House of Mikaelson and Potter...

Von JasonKelly7

6.2K 73 5

Based on I am Creative's Old Daisy Potter and the Originals and Watching Legacies. What if Gaea seeing the fu... Mehr

Chapter 1
Cast look
Chapter 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5

Powers and Abilities of the Originals

148 4 0
Von JasonKelly7

Nyx sitting in her realm rolled her eyes as she realized the gifts they gave the originals and Ansel wouldn't work snapping her fingers again she complied a set of powers for all of them

The Title, Abilities, and Powers of Niklaus Anselson ( Mikaelson)

Title: The Original Hybrid

Rank: Alpha Omega

Super Strength- The Originals are capable of Lifting an Elephant with ease. His limit is 10,000 Pounds.

Super Speed: The Originals are considered much faster than most supernatural species seen thus far. The Originals are capable of running at 3000 MPH. ( Klaus 4000 MPH)

Super Reflexes: The original reflexes allow him to dodge a Sword within an atom second away.

Super Agility: The Originals possess more superhuman agility, flexibility, and dexterity than any other known supernatural species. They can move quickly, jump 500 Ft, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion.

Super Senses: The Originals have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight, and smell that far exceed any other known supernatural species.

Super Durability: Jon can take far more trauma than any other supernatural species. No Original vampire has ever been dismembered, decapitated, or had their heart removed, nor has anyone attempted this, implying that their durability may be close to invincibility.

Danger Sense- Jon can sense Danger 4 Mins ahead of time like Spiderman but from further away.

Weather Manipulation- Jon can Control the Weather and even Summon powerful Storms or mist that could hide him. '

Animal Summoning ( Klaus)- Any Animal can feel the originals and some like Bats, Wolves, Ravens, Crows, etc can be summoned and they would obey him.

Elemental Manipulation- All Non-Originals can control one Element at age 100. The Originals and Jon can control them all.

Nature Manipulation- Able to Control the Earth such as Healing Plants, Creating Trees, Manipulate Animals to Evolve, etc. Can communicate through their mind with Any Divine beings with a domain over Nature like Lightning, Earth, Farming, etc.

Shapeshifting- Originals can Shapeshift into Ravens, Crows, and Wolf.

Necromancy- Originals can summon the souls of the dead and speak from them. Suppose he creates a Golem or can even force the soul to possess dead bodies. That soul is revived and the body will shift to the body the Soul had or would have in its Prime. Takes the equivalent of 100 Humans to revive one soul and the equivalent of 10 Humans for One Animal soul.

(Klaus)Werewolf Form- Klaus has a Werewolf side which when unleashed either by turning or any other way like a true face increases his powers by 5x.

True Face- Originals have 2 ( 3 Klaus) True Faces One which Causes his Eyes to Glow, Amber, Which is his Upgraded Fangs form, and One Where his Eyes Glow Gold which is his Werewolf Side. And last, he changes his entire body to a 12 Ft tall Giant with Grey Skin, Wings, and capable of Hovering this form has two glowing orbs in his hands from one hand he can use his blood for Spells and the Other allows him to summon Mystical creatures such as Gargoyles.

Teleportation- By shifting his body to Either bats or Smoke Originals and other Vampires can Teleport.

Immortality: They are immortal just like any Original vampire. Unlike their strength and resilience, Vampires can shapeshifter cells to any age allowing them to Agetheirs Body at will. Vampires under the age of 25 will Age up to that point. Disease can't harm him. But it would taste not good to his Taste Buds.

Flight- For a limited amount of time and based on how much blood has been consumed vampires can form bat wings allowing them flight.

Healing Factor: They can heal much faster than any other known supernatural species. Even being able to heal from the soul being destroyed only if killed by either being burned on a Pyre made from White Oak while being Descciated by White Oak Stake or Valyrian Daggered reforged in a mixture of Weirwood Ashes and paste can kill you.

Enhanced Emotions: They experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are intensified for vampires allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows Upgraded Originals to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age.

Emotional Control: They have a limited degree of control over their own emotions though it has been stated that this control fades over time.

Mind Compulsion: They can control and influence the thoughts, emotions, behavior, actions, and memories of humans, Original vampires/Hybrids, non-original vampires, and even Werewolves.

Animal Compulsion: All Animals Can be Compelled by Vampires.

Dungeon Creation: Klaus can create Pocket Dungeon Worlds that you can train and teleport in for a time. Currently, 3 worlds are open

1- Empty ( Only Buildings, Animals, and what's inside the buildings.) return to the world 3 seconds after teleporting away about 3 ft away. 1 month is a Second.

2- Zombies- A dungeon world ravaged by Zombies.... A world he rules that was destroyed God kept parts of it. Warning if eaten there will come back weak here. Every day there is a second here. 1 Week is a minute.

3- Vampires- You will face the Vampires of the Deadlists Warrior, Blade, and Buffyverse.... Warning if you don't get enough rewards or are rewarded with this you may face these beings in the real world. 1 Day is an hour.

( Klaus) Animal Empathy: Klaus/Hybrids can understand and speak to all animals.

Telepathy: They can enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than theirs although, as they are more powerful than Original vampires, they have one of the strongest minds in the world.

Dream Manipulation: They can control dreams and the subconscious. They can produce and modify dreams, and bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability are the ability to distort perceptions of reality and being able to trap someone in their dreams. Illusions: They have the power to trick the minds of others into seeing or feeling things that aren't happening.

(Klaus) Hybrid Venom- He has Venom which can kill any Kind of Immortal save those stronger than him. This can spit onto Objects which absorb the venom or anything. On humans, it's like fire. This Venom has the power to Enthrall even the Originals.

Mindscape- All Vampires hold in their Minds a Mindscape which makes it impossible to forget things unless forced to forget like through Compulsion or Magic. But it still takes thinking about something to remember...

Metamorphosis: Vampires hold dominion over the night and all its creatures. They can call upon bats to do their will and can transform into a swarm of bats at will. Their clothing and anything they hold, like swords etc also de-materialize into bats with them. Vampires are also able to see, hear, and roar while they are in a swarm of bats. Vampires can also change parts of their bodies into bats to grab people and become intangible to attacks, among other things.

