The First Immortal TVD x TW

By XxLegacy214xX

105K 3.6K 639

This is the story of the First Immortal. A Spartan King cursed with Immortality and a bite to match. A hybr... More

Message To The Familia
I Vasilikí Oikogéneia ~The Royal Family~
Children Of The First
The Pack So Far
The First True Immortal
The Boys Who Cried Wolf S1:E1
Second Chances S1:E2
Pack Mentality S1:E3
Magic Bullet S1:E4
The Tell S1:E5
Heart Monitor S1:E6
Night School S1:E7
Stained Honor S1:E8
Wolfsbane S1:E9
Symbols S1:E10
Code-Breaker S1:E12
Omega S2:E1
Shape Shifted S2:E2
Ice Pick S2:E3
Abomination S2:E4
Venomous S2:E5
Frenemy S2:E6
Restraint S2:E7
Raving S2:E8
Sorrow S2:E9
Fury S2:E10
No Goodbyes S2:E12

Formality S1:E11

1.6K 78 9
By XxLegacy214xX

August 8th, 2008

   As the night sky shined over Beacon Hills in unknown part of the town Derek Hale and Leon could be seen chained up with Leon still unconscious.

   "What the hell did you do to him!" Derek shouted as he looked over at his brother in all but blood.

   "Leon. Cmon man wake up." Derek roared as Leon's eyes popped open before he went into a coughing fit spitting up blood mixed with Wolfsbane.

Leon POV:

   "Ugh. Where am I?" I asked groggily as moved my head to see Derek chained up next to me.

   "Leonidas." Derek said softly before he sighed in relief as footsteps could be heard approaching.

   "Don't show them weakness." I muttered before I shakily straightened my form with Derek copying me as Kate Argent walked in with a smug smirk on her lips.

   "Well well well. Look at who finally decided to join the party." Kate said as she grabbed a cattle prod and taxed making me grit my teeth in pain.

   "ROOOAAARRR!" As Kate Electro-shocked me Derek roared in defense of me.

  "Don't Derek. That's what she wants." I groaned out as Derek turned to me with his eyes glowing cobalt blue.

   "I can take it." I stated as my eyes glowed red before Kate gave us an annoyed look before she went over to a control panel and turned the dial causing electricity to flow through the fence shocking both Me and Derek.

   "AHHHHH!" I roared out as Derek and I continued to be electrocuted while Kate stood in front of us and watched with amusement.

Pack POV:

  As Derek and Leon continued to tortured across Beacon Hills at the Vet Clinic Scott had just woken up after being shot by the Hunters.

   "Welcome back to the land of the conscious." Alana Deaton, Veterinarian, stated as he helped Scott stand up.

   "Leon. Where's Leon?" Scott asked as he stood shakily.

   "Your Alpha. The Argents have him and Derek Hale." Deaton stated as Scott grew worried before suddenly the door chime went off causing Scott and Deaton to turn towards the door.

   "Looks like someone's here." Deaton muttered before he tried to walk off only for Scott to grab his arm knowing who's around the corner.

   "It's okay." Deaton said before Scott let go to which Deaton walked to the front to see Peter Hale.

   "May I help you?" Deaton asked as Peter smirked at the Vet.

   "I'm here to pick up." Peter said as Deaton nodded.

   "I don't remember you dropping off." Deaton stated as Peter frowned.

   "This one wondered in on its own." Peter said as Deaton grew a serious look as Scott hid behind a metal slab.

   "Even if he did, I'm afraid I can't help you. We're closed." Deaton stated as Peter walked forward.

   "I think you can make an exception this one time. Don't you?" Peter asked as he approached the gate separating the Alpha and Doctor.

   "I'm sorry. That's not going to be possible. Maybe you can comeback during regular hours." Deaton stated as Peter grew quiet as used his senses to locate Scott.

   "You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it." Peter said in a monotone voice as Deaton approached the gate.

   "Like I said, we're closed." Deaton stated as Scott looked genuinely impressed by his bosses courage.

   As the Doctor and Alpha stared at each other Peter went to open the gate only to find that he couldn't because of an herb.

   "Mountain Ash. That's an old one." Peter said with an annoyed look on his face before he threw a chair at the wall next to Deaton, but the doctor remained unfazed.

   "Let me be as clear as possible. We. Are. Closed." Deaton stated as Peter growled lowly before he turned away but before he left he gave was last threat to Scott before he walked out the door.

McCall House

"So the Argents have Derek and Leon?" Stiles asked as Scott nodded while looking for his phone.

   "Then we need to get out there and look for them." Laura stated as Melissa stood next to her extremely worried for the father of her child.

   "We have to do something." Melissa stated as everyone turned her and sighed before Scott stood up and walked to her.

   "Cmon mom. You need to get off your feet." Scott stated as he guided Melissa out of the room leaving Stiles and Laura.

   "Where could they be?" Laura asked as Stiles shrugged before suddenly Stiles phone rang.

