Academic Seduction (profxgirl...

By FruitInkWords

1.1M 15.8K 16.3K

Ivy Williams had always aspired to complete her university journey without any interruptions or complications... More

Characters & Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (1)
Chapter Sixteen (2)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Three [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

18.4K 346 448
By FruitInkWords

(18+) Victoria's POV

As Ivy waved farewell, her smile lingered in my mind, a flicker of warmth against the encroaching chill of the evening. With a soft sigh, she disappeared into the shadowed embrace of her dorm building, leaving me alone in the fading light.

The engine hummed to life beneath my touch, a familiar companion in the solitude of the car. As I guided the vehicle onto the road, my thoughts drifted back to Ivy, her presence like a gentle echo in the confines of my mind.

She had been staying with me since her return from vacation, a welcome intrusion into the quiet expanse of my solitary existence. The notion of her leaving tugged at the edges of my consciousness, igniting a pang of apprehension. Yet, despite the uncertainty, I found solace in her company.

The words I had spoken to her echoed in the confines of the car, whispered promises tinged with both vulnerability and sincerity. The admission of love hung heavy in the air, a testament to the depth of emotion that tethered us together.

Though the specter of age difference loomed in the recesses of my mind, it was but a fleeting concern in the presence of our shared connection. Ivy's acceptance, her shared interests, they bridged the divide between us with effortless grace.

In her presence, I found refuge from the cacophony of doubt that plagued my thoughts. She was a beacon of light in the darkness, grounding me in the certainty of her existence, even amidst the tumult of uncertainty.

Yes, she could be a challenge, a tempest of contradictions and quirks that tested the bounds of my patience. Yet, in her imperfections, I found a kind of beauty that defied explanation.

As the miles stretched out before me, I found myself grateful for her presence, for the sanity she brought to the chaos of my mind. For in her, I had found not only a companion but a sanctuary in which to find solace amidst the storm.

The car nestled into its familiar spot in the driveway, a silent sentinel guarding the threshold between the outside world and the sanctuary of home. With a gentle click, I released the confines of the vehicle, my handbag slung casually over one shoulder as I grasped the keys in anticipation.

The door yielded beneath my touch, a portal to the warmth and familiarity that awaited within. As I crossed the threshold, the air seemed to shift, welcoming me back with open arms. Yet, amidst the stillness, a soft rustle heralded the arrival of my faithful companion.

"Hey buddy," I murmured, my fingers finding solace in the soft fur of Chai's head. The notion of pet ownership had always seemed daunting, a responsibility I was ill-prepared to shoulder. Yet, in the depths of Ivy's gaze, I found a silent plea that tugged at my heartstrings, urging me to reconsider.

Her promises echoed in the recesses of my mind, a gentle reassurance that softened the edges of my resistance. The thought of Ivy, bent over a tub, coaxing reluctant bubbles from Chai's fur, brought a smile to my lips.

The kitchen beckoned, a haven of familiarity amidst the chaos of the outside world. With practiced ease, I poured myself a glass of wine, the crimson liquid swirling in the confines of the glass like liquid silk.

The creak of the front door shattered the quiet, drawing my gaze to the figure framed in the doorway. Natalie's presence was a burst of energy, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife through butter.

"Vict, do you want takeout?" Her words hung in the air, a tantalizing invitation to relinquish the burdens of cooking in favor of indulgence.

I turned, a faint smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "Sure, but you could've sent me a text."

Her eyes rolled in playful exasperation as she deposited the bags onto the counter with practiced ease. "You should know by now that I always show up unannounced."

The exchange was familiar, a dance we had performed countless times before. "It's irritating," I conceded with a mock roll of my eyes, the scent of Thai cuisine wafting tantalizingly from within the bags.

Natalie and I settled onto the plush expanse of the couch, our bounty of takeout spread before us like a feast for weary travelers. As she perched herself across from me, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes, a harbinger of the playful banter that was sure to follow.

"Why are you so irritated by me showing up unannounced anyway?" Her words cut through the air with the precision of a well-honed blade, her tone laced with a hint of amusement. "Scared I'll barge in on you and Ivy having sex right here?" The jest hung in the air, a challenge wrapped in the guise of humor.

I coughed, a sudden and unbidden reaction to her audacity, my gaze flickering away in a futile attempt to evade her scrutiny. Natalie's brow furrowed inquisitively, her eyes boring into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Victoria, you two did have sex already, right?" The question hung in the air, a heavy with expectation, yet met only with silence.

Her food forgotten, Natalie moved closer, her presence a tangible weight at my side. "You're fucking with me," she declared, a note of incredulity coloring her tone.

I shook my head, a silent admission of the truth that lay heavy on my heart. Natalie's surprised scoff echoed in the confines of the room, a stark reminder of the divergence between my reality and her expectations.

"Vic, how do you have so much restraint?" Her words hung in the air, an accusation wrapped in a cloak of disbelief. "I mean, I had sex with her the same night we met."

A roll of my eyes masked the tumult of emotions roiling within, a futile attempt to shield myself from the weight of her judgment. "Don't remind me," I muttered, a bitter taste lingering on my tongue. The truth was, we hadn't yet crossed that threshold, a fact that filled me with a strange combination of pride and apprehension.

I knew the significance of the moment, the weight of expectation that hung heavy in the air like a shroud. Yet, amidst the anticipation, a nagging doubt gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Would Ivy understand my hesitance, or would she grow impatient with my perceived reluctance?

