Uzumaki Baby (sasuNaru) a Nar...

By sekothebored

372 20 1

❗️chapter 5 out now!❗️ Key words: Fanfic. Shipping, (KakashixIruka, MinatoxKushina, SasukexNaruto.) mature s... More

Uzumaki baby (pt 1)
Uzumaki boy (pt2)
Uzumaki boy (pt3)
Uzumaki boy (pt4)

Uzumaki baby (pt5)

41 3 0
By sekothebored

« Minato minato! Look! It's so cute I want it!!! » the red haired lady screamed in the middle of the shopping center. In her hands, a bunch of baby clothes of all colours and designs. « Look how comfortable that one is!  You know! »

Her husband, Minato, smile at her excitement. Standing a few feet away, arms already full of bags, he tried to share is attention to his wife antic and his friend fugaku who was standing beside him. The Uchiha wife by her rightful husband side, also eying the baby product with her first born itachi holding her hand.

« Yes it's very adorable. Which one you wanted?» the yellow flash asked his wife. They decided not to know the gender and to love it just as much no matter what. Something the husband best friends didn't really agreed to. He who only got boys couldn't understand how Minato would be excited to have a girl.

« Hmmm » raising a finger to her chin, the lady looked up in thought. With a smile on her face she locked eyes with her best friend first born. The little child genius. « What do you think Itachi? Which one to do you prefer? »

The child let got of his mother hands to approach the pile of clothes the beautiful lady held out for him. His parents always got blues for him and his soon-to-be little brother. But none could be found in kushina hands. Neither could be found pink, a color he's been told to avoid by is father- or any pale looking colour that could translate weakness. I believe it translates more to peace but father would never agree to that...

Before him where rows of yellow, orange, beige, white, black some green and turtoise. All pastel except for the orange suit. Looking at his dad who simply avoid eye contact with him, he chose to obey is father logic and pick the orange suit. « This one » white would get dirty too quick and black- dosent fit a small child. The rest are too soft.

« Yes yes! It's adorable isint it! I'll take it! You know! » said the beautiful red hair, spinning on her eel to purchase the suit. Itachi force down a smile. This women was so childish but he knew for sure she would make for a great mother. Turning around he looked at his parent, his father walking away with minato, his mom fallowing close, waving her hands at him to fallow them.

«  so Lord fourth. I've heard youve chosen a right hand man with a little something hidden. » the police force chief: fugaku uchiha asked his 'friend'. They weren't really close but their wife sure was, and so, the two got to see each other by occasion, like today which was baby shopping. Plus, behind friend with the hokage wasn't all that bad. It had its peerk.

« If you're talking about the sharrigan, it was a gift from obito to him. He's going under heavy training with the rest of the ambu, your son itachi included, to master it. I'm sorry if you wanted to keep this kake kengei to your clan but this was- »

« It was obito last wish. I understand » minato smile at the chef understanding. If it was a bakugan that got gifted, Kakashi and him  wouldn't have been so lucky. The hyuuga are know to be , well, carefull with the passing of their gift.

« It's getting late dear. Did you got everything you needed? » he asked, turning around. His smile dropped when he couldn't find his wife. Mikoto and itachi looking at him confuse before understanding the red head was no where to be seen. « Kushina? »

« She's still as childish as back in the academy. Maybe having a child will keep her more grounded » even thought that was quite insulting from fugaku, minato didn't see the man as a treat and more of a jokes. « well I sure hope not! I didn't marry her for her sense of maturity! She probably found something and forget to asked us to stop » and so, the blond ran back toward the busy market.

« I'm sure she's okay. She's stronger then it seam » mikoto said, her arm around itachi shoulder. The kid really liked this family. But his urge to run after the hokage got zero when he spotted Kakashi by the corner doing just that. Yes they will be okay.

« Come on now. It's impolite to have your company wait for you, I'm sure ain't waiting for them » itachi father said, walking away. « Honey it's the hokage, I'm sure waiting a few second couldn't be so bad » his mother try to reassure just to be ignored. Itachi let out a sign as he fallow them. I skipped my training with shisui to deal with that?

It didn't take long before the uchiha family reached the end of the market street. Mikoto being 8 month pregnant asked for a break resulting in the group sitting down for a drink. A few second later, minato appeared before them in a flash, carrying is wife, arm full of shopping bags, bridal style. « Sorry to keep you waiting, fugaku and Mikoto -Sama »

Mikoto greeted them back. Kushina joining her on the bench before ordering herself sweet tea.

« Say, it has been a while since we last went out to eat » mikoto asked, picking everyone at the table interest.

« You wanna eat out? » the red asked! She's been craving ramen like never before in her life. She was already salavating the image of a fresh boll being put before her.

« i thought more like an 'at home dinner'. How about we visit and I'll help you clean and place your nursery hm? » and this time it was minato turn to speak. Saying he coulnt host as , mostly for the nursery, they were going under renovations at home. Making the house baby friendly was top priority to him.