   "It's Allison." Stiles stated before he answered the phone as Laura focused her hearing listening in.

   "Allison?" Stiles said into the phone.

"I know where Leon is." Allison stated causing Stiles and Laura to look at each other shocked.

   "How the hell..." stiles started to say before Allison cut him off.

   "It doesn't matter. Just get what you need and meet me at the school." Allison stated before she hung up as Stiles turned to Laura.

   "What do we need?" Stiles asked as Melissa popped up with Scott next to her.

   "You'll need blood, and lots of it." Melissa stated holding up her hospital badge with a smirk while Scott sighed in defeat.


Leon POV:

  While the pack left to get blood and meet up with Allison in the bunker Derek and Leon could be seen still hanging off the electrified fence.

   "Leon I know you're in a lot of pain, but I need you to get us out of here." Derek stated as I pulled myself into a standing position.

   "Cmon Leon." Derek stated as I huffed before I tried pulling on the chains only for the fence to electrocute me causing me drop.

   "I-I'm sorry." I said as Derek sighed before suddenly I heard a voicemail on my phone.

   "Leon it's Melissa. I know you're probably in a lot of pain but we need to fight through it to come home. The pack is worried about you and so am I. We need you Leonidas." Melissa's voicemail said causing my eyes to glow red as I shakily stood back up.

   "We're going home." I growled as I put everything into breaking my chains even as the fence started electrocute me I didn't stop until finally my chains broke letting me drop to the ground.

   "Ugh..." I groaned as I laid on the ground barely able to move.

   "Cmon Leon. Cmon." Derek said to which I used the wall to help me up before I went to Derek and broke one of his chains freeing his hand before I slid down the wall unable to move anymore.

   "It's alright I'll take care of the rest." Derek said as he broke his chain before he wrapped my arm over his shoulder helping me up before he started dragging me out of the bunker looking for an exit.

  "WHERE ARE THEY?" We heard Kate yell behind us causing Derek and I to look at each other.

   "Let's get outta here." Derek stated as we quickly walked down the corridor and found a ladder to which Derek helped me climb up before I shakily started to turn the wheel only the door latch to be opened suddenly causing the sun to blind us but when it cleared I saw Allison smiling down at me.

   "Leon." Allison muttered breathlessly before she helped me out of bunker before Derek climbed out as well only to find the pack standing around us.

  "You guys sure took your sweet time." I stated making them laugh before Allison helped me to her car with the others climbing into theirs before we quickly drove off leaving a pissed off Kate Argent behind.

  "Thank you." I stated as I drank a blood bag from a coffee mug given to me by Laura.

   "How are you feeling?" Melissa asked as rubbed my arm.

   "Much better." I stated as I looked over to Stiles, Scott, Lydia, and Allison.

  "Don't you guys have a dance?" I asked as Lydia eyes went wide.

   "I haven't even bought a dress. Allison cmon." Lydia stated dragging Allison out there door before Scott and Stiles sighed.

   "I can't go. Bad grades." Scott stated as I chuckled.

   "Cmon are you really going to let that stop you?" I asked with an arched brow making Scott smile before he ran off up the stairs.

   "I don't have a date." Stiles said as I sighed before I stood up feeling stronger now that I have blood in my system.

   "Stiles get a nice suit and go to the dance. I promise you there will be a girl who would love to dance with you." I said making Stiles smirk before he walked out the door with confidence.

   "You're good with them." Melissa stated as I turned to her to see her smiling.

   "What do you mean?" I asked curiously as Laura chuckled.

   "Cmon Leon. Those boys hang off your every word and today when you were missing Scott and Stiles did everything trying to find you and I knew they wouldn't rest until they did." Laura stated as I smiled thinking about my betas.

   "They are good kids. Annoying, but good nonetheless." I said making Derek chuckle before he stood up.

   "Cmon Derek. Let's go get drunk." I stated making Derek laugh before we got dressed and left the house.

Hale House

  As Derek, Laura, and I sat in the porch of their home we had a bottle of bourbon being passed around.

  "Man. What a day." I said as I took a drink before I passed the bottle to Derek.

   "Tell me about it." Derek stated as he took a drink before he passed it to Laura.

   "How are you two feeling anyways?" Laura asked as Derek and I turned to each other and shrugged.

   "Same old same old." I said before I I reached into my pocket and pulled out a rolled up piece of paper.

   "Before I forget." I said as I handed them the paper to which Laura took it and read the paper only to gasp.

   "Leon..." Laura said as Derek read the paper and went wide eyed.

   "It didn't feel right. This territory not belonging to the Hales anymore, so I bought it back from the state." I said with a shrug as Laura dove at me and kissed me all over my face.

   "Thank you thank you thank you." Laura said as I laughed before Derek patted my shoulder.

   "You guys hear that?" Derek asked as Laura and I stood up due to us hearing fast footsteps only to see Allison and Scott running towards us.

   "Kate's coming!" Allison shouted as my eyes glowed Red while Laura's glowed Gold and Derek's glowed Blue.

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