As the remnants of our meal disappeared into the confines of the kitchen sink, a sense of satisfaction settled over the room like a warm embrace. With practiced ease, I tended to Chai's needs, the rhythmic clink of his bowl against the floor a comforting backdrop to the quiet of the evening.

Settling back onto the familiar expanse of the couch, another glass of wine cradled in my grasp, I watched as Natalie emerged from the kitchen, her attention consumed by the glow of her phone screen. Her departure was as abrupt as her arrival, a whirlwind of energy that left a lingering sense of warmth in its wake.

"I'm off, I'll see you whenever I barge in again," she declared, her words punctuated by the playful cadence of her tone.

Setting aside my glass, I rose to meet her, arms enveloping her in a tight embrace. "Goodnight Nat, drive safe," I murmured, the words a whispered plea against the uncertainty of the night.

She released me with a scoff, her bravado a shield against the vulnerability that lurked beneath the surface. "Bitch, I'm always driving safe," she retorted, a playful kiss planted firmly on my cheek before she disappeared into the night.

With a sigh, I drained the remaining contents of my glass in a single gulp, the liquid fire of the wine igniting a warmth that spread through my veins. Placing the empty vessel in the sink, I called out to Chai, his eager form trailing close behind as I ascended the stairs to my bedroom.

The routine of bedtime rituals unfolded with practiced ease, pajamas slipping over tired limbs in a haphazard dance. Ensuring Chai's comfort was a silent promise kept, his contented sigh warming my heart.

With the weight of exhaustion bearing down upon me, I collapsed onto the soft expanse of my bed, the pull of sleep beckoning me into its comforting embrace. Grasping my phone in weary fingers, a groan escaped my lips as I realized its depleted state.

With a resigned shrug, I abandoned the notion of charging it, the lure of sleep far outweighing the need for connectivity. Placing it on the bedside table with a sense of finality, I surrendered to the darkness that enveloped me, the steady rhythm of my breath the only sound in the quiet expanse of the room.

The relentless pounding on the door shattered the fragile veil of sleep, wrenching me from the comforting embrace of dreams into the harsh reality of the present. With a muttered curse, I threw off the suffocating weight of blankets and stumbled down the stairs, each step a jarring reminder of the intrusion that awaited.

The incessant ringing of the doorbell echoed through the empty expanse of the house, a discordant symphony of urgency that grated against my frayed nerves. "Fucking hell!" My voice pierced the stillness, a primal scream of frustration as I reached the threshold of the door.

Throwing it open with a forceful tug, my irritation faltered in the face of the sight before me. Ivy stood on the doorstep, tears tracing delicate pathways down her cheeks, her trembling form a testament to the turmoil that raged within.

Without a word, she stepped past me, seeking refuge within the sanctuary of the familiar confines. With a heavy heart, I closed the door behind her, the weight of concern settling like a cloak around my shoulders. "Ivy, what's wrong?" My voice was soft, a stark contrast to the anger that had moments ago consumed me.

Her sobs reverberated through the silence, a cacophony of pain and despair that tore at my soul. Moving closer, I reached out, my hands cupping her cheeks in a gentle embrace. "Calm down, tell me what happened," I urged, my words a whispered plea for her to unburden herself.

"John..." The name hung in the air, a shadow that cast a pall over the room. Furrowing my brow, I braced myself for the revelation that I knew would follow.

Her wrist emerged from the confines of her sleeve, the mottled bruises a stark testament to the violence that had been inflicted upon her. Rage, pure and unbridled, surged through my veins at the sight, threatening to consume me whole.

"He forced himself onto me," she whispered, the words a fragile confession that shattered the fragile facade of composure she had so valiantly maintained.

The air crackled with tension, each breath heavy with the weight of unspoken words and simmering rage. With a sense of finality, I released Ivy from my grasp, the sting of betrayal pulsing like a raw wound beneath the surface. Fingers trembling with barely-contained fury, I snatched the car keys from their resting place, my resolve hardening with each passing second.

"I'm going to kill him," the words escaped my lips like venom, a promise of retribution that hung heavy in the air. But before I could take another step towards the door, Ivy's voice shattered the silence, a plea tinged with desperation.

"Please, don't leave me here alone."

The grip of anger faltered in the face of her vulnerability, replaced by a surge of protectiveness that surged within me like a raging torrent. My eyes softened as they met hers, a silent vow passing between us in the depths of their shared gaze.

"Okay," I whispered, the words a gentle reassurance that rippled through the space between us. With a reluctant sigh, I returned the keys to their rightful place.

"Let's go get you cleaned up," I murmured, my hand finding solace in the small of her back as I guided her towards the sanctuary of my bedroom. The familiar routine of preparation unfolded with practiced ease, each action a balm to soothe the wounds that marred her spirit.

Instructing her to wait on the edge of the bed, I busied myself with the task of preparing the bath, the sound of running water a soothing melody that filled the room. A dash of bubble bath added a playful touch to the proceedings, a fleeting attempt to bring lightness to the darkness that threatened to engulf us.

But when I called for her, there was no response. With a furrowed brow, I retraced my steps, my heart lurching at the sight that greeted me upon my return. Ivy sat on the edge of the bed, her gaze fixed on some unseen horizon, a shadow of despair etched upon her features.

"Come on," I urged, my voice soft with tenderness as I reached out to her. With a gentle tug, I led her towards the promise of cleansing waters.

Ivy's gaze remained fixed, a distant flicker of emotion swirling within the depths of her eyes. The air hung heavy with unspoken words, a palpable tension that wrapped around us like a suffocating embrace. "Okay, darling, lift up your arms for me," I murmured, the sound of my voice a gentle reassurance in the silence that surrounded us.