Superhuman Endurance: Vampires can take large amounts of injury from their enemies.

Superhuman Stamina: Vampires can stay physically active longer than any human.

Conventional Harm Immunity: Vampires are immune to conventional means of harm.

Mesmerism: Vampires can possess the ability to mentally dominate, coerce, and order humans to obey their desires upon eye-to-eye contact with an individual. Vampires still in the three-day transition phase can use mesmerism.

Vampirism: Vampires are turned by giving at least a Vial of Blood and placed into a human's system for 10 seconds and then within a day that subject is killed. They can get as many as 4 Powers beyond the normal vampire powers from their Sire.

Sire Line: Any Vampires born from his Line originals can command, sense, and even Summon. The Original's death will end all of his lines. If the Line is broken their power and Knowledge become his

Blood Sorting: The ability to absorb and read memories through the draining of blood.

Blood Draining: The power to gain power through blood.

Wall Crawling The Power to cling and walk into walls similar to bats by having contact with her skin: she did this when she jumped from the building and clung to the wall to escape from one of the IPU soldiers.

Sensory Synchronization: Can perceive their surroundings through sounds like a bat.

Resurrection: Through applying her blood directly to another Vampire's heart. Including Vampires who have been killed in any way.

Living Seed: Any Wiccan/Hybrid Vampire of his line including himself can have Children who would be almost as Immortal as their Immortal Parent.

Werewolves and Hybrids


Power Stealing is an ability possessed by certain supernatural and unnatural creatures to steal the powers of another, a process that is typically fatal, though surviving it is not impossible. This ability is most commonly utilized by Werewolves, as they traditionally become Alphas by stealing the power of another. When a supernatural creature steals the powers of another, their eyes usually glow even more brightly than normal to indicate the rush of power they have received; this can also be accompanied by a change in eye color to reflect a new status or species, such as a Beta Werewolf's eyes turning from gold or blue to red upon becoming an Alpha.

Super Strength: Werewolves possess superhuman levels of strength that allow them to break through chains and deadbolt locks, punch through brick and marble walls, and throw grown men across a room with ease. Werewolves have been seen using their strength to snap a person's neck with one hand, flipping overturned vehicles back on their wheels, and bending rebar with their bare hands to use as weapons.

Super Speed: Werewolves can run much faster than even the most athletic human beings, being able to keep up with vehicles such as motorcycles that are driving at top speeds. They can also run on all fours (hands and feet) in both human and Werewolf forms.

Super Agility/Reflexes: Werewolves possess supernaturally enhanced agility and reflexes that allow them to leap very high and across large distances, jump from several stories up and land lightly on their feet, and perform a multitude of acrobatic, gymnastic, and martial feats such as flips, handsprings, and spinning kicks. They can also process moving objects much better than humans can, allowing them to catch projectiles in mid-air and dodge speeding bullets before they can be hit. Their use of this power is usually instinctive, and newly turned Werewolves have been seen performing impressive gymnastic routines with no training.

Super Durability: Though Werewolves can still sustain open wounds like any other creature, they are much more durable to blunt force trauma than regular humans, allowing them to be thrown through walls and fall from tall heights without fatal injury. They can also endure a great deal more physical damage for a much longer period than an ordinary human, as Werewolves have been known to fight through dozens of gunshot wounds, stab wounds, burns, and broken bones that would normally incapacitate a regular person.

Super Senses: Werewolves, like their wolf counterparts, have extremely sensitive senses of sight, hearing, and smell. They can see in total darkness and across large distances with great clarity, track scents for up to several miles, and hear whispered conversations across great distances and from outside of buildings with ease. Using their sense of smell in particular they can interpret the chemosignals that indicate identity and emotional states, a skill that, with practice, can be developed to the point of a supernatural sense of empathy; it has also been revealed that Werewolves can even sense sexual desire through scent. These abilities help Werewolves fight at night, hear approaching enemies, and locate missing people by scent. A Werewolf's glowing eyes can also be used to see mystical or supernatural phenomena that cannot be perceived by human eyes, such as a Nemeton, or a Kitsune's aura.

Accelerated Healing: Werewolves possess an extraordinarily enhanced healing factor that allows them to heal from most mild to moderate wounds within moments. They have been shown to heal quickly from gunshots, stab wounds through the chest, abdomen, and extremities, and broken arms, legs, and spines, though most cannot heal from a broken neck; while varying among different ranks of Werewolves, broken bones can usually heal instantly after they've been reset, and depending on the severity, stab wounds, and gunshots can usually resolve themselves in minutes to hours based on how deep the wounds are and whether or not vital organs were damaged in the process. Werewolves are also immune to most human illnesses and conditions such as colds, cancer, epilepsy, asthma, etc. For this reason, they cannot get high on drugs or drunk on alcohol—because the "high" is technically caused by the substance inflicting some kind of damage on the body, the Werewolf can heal this damage faster than the effects can be felt. The only toxic substances that Werewolves are not immune to are wolfsbane, mistletoe, and the modified canine distemper virus that was specifically designed to kill supernatural creatures. They are also vulnerable to the paralytic effects of Kanima venom, though, with concentration, their accelerated healing ability will allow them to process the toxin and overcome its effects much more quickly than a normal human.

Longevity: Because a Werewolf's rapid cellular healing prevents them from contracting any human illness or condition and replaces aging cells at a constant rate, Werewolves have a tremendously extended lifespan. It is unknown what the average life expectancy of a Werewolf is, but the oldest known Werewolf is Satomi Ito, an Alpha Werewolf who is over 310 years old and maintains the physical appearance of a woman in her late 30s to early 40s. As a result, it can be assumed that Werewolves could potentially survive decades into their 400s so long as they are not injured or killed first.

Shapeshifting: Werewolves can shape their features into a partially lupine form, which involves glowing eyes, fangs, claws, a ridged brow, pointed ears, and large sideburns. With practice, Werewolves can learn how to only transform a few selective features as needed, such as only extending their claws to cut something, their fangs to bite something, or simply making their eyes glow to enhance their eyesight or display their supernatural nature.

