains close as soon as the play ends.

A: Looks like it.

A different direction by Kokomi, I wonder why. Hours later, and almost all of the students, even the teachers and staff have gathered to see our class play. Didn't know a class play can have as much attendance as a school assembly. Akechi Touma casually walked up to stage to start up the play as the narrator and the announcer with the script. Kokomi heavily empathises that Akechi is only allowed to read from the script, and for good reason. 

Akechi: Good morning to everyone in the school,

It's surprising that greeting is accurate.

Ak: And welcome to Class 3-1's play of Romeo and Juliet. We will start with the introduction of the cast that is usually done at the end of the play, I was confused at this decision as introducing the cast at the end gives the audience gratefulness for the cast's efforts-

S: *Follow the script.*

Ak: *Right, sorry.* 

Ak: We begin with our male lead, Romeo himself, Saiki Kusuo.

I walked to the stage greeted with a few claps. Quite a lukewarm reaction for the lead of the play, but I'm aware that I'm not the main attraction. Akechi continued with introducing the cast,

Nurse: Yumehara Chiyo

Tybold: Mera Chisato

Venutio: Nendou Riki

Kaidou Laurence: Kaidou Shun

Count Marseille: Saiko Metori

Prince Hairo: Hairo Kineshi

Lord Consilet: Aiura Mikoto

Ak: And lastly is the female lead, Juliet, Teruhashi Kokomi.

The hall turned silent when Kokomi's high heels makes a tapping sound on the hall stage. I see Kokomi in a dark blue satin gown with gold embroideries, accompanied by a golden crown and hairpiece. Kokomi faces the audience, raises the bottom of her gown with her hands so they dont touch the floor and does a bow. The whole hall roared with a standing ovation. The play hasn't even started yet. Kokomi glances at me from the side and talks to me telepathically.

T: How do I look?

S: Beautiful.

Kokomi shortly paused and replied.

T: Thank you. You look great too.

S: Thank you.

After the cast bows, the curtains closes and opens again so the play can finally begin.

The play starts with a narration on the setting.

Ak: In the city of Venice, there were two warring noble families, the Monticules and the Consilets. And the only authority over them is the royal family, actively surveyed by Prince Hairo. This story is about the inspiring, conflicting and heartfelt love between two youths of rival families, Romeo and Juliet. 

Ak: Our first scene starts with introverted, private and antisocial son of Lord Monticule, Romeo. This youth has never held any affection for any other women in the city. He is an intellectual that spends most of his days around the city, looking for things that would interest him.

Kokomi really changed Romeo to fit my character more.

Ak: During his thinking, Romeo is greeted by his close friend Venutio.

N: Hey pal, want to get some ramen?

...Nendou finished that line and blankly stares at me so I can reply. 

S: Venutio we are in a city in Italy before the 1600s.

The audience laughed from my response. I'm starting to see the direction of Kokomi's rendition of Romeo and Juliet.

N: Who's Venutio?

I do not know why Kokomi gave Nendou an acting role. Guess I have to progress the plot myself.

S: Say Venutio, I hear that the Consilets are having a party.

N: A party? Let's go there pal! forgot about the whole feud between the Monticules and Consilets but yeah, let's go.

Ak: Romeo and Venutio sneak into the party of the Consilets, the party to celebrate the arranged marriage of the Consilet's golden daughter, Juliet and the richest noble in the kingdom, Count Marseille. 

Yumehara: Daughter of Lord Consilet, Juliet will now make her appearance!

Kokomi enters the stage and was greeted by applause by everyone in the party, and even the audience.

Ak: Everyone in the party was mesmerised and applauded in admiration of Juliet's beauty and grace, except for one man.

N: Oh...Teruhashi sure is pretty, right pal?

...he's supposed to say Juliet but,

S: i guess so.

Ak: Juliet has been gifted with this beauty since birth and was showered with praise since then, that's why the one figure that didn't even move a finger in her presence stood out to her like a sore thumb.