With a hesitant nod, she complied, her movements slow and deliberate as she raised her arms skyward. I reached out, my fingers grazing the soft fabric of her shirt as I lifted it over her head, the material falling away to reveal the vulnerability that lay beneath.

Beneath the veneer of composure, her body trembled with the weight of her emotions. I knelt before her, the familiar routine of undressing a silent ritual of care and compassion.

Her shoes followed, each buckle and lace a symbol of the burdens she carried, relinquished one by one in the quiet expanse of the room. As her jeans slipped away, I felt the weight of her pain settle over me like a shroud, a silent reminder of the fragility of the human spirit.

"Do you want some privacy?" I offered, the words a gentle plea for her to reclaim control over her own vulnerability.

But she remained silent, the weight of her silence echoing in the stillness that enveloped us. With a resigned sigh, I accepted the answer that lingered unspoken between us, a silent understanding of the depths of her pain.

Moving behind her, I released the clasp of her bra with practiced ease, the garment joining the growing pile of discarded clothing at our feet. With a steadying breath, I reached for the waistband of her panties, my movements slow and deliberate as I guided them down her trembling legs.

And though the temptation to look was great, I averted my gaze, a silent vow to honor her dignity in the midst of her vulnerability.

As Ivy eased into the warm embrace of the bathtub, I settled onto the cool tiles beside her, the soft light of the bathroom casting a gentle glow over the scene. With a tender touch, I rested my head on my arms, the edge of the tub a barrier between us and the outside world.

"Just soak for a minute," I murmured, the words a gentle directive that hung in the air like a whispered promise. My gaze never wavering from her face.

John's actions lingered like a shadow in the recesses of my mind, a festering wound that demanded retribution. With a silent vow, I made a mental note of his whereabouts, a silent promise of justice yet to be served.

Lifting my head, I reached for the soap and sponge, the weight of uncertainty heavy in the air. "Is it okay if I wash you?" I asked, the words laced with a tentative hesitance. Her nod was a silent affirmation, a fragile trust placed in my hands.

With a steady hand, I applied the soap to the sponge, the scent of lavender filling the air with its soothing aroma. Instructing her to lean forward, I washed her with a gentle reverence, each stroke a silent prayer for healing and solace.

"You're going to be okay," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper as I pressed a kiss to her bruised wrist, the gesture a silent vow of solidarity.

Once the task was done, I helped her from the tub, a towel enveloping her trembling form like a shield against the world. With a sense of urgency, I retrieved spare pajamas from the depths of my closet, the fabric a tangible reminder of the care and compassion that bound us together.

"Will you be okay, or do you need help dressing?" I asked softly, the concern evident in my voice. Ivy's weak smile was a balm to my soul, a silent affirmation of her strength in the face of adversity.

Nodding in understanding, I left her to her own devices, retreating to the comfort of my bed as I waited for her to join me.

As the minutes stretched into eternity, the silence of the room was broken by the soft padding of footsteps. Ivy emerged from the bathroom and with a silent nod, I lifted the blankets, inviting her to join me in the refuge of the bed.

She slipped beneath the covers with a quiet grace, her form fitting seamlessly against mine like pieces of a puzzle finally reunited. As she nestled close, I felt the weight of her pain pressing against my chest, a silent reminder of the wounds that still festered beneath the surface.

Running my fingers through her hair, I whispered words of apology into the darkness, the weight of guilt heavy on my tongue. "I'm sorry, I never should've encouraged you to go out," I murmured, each syllable a testament to the regret that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.

But Ivy lifted her head, her gaze meeting mine with a quiet strength that belied the fragility of her spirit. "It's not your fault, you couldn't have known," she reassured, her words a soothing balm to the wounds of my guilt.

With a soft sigh, I extinguished the bedside lamp, the darkness enveloping us like a comforting embrace. As Ivy's breathing slowed into the steady rhythm of sleep, I found solace in the quiet of the night, the weight of her presence a tangible reminder of the bond that tethered us together.

And as the tendrils of sleep began to wrap themselves around my weary mind, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to drift into the oblivion of dreams. For in the silence of the night, amidst the gentle cadence of Ivy's breath, I found sanctuary from the storm that raged outside.

The morning dawned with a soft glow, casting delicate tendrils of light through the curtains and into the room. With careful precision, I extricated myself from the warmth of Ivy's embrace, reluctant to disturb her peaceful slumber.

Padding down the stairs, the floorboards creaked beneath my weight, a gentle reminder of the life that pulsed within the walls of the house. In the kitchen, the promise of a new day awaited, a blank canvas upon which to paint the colors of possibility.

Opening the fridge, I retrieved the staples of breakfast - bacon and eggs - their familiar presence a comforting reassurance in the face of uncertainty. Chai, ever the faithful companion, followed me with lazy indifference, his tail wagging in sleepy acknowledgment of my presence. With a soft smile, I reached down to pat his head.

After washing my hands, I set to work on the task at hand, the sizzle of bacon filling the air with its tantalizing aroma. But before I could fully immerse myself in the ritual of cooking, the front door swung open, heralding the arrival of an unexpected guest.

"Smells delicious in here, I hope you are making enough for me too," Natalie's voice rang out, a playful tease that cut through the silence of the morning.

I rolled my eyes in exasperation, the familiar banter a comforting reminder of our shared history. "Natalie, I give up," I sighed, the words a playful concession to the inevitability of her presence.

