Just - Theodore Nott

By romanoffstrilogys

223K 3.3K 2.2K

"He's full of shit for doing that to you." He said quietly I sighed and hugged him as we slowly moved to the... More

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1.4K 36 50
By romanoffstrilogys

Aliyah's Pov:

The blackness I was seeing slowly faded away, only to be replaced with more darkness.
I rubbed my eyes, but it was still dark.

Am I dead? Where am I?

I sat up properly, feeling a sharp pain in my neck when I turned to look around. I was in like a room of some sort, sitting in a bed. When I looked down at my hands and arms, I was surprised to see IV's and some other stuff injected into them.

I could smell the blood that it was transferring into my body.

My head snapped back to the door of the mysterious room as I heard footsteps approaching. I could hear the door creak open extremely loudly and a man walked in. "Oh, you're awake, finally!"

I had to cover my ears from how loud that was. I tilted my head, "What's happening to me? Did I die? Is this my punishment or something?"

The man laughed, "Don't be silly —", he turned on the extremely bright lights in the room. I had to squint not to blind myself "— you're at St. Edmund's! The finest hospital for wizards and witches in all of London. I'm your doctor, Dr. Montgomery"

"I'm in London?!" My gaze adjusted to the beaming lights of the hospital room I was in. I took a better look at the room, surprised to see the door made of — metal??

I could smell the blood rushing through the doctor's veins, "Everything seems weird... everything is so loud, I can severely smell everything"

He sighed, "Miss-..." , "Riddle", "Miss Riddle! Oh- yes, nobody could recognize you with your eyes closed. Now, this might be a little harsh to let down on you, but you've been...passed out for almost two months, approximately fifty-two days...And the reason is because you survived a werewolf attack, but you lost a lot of blood. That'll help you put two and two together" he uttered

"You're meaning to tell me I've been a coma?" I sputtered loudly, sitting up properly. And I've been scratched by a werewolf. That means... "No- no, please say you're joking"

"I'm afraid this is not a joke, Miss" he exhaled loudly, "No, I-I can't be a werewolf now!"
"Unfortunately, Miss Riddle, you are. The scratch you obtained is the reason" he nodded to my neck.

"The scratch..." my hand hovered over my bandaged neck, "I thought it killed me...", "Thankfully it didn't. When we rushed after that giant battle at Hogwarts, our searchers found you unconscious and full of blood"

I was shocked, eyes watering up, "Do- Does anyone know I'm still alive?" I mumbled, "No, not unless you would like us to contact anyone right now" he suggested.

"No, I know where to go... when is the soonest I can be discharged from here?", "The sooner you can stand up and we get you your iron medicine you'll be able to leave. You also have to be given certain medications for your monthly transformations"

"Oh god, I'm going to need Remus for this" i put my hands on my head.

"No need to stress, Miss, it'll all be alright." He comforted, "No need to stress? Alright? I'm a werewolf now for fucks sake!" I intoned

"I know, it is a lot to take in" he acknowledged. I audibly exhaled, thinking for a moment, "Does everyone think I'm dead or something?" I muttered a question

He sighed and slightly lowered his head, "Yes, Miss Riddle... We have found a tombstone with your name on it"

My eyes widened, "W-Well, do you know where it is?", "It is currently located in the graveyard of Godrick's Hollow between the tombstones of the Black brothers"

"Sirius and Regulus...." I whispered to myself, "Yes, that's correct, I'm assuming being a Riddle, you have some sort of blood connection?"

"Yeah, but I'm actually not really a Riddle anymore... my 'parents' disowned my brother and I" I mumbled, "Oh I'm terribly sorry, my apologies... your brother is called Mattheo, yes?". I nodded.

... "I need you to take me there as soon as possible" I said seriously, "Excuse me?" the doctor choked on his own words, "I need to be at Godrick's Hollow... latest is tomorrow"

"Ma'm, I'm afraid we might have to do some checkups before we can even have you get up and walking " he reprimanded softly, "Well then do the fucking tests. I can't live another day knowing that everyone I know thinks I'm dead!"

"We'll do the best we can, I can assure you that" he stood up.

