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She was careful He was careless she was uptight him, the opposite she was serious he was playful like fire an... More



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            With one hand behind his head and another wrapped around Leanne, Jey slowly stirred awake. Looking around at the room, it was not messy but pieces of their clothing from last night was scattered all over the couch and onto the floor. 

Looking to his right, he smiled at the woman by his side. As she was laying on his chest, he felt the slow breathes she took, and the steady calming rhythm of her heartbeat. The covers stayed just below their torso giving a view her the side of her breast, pressed against him. He quirked an eyebrow up in surprise to see the small tattoo on her side on a pair of angel wings and a halo. He didn't know she had any tattoos and since the lights weren't on last night, he didn't see it. Her leg being draped over his lower torso just before his legs and her arm wrapped around him made him smile once more. 

Hearing the light buzz of his phone, He used the hand that was behind his head to reach over and grab it. Turning it on, he has a few emails from WWE, some messages from Jimmy, asking if he would be meeting him later that day. However the one that caught his eye was one sent from last night. 


I know what you did the night after wrestlemania
Just wait until she finds out her new love isn't who he says he is
She will never trust you again

Yo who is dis?

I'm someone you should be very afraid of?

You dont seem so scary hiding behind a damn screen

And Leanne wouldn't find you so sweet
when she finds out she's a bet

Jey's heart dropped, last night he ended the bet at raw, the guys let him off the hook and didn't mind with anything, so it had to be them messing with him, right? He sat up slightly causing Leanne to shift in her sleep, carefully laying down while trying to steady his heart rate he took a breath. If it was the guys he could say it's them and say they're caught, but that would also cause him to involuntarily admit that the bet was what started it all. But if it wasn't the guys, either somone who shouldn't know knew, or a psycho fan is trying to mess with him. Either way, he couldn't incriminate himself. 

I don't know what the hell you're talking about 
so get off my phone before i block you

Sure Jey
Play dumb but i know your secret
now you can either face the heartbreak on her face when i tell her
you do as i say? 

I aint gotta do nothing because you're lying
I'm not getting blackmailed for something i never did

I have proof Jey
now if you dont want it in someone elses hand 
especially hers
do. as. i. say.
Read 8:16AM

Panic spiked through Jey sending a cold shiver down his spine. Just as he thought it was over and he could go on with Leanne happily, some weirdo online throws a huge curveball sending his thoughts into a spiral.

Immediately coming out the unknown persons chat he goes into Jimmy's just about to press call when he decided it was best to not make it while in bed with her right there.

Carefully he slides out of bed, leaving Leanne who only snuggles into the pillows instead, pulling on a pair of boxers he walks into the bathroom closing the door.

Calling Jimmy he waits at it rings until Jimmy picks up.


"Uce, I need your help." Jey panics talking to Jimmy frantic.

"What's wrong, you hurt or somthing?" Jimmy asks concerned for his brother.

"Nah, I-" hearing rustling out side the door he lowers his voice, "I can't tell you over the phone, this freak could've tapped it or something."

"What the hell are you talking about man?" Jimmy asks, now confused.

"Just come over like in the next hour please. It's important, very important." Jey says.

"Alright, man, I got you." Jimmy replies.

Shortly after the twins hung up. Jey quickly brushed his teeth and splashed water on his face in attempts to calm himself down from the number of questions running though his brain. 

He didn't even know why he was so paranoid, it's not like the person had any proof of anything and for all he knew they could've been lying about the whole thing to mess with him. All he knew was that if they were right he could be in a whole lot of a trouble.

Stepping out the bathroom Leanne had seemingly just woken up, seeing her stretching with a yawn, she now had on a black shirt while her bottom half was covered by the sheets.

"Morning ma." Jey smiles as he sees her.

"Morning. What time is it?" She blinks harshly trying to wake herself up.

Checking his phone he tells her, "8:22."

With her eyes widening, she scrambles out the bed muttering a plethora of 'oh crap.'

"What's wrong?" Jey asks as she rushed past him to the bathroom.

Looking at her smear the toothpaste on her toothbrush and stuff it in her mouth beginning to aggressively brush, she look at him through the mirror, "igottameetthegirlsforten."


Spitting out the fizzy toothpaste she washes her mouth answering clearly this time, "I'm meeting the girls for ten. Jesse and Stacy want to have this get together this afternoon with family maybe invite some superstars. You should come to, bring your brother even. That is if you have time."

"You know I always got time for my girl." He steps towards her.

"Your girl?" She looks up at him.

"Yeah, you all mine." He answers getting a giggle out of her.