With a chuckle, she settled onto a stool, her presence a burst of energy in the quiet expanse of the kitchen. "Chill, I'm not here for you, I'm here for Ivy," she declared, the mischievous glint in her eyes belying the sincerity of her words. And with a flourish, she produced a small package from the depths of her bag.

Natalie's playful demeanor grated against my nerves like sandpaper on skin, her words a sharp reminder of the precarious balance that hung between us. As she reached for a piece of bacon with careless nonchalance, I felt the weight of the knife in my hand, its cold metal a tangible reminder of the rage that simmered just beneath the surface.

"You know, if you're not going to take Ivy to bed soon, I might just do it again," she taunted, her words laced with a venomous edge that set my teeth on edge.

With a deep breath, I forced my fingers to relax around the hilt of the knife, the sharp blade glinting in the soft light of the kitchen. "You're not going to touch her," I retorted, the words a silent promise of protection.

Natalie's scoff rang out like a peal of mocking laughter, her gaze meeting mine with a challenge that ignited a fire within. "Well, someone's gotta do it, 'cause you're not," she shot back, her words like a slap to the face.

The knife trembled in my grasp as I slammed it down onto the counter, the sound reverberating through the silence like a thunderclap. "What the fuck? Do you suddenly have feelings for her?" I demanded, the words a desperate plea for understanding.

But Natalie's eyes rolled in exasperation, her dismissive tone a dagger to the heart. "The fuck gives you that impression?" she countered, her words dripping with disdain.

Before I could respond, Ivy's sleepy figure appeared in the doorway, her presence a welcome reprieve from the tension that hung thick in the air. Dropping the knife, I rushed to her side, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "Happy birthday, my darling," I whispered, the words a gentle reminder of the love that bound us together.

She returned the embrace with equal fervor, her voice soft with gratitude. "Thank you, Tori," she murmured, her words a balm to the wounds that still lingered within.

As she pulled away, her gaze fell upon Natalie, a smile lighting up her face. "Nat!" she exclaimed, the warmth of her greeting filling the room with its infectious energy. "What're you doing here?" she chuckled.

As Natalie enveloped Ivy in a warm embrace, my heart clenched with a pang of jealousy, the sight of their easy friendship stirring a tumult of emotions within me. But I pushed aside the irrationality of my envy, focusing instead on the task at hand.

With a determined effort, I returned my attention to the breakfast preparations, the rhythmic clatter of utensils against plates a comforting distraction from the storm of emotions raging within. Yet, despite my best efforts to bury the gnawing sensation of insecurity, it lingered like a shadow in the recesses of my mind.

"You did not!" Ivy's voice rang out with delight, pulling me from the depths of my introspection. Glancing up, I watched as she held up a bone-shaped keychain, the name 'Chai' engraved upon its surface. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I witnessed the genuine joy that danced in her eyes.

With a deep breath, I reminded myself of the love that bound us together, the strength of our connection a beacon of solace amidst the turbulence of my emotions. Ivy loved me, of that I was certain, and I refused to let jealousy poison the bond that we shared.

As I served the food, we ate together in a companionable silence, the tension of the moment dissipating like mist beneath the warmth of the morning sun. But just as the calm settled over us, Natalie's voice shattered the tranquility.

"Oh, by the way," she began, pausing to take a sip of orange juice, "I'm taking you out for dinner tonight."

Ivy glanced at me and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Natalie's audacity, the frustration of her intrusion bubbling to the surface. "Whatever, I have my own plans," I retorted, the words sharp with irritation.

But Ivy's smile remained undimmed as she turned to Natalie with eager anticipation. "Where are we going?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Natalie's gaze fell upon Ivy's bruised wrist, her brow knitting together in a silent question that hung heavy in the air. With gentle concern, she reached for Ivy's hand, her touch a tender reassurance amidst the storm of emotions that raged within.

Turning towards me, her eyes bore into mine with an accusatory intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "Did you do this?" she demanded, her voice a whisper that cut through the silence like a knife.

Shock reverberated through me like a bolt of lightning, the accusation hanging between us like a dark cloud on the horizon. How dare she insinuate that I would harm Ivy, the very thought a betrayal of everything I held dear.

"Victoria, I swear-" she began, but I cut her off with a sharp retort, the anger simmering within me like a pot ready to boil over. "How dare you accuse me of doing that!" I snapped, the force of my words echoing off the walls of the kitchen.

Natalie's eyes flashed with defiance, her own frustration bubbling to the surface like molten lava. "Well, how else would you explain the bruises?" she shot back, her words a challenge that I refused to accept.

"It wasn't me," I hissed, the venom in my voice laced with a potent mixture of rage and indignation. "Why the fuck would you ever think I'd lay a hand on Ivy?"

But Natalie's skepticism remained unyielding, her accusations a dagger to the heart that threatened to tear us apart. "Please," she scoffed, her words like a dagger to the heart. "We all know you have a fucking temper and get jealous over the most stupidest thing!"

The realization hit me like a sledgehammer to the chest, the truth of her words ringing in my ears like a damning verdict. "Holy shit," I gasped, the weight of the revelation crashing down upon me like a tidal wave. "You have feelings for her."

Ivy rose from her stool with a sense of finality, her voice heavy with resignation. "Yeah, I'm gonna go," she murmured, her words a silent plea for escape. "Thanks for breakfast."

And with that, she was gone, leaving behind a void that echoed with a deafening silence

Fury surged through me like a tempest, every fiber of my being vibrating with an intensity that threatened to consume me whole. With a steely gaze, I fixed Natalie with a glare that burned with the fire of a thousand suns. "Get the fuck out of my house," I spat, the words dripping with venom.