Advanced Shapeshifting: Some Werewolves, typically Alphas (though occasionally Betas and Omegas as well), can shapeshift into more animalistic forms, such as transforming into a full wolf, or a more bestial humanoid form.

Pain Absorption: Werewolves can absorb pain from animals, humans, and other creatures through tactile contact. This is usually done by touching the person who is in pain, or the injured body part and drawing the pain into themselves, which manifests as the Werewolf's veins darkening as their body processes it. Initially, a Werewolf can only essentially "take the edge off" of a person's pain level, but with practice, they can eventually learn to take it completely.

Memory Manipulation Ritual: All Werewolves technically can perform a memory-sharing ritual, but it is most commonly performed by Alphas due to the level of control and practice required to avoid harm or death toward the target. By sticking their claws into the back of a person's neck, they can view the person's memories, share their memories with the target, or even suppress or remove memories entirely.

Animal Instincts: Werewolves are apex predators, and, as such, they can assert dominance over other animals such as dogs, cats, and deer. They can use this ability to force them to be quiet leave the area, or stand down if they are acting aggressively. As a result, these animals can often be frightened by the presence of Werewolves. They also have natural animal instincts that allow them to think as true animals do, though some Werewolves are more in tune with these instincts than others.

Unique Alpha powers

Merging: Alpha twins have shown the ability to merge into one Super-Wolf. However, this ability was unique to the twins themselves as no other Alpha has this ability. (It's this ability that'll merge Klaus's two wolves)

Healing: Alpha Werewolves can perform a ritual to heal others, but at the cost of losing the spark of power that makes them Alphas, to begin with, demoting them back to Beta or Omega status. ( For Klaus and only Klaus's bloodline it'll only make him slightly weaker.)

Power Granting: Alphas can turn regular humans into Werewolves by biting them (or, in some rare cases, by scratching them very deeply with their claws). However, this transformation is not always successful, and depending on the condition of the human, there is a risk that they could die instead of becoming a Werewolf. It is also possible that an Alpha bite or scratch can cause a human to turn into a different kind of creature, such as a Kanima or Werejaguar.

Alpha Roar: Alphas can roar so powerfully that they can scare away weaker creatures and force Betas and Omegas to submit, transform into their Werewolf forms, or return to their human forms. This roar can also empower the members of their pack, allowing them to fight through torture, serious injuries, or other painful experiences enough to access their powers, which are often weakened or inaccessible when the Werewolf is in extreme pain. This was demonstrated when Scott's roar allowed Isaac to transform enough to break the coyote trap on his ankle, ("More Bad Than Good") and allowed Liam to fight through the taser he was being injured with to defeat the Eichen House orderlies attacking him. ("Amplification")

Healing Disruption: Alphas possess a mystical energy that causes injuries they inflict on lower-ranking supernatural creatures with accelerated healing abilities to take much longer to heal than a normal wound would.

Wolf Hierarchy

Red Eyes: Alpha

Yellow Eyes: Beta

Green Eyes: Charlie

Blue Eyes: Delta

Silver Eyes: Omega

Amber/black Eyes: Theta

Alpha Werewolves: Equal 250-Year-old Vampire

Beta Werewolves: 200-Year Vampire

Charlie Werewolf: 150 Year Vampire

Delta: 100-year vampire

Omega: 25 Year Vampire

Theta: 5 Year Vampire

Hierarchy is decided by two things: Alpha and wolf.

A Promotion in the Hierarchy can only happen in one of three ways. The Alpha promotes you, The Pack Promotes you, or the Battle between Hierarchy losers either dies or submits, and the winner advances.

Omega is a lone wolf power decreased by 80%.

Theta is a traitor or removed to the alpha/pack; until they join a pack.)

Hybrids are always 3x stronger but the only hybrid alpha that can't be removed is myself the new alpha made rebellion or going against me is 3x weaker.


Alpha Hybrids: Equal 750-year Vampire- 84-Year-Old Vampire for the wolf who betrays and takes hybrids away from me.

Beta Hybrids: 600-Year Vampire

Charlie Hybridsf: 450-Year Vampire

Delta Hybrids: 300-year Vampire

Omega Hybrid: 75-Year Vampire

Theta: 15-Year Vampire

As the only one of your kind, you are an omega but you also have followers and minions by wolf magic you are also an Alpha.

You can create Upgraded werewolves with a scratch from humans and werewolves.

Once you turn them they become Upgraded Hybrids.

Vampires if scratched become hybrids.... Congrats you only need Blood to make werewolves and upgraded werewolves into hybrids.

But they must be from your line or with permission from the original who started the line.

Originals can not be made hybrids.

You can only make upgraded werewolves 3 times a day.

Other changes

Earth Witches can live up to 250 years.

Werewolves without my upgrades can live up to 350 years.

Upgraded Werewolves can live anywhere from 500-4,500 Years depending on their power.

Humans affected in whatever way can live 190 years.

The Title, Abilities, and Powers of Elijah Mikaelson

Title: The Noble Original

Super Strength- The Originals are capable of Lifting an Elephant with ease. His limit is 10,000 Pounds.

Super Speed: The Originals are considered much faster than most supernatural species seen thus far. The Originals are capable of running at 3000 MPH.

Super Reflexes: The original reflexes allow him to dodge a Sword within an atom second away.

Super Agility: The Originals possess more superhuman agility, flexibility, and dexterity than any other known supernatural species. They can move quickly, jump 500 Ft, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion.

Super Senses: The Originals have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight, and smell that far exceed any other known supernatural species.

Super Durability: No Original vampire has ever been dismembered, decapitated, or had their heart removed, nor has anyone attempted this, implying that their durability may be close to invincibility.

Danger Sense- Originals can sense Danger 4 Mins ahead of time like Spiderman but from further away.

Weather Manipulation- The Originals can Control the Weather and even Summon powerful Storms or mist that could hide them.

Voice of the Nobility- Elijah has the gift to infuse his voice with his magic granting him the ability to make lesser supernaturals and humans obey his will completely this can't be broken save his permanent death.

