Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)

MindOnJupiter tarafından

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This is the sequel to Antecedent. Following the attack and death of her friends, Lori is still in the firm g... Daha Fazla

Malevolent: 1
Malevolent: 2
Malevolent: 3
Malevolent: 4
Malevolent: 5
Malevolent: 6
Malevolent: 7
Malevolent: 8
Malevolent: 9
Malevolent: 10
Malevolent: 11
Malevolent: 12
Malevolent: 13
Malevolent: 14
Malevolent: 15
Malevolent: 16
Malevolent: 17
Malevolent: 18
Malevolent: 19
Malevolent: 20
Malevolent: 21
Malevolent: 22
Malevolent: 23
Malevolent: 24
Malevolent: 25
Malevolent: 26
Malevolent: 27
Malevolent: 28
Malevolent: 29

Malevolent: 30

96 2 5
MindOnJupiter tarafından

A/N: so this is the last chapter, hopefully it's okay! I just want to thank those who read and encouraged me to keep going with Tex. I really do appreciate it, more than I can say.

The family were in high spirits by the time we returned to the kitchen. Whether Brittany had taken her moment or not, I wasn't sure and didn't dare to linger by the door as I was pushed forwards. I could only hope she had taken the opportunity while the sights weren't on her. They were certain she couldn't get far these days and that was the advantage we had over them. Giving a small growl of protest as I felt his hips press on my back, I shoved an elbow back, a reaction that Tex was used to these days and managed to avoid.

"Don't get me excited now." He warned, his hot breath lingering on my neck, "we still got company." I wrinkled my nose in disgust but as he pushed me forwards, Tinker pulled out a seat from the table next to the sobbing Michelle whose eyes were fixated on her bleeding out companion who was still and gone. Lipstick was marked as a line from her forehead to her chin, a sign of Junior often toying with his female victims. Brittany had been no exception when she first got here. Whether he knew he had applied it wrong, I didn't know and I frankly didn't care to, it was neither here nor there and not my concern. The chances were like everyone else she had days at most and would be joining the other remains in the bog with Alfredo disposing of the unwanted parts. Upon seeing us, she gave a soft moan and I shook my head at her. It had been made clear before and would be repeated again, that help was not coming and definitely not from me.

"We're in this together." I told her dryly, her hope and water filled eyes blinking at the statement. "Until your bitter end." I was envious at the thought of her bowing out sooner than myself. The many efforts to try and go the easy way out had been thwarted multiple times. Time instead passed, names and faces a blur to the point I couldn't remember fully what had happened to get myself here.
"Don't be such a misery." Tex scolded playfully, "we know you like it here. After all, your family now."
"Fuck off." I replied as Mama pressed on her voicebox to reprimand my use of language as Heather giggled and covered her ears. In a warped sort of way it was amusing that a curse word was taken worse than torture and death but nothing about the family made sense. Backwards and backwoods was just about right. Tinker was no angel when it came to curse woods and used them lucidly without any backlash from them.
"Come on, get. 'Less you want Tex to cuff you. " Tink said impatiently indicating where he wanted me to sit as Mama chuckled to herself at the threat and the eagerness her son had in making it happen. His vibrations rippled against me, an unfortunately familiar body part pressing against my buttocks. I sent an elbow back again and missed once more. Being shoved forwards a second time, I walked over and sat before the eldest sibling grew more impatient.

