Not So Mean

By SomeRandomeBish1234

1.3K 41 12

It's been a few weeks eversince Swiss has been summoned into the Ministry, and the Multi-ghoul has already wo... More

Chapter. 2
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11

Chapter. 1

230 4 1
By SomeRandomeBish1234

It's been a few weeks eversince Swiss has been summoned into the Ministry, and the Multi-ghoul has already won over nearly all of the clergy members and Ghouls.

All expect one hot-headed Fire-ghoul. Sodo hates being around Swiss. He just wants to push him off a balcony and make it look like an accident. And the worst part about this is that he wants to do that because he's jealous.

The Fire-ghoul nearly never gets jealous and just has simple reasons to dislike the others like for example how Aether makes fun of his height in subtle ways, or the way Mountain sometimes leans down to him when they speak.

Sodo does find these things funny every now and then, making it easy for him to overlook his dislike.

But the jealousy he feels towards Swiss just kicks him off completely. How is it possible that this Multi-ghoul suddenly appears and befriends everyone in less than a few days. On top of that, he can control fire.

Fire was supposed to be Sodo's element. He was forced under an element change for this, leaving him with scars and never being able to get his water abilities back because they so urgently needed a Fire-ghoul.

And now Sodo has to share the stage with another Ghoul who is able to control fire, making him feel like everything he went through was for nothing. All the pain, the fact he still can't look in a mirror without tearing up, and that he can't even recognise his own body anymore.

It hurts Sodo, so much, to see Swiss sitting with the other Ghouls and Ghouletts without a care in the world and doing little tricks like growing a plant and putting it in Cirrus hair while he tells her how beautiful she is, or him combining two elements, making it possible for him to make butterflies out of fire and let the fly around the room, through the mix of fire and quintessence.

Sodo doesn't even know if he is jealous at Swiss for bonding so quickly with the others of the pack, or the fact that the pack spends so much time with the Multi-ghoul when they both have only exchanged five words by the introduction.

All the Fire-ghoul knows is that the taller Ghoul is ticking him off, even at this exact moment. Everyone is sitting together on the couch watching a movie.

Swiss sits in the middle with Rain leaning against his left and Cumulus leaning against his right side. Aether is seated between Mountain and Rain with one of his hand in the Multi-ghoul's black curls, scratches his scalp and making the slightly taller Ghoul purr softly, and Cirrus is next to Cumulus, her head laying on the shorter Air-ghoullett's lap while she watches the movie.

Sodo is sitting at the far outer left side, as far away from the purring Ghoul as he possibly could. He knows that the others only act this affectionate and interested in Swiss since they want to make him feel welcome and because he is a completely new kind of Ghoul. And yes, Sodo himself was also very curious about the Multi-ghoul. But he couldn't get over himself to talk to him because he would most likely just curse the taller out.

The Fire-ghoul isn't paying any attention to the movie. He is too busy cursing Swiss out in all the languages he knows while glaring at him, which the Multi-ghoul most likely already noticed due to the feeling of fiery red eyes piercing into the side of his face, making his left pointy ear twitch slightly every now and then.

He was sure he was just jealous of Swiss and not obsessed with the taller in any way.


Sodo didn't even realize that the movie ended since his eyes had been glued on the side of the Multi-ghoul's face, studying it to the point he could probably draw it perfectly from memory.

He could draw every stubble or the little freckle on Swiss cheeks and nose, the tiny moles under the corner of his eye and the two on his neck, as well as the mole near his hairline and on the slightly bigger one on at the upper corner of his temple, which the Fire-ghoul was able to see whenever Aether pulled the curly hair out of the Multi-ghoul's face, down to the two little grown shut piercings on his earlobe where the taller Ghoul probably once had earrings in.

It pisses Sodo off that the taller Ghoul looks so perfect and absolutely hot and handsome without even trying. Like there is nothing that Swiss can't do or can't be. Just why does he have to be so perfect.

The Fire-ghoul suddenly snaps out of his trance of staring at the other Ghoul when Cirrus and Cumulus get up from the couch to go to their rooms and sleep, his eyes immediately flicking away from Swiss, looking at anything besides the Multi-ghoul while Sodo curses himself out mentally for having stared at the other for easily nearly 2 hours.

What the fuck is wrong with you, Sodo. Get yourself together for Lucifer's sake.

He thinks while getting up and walking to the kitchen just to get away from Swiss as far as possible only for the Multi-ghoul to walk into the kitchen a few moments later.

"Hey, Firefly, you okay?" The taller man asks while looking at Sodo, who just blankly stares into the fridge, with a slightly concerned look.