Unbreakable- Elijah can make unbreakable deals but should one be made both sides must hold to it failure to follow through on either side will bring punishment. For an original, it Descciates him while forcing him to relieve all his victims' pain. For others, it'll kill them or bind their magic depending on Elijah's decision.

Elemental Manipulation- All Non-Originals can control one Element at age 100. The Originals can control them all.

Nature Manipulation- Able to Control the Earth such as Healing Plants, Creating Trees, Manipulate Animals to Evolve, etc. Can communicate through their mind with Any Divine beings with a domain over Nature like Lightning, Earth, Farming, etc.

Shapeshifting- Originals can Shapeshift into Ravens, Crows, and Wolf.

Necromancy- Originals can summon the souls of the dead and speak from them. Suppose he creates a Golem or can even force the soul to possess dead bodies. That soul is revived and the body will shift to the body the Soul had or would have in its Prime. Takes the equivalent of 100 Humans to revive one soul and the equivalent of 10 Humans for One Animal soul.

True Face- Originals have 2 ( 3 Klaus) True Faces One which Causes his Eyes to Glow, Amber, Which is his Upgraded Fangs form, and One Where his Eyes Glow Gold which is his Werewolf Side. And last, he changes his entire body to a 12 Ft tall Giant with Grey Skin, Wings, and capable of Hovering this form has two glowing orbs in his hands from one hand he can use his blood for Spells and the Other allows him to summon Mystical creatures such as Gargoyles.

Teleportation- By shifting his body to Either bats or Smoke Originals and other Vampires can Teleport.

Immortality: They are immortal just like any Original vampire. Unlike their strength and resilience, Vampires can shapeshifter cells to any age allowing them to Age their Body at will. Vampires under the age of 25 will Age up to that point. Disease can't harm him. But it would taste bad to his Taste Buds.

Flight- For a limited amount of time and based on how much blood has been consumed vampires can form bat wings allowing them flight.

Healing Factor: They can heal much faster than any other known supernatural species. Even being able to heal from the soul being destroyed only if killed by either being burned on a Pyre made from White Oak while being Descciated by White Oak Stake or Valyrian Daggered reforged in a mixture of Weirwood Ashes and paste can kill you.

Enhanced Emotions: They experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are intensified for vampires allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows Upgraded Originals to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age.

Emotional Control: They have a limited degree of control over their own emotions though it has been stated that this control fades over time.

Mind Compulsion: They can control and influence the thoughts, emotions, behavior, actions, and memories of humans, Original vampires/Hybrids, non-original vampires, and even Werewolves.

Animal Compulsion: All Animals Can be Compelled by Vampires.

Telepathy: They can enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than theirs although, as they are more powerful than Original vampires, they have one of the strongest minds in the world.

Dream Manipulation: They can control dreams and the subconscious. They can produce and modify dreams, and bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability are the ability to distort perceptions of reality and being able to trap someone in their dreams. Illusions: They have the power to trick the minds of others into seeing or feeling things that aren't happening.

Mindscape- All Vampires hold in their Minds a Mindscape which makes it impossible to forget things unless forced to forget like through Compulsion or Magic. But it still takes thinking about something to remember...

Metamorphosis: Vampires hold dominion over the night and all its creatures. They can call upon bats to do their will and can transform into a swarm of bats at will. Their clothing and anything they hold, like swords etc also de-materialize into bats with them. Vampires are also able to see, hear, and roar while they are in a swarm of bats. Vampires can also change parts of their bodies into bats to grab people and become intangible to attacks, among other things.

Superhuman Endurance: Vampires can take large amounts of injury from their enemies.

Superhuman Stamina: Vampires can stay physically active longer than any human.

Conventional Harm Immunity: Vampires are immune to conventional means of harm.

Mesmerism: Vampires can possess the ability to mentally dominate, coerce, and order humans to obey their desires upon eye-to-eye contact with an individual. Vampires still in the three-day transition phase can use mesmerism.

Vampirism: Vampires are turned by giving at least a Vial of Blood and placed into a human's system for 10 seconds and then within a day that subject is killed. They can get as many as 4 Powers beyond the normal vampire powers from their Sire.

Sire Line: Any Vampires born from his Line originals can command, sense, and even Summon. The Original's death will end all of his lines. If the Line is broken their power and Knowledge become his

Blood Sorting: The ability to absorb and read memories through the draining of blood.

Blood Draining: The power to gain power through blood.

Wall Crawling The Power to cling and walk into walls similar to bats by having contact with her skin: she did this when she jumped from the building and clung to the wall to escape from one of the IPU soldiers.

Sensory Synchronization: Can perceive their surroundings through sounds like a bat.

Resurrection: Through applying her blood directly to another Vampire's heart. Including Vampires who have been killed in any way.

Living Seed: Any Wiccan/Hybrid Vampire of his line including himself can have Children who would be almost as Immortal as their Immortal Parent.

Rebekah's System

The Title, Abilities, and Powers of Finn Mikaelson

Title: The Honorable Original

Super Strength- The Originals are capable of Lifting an Elephant with ease. His limit is 10,000 Pounds.

Super Speed: The Originals are considered much faster than most supernatural species seen thus far. The Originals are capable of running at 3000 MPH.

Super Reflexes: The original reflexes allow him to dodge a Sword within an atom second away.

Super Agility: The Originals possess more superhuman agility, flexibility, and dexterity than any other known supernatural species. They can move quickly, jump 500 Ft, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion.

Super Senses: The Originals have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight, and smell that far exceed any other known supernatural species.

Super Durability: No Original vampire has ever been dismembered, decapitated, or had their heart removed, nor has anyone attempted this, implying that their durability may be close to invincibility.

Danger Sense- Originals can sense Danger 4 Mins ahead of time like Spiderman but from further away.

Weather Manipulation- The Originals can Control the Weather and even Summon powerful Storms or mist that could hide them.

Sinner's Sight-( Finn)- Finn can see Souls and based on them know their worst actions and crimes.