Pulling her in by her waist Jey pushed a strand of her loose curly hair behind her ear, cupping her chin, he dips his head down kissing her lightly.

Wrapping her arms around his neck Leanne deepens the kiss lightly moaning in satisfaction at his reciprocation.

Jey's hand travels down to the ends of the shirt lifting it slightly, feeling her warm skin along her thigh. Still captured by eachother's lips, Jey smiles at the realization that she hadn't put on any underwear.

Knowing where this was going Leanne pulls away from the kiss first, "Jey, I have to get ready." Jey hadn't stopped, leaning down further to leave kisses along her neck and jawline.

"Tell em' you'll meet them at ten thirty." He answers, handing her his phone to send the message.

"I can't do that they'd wanna know why." She says.

"Would it really be that hard for them to figure it out though." He replies.

"If they did, they'd know I'd be reaching late because of sex."

"So? what's the harm in sex." Jey shrugs.

"Its not the sex, it's the fact that they just got back and I don't wanna seem like I'm blowing them off." Leanne replies, now stepping back to get in the shower.

"You aren't blowing them off, you're just seeing them later." Jey tells her.

Turning around she lifted up the shirt throwing it in the little basket for dirty clothes next to the sink. Jey sucked in a breath at the sight of her, he clenched his fist trying to hold on to a piece of self-control. That woman doesn't know what she does to me.

Turning back around she grabs her hair tie off the counter wrapping her hair up, turning to him to speak, "you will get to see me later at the get together ok."

Looking down between her breasts and face Jey sighs, "alright fine."

"Thank you." Standing on her tippy toes, she gives him a sweet and thankful kiss added with pecks.

Jey held himself back from holding her simply because he knew if he did, he wouldn't let go.

"You wanna see your friends mama?" He pull away asking.

Confused by his question she replies, "yeah."

"Then stop kissing me and go shower before we both don't go out at all today." He answers.

Chuckling at his response she steps back going to shower.

            Jey was making breakfast when Leanne came put the shower in her robe. While taking out her clothes to get ready her phone chimes.


You think you're safe with him
Then you're dumber than you look
He's using you just like the rest.

Sucking her teeth with an annoyed eye roll Jey looks up at her asking, "you good mama?"

"No. Some creep keeps messaging me all kind of cryptic messages about how I'm being used and not safe." Leanne says.

Jey felt his heart drop immediately walking over in the coolest way he can to not look suspicious when doing so. Looking at her phone, He sees the messages from last night as well as early this morning.

"Stacy says it might be some crazy obsessed fan trying to scare me but this is a little excessive." She states honestly.

"You want me to get it checked. See if a tech guy can track the number." Jey suggests.

It wasn't a bad idea to do so anyway, it would easily let him be able to find out who is doing it and if it was a fan that would be a huge relief but if it was one of the guys or someone on the roster, he was in for it.

"You don't have to, I'll just change my number when I meet the girls today." Leanne replies turning off the phone and putting it back on the bed just as Jey saw the unknown person's number.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Besides yours, some family and wwe producer's numbers I don't have much to add back so it should be easy to switch them all." She assures him.

Taking her word for it, they went on with the morning, Leanne did her hair, straightening it and adding two front clips, she worse a deep red crop top tied in the front, with a knitted cropped cardigan and a pair of high waisted jeans and some low Jordan 1s.

Jey finished the breakfast, and they ate before she left right after yet another small kiss turning into a mini make-out.

                About thirty minutes after Leanne left, Jimmy arrived.

"So, what's the problem Uce?" Jimmy asks.

"Somebodyknows- wellmaybe, theycouldbemessingwithme, orthey knowandhavethepowertoruintheone goodthingI'vehadinforever." Jey rambles speaking too fast for Jimmy to understand.

"Whoa, whoa slow down man, start from the top." Jimmy stops him saying.

"Alright so last night, you know how Leanne and I shared a room right?" Jey says to which his bother nods along too.

"Well, we- you know." He says suggestively.

"You what?" Jimmy asks confused.

"You know." Jey stresses.

"I know?" Jimmy says still confused.

"What do people do when you wanna have a baby Jim." Jey deadpans.

"Wait, you wanna have a baby- I know I said you should have a wife and kids but this fast, I knew you liked her but this is-"

"Sex. We had sex last night." Jey cuts him off.

"Oh." Jimmy gasps in realization.

"So no kids?" Jimmy clarifies.

"No." Jey replies, it was way to early for that anyway.

Nodding at his younger brother's words, "Ok. Ok."

"...So was the sex good?"

"Man I ain't gone tell you that." Jey answers looking at him like he was crazy.

"Why not?" Jimmy deadpans.