« you can come by my place then » mikoto ignore the look of disapproval of her husband. She loved him really but his lust for contrôle could be annoying. She gave him a smile before holding kushina hands in hers. « So? What do you think? I'll show you itachi old room and maybe I could get your opinion on Sasuke nursery? Minato I hope it's not a bother »

The fourth laugh at mikoto worries before agreeing. He'll drop off all the shopping bags himself using his flying ragein. Kushina was overly happy at the idea to pass more time with her best friend. They live appart end of the village and didn't get to see each other as often as she wished. And just like she loved to see her husband student, seeing the little itachi always brought her joy and remainded her how much she wishes for her own kids.

To fugaku misfortune, they went on more shopping, getting all they could be needing for tonight dinner. Only going home by sunfall.

The girls laugh at the table. Both caressing their swollen belly as the husband had already left the table to talk politic in the office. Itachi stayed with them. More often then not watching his soon to be born little brother and what he can alsmot see has a step brother or sister. Yes their parent didn't have blood link but kushina and minato was family to him too. 2 siblings...

« That's double the work. I'll have to keep them close if I want to protect my family » he said. Taking the big brother role seriously.

« What did you say sweety? » mikoto asked. Itachi smiled at her saying he was talking to himself before excusing himself to his room where he found shisui hiding himself and his chakra signature.

« Hey shisui, you can come out my closet »

« Do you always speak so coldly in your own room? » the older said, coming out of hiding like asked.

« I have manners. » itachi reply just as coldly, sitting down in his bed. « Why are you here? »

« What happens » he asked, sitting on the bed beside his friend.

« Team 4-5 and 13, broke in and stole some scrolls. They won't tell which one are missing, just the kids were mostly composed of uchiha's.»

The youngest didn't reply. Glaring at the wall before him as if he could curse his home and the ghost living in it. Sometime... even my parents act dead. Mom smile often fake, dad never smiled. It was the first step for a revolution. A group of elder wanting answer and power from the kage. Answer that were disclosed even to the kind blond man. And dads part of that group.

« You know why. They want their recognition as co-fonder of the village, just like the senju were back in lord first and second.»

« But violence is not the way shisui. If all they want is recognition they just need to ask. They want power with it but I can't figure out why. »

« Kakashi said he interpreted a letter with the uchiha clan symbol on it. Can't translate it. »

« You can go now. I'll go back out to make sure father don't hear you clib out the window. Thank you for the information. » he said standing up now.

The oldest looked at itachi with concern. He's too mature for his own health. « okay, see you tomorrow for training. Don't be late »

« I won't »

Once itachi had left the room, the boy opened the window, jumping out and going back home, ignoring Kakashi hidden presence in a nearby tree, checking on minato and kushina safety.

Walking down, itachi find both women gone from the dinner table, passing by the office, he could hear is dad still talking in there. Looking forward he found both of his mother figures sitting down the couch. Boll of snack, pastries and tea before them.

« So where were you and your little baby when we left the market?! »

Kushina finish her sip of tea before answering. « I found the most adorable baby cribs! A beautiful pastel yellow with a sun painted on it! It'll go so well with their room! You know! » mikoto just laugh at kushina antic. Poor minato.

« didn't you already had one? The little blue one as a gift from lord 3th wife? »

« You know me and minato don't want to know the gender. Don't mistake, the blue crib is adorable but- that yellow one . My child will be born in the color of the flame! They'll be born with the will of fire, you know! »

'Right! The will of fire! That's it! I have to ask lord 3th about the coup d'état! Itachi thought. With a new plan forming, he sat down by his mother and listened to both pregnant mother. I won't let my siblings know war. I will find a way to end this, even if it mean going against you father.'


« Can we go already? Come on! What are we waiting for, you know?? »

« Calm it Naruto. We need to be top shape to pick up the the cargo, now sit down and wait till everyone Is ready to go » Kakashi ordered. He loved the kid really, but he's just so damn similar to his mother.

Naruto mood got grumpy, sitting down on his ass he mutter insults to himself. Akamaru sitting by him let out a wine at his friend.

But he wasn't the only one getting impatient. Sakura also heard from kurenai and Kakashi they only had one more hour to go before reaching the meeting point. We could have rest down there no?!

Hinata have been more then quiet for the past 2 days. Everytime she would say something, people would ask her to repeat herself, and when ever Naruto did something - well- something only Naruto would do- she would part away from the group to calm herself before her heart explode.

Sasuke and Shino didn't do much or talk unless asked to.

Kiba been playing pranks on, if not with, Naruto the whole trip with the help of Akamaru. Naruto shared Shino tent last night. Maybe he felt uncomfortable about last night? Was it the no pants thing? . Resulting in the whole group getting woken up in the middle of the night a blond screaming and running around , covered in bugs.

« Not like I haven't warned him »

« Hm? »

Kiba looked toward the questioning teammate of his. « Oh I was just talking to myself » Shino just shrugged it off, going back to do- what ever he was doing with his bugs.