Sinner's Punishment- Finn can trap someone inside their minds forcing any punishment he can imagine.

Elemental Manipulation- All Non-Originals can control one Element at age 100. The Originals can control them all.

Nature Manipulation- Able to Control the Earth such as Healing Plants, Creating Trees, Manipulate Animals to Evolve, etc. Can communicate through their mind with Any Divine beings with a domain over Nature like Lightning, Earth, Farming, etc.

Shapeshifting- Originals can Shapeshift into Ravens, Crows, and Wolf.

Necromancy- Originals can summon the souls of the dead and speak from them. Suppose he creates a Golem or can even force the soul to possess dead bodies. That soul is revived and the body will shift to the body the Soul had or would have in its Prime. Takes the equivalent of 100 Humans to revive one soul and the equivalent of 10 Humans for One Animal soul.

True Face- Originals have 2 ( 3 Klaus) True Faces One which Causes his Eyes to Glow, Amber, Which is his Upgraded Fangs form, and One Where his Eyes Glow Gold which is his Werewolf Side. And last, he changes his entire body to a 12 Ft tall Giant with Grey Skin, Wings, and capable of Hovering this form has two glowing orbs in his hands from one hand he can use his blood for Spells and the Other allows him to summon Mystical creatures such as Gargoyles.

Teleportation- By shifting his body to Either bats or Smoke Originals and other Vampires can Teleport.

Immortality: They are immortal just like any Original vampire. Unlike their strength and resilience, Vampires can shapeshifter cells to any age allowing them to Age their Body at will. Vampires under the age of 25 will Age up to that point. Disease can't harm him. But it would taste bad to his Taste Buds.

Flight- For a limited amount of time and based on how much blood has been consumed vampires can form bat wings allowing them flight.

Healing Factor: They can heal much faster than any other known supernatural species. Even being able to heal from the soul being destroyed only if killed by either being burned on a Pyre made from White Oak while being Descciated by White Oak Stake or Valyrian Daggered reforged in a mixture of Weirwood Ashes and paste can kill you.

Enhanced Emotions: They experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are intensified for vampires allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows Upgraded Originals to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age.

Emotional Control: They have a limited degree of control over their own emotions though it has been stated that this control fades over time.

Mind Compulsion: They can control and influence the thoughts, emotions, behavior, actions, and memories of humans, Original vampires/Hybrids, non-original vampires, and even Werewolves.

Animal Compulsion: All Animals Can be Compelled by Vampires.

Telepathy: They can enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than theirs although, as they are more powerful than Original vampires, they have one of the strongest minds in the world.

Dream Manipulation: They can control dreams and the subconscious. They can produce and modify dreams, and bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability are the ability to distort perceptions of reality and being able to trap someone in their dreams. Illusions: They have the power to trick the minds of others into seeing or feeling things that aren't happening.

Mindscape- All Vampires hold in their Minds a Mindscape which makes it impossible to forget things unless forced to forget like through Compulsion or Magic. But it still takes thinking about something to remember...

Metamorphosis: Vampires hold dominion over the night and all its creatures. They can call upon bats to do their will and can transform into a swarm of bats at will. Their clothing and anything they hold, like swords etc also de-materialize into bats with them. Vampires are also able to see, hear, and roar while they are in a swarm of bats. Vampires can also change parts of their bodies into bats to grab people and become intangible to attacks, among other things.

Superhuman Endurance: Vampires can take large amounts of injury from their enemies.

Superhuman Stamina: Vampires can stay physically active longer than any human.

Conventional Harm Immunity: Vampires are immune to conventional means of harm.

Mesmerism: Vampires can possess the ability to mentally dominate, coerce, and order humans to obey their desires upon eye-to-eye contact with an individual. Vampires still in the three-day transition phase can use mesmerism.

Vampirism: Vampires are turned by giving at least a Vial of Blood and placed into a human's system for 10 seconds and then within a day that subject is killed. They can get as many as 4 Powers beyond the normal vampire powers from their Sire.

Sire Line: Any Vampires born from his Line originals can command, sense, and even Summon. The Original's death will end all of his lines. If the Line is broken their power and Knowledge become his

Blood Sorting: The ability to absorb and read memories through the draining of blood.

Blood Draining: The power to gain power through blood.

Wall Crawling The Power to cling and walk into walls similar to bats by having contact with her skin: she did this when she jumped from the building and clung to the wall to escape from one of the IPU soldiers.

Sensory Synchronization: Can perceive their surroundings through sounds like a bat.

Resurrection: Through applying her blood directly to another Vampire's heart. Including Vampires who have been killed in any way.

Living Seed: Any Wiccan/Hybrid Vampire of his line including himself can have Children who would be almost as Immortal as their Immortal Parent.

Rebekah's System

The Title, Abilities, and Powers of Rebekah Mikaelson

Title: The Original Sister

Super Strength- The Originals are capable of Lifting an Elephant with ease. His limit is 10,000 Pounds.

Super Speed: The Originals are considered much faster than most supernatural species seen thus far. The Originals are capable of running at 3000 MPH.

Super Reflexes: The original reflexes allow him to dodge a Sword within an atom second away.

Super Agility: The Originals possess more superhuman agility, flexibility, and dexterity than any other known supernatural species. They can move quickly, jump 500 Ft, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion.

Super Senses: The Originals have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight, and smell that far exceed any other known supernatural species.

Super Durability: No Original vampire has ever been dismembered, decapitated, or had their heart removed, nor has anyone attempted this, implying that their durability may be close to invincibility.

Danger Sense- Originals can sense Danger 4 Mins ahead of time like Spiderman but from further away.

Weather Manipulation- The Originals can Control the Weather and even Summon powerful Storms or mist that could hide them.

Desire Allure ( Rebekah)- Can intensify her beauty and create an Aura that can seduce anyone only defense is those with a greater will than her.

Detection- Rebekah's senses allow her to sense the emotions, intent, and lies in everything within 25 FT around her.

Elemental Manipulation- All Non-Originals can control one Element at age 100. The Originals can control them all.