As I lowered myself down I saw Junior's present for myself as he polished and fawned over the golden and chrome covered chainsaw with great affection. Words inscribed to it were that of the family motto 'The Saw is Family." I closed my eyes slowly and inhaled quietly, if ever there was a fitting slogan for them, it was exactly that.
"Well I would but I wouldn't want to get you too excited now, would I sweetheart?"
"Fuck you." Like before, Mama chastised and shooed the young girl out the room expecting more.
"Don't make me wash your mouth out, honey." Tex threatened gleefully. "Not after you sat all nicely for us now."
"That's more like it, looks like someone is finally learning how to cooperate." Tinker praised dramatically and mockingly, clapping his hand and ignoring the outburst. It was patronising which I didn't doubt was how he intended it to be. Against better judgement, I forced a smile at the tanned man. I expected him to flip as a result but he just sniggered to himself, focusing on the pans and handing Tex his floral pink and blood stained apron with his hook. "Or maybe that's asking for too much."
"I think so." Tex chimed, "how's your hand, Mama?" Side eyeing the woman in question, she raised the one she had used to hit me slowly and flexed her fingers with great pleasure.
"Worth the sting." She informed them maliciously and received an audience of laughter from all other family members bar Junior who was much too busy to pay attention and Grandpa who had long since departed the world of the living. His grey and withered face was coated with fresh blood from the mouth down and onto his exposed white shirt from his latest drink. "I'll slap that young lady down as many times as it takes." I bit my tongue and simply stared ahead, placing my hand against my burning cheek. It would be too easy to make a comment on how I seemed to have been upgraded from a 'strumpet' to a lady but these days I had to accept small victories and this for sure was a miniscule one.

Michelle continued to quiver in her seat, yelping each time she tried to pull her hands free from the nails embedded in them. It was irritating but not unexpected, she was doing the same thing that so many before her had done. Her dark hair was soaked in sweat from a mix of the Texas heat and panic which had overtaken her body but as she moaned and cried again, I gritted my teeth and slowly tilted my head to look at her through strands of auburn hair.
"Do me a favour." I told her simply, her eyes quivering in their sockets as she looked at me. "Shut up." My head was already thumping as I stressed over Brittany and the possibilities and the stench of burning flesh which I added to Tinker's burned hand and Junior's revenge. It was a scent that somehow still managed to make my stomach turn. Her brown eyes glared at my request and made a resilient noise and struggled a little bit more. By now it was just a dreary and long exhausted rhythm, a bore if anything and  a pain to have to continue listening to. A ring of laughter left my throat as I shook my head against my hand before allowing it to trail down my face. "You might want to hold onto that."
"It'll be your turn soon little gal." Tink pointed at her, standing in front of Ryan it was clear to see that he was enjoying how much fear he could strike into others and Michelle was no exception. Each time you thought it was over, they managed to install more to keep wounds fresh, to keep the trauma continuing. The woman stared back at him, her head turning away from glowering at me. Tex smiled chirpily as he rested his elbows on his knees watching her reaction, fixated on her displeasure and the fact that she would be along the body count soon enough. "Hey, Tex, come help me skin this." Tinker requested referring to the hanging man as an object over a person.
"Alrighty." The blonde replied waving at Michelle who was practically hyperventilating in her seat at the prospect of them doing exactly that. Straightening up, he joined his brother while brushing his hands against his apron, flattening it down and pointing at me. "Don't make me come over there now."

"Junior." Mama called to the man next to her and held out some red lipstick which he took with fumbling hands. The bigger man licked his crooked teeth and lips in response as he took it and pulled the lid free. "You missed a spot." Michelle whimpered and shook her head as he approached her, crying out behind the gag she tried to evade his large hands as he held her still and dotted a line across her cheeks. Turning away from the sight, I looked at Mama who simply smiled back at me.
"Would you like some too?" She challenged.
"We all know that she suits red."
"Boy, what you get up to in your own time is your business." Tinker told his brother. Mama chuckled as Junior walked to the clean and polished chainsaw, lifting it up with ease he whirred it up, keeping it low in front of his pelvis to make his intentions towards her clear. "Go Junior!" Mama covered her ears from the top of the table at the revving noise. Pointing it towards her, Michelle gave a defiant roar back behind her gag which only excited him further. I connected my feet around the leg of her chair, ready to pull her back. My heart raced despite how much I willed it not to and realised that I did have a part in this. Junior slowly stepped towards her, his flesh mask blowing lightly with every step he took drawing out his intended execution, deciding that she was not worth playing with or perhaps simply remembering that there was someone he liked playing with more. Jumping upwards, I dragged her chair back as she continued to release her battle cry. At the sight Tinker and Tex both reacted before the glass of the window shattered and the first bullet encroached, colliding against the chainsaw and ricocheting into the wall.

