The Phantom Menace: [Male Jed...

By Shadow_Collective99

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"The inevitable return of the Sith.. A prophecy that has yet to be determined.. Chains have been broken and t... More

20,000 Gungans Under the Sea
Twin Suns, Chosen One!
Act, Don't Think
The Battle of Naboo
Duel of the Fates [Alternative]

The Negotiations Were Short

959 22 9
By Shadow_Collective99

"Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems are in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small Planet of Naboo. While the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched four Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict.."

A Republic Cruiser known as the Radiant VII were transporting four negotiators to the Trade Federation Blockade that was menacingly guarding the small, habitable planet of Naboo. The co-pilot called to the Captain to get her attention. Two hooded figures stood behind the two in ambiguity.

"Captain?" Said the co-pilot. "Yes, sir?" Replied the captain. "Tell them that we wish to board at once." The captain complied and began to input an instant transmission to what seemed to be a Nemoidian.

"With all due respect, the ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately." The Nemoidian responded; "Yes, of course. As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we'd be happy to receive the ambassadors." With the mission being a greenlight, the four ambassadors arrived to what seemed to be a massive-lucrehalk frigate-class starship.

The Radiant VII entered the hangar of the control ship and was immediately welcomed by the inorganic mechanisms that made the mass majority of the ship's crew. The standard B1-Battle Droid and a few Vulture Droids that were present.

B1-Battle Droid:

Desc: "The B1 Battle Droid is tall and slender, standing around 1.91 meters (6 feet, 3 inches) in height. Its body is primarily composed of metallic components, with a humanoid shape featuring two arms and two legs. Its head is cylindrical in shape, housing photoreceptors for vision and communication equipment."

Vulture Droid

Desc: "The Vulture Droid is a sleek and compact starfighter, characterized by its distinctive forward-swept wings and elongated fuselage. Its design is optimized for speed and maneuverability, allowing it to perform rapid evasive maneuvers and engage enemy targets with precision."

The droids look at the hulking-mass of the Republic Cruiser. Only four cloaked figures came out of the ship, the Droids watched silently before going back to their usual business of preparation.

(Y/N); "Never seen those types of Droids before. I wonder if the Viceroy is willing to hand over some references.."

Rahm Kota: "We don't have the time to go on a tour. We've come for a reason, stay focused (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yes, Master.." The young Padawan said disappointed. He was really looking forward to building one of those droids himself, possibly creating his own droid army.

The two other Jedi quickened their steps to follow-up with their colleagues. They were greeted by a silver-plated protocol droid named TC-14.

TC-14: "Hello, I am TC-14. This way, please." The droid then pointed them into the direction that they will be headed. The hallways were long and seemingly would split into a crossroad. (Y/N) couldn't help, but take in the fascination of the interior of these huge ships. Eventually, the four Jedi were lead into what seemed to be a holding room and the Droid stopped half-way in. TC-14 then said;

TC-14: "We are greatly honored by your visit, Ambassadors. Make yourselves comfortable, my master will be here shortly." And with that conclusion, the protocol droid quickly scurried away out of the room with the doors closing behind. The Ambassadors each took off their hoods, revealing their identities; 

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Under the Mentorship of Jedi Knight: Qui-Gon Jinn)

Qui-Gon Jinn (Monitoring the Apprenticeship of Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Rahm Kota (Currently monitors the trial of his latest apprentice, (Y/N) (L/N)

And finally, (Y/N) (L/N) who sports the simplistic Jedi Robes that are somewhat darker than Kenobi's. His (E/C) eyes scan the room, with the only thing outside is the blue marble known as Naboo which was emanating with flourishing life on the surface below. It was similar to his home planet which he never had the chance to talk about and to this day, he wonders if he can ever return to it. Immediately, Qui-Gon's apprentice blurts out;

Kenobi: "I've got a bad feeling about this." Kenobi was always known to be pessimistic, unlike (Y/N) who seemed to be awed. 

(Y/N): "I think you're worrying a little too much, Obi-Wan. We've arrived here in one piece and we weren't shot down or anything when approaching this control ship." Although, this reassurance from our hero didn't really soothe Obi-Wan's doubts. His master soon spoke up;

Qui-Gon: "I don't sense anything."