"Yea, I'm okay. And stop with the nickname, it doesn't make any sense." Sodo answers with a slight growl in his undertone.

"Actually, it does make sense." Swiss argues with a soft little smile as he steps a bit closer to the shorter Ghoul who is still staring at the inside of the fridge. "Your tail spade glows slightly when it's dark, as well as your veins, due to your fire elemen-" He explains before cutting himself off as Sodo death glares at him, causing the room to fall silent for a few seconds.

"Why do you act so grumpy all the time?" The Multi-ghoul asks while holding the other Ghoul's gaze. "You don't show any physical signs of annoyance or anger more than half of the time.. you just lash out at people.."

Another thing Sodo hates about Swiss. The taller Ghoul is able to look through his facade due to being able to pick up on even little changes in a person's demeanor, which is scary for the Fire-ghoul since he doesn't want any of the others to see his vulnerable side. Especially not Swiss.

"No idea what you're talking about." He answers while studying the fridge door and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Now you're in defence again.." Swiss murmurs with a small sigh in his voice while shaking his head slightly. "You know that you don't have to act all tough around us.. we will still see you as the Fire-ghoul that you are now, even if you show a bit of your soft side.."

He sighs while giving Sodo a gentle and understanding gaze. "It takes a lot to bottle your emotions up like you do and for that long.. I just want to understand why you do it.."

The Fire-ghoul stays quiet and only glares at Swiss, not knowing how to answer or react to what the ther just said. "I have my reasons, alright." He mutters after tearing his eyes away from the Multi-ghoul's and instead glaring at the coffee machine.

Swiss sighs as he pulls something out of his pocket, the movement catching Sodo's attention, and his eyes immediately dart over to the taller Ghoul's hand, which is holding a key.


"I thought, maybe.. I could offer my room as a kind of safe space for you.. you can just come over and when you need to complain, don't want to be alone, or just.. let loose.. you know.." Swiss mutters with a sheepish smile as he holds the key out to the shorter Ghoul.

"I mean, I know we both didn't really talk much, yet... and I'm sometimes not too sure if you want to melt the skin of my bones, but... I thought since we both have a connection to fire and, at least for some time, want to act like the 'default'.. you could need a place where you can be on your own, but not entirely alone.." The Multi-ghoul explains while very gently grabbing Sodo's hand and placing the key into his palm.

"You're isolating yourself from the pack more and more.. and it's hurting you.." He adds I'm a gentle and calm voice as he looks into Sodo's, now softer, sunset red eyes.

"Okay, I guess." The Fire-ghoul scoffs after a few moments of the two Ghouls looking into each other's eyes. "I doubt I will use it. But yea." He adds with an eye roll while he stuffs the key into his pocket before leaving the kitchen, his tail slowly swaying behind him, making Swiss smile slightly since it normally lays limp on the ground.


A few days later, Sodo stands in front of Swiss door, holding the key up to the keyhole with a trembling hand and red teary eyes.

The Fire-ghoul had told himself that he won't be using this key. Especially not at 3:49 am. on a cold winter night, like he is about to. It was one of these nights where he got really bad nightmares and flashbacks before waking up hyperventilating and drenched in cold sweat.

And on nights like these, Sodo doesn't want anything more than to just go to his pack mates and curl up with one of them, easing his mind at their soothing heartbeat and warming himself with their body heat. And yet, he never did it. He was always too afraid of them seeing him as weak and not worthy of being a Fire-ghoul or would kick him out.

He was always scared that he was just a burden and that no one in his pack wanted him around. But now, Swiss gave Sodo the key to his room and ensured him over the last few days that the shorter Ghoul can just come over when he needs it.

It's just Swiss.. he said it was okay.. he won't kick you out..

Sodo tries to assure himself before taking a deep breath and putting the key into the keyhole, opening the door to Swiss's room and silently entering. The Multi-ghoul's room is a lot warmer than outside due to Swiss' fire magic, which is not stronger than Sodo's own, but more concentrated in certain points.

The soft moonlight shining through the window is the only thing that gives some light into the room, besides from the weak red glow coming from both Ghouls due to the fire magic flowing through their bodies, making the blood in their veins glow.

Sodo closes the door behind himself before slowly waddling over to the bed where a sleeping Multi-ghoul lies shirtless and fully unglamoured under the blanket.

This is the first time for the Fire-ghoul to see Swiss unglamoured with all his different element markings exposed.

The taller Ghoul has different 'element markings', which are basically just things he has, like other Ghouls with one element have.