"Get down!" Tex's voice bellowed. More gunshots followed as Michelle seized her yelling in confusion. Turning to where I had pulled her behind me, I focused on the nails embedded in her. If this was a rescue then we couldn't waste time. Her brown eyes bored into mine with sheer determination as I nodded.

"This is going to sting." I warned her, grabbing her sweaty wrist and directing her hand to move up. Blood splattered against the back of my head and on her face as Tinker cried out.
"Mama!"  Laughter left my parted lips almost maniacally knowing that one of the bullets had collided with her and done some damage to create a spray. If this was an extrication I would not waste it. Tinker's bellows of pain came immediately after as Michelle attempted to kick off the rope that bound her in place. I placed a foot on it in an effort to aid. My breaths were becoming entrapped with the giggles that continued to leave my sore lips, the sting of my cheek worsening with every note. Grunts from behind sounded from the older man along with the heavy thud of a body hitting the floor.
"Go, go, go, go, go!" I ordered the woman. "Go, go..." More wet noises came, more crimson splatters decorating my arms like tattoos and pain. My body jerked as I laughed and ached more, my head thumping harder and heavier like I would black out.

Don't you dare...I warned myself. Not when we were close, not when I was close. This was the moment and the only one that had been effective at being liberated.
"Tink!" Tex cried for his brother followed by more arsenal and an unfamiliar man's cries. Tugging again at Michelle, she feverishly tried to apply pressure in an effort to escape the nails which was no easy feet. The nails protested and dragged themselves further into her widening the wounds. Biting down on her gag she yelled as I nodded at her unable to instruct what to do. My jaw felt close to splitting as I let my laughter mask the sound of Tinker's agonising and well deserved shrieks. The foot wasn't often on the other foot and it was poetic of him to feel even a shred of the agony he dished out on others. Tugging tighter as the gunshots stopped, I felt the desperation kicking in, the cold trickle of time running out reminding me to keep focused on the brunette more than the others.

"Get the bitch!" Tink exclaimed from where he lay as one hand got free. "Get the bitches!" I heard the thundering of footsteps before I could react and immediately thought back against Tex, gripping a fork with a shaking hand as his fingers threaded through my hair and tugged. Turning my body to face him, I aimed and watched as the metallic prongs impaled his cheek. He gave a cry as I pulled it down and pushed leaving the markings like whiskers scratched on his face. He threw his head forwards colliding against my nose. White hot pain came from it as a cracking noise echoed in my ears, the gush and taste of blood filling my mouth.
"You wanna play, Lori?" He asked, pulling the silverware free from his face and holding it with a widespread and maniacal grin. "Guess where I'm putting this."
"Exactly where I am on you!" I laughed back, throwing myself at him again and struggling to keep him at bay from Michelle. "Get my friend from the front room and go!" I commanded as she thrashed and thought with all my might. Tex was a swirl of colours as he launched and attacked, pulling hair, biting and forcing his forehead against mine. His empty belly was giving me an advantage as we swayed in a way that could almost be described as a waltz. His boots and the soles of my feet slipped and slid against Mama's blood, before I lost my grip and fell to the side with Junior 's large ham hock hands shackling my ankles before aiming a fist at my head. Choking on the blood and the blow,
Michelle sprinted past. Tex went to stop her, wrapping his arms around her waist. I coughed in the blood and laughter as Junior gripped my head, his crimson stained hands smearing against my face as he forced my head back. A crack immediately followed suit as my eyes closed, unable to keep resisting. This was the end one way or another. Either I would die or leave this house. It didn't matter which way to me. It would be cathartic. Satisfaction filled me as the next hit came. It was a contrast to the first in that it seemed to wake me up rather than leave me in a daze. A third one didn't come, the weight and pull of him relieving itself.