Kota: "Neither do I, but isn't it obvious when possibly the majority of the ship's crew are droids?" Kota said raising a good question, his apprentice couldn't help, but nod along.

Kenobi: "It's not about the mission,  Master. It's something.. Elsewhere, elusive.." Kenobi said with a hint of skepticism.

Qui-Gon walked forward to the center of the room, with his apprentice following suit.

Qui-Gon: "Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration, here and now where it belongs."

Rahm Kota: "I think my apprentice could learn a lesson or two from you, Qui-Gon. He clearly lacks concentration and I would love if he kept his head out of the clouds." Kota stated, giving a glare towards his apprentice who was busy once again touching the walls of the ship. "Honestly, the boy is too curious sometimes, it's hard to maintain the energy that constantly radiates around him."

Qui-Gon took a seat at one of the chairs at the table. "Well, does he know restraint?" Asked Qui-Gon. The old man shrugged. "Sort of. Other than his fascination with machines and architecture, he can control himself well. Although, he's quite troublesome when on the move.." Qui-Gon pondered for a while. "I've heard you were recently assigned to him after your 'previous' Padawan, Kota. I'm certain whatever may be the case, this one will be an excellent problem. He just needs to control himself. Having self-control is essential to controlling your emotions, especially fear."

Rahm Kota let out a sigh. Meanwhile, Kenobi was looking out the window that separated space and oxygen from getting into a violent confrontation. After (Y/N) was done inspecting and complimenting the wall for the hundredth time, he walked towards Kenobi's position and looked out the window. Kenobi then questioned to (Y/N);

Kenobi: "How do you think this trade viceroy will deal with the Chancellor's demands, (Y/N)? In my opinion, these Federation types are cowards."

(Y/N): "Mm.. If I didn't know any better, they'd probably wouldn't take it too well. A blockade around a non-hostile planet in the form of it being legal sounds too sinister." Kenobi nodded in agreement, but soon enough (Y/N) would be right.

- Bridge -

Gunray: "What? What did you say?" The Nemoidian asked again in a state of panic.

TC-14: "The ambassadors are Jedi Knights, I believe." The protocol droid said in a monotone voice with neutrality. Gunray's aide turned to his side and said; "I knew it. They're here to force a settlement."

Gunray: "Distract them. I will contact Lord Sidious." However, his aide wasn't too pleased with a diversion, he responded; "Are you brain-dead? I'm not going in there with four Jedi. Send the droid." They both turned to TC-14 who had no say in the matter.

- Negotiation Room -

The four Jedi have been waiting a considerable while. The negotiations still haven't started and it has been the past fifteen minutes since they've been led by the protocol droid that brought them there. (Y/N) was getting impatient, he found himself circuiting around the room.

Kenobi: "(Y/N), your pacing is making me nervous and anticipating the worst, please calm yourself.'

(Y/N): "Sorry, I'm just bored."

Kenobi: "Bored?" Kenobi said perplexed.

(Y/N): "There's just nothing to do. I thought the negotiations would be short and we'd be back on Coruscant in no time."

Kota: "By that, he means he simply wants to go to sleep. Like every other day of the week."

(Y/N): "I simply want to rest, that's all. No one said being a Jedi would be easy." (Y/N) retorted, before leaning against the wall with a sigh escaping his lips. "But, it's just that there's nothing to do around here and I'd rather be watching the Battle Droids than be cooped up in this room."

Qui-Gon: "Patience, young one. It won't be long now." Eventually, the protocol droid from earlier returned into the room. "Finally!" (Y/N) said excited. Kenobi and Qui-Gon were both seated at the table, the apprentice turned to his master with a question in mind with a hint of snip;

Kenobi: "Is it in their nature to make us wait this long?" The younger Jedi questioned to his mentor. Anticipating an answer that wouldn't be as convoluted.

Qui-Gon: "No. I sense an unusual amount of fear for something as trivial as this trade dispute. Said Qui-Gon. The protocol droid seemingly brought drinks in and (Y/N) was quite thirsty already, but there was something odd about it. Regardless, he sipped some of it. Once the droid left, he spat it out, instantly.