Nature Manipulation- Able to Control the Earth such as Healing Plants, Creating Trees, Manipulate Animals to Evolve, etc. Can communicate through their mind with Any Divine beings with a domain over Nature like Lightning, Earth, Farming, etc.

Shapeshifting- Originals can Shapeshift into Ravens, Crows, and Wolf.

Necromancy- Originals can summon the souls of the dead and speak from them. Suppose he creates a Golem or can even force the soul to possess dead bodies. That soul is revived and the body will shift to the body the Soul had or would have in its Prime. Takes the equivalent of 100 Humans to revive one soul and the equivalent of 10 Humans for One Animal soul.

True Face- Originals have 2 ( 3 Klaus) True Faces One which Causes his Eyes to Glow, Amber, Which is his Upgraded Fangs form, and One Where his Eyes Glow Gold which is his Werewolf Side. And last, he changes his entire body to a 12 Ft tall Giant with Grey Skin, Wings, and capable of Hovering this form has two glowing orbs in his hands from one hand he can use his blood for Spells and the Other allows him to summon Mystical creatures such as Gargoyles.

Teleportation- By shifting his body to Either bats or Smoke Originals and other Vampires can Teleport.

Immortality: They are immortal just like any Original vampire. Unlike their strength and resilience, Vampires can shapeshifter cells to any age allowing them to Age their Body at will. Vampires under the age of 25 will Age up to that point. Disease can't harm him. But it would taste bad to his Taste Buds.

Flight- For a limited amount of time and based on how much blood has been consumed vampires can form bat wings allowing them flight.

Healing Factor: They can heal much faster than any other known supernatural species. Even being able to heal from the soul being destroyed only if killed by either being burned on a Pyre made from White Oak while being Descciated by White Oak Stake or Valyrian Daggered reforged in a mixture of Weirwood Ashes and paste can kill you.

Enhanced Emotions: They experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are intensified for vampires allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows Upgraded Originals to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age.

Emotional Control: They have a limited degree of control over their own emotions though it has been stated that this control fades over time.

Mind Compulsion: They can control and influence the thoughts, emotions, behavior, actions, and memories of humans, Original vampires/Hybrids, non-original vampires, and even Werewolves.

Animal Compulsion: All Animals Can be Compelled by Vampires.

Telepathy: They can enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than theirs although, as they are more powerful than Original vampires, they have one of the strongest minds in the world.

Dream Manipulation: They can control dreams and the subconscious. They can produce and modify dreams, and bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability are the ability to distort perceptions of reality and being able to trap someone in their dreams. Illusions: They have the power to trick the minds of others into seeing or feeling things that aren't happening.

Mindscape- All Vampires hold in their Minds a Mindscape which makes it impossible to forget things unless forced to forget like through Compulsion or Magic. But it still takes thinking about something to remember...

Metamorphosis: Vampires hold dominion over the night and all its creatures. They can call upon bats to do their will and can transform into a swarm of bats at will. Their clothing and anything they hold, like swords etc also de-materialize into bats with them. Vampires are also able to see, hear, and roar while they are in a swarm of bats. Vampires can also change parts of their bodies into bats to grab people and become intangible to attacks, among other things.

Superhuman Endurance: Vampires can take large amounts of injury from their enemies.

Superhuman Stamina: Vampires can stay physically active longer than any human.

Conventional Harm Immunity: Vampires are immune to conventional means of harm.

Mesmerism: Vampires can possess the ability to mentally dominate, coerce, and order humans to obey their desires upon eye-to-eye contact with an individual. Vampires still in the three-day transition phase can use mesmerism.

Vampirism: Vampires are turned by giving at least a Vial of Blood and placed into a human's system for 10 seconds and then within a day that subject is killed. They can get as many as 4 Powers beyond the normal vampire powers from their Sire.

Sire Line: Any Vampires born from his Line originals can command, sense, and even Summon. The Original's death will end all of his lines. If the Line is broken their power and Knowledge become his

Blood Sorting: The ability to absorb and read memories through the draining of blood.

Blood Draining: The power to gain power through blood.

Wall Crawling The Power to cling and walk into walls similar to bats by having contact with her skin: she did this when she jumped from the building and clung to the wall to escape from one of the IPU soldiers.

Sensory Synchronization: Can perceive their surroundings through sounds like a bat.

Resurrection: Through applying her blood directly to another Vampire's heart. Including Vampires who have been killed in any way.

Living Seed: Any Wiccan/Hybrid Vampire of his line including himself can have Children who would be almost as Immortal as their Immortal Parent.

Kol's System

The Title, Abilities, and Powers of Kol Mikaelson

Title: The Wild Mikaelson

Super Strength- The Originals are capable of Lifting an Elephant with ease. His limit is 10,000 Pounds.

Super Speed: The Originals are considered much faster than most supernatural species seen thus far. The Originals are capable of running at 3000 MPH.

Super Reflexes: The original reflexes allow him to dodge a Sword within an atom second away.

Super Agility: The Originals possess more superhuman agility, flexibility, and dexterity than any other known supernatural species. They can move quickly, jump 500 Ft, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion.

Super Senses: The Originals have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight, and smell that far exceed any other known supernatural species.

Super Durability: No Original vampire has ever been dismembered, decapitated, or had their heart removed, nor has anyone attempted this, implying that their durability may be close to invincibility.

Danger Sense- Originals can sense Danger 4 Mins ahead of time like Spiderman but from further away.

Weather Manipulation- The Originals can Control the Weather and even Summon powerful Storms or mist that could hide them.

Telekinesis ( Kol)- Kol's Telekinesis is so powerful if he can heat, cool, or vibrate the air fast enough he can create fire, heat waves, cold temperatures, and Ice shapes. He can even make hearts stop or start again. Takes time and patience to get that far in power and control.

Elemental Manipulation- All Non-Originals can control one Element at age 100. The Originals can control them all.

Nature Manipulation- Able to Control the Earth such as Healing Plants, Creating Trees, Manipulate Animals to Evolve, etc. Can communicate through their mind with Any Divine beings with a domain over Nature like Lightning, Earth, Farming, etc.

