Yandere Various Version.2

By Sharkrom

61.3K 887 245

Yep folks the second book to the other book that got thanos snapped off of Wattpad. More

Yandere Neo *revised*
Yandere Bremerton
Recovering Yandere Baltimore
Yandere Neko Cafe Maid
Yandere Stalker (Male Amnesiac Reader)
Yandere Bully (Male Suicidal Depressed Reader) โš ๏ธMajor Mature Themes
Yandere Vampire (Male Dying Soldier Reader)
Murderer (Male Detective Reader)
Yandere Dark Wife (Male Writer Reader)
Yandere Stalker (Male Detective Reader)
Yandere Stranger Female (Male Cheated Reader)
Semi-Yan Vampire (Male Ex-Hunter Reader)
Yandere Malina (Male Bartender Reader)
Yandere Scientist
Yandere Fox Girl
Yandere Superhero (Male Retired Villain Reader)
Yandere Falin (Male Soldier Reader)
Yandere Obsessed Wife (Male Murderer Reader)
Yandere Psychotic Manipulator
Demon Queen
Yandere Younger Sister
Beelzebub (Male Disabled Reader)
Semi-Yan Best Friend
Yandere Hunter

Psycho Female Best Friend

2K 37 5
By Sharkrom

Tbh I don't know why I write these short little messages. But hey there people.

(Y/n) POV

'Fuck! Need to run! Run faster!'

A the tree next to me explodes into splinters as Robin fires a shotgun into the trees.

Artist is Hata4564

Robin: "I know these woods babe! You think I didn't plan on this? If you want to play a game then we're playing!"

I continued to run from the cabin and away from my friend who was blindly firing into the treeline at me as I avoided tripping over branches and dodging bushes until I tripped and fell into a ditch as I found I had blood on myself. But no cuts. I turned around to be met with a eviscerated bodies of my friends.

"Holy shit!"

Robin: "There you are!"

I got through and trudged deeper seeing more bodies that had been hanged and have their various body parts strewn and butchered to death as I ducked behind a tree and look up to see my dead girlfriend with a bashed in skull and a machete lodged in her mouth and fell to my knees trying to throw up but there was nothing but just saliva and the smell of iron.

Robin: "You like my artwork? I made it just for you. They were in the way of our love."

"Your sick...your not well Robin."

Robin: "On the contrary. I'm all there but that's just a matter of perspective. Tell me. Who was there when you had depression? Me. Who played games with you when no one else wanted to? Me. Who lent you their shoulder to cry on when your mother died? Me. So I still don't understand why the fuck this hag was even worth your time? What did she have that I didn't?! Tell me! Fucking tell me!"

She pressed the barrel right on my head as I couldn't find the words.

"I...I don't have an answer....just....just make it quick...."

Robin: "Oh no no.....I'm a hunter....I don't like quick kills so I'm gonna enjoy playing with you...."

She kisses me hard as her eyes were bloodshot with tears and pulled away licking her lips and cupped my cheeks and head butted me knocking me out.

1 month ago

"Ruby? I'm getting worried please pick up. Or even just a little message anything to know your fine."

I end the voicemail and sit down on my kitchen chair and fold both my hands into my face. As missing posters had littered the living room. Robin had been missing for 3 days and there was no sign of her. Her car was found at her home but other then that her purse, phone, ID, and even wallet were missing with her. Police assumed it could be that she ran away but I knew better that she wouldn't just up and leave without a message or even an extended leave.

A knock at my door as I went to answer and see Robin at the front door smiling at me as I made me fell calm and relaxed as she came in and saw the disarray my home had become.

Robin: "Damn dude. I think you made to many posters. Might have to trash some."

"Have you heard anything?"

Robin: "Truth be told I got nothing. I haven't even checked our friends homes. Have they been answering your calls?"

"No they haven't and I'm getting worried. Wanna come with me to check?"

Robin: "Anything to get away from your home. Staring at Ruby plastered on posters are annoying me."