Kota: "Didn't you always say something about not wasting your food?"

(Y/N): "But, this time, it's different, Master. There was something odd about this drink.. Something's wrong, but my vision is clouded."

Kota: "Focus, my Padawan. Soothe your fears and let the Force be your guide.

- Bridge -

???: "What is it?" Said a cloaked figure on the hologram. Gunray's aid spoke up; "This scheme of yours has failed, Lord Sidious. The blockade is finished, we dare not go against the Jedi." The cloaked figure on the hologram had venom laced around his very words;

Sidious: "Viceroy, I don't want this stunted slime in my sight again." He said referring to the aide, to which the aide quickly put his head down and left the call, walking to the far side of the room.

Sidious: "These turn of events are unfortunate. We must begin accelerating our plans. Begin landing your troops." This was the order that concerned the Viceroy.

Gunray: "My lord, is that even legal?" The Viceroy responded with uncertainty and a hint of fear.

Sidious: "I will make it legal."

Gunray: "And what about the Jedi?"

Sidious: "The Chancellor should've never brought them into this. Kill the immediately." Gunray was officially nervous. Killing a Jedi would be no small feat to perform. They were known as renowned warriors and practitioners of the force. Going against them is almost suicidal, but to keep his benefactor on the line and profit from this relationship, he let his greed get the better of his consciousness.

Gunray: "Err.. Yes, my lord.. Uh, as you wish."

- Hangar -

Meanwhile the Captain and co-pilot were relaxing in the cockpit of the Radiant VII when the co-pilot noticed the turret on the ceiling beginning to turn towards the ship. He immediately yelled "Captain!" which got her attention. The droids were getting clear, but right before the Captain could raise the shields, they were blasted to smithereens. The cruiser was engulfed in flames after a violent explosion and the aftermath of the tremor shook through the orbital space station.

- Back to the Holding Room -

All four Jedi ignited their lightsabers. TC-14 dropping the silver platter on the floor and apologizing for it. However, their troubles were far from over as poisonous gas began to enter the room.

Qui-Gon: "Dioxis." Said Qui-Gon with all four of them powering down their lightsabers. Dioxis is known for its effectiveness in incapacitating or eliminating enemy forces. It is highly poisonous to most life forms, capable of causing severe respiratory distress and death upon inhalation. 

Kota: "I guess we'll be holding our breath for a while."

(Y/N): "Is that a challenge? You're on!"

Kota shook his head as Dioxis began to envelop the room.

- Outside the Holding Room -

A group of Battle Droids were presently standing guard outside the room. A hologram of the Viceroy soon appeared in front of them to rely instructions.

Gunray: "They should be dead by now. Destroy what's left of them."

The Battle Droids complied with their orders and began to ready themselves as the doors began to open. They gripped their blasters, anticipating a Jedi to escape or lung out of the room to catch their bluff, but nothing came. Suddenly, they heard the clanking of something moving and they readied to take the shot, only for TC-14 to exit the room unscathed and unharmed.

TC-14: "Oh! Excuse me!"

One of the battle droids from behind ushered their Corporal to check out if the Jedi are dead while they check his back. He complied with an autonomous "Roger, Roger." However, before he could enter, the four Jedi ignited their lightsabers and they knew they were in trouble.

B1: "Uh-oh. Blast them."  The first two droids in front opened fire, only for the two Jedi taking the lead to deflect the blaster bolts with perfect precision and land them right back at their targets. The rest of the Battle Droids opened fire, only to be met with the same results; some cut apart or their bolts being reflected back to them.

Gunray: "What is going on down there?" Gunray said before receiving an answer from one of his aides; "It seems we've lost the transmission, sir." Meanwhile, the Jedi were easily hacking up the droids with (Y/N) pushing the last three droids by the force which knocked them down.

Kenobi: "That push won't be enough to stop their advance, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "I know, but I have an idea. Just trust me on this!"

Kota wiped his forehead with sweat drenching his hand while wiping it away; "Any longer and I don't think I would've held my breath.."

(Y/N): "Really? Hopefully, you haven't passed it, Master. But, then again your hair has become pretty white.."