Kokomi walks past most of the guys that wanted to approach her as they make a path for her, and she arrives right in front of me.

T: Good day to you Sir,

I can't introduce myself as Romeo because I'm the son of Lord Monticule.

S: Kusuo. 

T: Kusuo, what a lovely name, dont you think?

S: it sure is. 

T: As you've heard, 

Kokomi does the same bow to as she did before the play. 

T: I am Juliet, daughet of Lord Consilet.

S: It is an honor to meet you, Juliet. However, I think there are more eager gentlemen that want to approach you. 

I point behind her to the group of guys that are waiting for our conversation to finish. As soon as she turned around, I briskly walked away from the scene. When she noticed that I left, she merely said,

T: He's avoiding me, what a mysterious man.

Ak: Romeo hurriedly exits the party and is followed by a confused Venutio.

N: Pal! Why did you leave the party so early? You even got to talk with Teruhashi.

Does he even know that my name is Romeo in this play?

S: I don't think it's a good idea to be affiliated with the daughter of Lord Consilet.

N: Why not? I saw some chemistry between you two. Teruhashi even went out of her way to greet you herself too.

S: Then for her sake and mine, that should be the last time we meet.

Ak: Meanwhile, Juliet is resting in her chambers after the party.

T: Say Nurse,

Y: Yes Lady Juliet?

T: Do you happen to recognise the gentleman that I talked to at the beginning of the party?

Y: I do not, Lady Juliet. I did hear that you asked for his name.

T: He introduced himself as Kusuo.

 Y: Kusuo? I do not remember that name being on the guest list.

T: Then it partially makes sense that it looked like that he didn't belong.

Y: The name does sound familiar.

T: How so?

Ak: The day after, Romeo resumes his usual daily life only to be greeted by a familiar face sitting in front of the fountain.

S: Good grief.

T: Good to see you again, Kusuo.

I sat next to her so that I won't speak to her loudly.

S: Surprising to see you here, Juliet.

T: Coincidences can be surprising.

S: I highly doubt that it was a coincidence.

T: Most people would be delighted to meet me in public.

S: I'm more worried that the daughter of Lord Consilet is lounging around in public.

T: Well, I would say I'm more cautious than the noble's son that travels around the city every day.

I flinched and quickly turned to her.

S: Coincidence huh. I'm surprised knowing that I'm a Monticule still brought you here.

T: Monticule, Consilet or neither are all vulnerable to my charm.

S: Must be nice.

 T: That's also a part of why I'm here. 

S: And what is that reason?

T: You are the only person I've seen that reacts neutrally to me.

S: That's all it took? I should've pretended to be star-struck like the others.

T: I don't think your pride would allow that.

S: And what is that supposed to mean?

Kokomi stood up instead of answering.

T: Maybe we should continue this conversation somewhere comfortable.

Keeping me in suspense while making me spend time with her, she's still as crafty as ever. I glanced to the audience to see if they're even paying attention to our play. All of their eyes are glued to us like they're watching a blockbuster movie. Kokomi's effect is impressive.

The next scene was at a medieval cafe. We both sat down and I ordered a coffee pudding while she ordered a cup of coffee. I casually eat the coffee pudding when it arrived while Kokomi just watches me with a smile. 

S: What is it?

T: You do have a soft side.

S: What makes you say that?

T: Your unfiltered smile when you eat coffee pudding? I can't be the first one to point that out.

S: I preferrably enjoy these things alone. I would prefer this pudding to be more gellatinous though.

T: Maybe that's why you manage to hide it well.

S: Hide what well?

T: There's only one reason I can think of for why you don't admire me. Which is you see right through me, or you're as capable as I am.

Kokomi points a finger at me.

T: And I have a feeling that it's a little bit of both.

I look at her in confusion.

S: Go on.

T: Looking at your short unstyled hair, thick clothes and glasses, looks to me that you're covering up a handsome face and a well built body. And I doubt a noble's son would be allowed to wander around like this if he wasn't smart either. 