"Ah! She stuck me! She stuck me!" Tex's voice cried in agony, his body falling beside me. Opening my eyes and eyeing up his back, he yelled for Junior. Instinctively, I let my head roll to the side to feign unconsciousness as he scrambled.
"I can't see anyone! I'm sorry!" Michelle bellowed amongst the chaos and fading to show that she had made some distance. A smile twisted and teased against my lips. The thought of the redhead already being gone only filled me with further satisfaction. My bloodied hair sticking to my face as I tried to keep the panting from the struggle at bay
"Bitch!" The cowboy roared. I kept still allowing my wet hair to conceal my face as he moaned beside me getting to his feet. "Get them Junior! Get them both!" A chainsaw revved from a distance showing that he intended to do exactly that. Mama's croaking groans as she struggled to breathe were soon audible as Junior pursued his targets.
"Fuck the flesh! Give me steel!" Tink said, his voice strained. Feeling a push on my shoulder, I remained as still as roadkill. "Now damn it, boy. Go get the meat!"
"Get out the big skillet." Tex replied, his breath tickling my flesh before he relinquished his hold.
"I'll be in hell for breakfast." Tink informed him proudly.
"Son of a bitch." The matriarch gasped with difficulty.
"I'll do it Mama, I'll get them all." Tex promised.

I waited until I no longer heard anything but the gasps of Tinker in my close proximity before moving. The blows took their toll as I struggled to get up. Outside there was a commotion but in the kitchen as I held the table to get to my feet it was just me and the elder Sawyer. His hook hand was reaching into his shirt ripping away his glasses in an effort to get a cigarette, his once good but slightly burned hand wrapped in a kitchen towel which was already soaked to the bone. Noticing me, he gave a scoff, his dark eyes leering.
"Bet you're feeling pretty damn good about yourself." He told me, jerking his head towards his still Mama as I closed the gap between himself and I. All the hatred, all the fury bubbled excessively in my gut, the sight of him weak and helpless offering a thrill and a sense of vengeance. It was something he didn't seem to care much for, scolding as he popped the smoke in his mouth before fumbling with his lighter. I stuck quickly, forcing my heel into his forearm, his hook dropping what he so desired before bending down to take it. He didn't deserve what he desired and holding it up, I flicked it open so he could see the flame.

"Thinkin' you're a big girl all of a sudden." He piped. The smile tugged at the corners of my mouth watching the flame dance, the sight of it burning.
"No." I admitted absently keeping my foot on him. "I was just thinking how pretty this is." Lingering on the sight of the flame, I forced my arm forwards, a yell of pain coming from the older man as I shoved it through his eye socket. His body jerked and struggled, I pushed my hand further, a mix of liquid and blood gushing between my fingers. My other hand pulled on the back of his head and laced his thinning black hair to make sure he couldn't shy away or that I would at least follow.
"You bitch!" He gasped agonisingly, his body growing weaker as I retrieved the lighter back, satisfied that the optic was no longer usable as it melted in my hand like wax.
"Two for luck?" I asked him as he spat a mixture of saliva and blood at me. "Well, now it's not a request." I shrugged, aiming for his remaining eye. "You have no idea how much I've thought about killing you..."
"You whore!"
"Yackedy yack, don't talk back." I told him quietly wiping the gore so the flame could begin again and repeat the act of torture. He growled at the quote as I tilted my head to be closer to him and watch more intently as it singed and burned.

I followed the malevolent giggles out the door to see Tex. The mix of tissue and blood dripping as I did. Flickering the cap of the lighter on and off, I focused on him as he swung an axe into an unknown person who fought and resisted with difficulty. My breathing was calmer now, a new sense of serenity filling me from the second Tinker had grown still and followed his Mama into hell. Michelle was gone, Junior somewhere in the distance as I plodded down the stairs and across the dirt to get closer to them slowly. The sense of urgency had left, the idea that there were two Sawyers down freed me from dread. One way or another, I could only remind myself, I was leaving one way or another. The axe connected with the van, the scent and gush of petrol splattering over the lankier and more sprightly of the two men. Spluttering as it filled his mouth, Tex spat out a mouthful and returned to his intended victim shimmering and glistening in the fuel as it shimmered under the lights that Heather had appeared to put on and the silver of the moon.  It called me, the fire quivered and wavered as I relaxed and held it up higher inspecting the both of them. It was almost like a dream, like a haze or a dream. There was no sense of realism, just tranquillity. The worry had faded, the dread had dried up.