But Natalie remained unfazed, her defiance a stark contrast to the chaos that raged within me. "I'm still taking her to dinner," she retorted, her tone laced with a stubborn resolve as she gathered her belongings and made her way towards the door.

The slam of the front door reverberated through the house like a gunshot, the sound echoing in the hollow chamber of my heart. With a trembling hand, I reached for the empty glass before me, the weight of my anger heavy in my grasp. And with a primal scream of frustration, I hurled it against the wall, the shatter of glass a symphony of chaos in the stillness of the room.

As shards of broken glass littered the floor like fallen stars, I felt the weight of my own emotions crashing down upon me like a tidal wave. How could my own sister accuse me of such heinous acts? The thought sent a chill down my spine, a stark reminder of the fragility of trust in the face of betrayal.

With a sense of numb resignation, I retreated to the sanctuary of my bedroom, the walls closing in around me like a suffocating embrace. Grabbing my phone with trembling hands, I scrolled through the messages with a sense of detached disbelief. How could everything unravel so quickly, leaving behind nothing but the bitter taste of betrayal in its wake?

Hours stretched into eternity as I lay cocooned in the sanctuary of my bed, the soft glow of the television casting flickering shadows across the walls. With each episode of Supergirl, I felt the tension in my muscles slowly begin to ebb away, replaced by a fleeting sense of calm amidst the chaos that raged within.

But as the credits rolled on the screen, reality came crashing back with a vengeance, tearing through the fragile facade of tranquility that I had constructed around myself. With a heavy sigh, I pushed myself upright, the weight of the world bearing down upon my shoulders like a leaden shroud.

Summoning what little strength remained within me, I made my way downstairs, the floorboards creaking beneath my feet like the echoes of a distant memory. "Come on, buddy," I murmured, the sound of my voice a solitary echo in the stillness of the house.

In the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of cold water, the cool liquid a welcome reprieve from the heat of my own emotions. But before I could even take a sip, the front door swung open with an unwelcome intrusion, shattering the fragile peace that had settled over me like fragile glass.

"Why does no one fucking knock anymore?" I groaned, the frustration of the moment boiling over like a cauldron on the brink of eruption.

And then, there she stood, my mother, an unwelcome specter from the past whose presence filled me with a sense of dread that clawed at the edges of my consciousness. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I demanded, my words sharp with anger and disbelief.

But my mother remained unfazed, her gaze cold and unyielding as she met my glare with a steely resolve of her own. "Still no respect for me, I see," she remarked, the edge of disappointment lacing her words like bitter poison.

"You don't deserve any respect," I shot back, the words tumbling from my lips with a force that surprised even me. "And you're not welcome here, so kindly, fuck off."

Her response was swift and cutting, her voice a sharp reminder of the wounds that still festered between us like open wounds. "Victoria Rose Sinclair, you will show me respect, especially after going through this divorce even when I explicitly told you not to do it," she hissed, the weight of her disapproval hanging heavy in the air like a pall of smoke.

As my mother's words cut through the air like a knife, a surge of rage ignited within me, a primal fire that burned with a ferocity I could scarcely contain. With a saccharine smile plastered across my lips, I seized her arm with a grip that bordered on violence, the adrenaline coursing through my veins like liquid fire.

"Get the hell away from me," I spat, the words dripping with venom as I propelled her towards the front door with a force that bordered on brutality. And with a final push, I sent her stumbling out into the cold embrace of the evening, the slam of my house.

Alone once more, I retreated to the sanctuary of my room, the weight of the encounter settling like a heavy cloak upon my shoulders. With trembling hands, I shed the trappings of civility, exchanging the constricting fabric of formal attire for the comforting embrace of more comfortable clothes.

With a sense of purpose that burned bright within me, I snatched up my car keys and made my way out to the driveway.

As the engine roared to life beneath me, I navigated the familiar streets with a sense of determination that bordered on desperation. And as the miles stretched out before me like an endless ribbon of asphalt, I found myself drawn inexorably towards my destination.

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot of a motel, the neon glow of the sign casting eerie shadows across the deserted landscape. With a sense of trepidation mingled with anticipation, I checked the messages on my phone, the screen illuminating the darkness with its harsh glare. There it was, a message from John, detailing the room in which he was staying.

With John's room number burning in my mind like a brand, I stepped out of the confines of my car. Each breath hung heavy with anticipation, the weight of my purpose pressing down upon me like an anchor tethering me to reality. He had better be here, I thought, the words echoing in the cavernous depths of my mind like a mantra.

Approaching the door with a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation, I raised my hand and rapped sharply against the wood, the sound reverberating through the silence like a drumbeat. I waited with bated breath, every second stretching out before me like an eternity, the anticipation gnawing at the edges of my consciousness like a hungry beast.

Finally, the door swung open with a reluctant creak, revealing John's disheveled figure standing before me. His bruised face served as a silent testament to the havoc that had been wrought, a twisted mirror reflecting the consequences of his actions. A smirk played at the corners of my lips, a cruel twist of fate that filled me with a perverse sense of satisfaction. It seemed Ivy had left her mark after all.

"Why are you barging in like this?" he slurred, his words slurred with the unmistakable cadence of intoxication. Great, I thought, he's drunk.

Without hesitation, I seized him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall, the impact jolting him into a momentary state of sobriety. "How fucking dare you lay a hand on Ivy?" I spat, the words laced with a venom that dripped like acid from my tongue. "You're fucking disgusting."

But John pushed me away with a drunken stumble, his defiance a feeble echo in the face of my righteous fury. "Don't touch me," he slurred, the words a weak plea for mercy that fell on deaf ears.