I chuckle at that and grab my keys and she joins me by getting into the passenger side. And drive to our friends place making some small talk. When we reached Amy's house we get out and knock on her door and wait and even ring her bell but nothing was heard as I peek through her window and see what seemed to be blood as I twist the doorknob and see that it was unlocked.

"Odd....she always keeps it locked..."

Robin gestures to go inside and we both go inside together and see that the back door to the kitchen was smashed from the outside.

"Robin...stay here..."

She waits for me as I head up the stairs following the bloody trail and see it lead to her bedroom and open her door to see a body under the sheets with a hand sticking out and a couple of knives strewn everywhere making me run out of her room and outside to call 911.

After calling 911 to report if I immediately felt sick and left the room and threw up my breakfast outside as Robin consoled me. With police entering Amy's home and officers coming to us.

Officer: "Hey kids. Sorry what happened to your friend but we'd like a statement. We saw that on her phone you had last called her. What about?"

"About Ruby my girlfriend. She had been missing for over 3 days. And I've been looking for her and even asking my friends for her but none of them have reached out to me."

The officer looked down grimly.

Officer: "I'm...I'm sorry son...."

"About- what no no!"

Officer: "4 teenagers ended up going missing as well but we didn't want to release it to the public in fear of the murderer skipping town. We fear they may be linked to others. And if they are linked to you we may need to take you both in for your safety."


After 2 weeks of no murders or even he discovery of bodies life had seemed to become normal. That is for me. Due to how everyone's disappearance was connected to me I was considered a social outcast and nobody even wanted to talk to me and was given the cold shoulder by everyone minus.

Robin: "Hey cmon cheer up you still have me!"

I ate my burger and smiled at her as people in the diner steered clear of us both. Robin was already used to being alone due to how her parents raised her in the wilderness for the majority of her childhood.

"Thanks Robin for not thinking differently of me. Or even abandoning me...."

Robin: "Why would I abandon you? Your a chill and nice person. Listen don't let the other people in college say that your a jinx or a curse. For all we know it could be a former high school student? They did go to a school together and weren't the nicest bunch."

"They were supposedly a popular bunch...but Ruby was different..."

Robin: "Tell me why did you like Ruby? Was it because she was shy? Flamboyant with you? Liked her hair cmon spill the beans."

I smiled at the memories like going to the festivals, winning carnival games and giving her the prizes, it was something magical being with her that changed my perspective of life.

"She just seemed to change my perspective on life really."

Robin: "I see...."

"You okay?"

Robin: "Yeah...yeah...hey uh wanna hang out sometime later at the arcade? It'd be fun I promise."

"I don't know I mean maybe."

Robin: "I'll text you later so that maybe better become a yes. Catch ya later."

She left the diner as I finished my lunch and see her ride away on her motorbike and ignored the looks at me from the other patrons and left after finishing my meal.

Robin POV

I came home and clutched my helmet and threw it at my wall hearing the visor crack and fall and kick a table over and sit on my couch.

"Fucking idiot. Ruby this Ruby that. Can't stand that flamboyant bitch. Every time I hear him utter that name makes me want to vomit."

Entering my room upstairs I pull my hair back into a ponytail and look at my dartboard with pictures of his friend group.

"Took me years just to find them and low and behold you walked into the firing line. Bastard doesn't even know what's hunting him...."

7 years ago (Y/n)'s college friend group had been a part of collective assholes that bullied on the students and made threats to the more poverty stricken kids back in high school. Of course I was once a victim myself. Stella would punch my stomach until I had bruises dotting my skin like a mural. Beatrice would steal my money and would make me do her work. Anna was the bitch queen of the group who told her little servants who to attack and in turn they get to fuck her or even cash.

Ruby was the worst of them all. She and I used to be friends until she slowly started to distance herself away from me. The feelings of betrayal were what I felt. Not fear, anger, or even sadness but the crashing feeling that old friend was capable of this as she shoved me into the pool when she knew I couldn't swim and watched that sickening laugh on her face as my vision became dark.

I exhale again and smile. That day old meek Robin drowned and out came a broken, withered, dead thing, no love left, and no one to love. That is until he came.