 T: So what I'm really wondering is, why?

I look at my coffee pudding and poking it with my spoon for a few seconds to pretend that I'm thinking. 

S: Let's just say what I'm given, doesn't exactly mean that that's who I really am.

T: You really are interesting. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to you.

I choked on my coffee pudding from that sudden confession. I coughed a few times before replying.

S: How did that happen?

Kokomi looks down on her coffee and holds it with both hands.

T: What I'm given, not being who I really am, that can apply to me too. I've been given beauty, charm, riches, but I don't want to be a goddess on Earth all of the time. Sometimes, I just want to know what it feels like to be a normal girl. Talking to someone on equal footing. 

Kokomi looks around the bustling city and cheerful atmosphere of the cafe. And looks at me in the eyes with a cheerful smile.

T: And I think I finally found it. 

I slightly blushed. 

S: Glad I can help then, Juliet.

T: Hm,

S: What?

T: Its probably not the best idea to call me that in public.

S: Fair enough. What should I call you then?

T: What about Kokomi?

S: All right then, Kokomi.

Ak: And from that one conversation in a cafe, Romeo and Juliet, or in public, Kusuo and Kokomi have started spending time with each other and eventually form a beautiful but forbidden relationship. Their lives would've been better if they haven't faced unfortunate events.

I see we're at the turning point. 

Ak: Romeo was walking around the city as usual alone and met a hostile figure, it was Tybold of House Consilet. 

Mera Chisato: Say Romeo, do you have any food? 

This Tybold is hungrier than normal, looks more feral too. 

N: Don't worry pal, I'll save you!

Ak: Romeo is receiving assistance from his friend Venutio! And he's, wearing a bread costume?!

S: What?

I look beside me and I do see Nendou in a bread costume.

N: I'll hold her off with this!

He pulls out a baguette and wants to use it as a weapon.

M: FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mera instantly jumped at Nendou and pushed him off the stage.


S:...what was that?

Ak: Right after, Romeo is also encountered by an angry Lord Consilet.

Aiura Mikoto: Hold on, where did my guard dog go?!

Tybold's a guard dog now?

Ai: Hey you! Do you know where my guard dog is?

If I was a random stranger I would not know that said "guard dog" was an actual person.

Ai: Wait a minute, I know you. You're the Monticules brat! You probably did something to Tybold didn't you, since hes one of the Consilets.

Fittingly prejudiced for the story.

?: What's going on here?!

Ak: Prince Hairo has arrived to mediate the situation!

Where did he even come from? And why is the prince wearing shorts and a shirt with torn sleeves.

Ai: Prince Hairo, this brat has done something to one of my people! Punish him accordingly!

I haven't even said anything-

Hairo: I believe there is one way to settle this!

Aiura and I wait for his answer.

H:...An arm wrestling contest!

Another short pause happens on the stage.

Ai: What are you talking about musclehead?!

S: I don't think you should talk to the prince like that.

H: Hm, if that's not fitting, then exile is necessary for Romeo!

How is the canonical punishment the second option?

Ak: And so Romeo is exiled, the Nurse tells Juliet of the news and Juliet was left heartbroken. In a desperate effort, Juliet ran to the church of the town and meets the priest named Kaidou Laurence.

I was watching the play from behind the curtain and I saw Kaidou wearing a black robe with a hood. A very odd fashion choice for a priest.

Kaidou Shun: What has befallen you, fair lady?

I remembered that Kaidou really wanted to get into the medieval setting with his word choices.

T: I am in arranged marriage planned by my family, but I already have a man that I love. And the man I'm in love with was punished to exile. If I were to follow through this arranged marriage, I might never be happy again.

Kaidou begins to make an evil laugh. Another odd choice for a priest to do.

K: While God forbids matrimony with multiple suitors, God also frowns upon those living in sorrow. 

He opens one side of his robe to show a potion.

K: While God is the All-Powerful, He is also All-Generous for allowing us to make our own choices. And remember what I said about God disliking those who live on with continued sorrow.