With a primal roar of rage, I lunged forward and tackled him to the ground, the force of my assault driving the breath from his lungs with a sickening wheeze. "Fuck you, John!" I screamed, the words a battle cry that echoed through the empty room like a clarion call to arms.

And as my fists rained down upon him with the fury of a vengeful god, I felt a primal satisfaction wash over me, the cathartic release of violence filling the void left by the betrayal of trust. With each blow, I felt the weight of my anger dissipate like smoke in the wind, leaving behind nothing but the bitter taste of retribution on my lips.

As John yanked me off with a violent jerk, I found myself sprawled on the ground, his weight pressing down upon me like a suffocating blanket. The world spun dizzily around me, the taste of blood thick in my mouth as pain exploded behind my eyes like a burst dam.

With trembling hands, I attempted to push him off, but his grip was like iron, his blows raining down upon me with a relentless fury that left me gasping for breath. Each impact sent shockwaves of agony coursing through my body, the sharp sting of broken skin a grim reminder of the brutality of our encounter.

Desperation clawed at the edges of my consciousness as I struggled to break free from his grasp, the air thick with the acrid scent of sweat and blood. And then, like a beacon in the darkness, my gaze fell upon the glinting surface of an empty beer bottle lying discarded on the ground beside me.

With a surge of adrenaline-fueled determination, I reached for it with trembling fingers, the cool glass a comforting weight in my grasp. And then, with a primal scream of defiance, I brought it crashing down upon his head with all the force I could muster.

The sound of shattering glass filled the air like a symphony of destruction, the shards scattering like diamonds in the dim light of the room. John cried out in pain, his grip faltering as he fell to the ground in a heap of broken flesh and shattered dreams.

With the empty bottle pressed against his throat, I met his gaze with a steely resolve, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air like a death knell. "I will slice your throat the next time you touch her," I vowed, the promise ringing with the solemnity of an oath sworn in blood.

And then, without a backward glance, I rose to my feet and made my way back to the car, the echo of my footsteps a solitary echo in the stillness of the night. Behind me, John lay crumpled on the ground, his fate sealed by the sharp edge of my resolve.

As the adrenaline of the confrontation began to ebb away, a wave of searing pain surged through my body like a tsunami crashing against the shore. Every movement sent fresh waves of agony rippling through my battered frame, the ache in my head and hands a relentless reminder of the violence that had transpired.

With trembling hands, I glanced down at my knuckles, the skin bruised and broken from the force of my blows. In the dim light of the car, my reflection stared back at me from the rearview mirror, a grim visage marred by blood and bruises. "Holy shit," I muttered to myself, a dry laugh escaping my lips at the absurdity of it all. I looked like a goddamn mess.

Shaking off the haze of pain that threatened to engulf me, I shifted the car into reverse and set off in search of sanctuary. The nearest gas station would have to do, I thought grimly, the need for relief outweighing any concerns for appearances.

Pulling into the parking lot, I carelessly wedged the car between two empty spaces, the screech of tires against asphalt drowned out by the pounding of my own heartbeat. With a sigh of resignation, I killed the engine and reached for my purse, the weight of it heavy in my hands like a lifeline in the storm.

Ignoring the curious stares of onlookers, I pushed open the door to the shop and stepped inside, the cool air a welcome respite from the suffocating heat of the night. My eyes scanned the aisles in search of salvation, finally settling upon a display of bandages nestled amongst a sea of miscellaneous items.

With a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation, I gathered the necessary supplies and made my way to the counter, the weight of judgmental eyes bearing down upon me like a heavy burden. "What happened to you?" the clerk asked, their tone laced with genuine concern.

"What happened to minding your own business?" I shot back, my words tinged with bitterness as I placed the items on the counter with a sense of finality.

As I hastily completed the transaction at the counter, a sense of urgency gripped me like a vice, driving me to escape the prying eyes of the world outside. With the supplies in hand, I made a beeline for the safety of my car, the familiar confines offering a sanctuary from the chaos that raged within.

Inside the car, I wasted no time in preparing to tend to my wounds. With trembling hands, I grabbed a handful of cotton balls and soaked them in disinfectant, the sharp scent cutting through the stale air like a knife. Steeling myself for the pain to come, I took a deep breath and began to dab at the bruises marring my face, each touch sending a jolt of agony racing through my senses.

"Motherfucker!" I cursed through gritted teeth, the words torn from my lips in a fervent prayer for release. But still, I pressed on, determined to cleanse away the stains of violence that marred my skin like a scarlet letter.

With painstaking care, I moved on to my hands, the disinfectant stinging as it seeped into the raw wounds that marred my flesh. Every movement sent waves of pain coursing through my battered frame, but still I persevered, the need for relief driving me forward with a single-minded determination.

Finally, I reached for a handful of ice cubes, the cold seeping through the plastic bag like a balm for my aching soul. With a sense of grim satisfaction, I pressed the makeshift ice pack against my injured hand, the numbness providing a fleeting respite from the torment that threatened to consume me.

But even as I tended to my wounds, a nagging sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, a silent reminder of the violence that had transpired. With a heavy heart, I discarded the remaining ice into the trash, a futile gesture in the face of the scars that would linger long after the physical wounds had healed.

With a sigh of resignation, I climbed back behind the wheel and set off for home, the weight of the night hanging heavy in the air like a shroud. But even as I drove, the echoes of the confrontation reverberated through my mind like a haunting refrain, a grim reminder of the darkness that lurked within us all.