« Well team! Is everyone ready to go? » kurenai sensei asked, Naruto immediately jumping on his feet to join everyone as they answered with a : « Aye sensei! »and so, the group made their way back in the tree branches. « Alright team 8, I want you to use your specialty and make sure it's safe for the retrieval. Hinata, you'll check the chakra point of the traveler and sanagure nin. Shino and kiba, I want you both to make sure nothing or no one is hiding in the cargo. »

« Aye sensei! » and so, team 8 accelerated, passing by team 7.

« Alright my team, leave them go first for scouting. We'll go next and pick thing from there. » Kakashi said.

« So they only travel with us to look at the cargo? That's a boring mission, you know » the blond asked. Sakura nodding beside him.

« Well they have a mission farther north, coming here is just a few hours delay for them . Plus, they're speciality to detect and track down can be quite useful. »

The teenager nodded . Hopefully this will be fun..

Waiting at the meeting point. Team 7 sat down by the side of the road. Kakashi keeping the guard to let the kids do their things. They're just kids after all.

« Say sasuke! Would you be free to- go on a picnic? With me? When this mission is over I meant! Not right now of course!» Sakura asked, brushing her long gorgeous hair. Naruto looked at the both of them. Getting pissed of by Sasuke disrespect over their only konichi in the team as he royally ignored her existence.

« I would go with you sakura-chan! You know! »
The pink head drop her flirty act, arm on her hips she spun around toward Naruto.

« Like hell I would want to sit anywhere near you! You're just going to pee on it! » and the fight about who did and did not pee their bed was back. At this point, Naruto really started to doubt his 'love' for his teammate.

« Just shut it you two! And get over it while we're at it, it's been a month already » the raven yelled, getting the two to in fact: shut up. « Sorry Sasuke » they both said, sitting back down next to him, the raven in the middle.

Naruto bend over, saying is sorry again to Sasuke ears. He tried to explain why Sakura thought it happen, saying it was puberty just like Iruka and jiraiya said it was. He shut up when he got no acknowledgment from the raven. With a sign, he faces forward, a pout on his lips. Not like I can tell you it was because of you either...

In his own head, sasuke was trying is best to face off the heat creeping in his cheeks. He himself 'wet' his sleeping bag two night ago. A dream about Naruto sucking him off. For some reason kiba was there? Making noise but in his dream, kiba was just jerking off in another room. Weird but- it's just a dream. No way am I attracted to these two loud mouth.  He side eyed Naruto to his left. He look upset. Can't have that or else he won't focus when the cargo arrive. And so, the raven bend toward him, nudging his shoulder against Naruto ones. A shock spread through both boys spine. « Hey. It happen to everyone okay. Stop thinking about it »

Naruto looked over Sasuke with wide eyes. The raven look as unbothered then any other time yet, he made an effort to cheer him up. That a good sign right, you know? « so, you have dream too? Iruka said it was normal but- I didn't thought you could have some »

« The fuck is that supposed to mean?? »

Wo- why did he got mad?! What did I said wrong??? « I don't know! It just- I didn't thought anyone could have some! Say! Sasuke! What happen in yours? »

« That's none of your fucking buisness! »
And so, sasuke sat back straight, arm crossed, brow furrowed and eyes close.

Man he's easy to piss off. He look good when he's mad thought. Give us a good look at his eyelashes. Hehe they're long just like girls! I'm lucky he can't hear my thought, he would kill me for thinking that way. You know. Naruto heard Kakashi jump down the trees and giving orders. Yet not a single word was process by the blond brain. His eyes focus on Sasuke now open ones. The sun light half of his face, lighting up his black eyes who looked fire red as the star reflects on them. Time seam to go in slow motion as the wind picked up some of Sasuke hair off his face, leaf falling in the background. Naruto could hear is own heart beating faster and faster. His lungs were burning, his face was hot. Sasuke opened his mouth to speak something but no sound made his way to Naruto ears. His full focus on Sasuke pink lips. They look like candy. Why am I seeing you this way Sasuke. I should hate it... but I don't . Why are you in my dreams. Why do you look~ like a dream...?

« Na-«

You're so ... pretty. Even more then Sakura... Sasuke looked back at him. The sun now behind his head, making him shine like... like an angel..

« rut-....  Ruto? »

His lips are moving. What is this? I want to get closer. But he doesn't like personal contact. I can't... I shouldn't...

« NARUTO! Come on we have to go! »

He felt like a bucket of water just got drop on his head. Oh shit! He was talking to me! Heat flare up is cheeks, and he felt his heart going crazy. Am I sick?!?! Looking around he can see Kakashi talking to some nin he's never seen before, Sakura on his heel. Sasuke had to grab his arm and pull him forward to get Naruto out of his state.

3042 words
I hope you enjoyed this chapter aswell. Oh and if there's confusion about the first part of the chapter, this was more of a flashback explain the relationship beetween the namikaze-uzumaki family with the uchiha. Yes minato, kushina, mikoto and fugaku are dead by the time Naruto got 6 years old, itachi is still there. More flashbacks like this will come.

See ya-🖐️

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