I'm not a religious person, but a priest usually wouldn't give people poison. I don't know why a priest had poison to begin with.

Ak: As Juliet runs to her room, the potion she was carrying was seen in a glimpse by the Nurse. The Nurse worried for her recklessness sought the only person that can talk her out of it, Romeo himself.

Y: Romeo, I am Juliet's Nurse and guardian, you must return to Venice.

S: And how does my return concern you?

Y: Juliet will be married to Count Marseille in a week-

S: And I am aware of such, but I am powerless to stop them. I am exiled, if I were to be found there again, my head will be slashed from my body without hesitation. My presence will just be a nuisance-

Y: Juliet has gotten hold of a potion! And if she's unhappy,

The Nurse starts breaking into tears.

Y: Then I don't know what's going to happen to her.

Ak: Romeo looks upon the broken Nurse and gains the confidence and will to infiltrate Venice and the Consilet's mansion to stop the wedding. The only obstacle left between Romeo and Juliet, is Count Marseille.

Metori Saiko: Who's this?

S:...Romeo, Juliet's true beloved.

M: So you're Romeo.

S: You've heard of me?

M: Don't underestimate the connections of the richest noble of the city. You're the INTRUDER and PEST that's interfering with my plans. If I were to get my hands on the prettiest girl in the city, then I would be unstoppable.

S: So she's just a means to an end?

M: Everything is, that's what happens when everything can be bought with money, everything can be a stepping stone to get everything you can ever want. I WANT EVERYTHING!

Metori reaches for his hilt and pulls out a fencing sabre. And that sabre looks very pointy. I look around me and grab the first weapon I can, which is a bamboo kendo sword. 

...why is this here we're in a medieval European mansion.

The battle starts and Metori relentlessly tries to stab me with his sabre. I accurately block and parry all of his strikes. He knows that I'm capable of taking his attacks and is really making a spectacle for the audience. I glanced to the audience again and they look amazed with the swordsmanship displayed. Metori starts some dialogue, knowing that I'm also the only one that can keep up with him in dialogue while crossing blades.

M: You're not bad, I knew the guy that Juliet had her eye on wasn't some random peasant. But are you really worthy to be with her? 

M: Your secret escapades with Juliet are cowardly, hiding away from the petty principles of your families. Were you even thinking of showing off your love if I wasn't in the picture? You even left her in heartbreak when you got exiled. Are you really the person that's worthy of her lifetime affection, when you were this close to leaving her to be alone, being married off to someone she doesn't even love,


Okay now he's pushing it.

I jumped over Metori's strikes and swung my bamboo sword across his face, knocking him out. 

The final scene shows Juliet holding the potion in her hands.

T:...A love that's forced is not love at all.

Juliet raises the potion nearer to her mouth but the potion was immediately pushed of her hands by Romeo.

T: Romeo-

Romeo holds the side of her arms and faces him.

S: What are you doing?! 

T: I-

S: What do you think this will do, Juliet?! If you were to die here, how would I live with the guilt-


Juliet's cry silenced Romeo.

T: A life without's not worth it.

S:...I didn't know you felt that way.

Juliet stays quiet, as those few words were all she wanted to say. Romeo hugs Juliet to comfort her.

S: I'm sorry that I left you alone, Juliet.

T:...Kusuo, you idiot.

S: Juli-

T: No,

Kokomi lets go of me and puts a finger on my lip to silence me.

T: It's Kokomi.

S: Kokomi...

We both look into each other's eyes, like the play and stage vanished around us. I once again look at her dark blue eyes, shining from the light and tears from her acting. The same eyes that I would watch forever suddenly close,

Flashback to Metori's mansion, 

M: That's not a hard favour to ask, but realistically, how does it benefit me?

T: Because,  

Kokomi leans towards me,

T: At the end of the play, I will kiss Kusuo and announce to everyone that he's my boyfriend.

And we kiss on stage, for everyone in school to see. 

The school hall turned dead silent.

And the curtains close. 

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