Shapeshifting- Originals can Shapeshift into Ravens, Crows, and Wolf.

Necromancy- Originals can summon the souls of the dead and speak from them. Suppose he creates a Golem or can even force the soul to possess dead bodies. That soul is revived and the body will shift to the body the Soul had or would have in its Prime. Takes the equivalent of 100 Humans to revive one soul and the equivalent of 10 Humans for One Animal soul.

True Face- Originals have 2 ( 3 Klaus) True Faces One which Causes his Eyes to Glow, Amber, Which is his Upgraded Fangs form, and One Where his Eyes Glow Gold which is his Werewolf Side. And last, he changes his entire body to a 12 Ft tall Giant with Grey Skin, Wings, and capable of Hovering this form has two glowing orbs in his hands from one hand he can use his blood for Spells and the Other allows him to summon Mystical creatures such as Gargoyles.

Teleportation- By shifting his body to Either bats or Smoke Originals and other Vampires can Teleport.

Immortality: They are immortal just like any Original vampire. Unlike their strength and resilience, Vampires can shapeshifter cells to any age allowing them to Age their Body at will. Vampires under the age of 25 will Age up to that point. Disease can't harm him. But it would taste bad to his Taste Buds.

Flight- For a limited amount of time and based on how much blood has been consumed vampires can form bat wings allowing them flight.

Healing Factor: They can heal much faster than any other known supernatural species. Even being able to heal from the soul being destroyed only if killed by either being burned on a Pyre made from White Oak while being Descciated by White Oak Stake or Valyrian Daggered reforged in a mixture of Weirwood Ashes and paste can kill you.

Enhanced Emotions: They experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love, joy, and happiness are intensified for vampires allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows Upgraded Originals to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age.

Emotional Control: They have a limited degree of control over their own emotions though it has been stated that this control fades over time.

Mind Compulsion: They can control and influence the thoughts, emotions, behavior, actions, and memories of humans, Original vampires/Hybrids, non-original vampires, and even Werewolves.

Animal Compulsion: All Animals Can be Compelled by Vampires.

Telepathy: They can enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than theirs although, as they are more powerful than Original vampires, they have one of the strongest minds in the world.

Dream Manipulation: They can control dreams and the subconscious. They can produce and modify dreams, and bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability are the ability to distort perceptions of reality and being able to trap someone in their dreams. Illusions: They have the power to trick the minds of others into seeing or feeling things that aren't happening.

Mindscape- All Vampires hold in their Minds a Mindscape which makes it impossible to forget things unless forced to forget like through Compulsion or Magic. But it still takes thinking about something to remember...

Metamorphosis: Vampires hold dominion over the night and all its creatures. They can call upon bats to do their will and can transform into a swarm of bats at will. Their clothing and anything they hold, like swords etc also de-materialize into bats with them. Vampires are also able to see, hear, and roar while they are in a swarm of bats. Vampires can also change parts of their bodies into bats to grab people and become intangible to attacks, among other things.

Superhuman Endurance: Vampires can take large amounts of injury from their enemies.

Superhuman Stamina: Vampires can stay physically active longer than any human.

Conventional Harm Immunity: Vampires are immune to conventional means of harm.

Mesmerism: Vampires can possess the ability to mentally dominate, coerce, and order humans to obey their desires upon eye-to-eye contact with an individual. Vampires still in the three-day transition phase can use mesmerism.

Vampirism: Vampires are turned by giving at least a Vial of Blood and placed into a human's system for 10 seconds and then within a day that subject is killed. They can get as many as 4 Powers beyond the normal vampire powers from their Sire.

Sire Line: Any Vampires born from his Line originals can command, sense, and even Summon. The Original's death will end all of his lines. If the Line is broken their power and Knowledge become his

Blood Sorting: The ability to absorb and read memories through the draining of blood.

Blood Draining: The power to gain power through blood.

Wall Crawling The Power to cling and walk into walls similar to bats by having contact with her skin: she did this when she jumped from the building and clung to the wall to escape from one of the IPU soldiers.

Sensory Synchronization: Can perceive their surroundings through sounds like a bat.

Resurrection: Through applying her blood directly to another Vampire's heart. Including Vampires who have been killed in any way.


Title: The Immortal Wolf 

Rank: Alpha


Power Stealing is an ability possessed by certain supernatural and unnatural creatures to steal the powers of another, a process that is typically fatal, though surviving it is not impossible. This ability is most commonly utilized by Werewolves, as they traditionally become Alphas by stealing the power of another. When a supernatural creature steals the powers of another, their eyes usually glow even more brightly than normal to indicate the rush of power they have received; this can also be accompanied by a change in eye color to reflect a new status or species, such as a Beta Werewolf's eyes turning from gold or blue to red upon becoming an Alpha.

Super Strength: Werewolves possess superhuman levels of strength that allow them to break through chains and deadbolt locks, punch through brick and marble walls, and throw grown men across a room with ease. Werewolves have been seen using their strength to snap a person's neck with one hand, flipping overturned vehicles back on their wheels, and bending rebar with their bare hands to use as weapons.

Super Speed: Werewolves can run much faster than even the most athletic human beings, being able to keep up with vehicles such as motorcycles that are driving at top speeds. They can also run on all fours (hands and feet) in both human and Werewolf forms.

Super Agility/Reflexes: Werewolves possess supernaturally enhanced agility and reflexes that allow them to leap very high and across large distances, jump from several stories up and land lightly on their feet, and perform a multitude of acrobatic, gymnastic, and martial feats such as flips, handsprings, and spinning kicks. They can also process moving objects much better than humans can, allowing them to catch projectiles in mid-air and dodge speeding bullets before they can be hit. Their use of this power is usually instinctive, and newly turned Werewolves have been seen performing impressive gymnastic routines with no training.

Super Durability: Though Werewolves can still sustain open wounds like any other creature, they are much more durable to blunt force trauma than regular humans, allowing them to be thrown through walls and fall from tall heights without fatal injury. They can also endure a great deal more physical damage for a much longer period than an ordinary human, as Werewolves have been known to fight through dozens of gunshot wounds, stab wounds, burns, and broken bones that would normally incapacitate a regular person.