"Woo-wee!" Tex yelled playfully, enjoying playing with his food. The 'food' in question' fighting back indignantly and dropping the axe which he had managed to wrestle free. Allowing the flame to burn the tip of my thumb, Tex wrapped a chain around the man's neck. "I like liver and onions. And pain!" He tightened the hold, the gasping and splattering as he fumbled at the metal which only strangled him more as he did. "And pain! And pain!" Watching them, it tilted my head, my soaked hair continuing to drip scarlet rivers down my cheek and torso. My head was splitting, a voice practically screaming to help while the other one pondered, to which I offered aid. I blinked and lulled, my body swaying at the overwhelming darkness that seemed to want to take me over. I could sense it coming this time. It was trying to lure me and I wouldn't let it. I knew what it meant, what it would do and as I fought to regain control, I swallowed and put the lighter against my flesh ordering myself back to reality.

I was not a Sawyer. Tex and I were not a love story. My last name was long since forgotten but I knew that much. It wasn't cloudy, it was as clear as the full moon and letting the pain keep me grounded.

The man flipped Tex onto his back, continuing to scramble as they both yelled unaware of my presence, of how I could just let the lighter drop and ignite them both. Part of me was tempted but the more discomfort I felt, the increase in power and I knew there was only one I wanted to watch burn. I was sure at some point in my life, I had promised exactly that and as the petrol soaked man stood reclaiming his axe from the ground and preparing to swing, I smiled.

"Come on!" The Sawyer challenged releasing a war cry. I knew what I had to do. "Time for dinner!" The other man's eyes widened as he noticed me caked in blood and holding up the object.
"You're toast, fuck!"
"Hey Eddie." I called sweetly, watching him flinch and turn in fury. He looked ready to strike and hesitated which gave me another time to hold the small item up and admire the wounds I had carved into his once handsome and chiselled features. His blue eyes widened at the sight. "Catch." Letting go, I watched as it hit him against the shoulder and connected the stream at his feet which sparked in blue before erupting in a mixture of orange and red immediately igniting him. Tex gave a shrill yell of pain as it engulfed his body in seconds, his clothing, his hair. A moan escaped my lips, watching as he struggled, as he cried before running. It was like a bonfire, the fire just increasing in volume as it claimed him for its own. It was enough to almost create a climax, just watching intently. It was hellfire and it was beautiful. He attempted to fan the flames as he burned, creating more against his soaked arms. His target made small noises and pulled at me. I went with him, able to see what had caught his attention and away from a roaring Eddie. The trail had been handy but it worked both ways.

The gushing petrol tank was ready to blow and the truck went up. Laughter erupted as I watched it, Tex no longer in sight, his yells still and no longer. I was not alone, the man who I had spared joining in with it.
"Son of a bitch." He chuckled before gratefully smiling at me. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet." There was still Junior and Alfredo left unaccounted for and a part of me that almost grieved as I noted that. I tried to shake it off, the lingering doubt that rested in the corners of my mind unwilling to let the other part of me step in.
"I'm Benny."
"Bad time for introduction." I told Benny dryly, the echo of the chainsaw unseen but still going made him gasp in horror for the hunting of his comrade.
"Oh shit! Michelle! You coming?" Benny was already taking off in the direction of the trees as I stayed where I stood and shook my head. He hesitated in return before continuing, for all he knew I was safe, the dangers around me were gone but for Michelle, it was still going. I wanted to watch the fire burn and I wanted to savour the victory.

I was free.

The realisation was enough to make my legs shake as I sat on the grass, sore and dripping, I laughed and this time and for the first time that I could remember, it was authentic. Tears burned in my eyes as I let it out.