"I don't kiss and tell." Jey replies.

"I don't need the details I just wanna know if it was good." Jimmy states.

With a growing smirk at the thought of the night, Jey smacks his lips, "alright, I'm not gon' lie, it was good."

"For real?"

"Man, she was down for it, got a little rough in the end with her but she ain't care." Jey ends up telling him.

"My man! Out here getting freaky with Ms. Untouchable Leanne. I'm surprised she let you hit uce." Jimmy says.

"I know right and guess what?" Jey looks at him smiling.

"You cheesing mad hard, what's up?"

"She's my girl now too."

"Word! I'm proud of you man." Jimmy daps him up laughing.

"Yeah man, I don't wanna mess this up. That's why I called you over. I think someone is tryna mess with me on some blackmail type of deal." Jey says explaining the reason he called him.

"What chu mean?" Jimmy stopped smiling looking at him intrigued.

Taking out his phone, Jey hands it over to Jimmy who reads through the thread, with a list of facial expression with all eventually saying that this was not good.

"You believe they got proof?" Jimmy asks.

"I don't know man. That's the problem." Jey answers.

"If you do go through with it without proof, then it seems like you're already guilty. But if you don't and they do, then that messes up everything for you." Jimmy explains everything Jey was thinking.

"Yeah. And I don't know what to do." Jey sighs.

"Well you know you gotta tell her right." Jimmy suggests.

"What! I can't do that." Jey exclaims.

"Yes you can, it's the only way you can go about your business without having to deal with this." Jimmy tells him.

"How the hell am I supposed to say that I started chasing off a bet without sounding like a complete and total asshole?" Jey asks.

"Because you stopped the bet as soon as you realized you really care about her. Don't you care about her?"

"More than anything." Jey admits.

"Right, just explain your feelings, how you got here and how it doesn't change those feelings." Jimmy explains.

"What if she doesn't believe me?" Jey asks.

"You went above and beyond to get her right, do that again." Jimmy says.

Jey didn't know how to feel about doing that obviously he knew he would have to tell her eventually but coming around to doing so would be a problem, especially since their relationship is so fresh. But if he continued holding it in them the bases of trust when she does find out is at greater risk of being nothing. 

"You're right I should tell her truth, I don't know how, or when but it's only fair to." Jey eventually says, as much as he would hate too, it would only be fair to Leanne if he did. 

"Good, you know how you gonna tell her?" Jimmy then asks. 

"No, and I can't risk this fool telling her either." Jey snaps, thinking of how the unknown number would make his life a living hell. 

"Ok, so let's find out if this guy got proof." Jimmy motions to the phone saying. 


I'm gonna need proof

You want proof
Do as I say

"He wants me to do as he says first." Jey reads aloud.

"Hell nah, proof before anything else." Jimmy insisted.


Proof first

Then I guess you can kiss your relationship goodbye then

Jey panics giving the phone over to Jimmy for him to see the message.

"Don't worry Uce. If they do that, they can't get anything out of you, so this whole blackmail threat thing won't even happen. Clearly, they need you for this if they want you do stuff, right?" Jimmy says to him in efforts to assure him and get his brother back to thinking logically and not in a surge of panic.

"Yeah. You're right." Jey nods taking back the phone responding.

"Go ahead, you would be doing what you wanted to do anyway, destroying my relationship, so you won't get what you want from me." Jey read the message aloud as he typed it out and sent it.


Hmm, you do have a point.
But ask for the proof
and you will get it through her.
Do as I say
And your little secret will be safe with me
She will never know.
Pick your poison Jey.

"They said pick my poison. If I ask for proof, they'll tell Leanne before I get too and if I don't and do what they say, they won't tell anyone." Jey explains to Jimmy.

"How are you supposed to believe that?" Jimmy asks.

How do I know you won't try to blackmail me again.

I'll mail you the only copy
of the proof I have.
Just as soon as I'm done with you.

"They said they'll mail me the only copy of whatever proof they have." Jey answers.

"I don't know man. I don't see how you suppose to believe that." Jimmy tells him honestly.

How can I believe you?

Tell you what
I'll give you a day to decide
After that I send Leanne all of my info
Anonymously ofc
And your little relationship is over

"They're tryna ruin my life." Jey exasperates.

"Ask them why they doing this?" Jimmy points at him.

You tryna play with me
What's the motive?

I just don't like liars Jey.
One day. 24 hours.
Clock is ticking.

Handing over the phone for Jimmy to read the rest if the thread, the elder brother is prompted to ask. "So what are you gonna do now?"

Sighing heavily, Jey replies, "I don't know."

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