Those beings, gills on his neck and a few scales on his skin every here and there, like Water-ghoul's have.
Red spots in different sizes and shapes over his otherwise ash black skin, similar to the ones Sodo himself has, just Swiss has a lot more spots than the Fire-ghoul.
Purple strands in his otherwise black curls, purple being a colour which normally only Quintessence-ghoul's have naturally appearing on them.
Long thin horns, which are similar coloured like cow horns, with a few light specks in the otherwise black horns, a typical trait of Earth-ghouls.
And then there is the fluffy tail end which Air-ghouls have, Swiss' tail end almost being identical to Cumulus'.

When the Multi-ghoul told the others about his marks, Sodo at first thought that it must look weird and maybe even disgusting, yet he thinks the taller Ghoul is rather handsome being unglamoured.

The Fire-ghoul shakes his head, snapping out of the trance he has found himself in after seeing Swiss like this.

He takes a deep breath and slowly walks over to the bed, trying to be as quiet as he can to not accidentally wake the Multi-ghoul before crawling into Swiss’s bed, very carefully.

The Multi-ghoul lets out a sleepy grumble as the bed shifts under Sodo's weight, making the shorter immediately freeze and look at the sleeping Ghoul, who just turns onto his back, seemingly staying asleep.

Sodo lets out a breath and slowly lays down on the bed before inching a bit closer to Swiss, just close enough to gently press his forehead against the taller Ghouls chest with a soft sigh, which earns him a barely audible purr from the Multi-ghoul who wraps his arms around the others frame, pulling him a bit closer.

"Took you long enough to come lay down.." Swiss sleepy and slightly groggy voice reaches the Fire-ghoul's ear, making him look up at the taller Ghoul with a nervous and slightly embarrassed expression.

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you.." He murmurs in response while pressing his body a bit closer to Swiss, trying to savour more of the other's body heat.

"Don't apologize, Firefly.." The taller murmurs sleepily as he nuzzles his face into Sodo's hair. "You okay.. you're shaking..?" Swiss asks after a moment of silence, his voice sounding more awake now.

"Yea.. just nightmares..." Sodo responded, his voice just barely above a whisper, making Swiss wrap his tail around the Fire-ghoul's left leg in a sign of protection and comfort.

"Oh.. wanna talk about it..? Or just lay here and try to catch some more sleep..?" The Multi-ghoul asks while rubbing the shorter ones back, keeping him as close as possible without making him uncomfortable.

"Second option.." The Fire-ghoul murmurs in response as he wraps his arms around the other's middle and nuzzles his face against Swiss neck with a quiet purr, making the other smile softly, knowing that Sodo trusts him a lot to show himself this vulnerable.

"If you want, I can give you one of my shirts.. yours seems to be drenched.." Swiss adds with a soft chuckle to which the shorter Ghoul just nods before losing his grip on the other. The Multi-ghoul smiles softly and presses a little peck against the top of Sodo's head, gets up, and walks to the wardrobe to quickly pick out a shirt for Sodo. Swiss quickly takes out an AC-DC shirt and walks back over to the Fire-ghoul.

"Sit up, please." He commands while making sure to keep his voice soft and gentle, not wanting to scare Sodo or put him under any kind of pressure.

And Sodo follows the command, sitting up on the bed and looking at Swiss with still puffy, and tired puppy eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. You make me want to shower you in love and affection!" Swiss chuckles softly as he gently pulls Sodo's old shirt off and helps him to change into the new shirt, making the Fire-ghoul's cheek tint a soft red and look away from the other.

"Don't treat me like I'm a child that you need to take care of." He grumbles while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I'm not, though." Swiss answers with a soft chuckle as he grabs a hair tie from his nightstand and sits down on the bed behind Sodo, gently running his hands through the Fire-ghoul's long silky white hair. "I'm treating you like someone I want to take care of.." He adds with a soft smile before pressing a small kiss against the shorter Ghoul's shoulder, making the blush in Sodo's cheeks just get more noticeable.

"You're a jerk.." He grumbles while leaning back against Swiss while the Multi-ghoul starts sectioning his hair and braids it.

"I know, I know." Swiss murmurs with a grin tugging at the corners of his lips, still braiding the Fire-ghoul's hair while soft purring sounds start to come from Sodo, who is slowly drifting off to sleep.

After braiding Sodo's hair, the Multi-ghoul carefully pulls the sleeping Ghoul into his arms and lays down on the bed, using his tail to pull the blanket over the two before gently wrapping it around the Fire-ghoul. "I got you.. don't worry.." Swiss mutters against the shorter Ghoul's hair, keeping the other close against his body while slowly drifting off to sleep himself.

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