Kota: "I may be old, but not out of it. I think it's time we pay this ship's captain a visit."

(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah. But, give me a moment to reprogram these droids."

Qui-Gon: "We don't have time for this." He turns his gaze to Kota. "Kota, grab your apprentice and come along, quickly."

Kota: "You'd be surprised if I told you I've tried. Failed miserably, once the boy is set on something, he'd never stop no matter what."

(Y/N) quickly reprograms the three remaining Battle Droids with the best of his ability. Soon enough, they all returned online.

B1: "Who is the administrator? What is our orders?" (Y/N) would reply; "That would be me. I have a task for the three of you and I will call you when the time is right. For now, I want you to infiltrate the Trade Federation and disrupt their plans as much as possible without getting caught. If you succeed, meet me at these coordinates. I fear there will be an invasion afoot."

B1s: "Roger, Roger." They said in unison. Picking up their E-5 Blasters before running down the hallway. 

Kota: "I only hope you know what you're doing, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "I have no doubt, my Master. They will be invaluable later on, I know it."

- Bridge - 

"Sir, have you ever encountered a Jedi Knight before?" Asked one of Gunray's aides. The viceroy responded; "Well no- But.." The aide quickly cut him off, leaving him not to answer. The answer was evident enough for the aide. "Seal off the bridge." The Viceroy complied as the other attendants on the bridge and began the process to seal the bridge off with blast doors. 

"We will not survive this fight." Said the aide, pessimistically. Meanwhile, the Jedi have quickly discovered the bridge, holding off the other droids that tried to impede their progress.

Viceroy: "Hurry! Close the Blast Doors!" Two more sets of doors close behind the first one to impede the Jedi's progress further. Qui-Gon knew there were more doors behind this one after hearing more clunks of metal clamp down in front of him, he looked up seeing a lone battle droid running towards him with blaster at the ready.

Rahm Kota quickly threw his lightsaber which cut the B1 in half.

Qui-Gon: "Kota! With our combined efforts, we can open the doors quicker. Hurry, now!" Kota nodded and proceeded to help Qui-Gon open the doors. The two Jedi thrust their blades into the blast doors. The doors began to melt into hot metallic slag. Eventually, a hole began to poke through, to which the aide took notice.

"There are still coming through!" Said the aide beside the Viceroy, pointing at the door. "This is impossible!" Eventually, a piece of the door molted completely and fell to the floor. "Where are those droidekas?!" The aide said in a panicked state. It will be moments before the entire bridge is under Jedi control, however his prayers were answered. Two droids rolled up behind the Jedi to which Kenobi and (Y/N) noticed right away.

Kenobi: "Masters! Destroyers!"

The two droids uncurled before releasing a hailfire of blaster bolts aimed directly at the Jedi. There deflected them with peak efficiency, but it was a major stand-off and they couldn't parry forever. The four quickly made a sprint away from the bridge with the help of the Force as the rolling-death balls tried to keep up.

"They're no match for droidekas!" Said the aide in astonishment. "Sir, they've gone into the ventilation shafts!" Said one of the ship's attendees. The Jedi made quick progress through the shafts and managed to reach the hangar. The smoldering flames of the Radiant VII and inevitable fate of its crew led a sense of dread to overcome (Y/N), but he didn't let it interfere with his concentration.

Kenobi: "Battle Droids! They're preparing for an entire invasion." 

Qui-Gon: "This is an odd play for the  Trade Federation. We've got to warn Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum. Let's split up. Stow aboard different ships and meet down on the planet's surface, below.

Kenobi: "You were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short." Kenobi said while trying to get a laugh out of his master, only to be deadpanned instead. (Y/N) giggled a little, but was quickly shut up by Rahm Kota's glare once more."

- Bridge -

"Sir, a transmission from the planet. It's Queen Amidala herself. At last we are getting results." The image displays Queen Amidala herself seated upon a mahogany throne. Viceroy did the talking; "Again, you come before us, your highness."

[ Queen Amidala || Current Monarch of Naboo ]

Queen Amidala: "You will not be pleased when you hear what I have to say, Viceroy. Your trade boycott of our planet has ended." The Nemoidians looked at each other before the Viceroy began to speak once more, playing coy.