I had changed a lot coming to college. Made sure to change my style and use a fake name whenever around the others. While prying them for information I had stumbled upon him. (Y/n) he said. I repeated it multiple times in my head till it sounded like a mantra like a prophecy. I got to know him better as we shared the same tastes in books, games, history, and his favorite subject. Food.

We spent days laughing and eating an exuberant amount of unhealthy food through the day but then my world started collapsing when he told me he was dating Ruby for 2 months. I couldn't let her taint his body. I just couldn't so I got my hands dirty. I dismantled them piece by piece using the skills I had learned from my time watching my parents cut up fresh kill.

Laying back on my bed I started to smile and laugh a hand on my head as I realized I was fucking crazy. But are you really crazy if you know your crazy. Who knows. There was thumping from downstairs and cursed to myself and grabbed my hunting rifle and head down to see that the back door was open and clicked my tongue.

I calmly walked down the bloody footsteps on the ground and see how they were stumbling.

"You know Ruby....it's a shame you have to die like the vermin you are....but for what it's worth...you helped me cut off and burn that piece of weakness...funny isn't it...almost drowning killed me. The rush when your about to send something or someone to see what you saw is just exhilarating."

Ruby: "Your a freak."

"Yapping ain't ya. Like chihuahua. And I'm a freak? Who got daddy's little deal? You ever told (Y/n) how you almost killed me? Oh wait I was dead for 3 minutes. I was told after that any longer and my brain would've been a vegetable."

Ruby: "That was an accident! Trust me!"

"Trust you? Honey trust went right out when you began to take my stuff from my locker so I'm just gonna take (Y/n) and live happily ever after while you lay rotting with worms in your brain."

Ruby: "You'll think he'll love you after this?! Your a freak! A monster! Someone who doesn't deserve any love!"

"Right right all good points. But your forgetting something...I don't fucking care if he loves me or not. He'll learn that I'm going to be his world. Even if I have to break a couple of bones to do it!"

From the bushes Ruby charged but didn't see the trap spring and lift her up by her feet as I smiled at her and took a machete out and started to walk towards her while flashing the machete.

"Let's see if your insides...match the outside~"

Ruby: "N-No! Stay away! Stay-"

(Y/n) POV

I stare at my phone and go ahead and call Robin.

Robin: "Oh heya Curtis."

She sounded busy as I could hear panting and some form of animal groan. She was raised by her parents who often went hunting and I did go on a few with her but I never got more then a rabbit or two.

"O-Oh sorry did I interrupt?"

Robin: "Nope. Just caught a animal and well you know me. So need something?"

"Yeah are you still up on that arcade offer?"

Robin: "R-Really?! I mean yeah! Just let me clean up and I'll be at your place soon."

She hangs up as I stare at a photo with me and Ruby and set it down on the table. I have to move on at least and try to be happy.

I heard her motorcycle and see her walk in with a new helmet.

"New helmet?"

Robin: "Oh yeah my other broke when I got back home. Some bad luck I have. So let's go on our date."


Robin: "Well yeah. I'm a girl and your a male. It's a date."

"Yeah I guess your right."

We gotten into my car as I couldn't stop thinking of her. She was dressed in a leather jacket with boots and sport pants. I had to admit I had some feelings for Robin but I didn't act on them since I didn't want to mess up anything we had currently as she told me of past problems but not all.

Arriving at the mall we get out as she grabbed my hand and pulled me right after I locked the door and took me to the places we'd visit whenever we wanted to hang out. The candy store and filling up baggies of candy with our favorite types. Even though she went with the bitter ones I went for the sour ones like lime and the little spicy candies.

Our hangout or date by her definition continued by her dragging me to the movies and watching a horror movie of course I had to hide my eyes from the screen while she gleefully laughed at the teens being killed in brutal and grotesque ways all throughout the movie ending with the last girl getting an axe to the head.

After a trip to the bathroom and keeping my lunch down I left to see her sipping a soda that she offered to me and I drank some to soothe my nerves.

"I never understood why you like horror movies or find them funny to begin with."

