Out of Focus

By lex_lives_here

83 0 0

Y/N is her own person really. She loves photography. She hardly went to parties or on dates or anything that... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter One

18 0 0
By lex_lives_here

Today's the day! I grab my bags and strap them together before making sure everything is turned off and heading for the front door. All the lights are off, the stove is off, the TV is off. Calm down, Y/N. It's okay, you're okay. "Another walkthrough won't hurt..." I say to myself. I do this every time I leave the house for an extended period of time. A couple of months ago, one my neighbors accidentally left the stove on when she was rushing to leave for work. It didn't start a fire or anything but it did melt the plastic containers she had on the shelf above the stove. Ever since that happened I've had a little bit of anxiety about it happening to me. You can never be too careful and it would absolutely SUCK if it happened to me.

Satisfied with my final walkthrough, I open the door and step out with my bags, locking it behind me. I walk briskly to my car and put the bags in the passenger floorboard. As I start to walk around to the drivers side of the car, my phone starts to ring. It's my best friend, Jules.


"Y/N! Are you going to PAX this year?"

"Yeah! I'm actually getting into my car to head to the airport right now!"

"Oh-! Good! I was scared you weren't able to get off for it."

"I know! I was scared my boss wouldn't let me, but I'm on my way to the airport now! I'll let you know when I land!"

"Okay, Y/N/N! Be safe, love you!"

"Love you too, Jules!"

We hang up the call and I start the car and back out of my parking spot. "Off to the airport we go!" I say, patting the dash of my car. The traffic on the way to the airport wasn't that bad this morning but I did leave around 4:45 a.m. just to make sure I would be on time. I head to the food court before heading to the terminal and grab a croissant and a bottle of water, I plan on sleeping on the plane so no caffeine right now! As I head towards the terminal, I see an all too familiar face. "JULES!" I yell as I run towards her and throw my arms around her shoulders. "Surprise!" She says putting her hands up and laughing at me, "I was gonna tell you I was going too but I wanted to see the look on your face when we happened to be on the same flight!" I chuckle and let her go, "I was wondering what you, of all people, were doing up so early!" I say, giving her a slight nudge to the shoulder. "Oh puh-lease! I'm always up earlier than you!" She retorts, sticking her tongue out at me.

The overhead speakers announce our flight has started boarding so we grab our things and head for the door. Once we're on the plane we discover that we're seated right next to each other! We put our bags away in the overhead compartments and get comfortable and wait for takeoff. As soon as the plane takes off, I fall asleep with my head propped against the window.

I wake up to an elbow to the ribs. "Ah- Jules, what the fuck?" I say to her as she hides her laughter. "I'm sorry, Y/N/N, I just needed you to see this!" She turns her phone towards me to show me that all of our favorite YouTubers are at PAX this year. "Girl, I already knew that, you bruised my rib for that?!" Jules chuckles, "Well, excuse me, princess." She replies in a snarky tone. I roll my eyes and turn to go back to sleep only to hear the Captain announce that we're about to land. I give Jules the deadliest side-eye I can muster. Jules busts out laughing so hard that she snorts and people start staring. "I don't know her, she's crazy." I say loudly, pointing at the side of my head and swirling my finger around in a circle. Jules smacks my arm and wipes a few tears from her face. "You did not just try to convince these people that you don't know me after what you did at the airport!" I chuckle at her and say, "I did and they believe me too!" She grabs her chest dramatically laying back in the seat, "My heart, Y/N, and to think... you were like a sister to me!" She wipes away a fake tear while I roll my eyes at her.

"Hey, Y/N?" Jules starts as we're walking from the Uber into the front of my hotel. "Yes, Jules?" I ask, knowing exactly where this is going. "So, uh, I didn't book a hotel room. Can I stay in yours?" She asks, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Jules, really?? You knew you were coming all this way and didn't get prepared?" I question her. "Well, I forgot! I had so much going on trying to get ready, it slipped my mind!" She says insistently. I sigh and I turn to her, "I'll tell you what, you're probably gonna go to clubs and stuff around here outside of being at the convention during the day, how about I get you your own room?" I offer, hoping she'll take it. She's a party girl, has been for as long as I've known her. That's not really stuff I like to do and if she decides to bring someone back with her, I'd rather that they have their own space to be adventurous in. Her eyes light up, "Really?? You'd do that for me?" She exclaims excitedly. "Of course! You're my bestie! You'd do the same for me, I'd hope." I say jokingly. We make our way to the front desk, where I book Jules a room. We end up right next door to each other. What are the odds? We head up to our rooms and get situated. There's a knock at the door. I open it to find Jules standing there with outfits in her hand. I know where this is going.

"Yes, Jules?" I sigh as she pushes passed me, "We HAVE to go out tonight, Y/N!" She exclaims with a little hint of begging. "Jules, you know I don't do this stuff!" I say, hoping she'll take that and leave it. "But, Y/N/N, I've never seen you go out and take a break! You always work and focus on your career! One night won't hurt..." She begs again, this time adding in her puppy dog eyes. Why is she good at that? "Ugh... fine! Fine! We'll go. But only for a little bit, I have to be up early tomorrow!" I always give in to her pleas these days, but really she's right. I never do anything outside of working and being home... working. I deserve a break. "Yay! Put this on!" She squeals, handing me one of the outfits. There's a nice black crop top with high-waisted skinny jeans and fishnet tights to go underneath. I change my clothes quickly and slip on my black boots I brought with me. I turn back to Jules, "Happy?" I ask reluctantly. "Ecstatic!" She responds, grinning widely. She has the prettiest smile.

Let me explain what Jules looks like; She's about 5'0" even, curvy frame, pretty black hair just passed her shoulders with lime-green money pieces to frame her face. She's bubbly and excitable but she can be very serious if she needs to be, which is rarely ever. Her eyes are amber, and they look gold in the sunlight. She's a fun person to have around but she can definitely be a lot at times. I love her dearly, though. She's the sister I never knew I needed.

It's about 7 p.m. when we finally head off to a club, Jules had her way with my makeup and hair in the meantime. The club is only a couple blocks down from the hotel so we just walk and enjoy the cool breeze off the streets and the sound of people chattering around us. When we make it to the club Jules does what she does best and sweet talks her way in, dragging me with her. Once inside, the music is loud and the people are even louder. Bodies everywhere dancing, laughing and enjoying themselves. I don't know how long I can stand this. My heart rate starts to pick up and my palms start to sweat. Breathe, Y/N. You deserve some fun! Jules pulls me to the counter and orders two drinks for us. She leads the way to a booth in the corner, she knows something's up. "Y/N, let loose a little! You're always so absorbed in your job and your YouTube, it can't hurt to take a little breather! I'm here with you and I won't leave you behind, I pinky promise!" She comforts, smiling at me gently. I nod and sip my drink, grimacing because the alcohol had settled to the bottom. I give it a few stirs and try again. Better. I look around the room and spot a group in the far corner from us laughing loudly and pestering each other. I recognize a few of them.

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