The Forbidden Entity (BWWM)

By JLB_18

3.1K 283 28

In this world of supernatural beings, power, and greed act as a catalyst for violence and war. Humans are sub... More



238 24 1
By JLB_18

For dinner last night, we had steamed potatoes and rabbit stew. Everly mentioned that we rarely get delicacies like venison. Such meats are only for the lycans. She also said the lycans usually hunt their food, and we hunt ours. The castle has a position specifically for that responsibility.

This morning, we had a hearty bowl of porridge: cooked oats with honey. We were lucky if our bowls contained a few berries. I didn't get any, but Emma shared some of hers. While we ate, Everly, Emma, and Lucy gossiped about the royals while I kept to myself and consumed my meal in peace.

We returned our bowls to a cart down the hall and said farewells. Afterward, I met Grace in the courtyard and was saddened to see her attitude still uninviting. I sighed and took my basket to the furthest corner. Luckily, the courtyard was vast enough to get lost in the flowers and hedges.

It wasn't hard to recall what I did yesterday, so I hummed as I worked. Whenever I got confused, I would retreat to Grace for answers. She had no choice but to help me. As time went on, I eventually finished my duties.

I found Grace and another servant at the fountain fishing lone petals from the water. The wind was brutal today, which made our task of keeping the courtyard clean more difficult. I rolled up my sleeves and started helping.

"Tedious, isn't it?" The girl sighed. "I think this pesky wind is laughing at us."

"I think so, too," I chuckled. The girl snapped her eyes to me and smiled.

"What's your name? I've never seen you before."

"It's Sayora. What about you?"

The girl's face brightened, almost resembling a newly lit candle. "You're so pretty, and your name is equally attractive. I'm Jenny. I think I heard you humming earlier. You have a nice tone."

"Oh, I didn't mean for anyone to hear me."

"It was hard not to. Your voice floats like a soft breeze. I loved whatever tune you were projecting."

My cheeks grew warm. "Thank you."

"We should be friends. How old are—"

"Will you two cut it out," Grace rolled her eyes. "My gosh, stop talking; it's improper. Save your ramblings for later." She stormed away.

"I think Grace hates me," I frowned.

"Don't worry, she hates everyone."

"But why?"

"I don't know," Jenny shrugged. "Grace stalks around all sullenly. She barely talks to anyone and always caters to the rules. I heard she even works closely with Ms. Rita. It's only a rumor, though."

My eyes widened. "Oh. Then maybe we should listen to Grace and work silently." I stopped talking, which encouraged Jenny to do the same.

At today's conclusion, I grabbed my basket, tore off my hat, and hurried to find Grace. Unfortunately, she was nowhere in sight.


"Your hair is so pretty and thick," Everly admired.

I thanked her as I examined a few of my wet strands. Unlike yesterday, my hair was now out and cascading down my spine.

"If you ever need help washing it, let me know," Emma stated.

Lucy scrunched up her nose. "Ew. Sayora doesn't need your grimy hands in her luscious curls."

"My hands aren't grimy. Don't be rude, you pig-headed dummy."

"I'm not a dummy, but I'm sure Sayora doesn't need your fat fingers thumbing about in her hair. Did you not see the way she prepped it last night? No wonder it's so long and full."

Everly and I snickered as we listened to them. "You both argue over the silliest things. Only children bicker as much as you two," she stated.

"Just admit you're boring and move on. Your life would be dull without us."

"Yes, Lucy, but my days would also be far less chaotic."

"Oh, boo-hoo, get over it," Lucy splashed her.

"No, you get over it." Everly splashed her back, and they started going back and forth. Emma joined in, and I turned away to shield my face and ears from the onslaught of water. Once I did, I nearly gasped when I saw Rosie, the girl from yesterday, conversing with someone.

I quickly went to her, treading through the thick water. "Hi, Rosie," I waved as I approached her. She looked me up and down, almost as if she didn't want to respond, but she did.

"Hey, new girl, how was your first day?" She asked, referring to yesterday.

"It was good. It went better than expected. I enjoyed myself."

Rosie snorted. "You enjoyed yourself?"