I heard more footsteps loudly approaching and the sound of the door creaking open as a nurse entered the room. They both noticed my slightly agitated expression and chuckled, "You kind of have hypersensitivity to noises and other things now", "Interesting"

"Merlin, I look hideous..." I uttered to myself, staring into my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I looked... skinnier, pale, and I felt weird.

On my neck, I had a stitched up and very deep scratch. It's the reason I'm going to be turning into some furry freak every full moon. The scratch was of three claws, going from the top of my neck down to my collarbone.

"Miss?" A nurse knocked on the bathroom door, snapping me out of my trance. I put my black coat on and stepped out, closing the door behind me.

"These are the prescribed medications for low iron" she handed me a pill box with a little paper attached to it, "For full moons, it's best to- ", "I know, to be locked up somewhere secure, I know". She raised a brow, "Well then"

I apparated myself to somewhere near Godrick's Hollow. I began to walk, remembering the familiar place I visited when I missed my uncles. I kept walking, only getting nearer to Sirius and Regulus's grave.

When I finally found them, I saw the tombstone next to theirs — mine.

a sister, a girlfriend, and a friend to all
"Do not cry, simply look for me in the stars"
2007 - 2025

I chuckled to myself, thanks to the person who remembered my favorite quote.

I kneeled down, noticing the flowers planted by the stone. I also noticed certain pieces of broken glasses and parchment covered in dirt. I picked up the mysterious piece of parchment and wiped the dirt off it. It was an envelope.

I opened it gently, and found several letters inside. I picked a random one out and opened it, reading:

Dear Aliyah,

Where to begin? It feels as though half of me is missing now that you're gone - we were each other's other half. And now, it's as if you're the missing piece of the puzzle of my heart.

I cannot describe the pain I feel, the sense of emptiness and loss. The world seems a darker place without you in it, and I find myself longing for your warmth and laughter, your wit and charm. I will always remember the sound of your voice, and how it filled my heart with joy.

We shared so much in our lives - our memories, our hopes and dreams, our secrets and our struggles. And I will always remember how you stood by me, even in the darkest of times. You were always there for me, helping me find my way when I felt lost, offering a shoulder to cry on when I needed it most.

How can I possibly go on without you? How can I face this world alone, without my twin by my side? But even as I mourn the loss of you, I take comfort in knowing that our bond, our love, will never die. It will live on in my heart, a shining beacon of hope, a reminder of all that we had and all that we were.

I will love you always, 'Leah. And I will carry your spirit with me always, in every moment of my life.

With all my love,
Your twin brother, Mattheo

My eyes watered, and I wiped my eyes from the forming tears wanting to spill out. I put it back, pulling out another letter.

Dear 'Leah,

I don't know how to begin this letter, because I don't know how to express the depth of my grief and loss without your presence in my life. You were always there for me, you were always willing to listen, you were always the person who I could talk to about anything. And now you're gone, and I don't know how to go on without you.

Losing you has left a huge void in my life that nothing can fill, and the thought of not being able to talk to you anymore, not being able to see your face, not being able to hear your voice, it feels like an unbearable pain that I don't know how to bear.

I still can't believe that you're really gone, that you're not coming back. I keep hoping that this is all some terrible mistake. I keep waiting for your voice in the door, for your arms around me, for your gentle touch.

I am lost without you, my best friend. You offered me comfort in the darkest of times, you gave me strength in my weakest moments, and you were always there to pick me up when I was down. And now that you're gone, I don't know where to turn, who to talk to.

Losing you has only made my anxiety worse, because you were my safety net, the person who I could always turn to, the person who could always help me out of my anxiety. And now that you're gone, I feel like I'm drowning.

I hope you're somehow able to read this in the afterlife, but I also wanted you to know Pansy and Daphne miss you too, and so does everyone else. It's been really hard on Theo and Matt. Draco and Blaise also miss you, but not more than I do.

Please know that you will always be a part of me. Your memories will forever live in my heart, your spirit will always be with me. And even though I may not have your physical presence anymore, I will always carry a part of you with me, in my mind and in my heart.

I love you, my best friend. Always, and forever.
You can never ever be replaced my anyone else.

Your best friend in the whole world,

I began crying, putting the letter back and wanting to pull out another one. This one was from Remus and Tonks. I was about to open it, before hearing a set of footsteps followed by a broken voice, and the sound of a glass breaking


1793 wc
Uhm... 😁😁

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