Robin: "Cmon. Its all practical effects and no one really died. I just think it's funny how they died. I mean getting killed by a electric fence when it's supposed to protect you is funny as fuck to me."

On our last thing we finally went to the arcade and saw Robin eyeing a dinosaur plushie and well began to earn tickets when she was busying playing the small mini games. It wasn't an easy task and certainly became harder whenever Robin would come over asking what I was doing. I simply avoided and went to a new machine until I racked enough and went to the counter.

"Uh could I get the dinosaur plushie?"

She counted the tickets and was astounded the amount I turned in as usually it would take a couple of at least 30 games to win it. She grabbed the large dinosaur from the back an handed it to me as I went to find Robin seeing her up against a guy and before I could move in he grabbed her cheek but he didn't far as she swiftly threw her boot into his crotch as I looked away and she began to mercilessly stomp on his crotch. Until she poured her drink on him soaking him as she turned to me and waved and ran over to me with a slight pep in her walk.

Robin: "Haha sorry you had to see that. That guy wouldn't say no at all to any rejections so I kinda had to crush his pride and ego. Aw you got the dinosaur."

"Actually it's for you."

Robin: "What? For me?"

I held it out to her as she grabbed it and hugged it close and started to cry but with a smile on her face and spun in circles as I only gave a soft smile. She came up to me and grabbed my cheeks and kissed me fully on the lips surprising me but eventually I just melted into the kiss. After a while air became important as she laid her head on my chest and eventually called it a day and drove back to her home.

We got out as she bounded upstairs to drop her stuff off as I explore a bit and find something. A earring. A earring that belonged to Ruby and one she had the night of her disappearance. I tuck it into my jacket as Robin came back downstairs with a new set of clothes.

"Casual clothes?"

Robin: "Listen a girl has to have comfortable clothes to use every now and then. And well this calls for casual."

Robin POV

'Fuck! He found the earring shit shit! I need to move fast!'

"So how does spaghetti sound with some garlic bread?"

(Y/n): "I'd love that."

I set him down at the couch as I started making some spaghetti with garlic bread browsing my cupboard and grabbing the sleeping pills and weigh my options and grumble. I'll let that be a later problem.

We continue our small chatter through the kitchen as I prepare the meal and I hear him get up.

(Y/n): "I'm gonna use the bathroom."

"Oh yeah sure it's upstairs but don't go into my room it's kinda messy. You know gross girl stuff."

He laughs at the small joke. A forced laugh. A laugh to mask his suspicious behavior. I watch from my phone to see him go upstairs and look down the stairs and open my door. He's taken back from seeing my dartboard as I increase the volume and hear him panic and my little trophy case. All trinkets involving his now deceased friends and the special one being Ruby'a bracelet.

"(Y/n)! Dinner is ready!"

(Y/n): "C-Coming!"

I saw him wash his hands and grab a switchblade from my desk and pocket it into his pants making scowl at his descending figure from down the stairs. I changed to serving him a plate of spaghetti and some bread on the side as he tended to ease away from me.

"So how was your day?"

(Y/n): "Uh good good."

He looks at the spaghetti as he looks at me first and so I take a bite of my food and even take a gulp of water to break down the garlic bread.

"Better dig in before it gets cold."

(Y/n): "Y-Yeah. You know what maybe I should-"

"Sit the fuck down and eat. I wont ask politely next time."

(Y/n) POV

Like a switch her personality had shifted as I sat back down with the only light being the light above us.

Robin: "Well how's your dinner...."

I grab my fork and start eating the spaghetti liking the taste of it and how it wasn't soggy.

"Good. It's good."

Robin: "Not what I expected but it'll do. Just so you know don't bother calling 911. Hacked your phone that directs calls to me. So we're going to have a nice chat like two proper adults. No running and hiding like your ex-friends."

"Where are they...."

Robin: "Well before you grab that knife just know the chances of you coming out unscathed is really slim. Well you tell me you found their items in my room."

"You monster..."

Robin: "Some are more then others. Those friends you had....have they ever told you the stuff they did? Pretty unnerving especially poor little Ruby almost killing me."

"That was you?....you were the girl she pushed? S-She was guilty after, she almost killed herself out of guilt!"