The rhythmic pulse of the music filled the confines of the car, but, like a sudden storm on a clear day, my thoughts were shattered by the screech of tires against asphalt, the world spinning in a blur of motion as I brought the car to an abrupt halt.

"Oh fuck no!" I exclaimed, my voice laced with a mixture of frustration and disbelief. With a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation, I flung open the door and stepped out onto the pavement, the cool night air a sharp contrast to the heat of my anger.

"Ivy Williams, get your fucking ass in my car, now!" I barked, the words ringing out into the night like a clarion call. My gaze swept over the scene before me, the figures of Ivy and Natalie standing in the glow of the streetlights, their expressions a mixture of confusion and concern.

"I'm not going to tell you twice!" I warned, my voice dripping with a venom, and with a sense of resignation, Ivy bid farewell to Natalie and made her way towards the car, her steps quickening with each passing moment.

"Calm down, I'm here," she said as she drew near, but her words faltered as she caught sight of my bruised face, a look of shock crossing her features like a shadow passing over the moon.

"What the fuck happened to you?" she demanded, her voice tinged with concern and disbelief. But I merely rolled my eyes in response, the weight of the night pressing down upon me like a suffocating blanket.

"Get in the car," I replied curtly, the words clipped and cold as I turned away from her gaze. With a heavy sigh, Ivy obeyed, slipping into the passenger seat with a sense of trepidation that mirrored my own.

"What happened?" she asked again, her voice a soft whisper in the darkness. But I merely ignored her, my eyes fixed on the road ahead as I navigated the familiar streets with a sense of purpose that bordered on desperation.

As I pulled into the driveway, the weight of the silence between us hung heavy in the air like a shroud, suffocating in its intensity. With a heavy sigh, I cut the engine and stepped out into the cool night air, the darkness swallowing me whole as I made my way towards the front door.

I could feel Ivy's eyes burning into my back as she followed in my wake, her footsteps echoing like a ghostly whisper in the stillness of the night. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" she ventured, her voice soft with concern.

Unlocking the front door, I pushed it open with a sense of resignation, the weight of the night pressing down upon me like a burden too heavy to bear. "You actually went on a dinner date with my sister?" I questioned, the words heavy with accusation.

Ivy sighed wearily, her hand coming up to rub at her forehead in a gesture of frustration. "It wasn't a date," she explained, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "She just took me for dinner on my birthday."

Closing the door behind Ivy, I brushed past her with a sense of mounting frustration. "Why does it bother you so much?" she pressed, her words a gentle probe into the depths of my turmoil. "It's not like I'd suddenly fall in love with Nat—"

But her words were cut short by a sharp intake of breath as I pushed her against the wall with a suddenness that caught her off guard. My hand closed around her neck, the heat of my anger radiating from me in waves. "I don't want you going out with her anymore," I growled, the words laced with possessiveness.

For a moment, Ivy's gaze met mine, her eyes dark with a mixture of defiance and desire. "Just fuck me already," she groaned, her voice a whispered plea in the darkness.

With a soft sigh escaping my lips like a whisper in the night, I leaned in, my heart pounding a wild rhythm in my chest as our lips collided in a frenzy of desire. The taste of her on my tongue was intoxicating, a heady blend of sweetness and spice that left me craving more.

I kissed her hungrily, my lips trailing a fiery path across her skin as I nibbled softly on her bottom lip, savoring the sensation of her warmth against my own. With a deft movement, I removed my hand from her neck, allowing my mouth to take its place, tracing a path of fire and desire along the delicate curve of her throat.

A soft moan escaped her lips, the sound like music to my ears as she threw her head back in abandon, surrendering herself to the intoxicating pleasure of our embrace. With a smirk playing at the corners of my lips, I continued to kiss her neck, reveling in the sensation of her skin.

But soon, my lips found their way back to hers, our mouths melding together in a dance as old as time itself. Ivy's hands moved to rest on my hips, but I quickly seized them, pinning them against the wall above her head with a firmness that left no room for argument.

"You don't get to touch," I whispered against her mouth, my voice a low growl that sent shivers down her spine.

With a sense of urgency driving me forward, I grabbed Ivy's elbow and guided her swiftly up the stairs, the tension between us palpable in the air like a live wire crackling with electricity. In my bedroom, I wasted no time in pushing her down onto the bed, my movements fueled by a hunger that bordered on desperation.

Climbing on top of her, I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins as I pinned both her hands above her head, my grip firm and unyielding. With my other hand, I grasped her chin forcefully, my touch a silent command that brooked no disobedience. "You don't get to touch," I whispered, the words a low growl that hung heavy in the air between us.

Ivy nodded obediently, her eyes dark with desire as she surrendered to the raw intensity of our encounter. "Good girl," I murmured, a sense of satisfaction coursing through me as I reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head in one fluid motion. With a commanding tone, I demanded, "Lift up your ass," as I swiftly removed her pants, revealing the flawless expanse of her skin beneath.

She lay beneath me, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she awaited my next move. Placing my hands just beneath her breasts, I trailed my fingers downward in a slow, deliberate motion, savoring the softness of her skin beneath my touch. Ivy's moans filled the air like a symphony of desire, each sound a testament to the pleasure that coursed through her veins.

"Please," she whispered, her voice a pleading plea for release. But I merely smirked in response, my fingers dancing teasingly over her clit beneath her panties. "Please what?" I teased, the smirk playing at the corners of my lips as I reveled in the power I held over her. And then, unable to resist the pull of our desire any longer, she whispered, "Please Victoria, just fuck me already," her voice a husky whisper that echoed in the darkness like a promise of ecstasy yet to come.