Gunray: "We were unaware of such failures."

Queen Amidala: "I have word that the chancellor's ambassadors are with you now and that you have commanded to reach the settlement." She stated boldly. Gunray clearly knew that the Jedi were sent, but still decided to play dumb. Insisting that he never managed to get ahold of the ambassadors, the Republic sent.

Gunray: "You must be mistaken."

Queen Amidala: "Beware, Viceroy. The Federation has gone too far this time."

Gunray: "We wouldn't do anything without the approval of the Galactic Senate. You assume too much." Gunray stated, hoping to throw Amidala off his trail.

Queen Amidala: "We will see." Was the last message sent before the transmission ended. The aide (Ruune Haako) quickly responded;

"She's right. The senate would never--"

Gunray: "It's too late now."

Ruune: "Do you think she'll suspect an attack?"

Gunray: "I don't know. But, we must move quickly to disrupt all communications down there."

- Theed Palace || Naboo -

The alluring, lush world of Naboo was similar to the same World we all grew up on, however it seemed only lush and green with plenty of aqua biomes. We seemingly focus our view on Naboo's Capital otherwise known as Theed. Within the palace is a brief conference with the Supreme Chancellor over the holo.

Palpatine: "Negotiations haven't started because the ambassadors aren't there? How could that be true? I have assurances from the chancellor that his ambassadors did arrive." Palpatine stated to the vast majority in the room.

Palpatine [Distorted Voice]: "It must-- handiwork-- negotiate-- ambassadors-- nobody would--" His messages were soon turning to static before his hologram was shut off completely.

Queen Amidala: "Senator Palpatine.. What's happening?"

Panaka: "Check the transmission generator. A communication disruption can only mean one thing.. An invasion.." Said the Captain of Naboo's Royal Guard.

[ Panaka ]

Queen Amidala: "The Trade Federation wouldn't go this far." Stated the Queen.

Panaka: "The senate would revoke their trade franchise, and they'd be finished."

Queen Amidala: "We must continue to rely on negotiation."

Sio Bibble: "Negotiation? We've lost all communication." Said Sio Bibble who shot down the Queen's suggestion of negotiating. "And where are the Chancellor's ambassadors?" Panaka slightly nodded before returning his gaze back to the Queen.

[ Sio Bibble ]

Panaka: "This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness. Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened Federation Army." This comment led the Monarch to think briefly before choosing her next words carefully;

Queen Amidala: "I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war." She said, but regardless of what she thought she knew one thing. The Trade Federation was coming and coming to take the capital.

[ Naboo's Orbit ]

The Trade Federation's dropships were coming in quickly towards the planet's surface. All support units were launched, MTTs were released from the confines of the belly of the beast, and soon enough were going to release minions to do their bidding. As an MTT ran over a nearby tree, Viceroy Gunray and Ruune Haako were communicating with a Battle Droid with some yellow-markings to indicate their rank.

OOM-series Command Droid: "Yes, Viceroy?"

Ruune Haako: "Captain, we've searched the ship, and there is no trace of the Jedi. They may have gotten on one of your landing crafts."

OOM-series Command Droid: "If they're down here, sir, we'll find them."

Gunray: "Use caution. These Jedi are not to be underestimated." With that, the Viceroy signed off. The droids were hastily making their way to the Palace, not caring about the local wilflife that was within the jungle. Many creatures fled in the same direction, however one of them wasn't apart of the ecosystem.

Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn rushed alongside the wildlife in order to escape the increasing speed of the MTTs. In the midst of the chaos was a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks. Which our heroes will "enjoy" his company.

Jar Jar: "Oh no!" He cried while flailing his arms in the air, frantically. He panicked and didn't know what to do.

Qui-Gon: "Get away! Get out of the here!" However, Jar Jar didn't seemingly get the message as the MTT was closing in quickly. In a last ditch effort to save him, Qui-Gon ran into him, hugging him before pushing him down onto the murky terrain. The MTT took no notice and continued it's path through the jungle.

Qui-Gon got off of Jar Jar and began walking in the adjacent direction of the invasion force. Hoping to reunite with his other Jedi Colleagues. However, Jar Jar still followed him anyway.