Robin: "That bitch didn't understand what guilt even was."

"So now what? Going to kill me?"

I drank my water as it felt off and stare at her as she smiled taking another sip.

"Y-You drugged me...."

Robin: "Not really....i just made sure mine....has a lesser amount..."

She fell to the side as I got up shakily and walked towards the door falling to my knees as my strength was sapped from me and fell unconscious.


When I came to I saw that I was tied to a chair and saw that I was in a basement. To my side I could see Robin examining her rifles and slotting new bullets into her favorite rifle.

Robin: "Oh your awake. I almost thought I put you in a coma. Well welcome to my basement. Yeah I know it's messy but hey it's nice! I mean there's a bed and a bathroom and even a game room. Perfect for your stay."

"Stay? Your basically kidnapping me...please your sick in the head."

Robin got close and flashed a taser near my face.

Robin: "I love it when the prey sees that you hold the keys to their future. There's two options babe. You can either sit here and shut up or.."

She aims her rifle at my head and grins wildly with an insane look on her face.

Robin: "The police find two burned bodies hugging together. But I know you better then anyone else. Now I have to clean the mess I caused earlier. Ruby didn't go quietly."

She left me alone walking behind the bars and closing them with a key. I leaned my head down and grabbed my small knife I had tucked into my coat pocket and threw it on the ground and move myself over to fall on the knife and flipping it open to cut the rope. Reaching over I use the knife to open the door and sneaking upstairs and making a bolt for the back door starting a chase through the woods...


I woke up again as I really had to stop getting knocked out.

"R-Robin? Are you there..."

Robin entered the light and jabbed the taser into my chest electrocuting me as I power through it as she holds my head up.

"R-Robin....please...it hurts..."

Robin: "I know babe. It'll only hurt for a couple until you start to behave."

Again and again, day after day as the weeks passed I was subjected to her ruthless torture methods I started to question my sanity wondering if reality was real and imagination was becoming reality. She would tend to my injuries that I sustained after her abuse making sure I was in perfect health. I don't know what came over me but I wanted to see her every day.

The smile she gave me while tending to my injuries made me feel at peace and loved. Her warm meals that I grew to love and eventually the abuse dwindled to just cuddling and hugging in bed.


Robin: "Hey babe? Wake up."

I roll over on her bed and off and hear laughing and look to my side and see Robin in her leather jacket.

"Oh shit. I must've overslept."

Robin: "Yeah you did you were muttering a name Ruby was it?"

"Ruby...right Ruby is my girlfriend...."

Robin: "Woah didn't know you were cheating on me with the dead."


Robin: "Well yeah. They found her body 8 days ago. Also found the killer who was some nut job who escaped the asylum out of town. Are you sure your fine? Oh shit do you not remember anything?"

I look and shake my head as she goes to the remote and plays he news broadcast as I was being wheeled out of a house on fire with Robin next to me.

Robin: "Well listen it's alright if you can't remember everything but here I'll fix you up a nice breakfast for well being alive. And whatever nightmare you had was just a nightmare. I need to throw the trash out so go take a shower you reek of night sweat."

She left me to muddle through my thoughts as I pieced the nightmares to my fragmented memories. I hold my head as flashes of that nightmare and the kidnapping were overlapping. I shrug it off and look at Robins wall seeing well a normal wall with photos of us eating out and having dinners and even going to the local fair and winning the prizes.

I set it aside and entered her bathroom starting to relax my mind.

Robin POV

I take the trash out to the furnace and drop it seeing a severed hand fall out and throw it back in as I watch the flames destroy the last bit of evidence. There was indeed a escaped asylum person and well (Y/n) was kidnapped but not by him but by me. His mental health was already at a all time low after Ruby's death so all it took was some conditioning. He won't be able to dissociate those nightmares with reality even if he tried.

I take from my pocket a stack of photos of him with Ruby and toss them into the fire watching them crumple into ash as I smiled.

I did say he was gonna love me even if I broke him...

It's cold and stuff. California is weird I know not my best work I just wanted to write.

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