With a hunger that burned like fire in my veins, I leaned down, my lips trailing a scorching path along Ivy's neck as she arched beneath me, her breath coming in ragged gasps that only fueled the flames of my desire. With a deft movement, I unclasped her bra, tossing it aside without a second thought as I captured one of her nipples in my mouth, savoring the taste of her skin against my tongue.

I massaged her breast with my free hand, reveling in the softness of her skin beneath my touch as she moaned in ecstasy, her hands tangling in my hair with a desperation born of desire. Switching to her other breast, I continued my assault on her senses, my touch igniting a fire that threatened to consume us both.

With deliberate precision, I trailed my hand downward, tracing slow circles over her stomach until I reached the tantalizing heat between her thighs. Ivy's moans grew louder as I teased her clit with feather-light touches, each stroke sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body.

"F-fuck," she moaned, her voice a whispered plea for more as her hands tightened in my hair, urging me onward. With a hunger that mirrored my own, I kissed my way down her stomach, my lips blazing a trail of fire as I reached the waistband of her underwear.

Swiftly removing my shirt, I met Ivy's gaze with a heated intensity, my desire laid bare for her to see. With a flick of my wrist, I removed her underwear, leaving her exposed and vulnerable beneath me. Licking my lips in anticipation, I instructed her to bend her legs, my voice a husky whisper that sent shivers down her spine.

Leaning in, I left a trail of slow, deliberate kisses along her inner thigh, savoring the taste of her skin against my lips as I prepared to take her to heights of pleasure she had never known.

I could feel the urgency in her voice, the desperation for release pulsing through the air like a tangible force. But I refused to be swayed by her pleas, determined to teach her a lesson in obedience. "Just touch me," she begged, her voice a husky whisper that sent shivers down my spine.

But I was having none of it. With a firm grip on her neck, I leaned in close, my breath hot against her skin as I delivered my ultimatum. "You don't get to tell me what to do," I whispered, my voice laced with a steely resolve that brooked no argument.

Releasing her neck, I trailed my fingers between her folds, savoring the feel of her warmth against my skin as she squirmed beneath me. With a smirk playing at the corners of my lips, I inserted two fingers inside her, relishing the way she clenched around them in response to my touch.

Leaning down, I flicked my tongue in slow, deliberate circles around her clit, reveling in the way her breath hitched with each caress. "Fuck," she moaned, her grip on the bed sheets tightening as pleasure washed over her in waves.

As I picked up the pace, pumping my fingers in and out of her with increasing fervor, I used my free hand to trace a path of fire and desire down her body, my nails sinking into her skin with a possessive grip. With each curl of my fingers, I felt her walls tighten around me, her moans growing louder as she approached the brink of ecstasy.

"I'm going to cum," she moaned, her voice a breathless plea for release. With a smirk that oozed with dominance, I withdrew my fingers from her throbbing core, reveling in the shock that flickered in her eyes like a flame caught in a gust of wind. "Come on," she groaned, her disappointment palpable in every syllable.

But I had other plans, a lesson to impart and boundaries to enforce. Leaning in, I fixed her with a steely gaze, my voice a low, commanding growl. "I forbid you from going on dates with Natalie from now on, do you understand?" I demanded, my words dripping with authority.

Ivy nodded meekly, her compliance fueling the fire that burned within me. Rolling my eyes at her feeble response, I pressed further, my tone brooking no dissent. "Speak up," I commanded, my voice a sharp lash that cut through the air like a whip.

"I understand," she whispered, her voice barely more than a soft murmur. With a satisfied smirk, I leaned back down, my fingers finding their way back inside her eager heat. Gripping her hip with a possessive hold, I resumed my ministrations, my movements unrelenting and unforgiving.

As her cries of pleasure echoed through the room, I reveled in the power I held over her, relishing every gasp and moan that fell from her lips like sweet music to my ears. She finally reached the pinnacle of ecstasy, screaming out my name, her body trembling with release, I withdrew my fingers and offered them to her lips, a silent invitation for her to taste herself.

Leaning in, I captured her mouth in a searing kiss, her taste mingling with mine in a heady concoction of desire and satisfaction. With a satisfied smirk, I pulled away, leaving her breathless and utterly spent beneath me, a testament to the control I held over her body and her desires.

As Ivy reached out to touch me, I intercepted her hands with a firm grasp, my tone brooking no argument. "You don't get to fuck me tonight," I declared, shaking my head to emphasize my point. "Now go pee."

With a resigned groan, Ivy reluctantly climbed out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom. When she returned a minute later, I tossed some spare clothes her way, dismissing her suggestion of showering with a shake of my head. "We can take a bath tomorrow morning," I informed her tersely.

Her quizzical expression only served to amuse me as I settled back under the covers. "We?" she repeated, her eyebrows arching in surprise. "Would you prefer to take a bath alone?" I countered, a hint of amusement coloring my voice.

"Hell no," she chuckled, quickly dressing herself before slipping back under the blankets beside me. "Thank you," she whispered, her gratitude warming me to the core.

With a tender smile, I pulled her close, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. "Goodnight, my darling. I love you," I murmured softly, the words a soothing balm to my weary soul.

She responded with a sleepy yawn, her words barely more than a whisper. "I love you too."

As I felt the weight of sleep begin to pull me under, I couldn't help but smile, content in the knowledge that I was wrapped in the comforting embrace of the woman I loved. And with that comforting thought, I surrendered to the embrace of sleep, my dreams filled with visions of a future spent with Ivy by my side.

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