Jar Jar: "Was'n' dat?" He noticed Qui-Gon walk in the other direction. "Hey, wait!" Qui-Gon was quickening his pace, but the Gungan caught up. He showered the Jedi Knight with praise. "Oh, mooie-mooie! I love you!" He shouted, but Qui-Gon didn't have the same empathetic energy.

Qui-Gon: "You almost got us killed. Are you brainless?"

Jar Jar: "I speak." An odd reply out of the Gungan's mouth. Qui-Gon was least impressed.

Qui-Gon: "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here." Ushering the Gungan go away, but with little success.

Jar Jar: "No, no, meesa stay! Mesa called Jar Jar Binks. Mesa your humble servant." He stated trying to regain some of his humility and generous services to the Jedi Knight.

Qui-Gon: "That won't be necessary."

Jar Jar: "Oh, it 'tis. 'Tis demanded by the gods, it 'tis-" Jar Jar was cut off as a STAP Speeder was chasing down Obi-Wan in the distance. Igniting his lightsaber, Qui-Gon quickly deflected a shot which collided with the speeder that originally fired, destroying instantaneously. The second STAP fired and like its predecessor had its own shot deflected and the explosion of the speeder caused it to tumble off and into a ditch.

The Gungan reappeared, thanking his protector not saving his life once, but twice now.

Jar Jar: "You saved me again!"

Kenobi: "What's this?" The Padawan queried, clearly referring to Jar Jar.

Qui-Gon: "A local. Now, let's get out of here before more droids show up."

Jar Jar: "More?" But, his question was left unanswered as Kenobi and Qui-Gon left him in haste. "More" did you spake? Ex-squeeze-me, but de mostest safest place would be Gunga City. Is where I grew up. 'Tis a hidden city." This stopped both Obi-Wan and his master. They turned to the Gungan, once more to hear him out.

Qui-Gon: "A hidden city?"

Jar Jar: "Uh-huh!"

Qui-Gon: "Can you take us there?"

Jar Jar: "Uh, on second thought, no. Not really, no."

Kenobi: "No?"

Jar Jar: 'Tis embarrassing, but, uh, me afraid my've been banished. My forgotten. Da bosses would do terrible tings to me. Terrible tings to me if I go back there." Much to the disappointment of Kenobi and Qui-Gon. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound in the distance. Qui-Gon and Kenobi picked it up, too.

Qui-Gon: "You hear that?" He said pointing in the air. To which the Gungan responded; "Yah." By lifting up one of his ears.

Qui-Gon: "That is the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way. If they find us, they will crush us,-" Kenobi soon chimed in.

Kenobi: "-grind us into tiny pieces and blast us into oblivion." This intimidation tactic or mindless teasing was enough to make the Gungan change his mind.

Jar Jar: "Oh. Yousa point is well seen. This way, hurry!" He then led the two Jedi to the hidden city's entrance.

Kenobi: "But, what about Master Kota? Even (Y/N), despite not enjoying his presence." 

Qui-Gon: "They'll be able to manage themselves, fine. For now we must hurry, my apprentice!"

- The Other Side of Naboo -

The invasion force was making good time through the jungle. One of the leading AATs came to an abrupt halt.

OOM-14: "Captain, the reports from Squad Theta have located the presence of the Jedi in the perimeter."

OOM-30: "Roger, Roger. Proceed with caution." The droid motioned with one finger as the cavalry started its advance back up again. However, the Captain was unaware that the Jedi were right above their heads, or well one of them.

(Y/N): "TIIIIMBEEEERRRRR!" Yelled (Y/N) as he used his lightsaber in a quick motion to cut down a tree which fell right on top of the leading AAT.  The droids were alarmed and began to ready their weapons. Rahm Kota jumped down from the trees before taking down one of the lead Droid Commanders with a swift downward strike. The droids opened fire, but the Jedi Master easily deflected them with efficiency. Some of the droids fell down from the returned blaster bolts or were chopped up. (Y/N), eventually joined in on the fun, using a remote data spike to shutdown some of the droids while cutting up a few that managed to get into the range of his lightsaber.