Endlessly wandering didn't come with dread, the image of Tex burning offered me nothing more than comfort. The peppals of the road beneath my feet went unnoticed further than the pressure. My hair was drying, the darkness of the road felt like it went on forever but that one memory was like lithium, it picked me up and filled me. His roars and cries of pain lifting me only further. Smiling and laughing to myself, I let my legs lift into a skipping notion, for a few steps, the laughter continuing and filling the night. The idea of being a prisoner once more was a lost notion. The other Sawyers would be as damned and that also meant the same for Charlie.

Closing my eyes, I swung my bruised and caked arms. My fingers stuck, my skin flaked but I didn't care. Nothing mattered, nothing hurt anymore. Tiredness and glee was all I knew at this moment in time. The trail was lit in the distance and I followed until I noticed it was growing closer. Tilting my head, I remained still lifting my hand against my forehead to try and make the vehicle out. If it was Charlie, then what happened happened. The crunching of gravel and stone came closer. It was a truck, not a cop car. Perhaps it was Alfredo. Still, no urgency touched my centre. It stopped in front of me, the words etched on the door readable under its headlights.

'Last Chance Gas.' I breathed out and pursed my lips questioning if maybe I should have taken the charred axe with me or gone back inside the home for a weapon but at the time, it seemed like a bad idea. Like once I stepped into that abyss once more, I would be lost and never again found. I stepped back, ready for what came. The door pushed open. A familiar red head was at the wheel, her expression one of total relief and even happiness.

An authentic smile graced my bloodied and tired face as I looked at Brittany in confirmation as she peered around confused as if she could not believe the chances of seeing me again. Silently, her blue and alert eyes returned to me questionably knowing something had happened which she hadn't been an audience to.
"He's dead." I informed her stifling the laugh. "I burned him." Unclipping her seatbelt, she shifted to the side allowing me to have the driver's seat. Placing a pale hand against my shoulder softly, she patted it in a form of reassurance. I turned to face her, tears now free to leak as the situation truly hit home. "Tinker's dead, I killed him too." Her white face began to blotch, a red tint warming up her flesh in realisation. "Mama's dead, Benny killed her." Her teeth shone as she revealed them while beaming. "I think he'll kill Junior too." Brittany seemed elated at the answer before her blue eyes widened, staring forwards and alert. I followed her trail of sight, to another pair of headlights. The flashing red and blue ones on the roof.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, I had thought of Charlie only moments ago. "Son of a bitch." I breathed as the red head shook, her hold on my shoulder tightening in fear. The car slowed, the driver masked in shadow until it grew to a complete standstill and the uniformed man stood in front of his hood quizzically wondering why we weren't doing the same clearly expecting his relatives to do so.

I didn't hesitate. Pressing my foot down on the pedal, I let the vehicle speed towards him.
"Hold tight." I told Brittany as she did as she was told to gripping onto her chair and onto her stomach. Charlie had no time to react, his pained yelp only last seconds as he was crushed between the truck and car. The truck shuddered, the hood indenting but no serious damage.

Smiling, I reversed and watched as he struggled to move, choking loudly and gurgling in his blood. I turned to Brittany who nodded at me. "Again?" She repeated the notion and I concurred listening to the satisfying crunch and pulled away once more, his legs had been taken off along with one of his arms and didn't appear to be moving anymore. "Let's get the fuck out of Texas." I told her as she silently but enthusiastically agreed. Inhaling, I moved Alfredo's truck around the car and onwards.

We wouldn't stop until the gas tank was empty.
My thoughts lingered once more on Tex, on the darkness in my mind which lingered and attempted to beckon me back to where I had been imprisoned by him. Never again. I wouldn't see him ever again. The memory of him being an inferno was all I needed and what compelled me to keep going.

It was over. At long last, it was over.

Charlie's body thudded and dragged with the wheel as I smiled to myself and glanced at the red head at my side nonchalantly.
"There's roadkill all over Texas."

Okumaya devam et

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