Super Senses: Werewolves, like their wolf counterparts, have extremely sensitive senses of sight, hearing, and smell. They can see in total darkness and across large distances with great clarity, track scents for up to several miles, and hear whispered conversations across great distances and from outside of buildings with ease. Using their sense of smell in particular they can interpret the chemosignals that indicate identity and emotional states, a skill that, with practice, can be developed to the point of a supernatural sense of empathy; it has also been revealed that Werewolves can even sense sexual desire through scent. These abilities help Werewolves fight at night, hear approaching enemies, and locate missing people by scent. A Werewolf's glowing eyes can also be used to see mystical or supernatural phenomena that cannot be perceived by human eyes, such as a Nemeton, or a Kitsune's aura.

Accelerated Healing: Werewolves possess an extraordinarily enhanced healing factor that allows them to heal from most mild to moderate wounds within moments. They have been shown to heal quickly from gunshots, stab wounds through the chest, abdomen, and extremities, and broken arms, legs, and spines, though most cannot heal from a broken neck; while varying among different ranks of Werewolves, broken bones can usually heal instantly after they've been reset, and depending on the severity, stab wounds, and gunshots can usually resolve themselves in minutes to hours based on how deep the wounds are and whether or not vital organs were damaged in the process. Werewolves are also immune to most human illnesses and conditions such as colds, cancer, epilepsy, asthma, etc. For this reason, they cannot get high on drugs or drunk on alcohol—because the "high" is technically caused by the substance inflicting some kind of damage on the body, the Werewolf can heal this damage faster than the effects can be felt. The only toxic substances that Werewolves are not immune to are wolfsbane, mistletoe, and the modified canine distemper virus that was specifically designed to kill supernatural creatures. They are also vulnerable to the paralytic effects of Kanima venom, though, with concentration, their accelerated healing ability will allow them to process the toxin and overcome its effects much more quickly than a normal human.

Longevity: Because a Werewolf's rapid cellular healing prevents them from contracting any human illness or condition and replaces aging cells at a constant rate, Werewolves have a tremendously extended lifespan. It is unknown what the average life expectancy of a Werewolf is, but the oldest known Werewolf is Satomi Ito, an Alpha Werewolf who is over 310 years old and maintains the physical appearance of a woman in her late 30s to early 40s. As a result, it can be assumed that Werewolves could potentially survive decades into their 400s so long as they are not injured or killed first.

Shapeshifting: Werewolves can shape their features into a partially lupine form, which involves glowing eyes, fangs, claws, a ridged brow, pointed ears, and large sideburns. With practice, Werewolves can learn how to only transform a few selective features as needed, such as only extending their claws to cut something, their fangs to bite something, or simply making their eyes glow to enhance their eyesight or display their supernatural nature.

Advanced Shapeshifting: Some Werewolves, typically Alphas (though occasionally Betas and Omegas as well), can shapeshift into more animalistic forms, such as transforming into a full wolf, or a more bestial humanoid form.

Pain Absorption: Werewolves can absorb pain from animals, humans, and other creatures through tactile contact. This is usually done by touching the person who is in pain, or the injured body part and drawing the pain into themselves, which manifests as the Werewolf's veins darkening as their body processes it. Initially, a Werewolf can only essentially "take the edge off" of a person's pain level, but with practice, they can eventually learn to take it completely.

Memory Manipulation Ritual: All Werewolves technically can perform a memory-sharing ritual, but it is most commonly performed by Alphas due to the level of control and practice required to avoid harm or death toward the target. By sticking their claws into the back of a person's neck, they can view the person's memories, share their memories with the target, or even suppress or remove memories entirely.

Animal Instincts: Werewolves are apex predators, and, as such, they can assert dominance over other animals such as dogs, cats, and deer. They can use this ability to force them to be quiet leave the area, or stand down if they are acting aggressively. As a result, these animals can often be frightened by the presence of Werewolves. They also have natural animal instincts that allow them to think as true animals do, though some Werewolves are more in tune with these instincts than others.

Unique Alpha powers

Merging: Alpha twins have shown the ability to merge into one Super-Wolf. However, this ability was unique to the twins themselves as no other Alpha has this ability. (It's this ability that'll merge Klaus's two wolves)

Healing: Alpha Werewolves can perform a ritual to heal others, but at the cost of losing the spark of power that makes them Alphas, to begin with, demoting them back to Beta or Omega status. ( For Klaus and only Klaus's bloodline it'll only make him slightly weaker.)

Power Granting: Alphas can turn regular humans into Werewolves by biting them (or, in some rare cases, by scratching them very deeply with their claws). However, this transformation is not always successful, and depending on the condition of the human, there is a risk that they could die instead of becoming a Werewolf. It is also possible that an Alpha bite or scratch can cause a human to turn into a different kind of creature, such as a Kanima or Werejaguar.

Alpha Roar: Alphas can roar so powerfully that they can scare away weaker creatures and force Betas and Omegas to submit, transform into their Werewolf forms, or return to their human forms. This roar can also empower the members of their pack, allowing them to fight through torture, serious injuries, or other painful experiences enough to access their powers, which are often weakened or inaccessible when the Werewolf is in extreme pain. This was demonstrated when Scott's roar allowed Isaac to transform enough to break the coyote trap on his ankle, ("More Bad Than Good") and allowed Liam to fight through the taser he was being injured with to defeat the Eichen House orderlies attacking him. ("Amplification")

Healing Disruption: Alphas possess a mystical energy that causes injuries they inflict on lower-ranking supernatural creatures with accelerated healing abilities to take much longer to heal than a normal wound would

The abilities share by Originals, Hybrids, Upgraded Hybrids, and Vampires 

Sinner's Blood- The blood of sinners shall taste better than the innocent.

Light Immunity: When Vampires reach 500 Sun no longer affects them.

Core Magic- Everyone with Vampirism shall be able to use the magic inside them powered by magic and blood to perform Wizarding Magic. Requires FOCI.

Satisfied with the clarification made. Nyx turns back to the world.


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