There was only one droid left. He opened fire on Kota, but it was proven futile. The blaster bolt was deflected and headshotted the droid. It's mechanic body fell to the ground.

(Y/N): "Perhaps, you haven't passed it at all, Master."

Kota used the force to slam the moving MTT into another moving MTT, which shutdown their progress momentarily. The MTTs both collided into a huge rock and weren't able to release their reinforcements as the mechanism was stuck on the rock. With no way to propel itself backwards as (Y/N) cut down another large tree which blocked their reversal.

Kota: "I've told you before my Padawan. I've never passed it." Kota shut off his lightsaber. "But, enough of that. We'll need to make our way to the capital one way or another. It's best to keep our element of surprise while we have the chance. Although, I can expect our comm-frequency to be jammed now that the invasion has begun."

(Y/N): "Master, perhaps we could use those MTTs, we've trapped earlier. We could get a safe ride into the Capital by then."

Kota: "And land directly into an army of droids while they're preparing in the courtyard? No, thanks."

(Y/N): "Mm, I guess we'll have to advance on foot."

Kota: "Always exercise. Train your mind as life flourishes around us. The force travels through all living things, by connecting with life itself we become one with the Force. Allow it to flow through you and it'll become your ally."

(Y/N): "Mm.. If it became my ally, would it allow me to read people's minds?"

Kota chuckled; "The force doesn't work that way. But, perhaps it'll tell you things in the near future."

(Y/N): "Like what?"

Kota: "Visions. However, it would be best not to act upon them as they could be not always what they seem to be."

(Y/N) kept that in mind. He began walking to the direction of what the invasion Force might've went and his Master followed. Master and Apprentice continued through the depths of the Naboo Wetlands. In a desperate race against time to thwart the Trade Federation's Space-to-Ground invasion.

Kota: "We've spent too much time here. We must reach the Palace as soon as possible. It will not be long now."

(Y/N): "What about Kenobi and his Master?"

Kota: "They'll catch up shortly. Besides, they can handle themselves. Come on!"

(Y/N): "Yes Ma-" (Y/N) then clutched his head in agony. "S-Something's wrong.. I don't feel too good.." Were the last words he managed to blurt out before fainting and soon becoming unconscious.

- ??? -

???: "Wake up. You've been chosen as our liaison. The galaxy is in danger, years from now there is someone who will overthrow the Republic from within. You must hurry and stop the perpetrator!"

(Y/N): "Whuh? This is a lot to take in. Can you take it slower?"

???: "There is a shadow over the Republic. Darkness and Corruption growing within. You must locate the source and eliminate it.. But, not now. You're too weak."

(Y/N): "Is there a way for me to get stronger?"

???: "You will become stronger with time, but to unlock your potential you must travel to the planet ------."

(Y/N): "Planet, what? Can you repeat that?"

???: "Ar- Low on ener-- Future is in grav-- Unable to keep steady con--"

(Y/N): "What's going on? You're fading!" But, (Y/N) was unable to clarify the message any further. His vision became blurry once more and seemingly passed out.

- Gungan Wetlands -

Kota: "Kid- Kid! You're awake! Don't do that again. I thought I've lost you or something."

(Y/N): "My apologies, Master.. I didn't realize how tired I was."

Kota: "That didn't sound like it. Are you positive, you're okay?"

(Y/N) gripped his cranial once more. "I'll be fine, Master. We have an usurpation to dismantle."

Kota: "We'll discuss about this later. For now, we need to get to the palace."

(Y/N): "R-Right.." As (Y/N) responded, a lone MTT was making its way through the murky, lush terrain. Say, Master. Ever heard of a Trojan Horse?"

Kota: "No? What is it? And does it connect to how we're getting their quicker?"

(Y/N): "Simply follow me and I'll show you!"

Kota decided to trust his gut. "Fine. Have it your way, just this once."  (Y/N) smiled, despite his Master protesting about the idea earlier.

[ Both (Y/N) and Kota rode inside an MTT and would be making their way to the Capital. Obi-wan and Qui-Gon were led astray from their primary objective to an Underwater City by a local named Jar Jar. Until next time. ]

Next Chapter: 20,000 Gungas Under the Sea

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