"Yes, well, I—"

"You enjoyed shoveling pig shit?" She started laughing, which prompted her friend to join in.

"No, I've been working in the gardens."

"The gardens? Why would Ms. Rita put you in the gardens?" Her eyes grew big, and her lip curled in distaste. "Did you get on your knees and lick her boots to acquire such a position?"

Rosie's tone caught me off guard. I wasn't sure how to respond, so I stood motionless for a second. Once I gathered my wits, I turned and tried to leave, but she cleared her throat and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm joking, relax."

"That didn't sound like a joke to me. Jokes are supposed to be funny, and your words weren't."

"Well, they were to me, so loosen up."

"Rosie, leave the poor girl alone," her friend spoke. My eyes floated to her, and I frowned when I saw that she was staring at my breasts, which were visible above the water. "Have you had a babe recently?"


"I mean, aren't your breasts engorged with milk, and that's why they're so large?"

"Sasha!" Rosie exclaimed. My eyes snapped back to Rosie, and despite her reprimanding tone, the smirk on her face revealed she was amused. My frown deepened severely. They were taunting me, but why? I haven't done anything to warrant their snide remarks.

"I don't like being made fun of, so I'll leave."

"No, wait. I'm not making fun of you. I'm just being curious. What about your hair? Where does the color come from? Is it real, or did you dye it with berries? Can I touch it?" Sasha stepped forward, and I took a generous step back, nearly bumping into someone.

"Come on, Sayora."

I expelled a deep breath when Everly grabbed my arm.

"We were just talking to the new girl. No need to be so uptight," Rosie snickered.

Everly said nothing as she pulled me away. I spoke after we stood before Emma and Lucy. "Thank you."

"You should stay away from Rosie. She's not a good person."

"I thought she seemed nice enough yesterday, but I see otherwise," I nodded.

"Ugh, Rosie and her horde of bitches can eat dirt. What did she say?" Lucy questioned.

"They mostly laughed at me, and the girl, Sasha, talked about my breasts and hair."

"Don't listen to them. You are gorgeous," Everly voiced. "Let's go dry off and retreat to our room."


The next day, I spent most of my time mixing pots of soil. I hummed to myself once again but ensured to do it more quietly. My hands worked diligently for hours while my mind wandered. I imagined myself back home, dancing in the meadow behind my cottage. I wasn't the best dancer, so I mostly frolicked about—spinning on my toes as my tattered dress struggled to keep up.

I danced and sang to my heart's content, stopping when a strong presence knocked me from my trance. I blinked away my thoughts and nearly jumped into the nearest bush when I noticed a person. They sat facing me with their legs tucked beneath them. I started to raise my eyes, but an intense feeling of uncertainty stopped me from lifting them.

"I'm shocked you didn't notice me sooner."


A woman.

"What were you humming?"

I turned my attention back to the soil and grabbed another pot. "It was nothing. I apologize for my improperness. It won't happen—"

"Look at me. It's rude to turn away when someone is speaking to you."

My eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry." I turned to face the woman and kept my gaze below her shoulders.

"Look at me," she repeated, grabbing my chin. I jolted my eyes up and froze. "What were you humming?"

I gasped as her beautiful orange eyes bore into my brown ones. I couldn't help but look away once again.

"Answer me," she insisted.

I moistened my dry lips before speaking. "It's meaningless. It has no words."

"You are a skilled vocalist. How do you project your voice so smoothly? I felt the intensity even at such a gentle croon. Will you do it again?"

I dropped my soiled hands into my lap and gripped my fingers tightly.

"I must get back to—"

"Walk with me." The woman grabbed my hands and hoisted me up to my feet. I shied away from her height, which caused her to bubble with laughter. "You have nothing to fear." She released my hands and bade me to follow her. I had no choice but to obey.

As we walked silently along the gravel, I became painfully aware of my awkwardness. I wasn't sure how to interact with a lycan. I debated passing out, but I shivered at the thought of embarrassing myself. Thus, I kept my head low, and my eyes locked on her boots. 

"Do you enjoy singing?" She asked me.

I nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Is it a natural talent, or did you learn from someone?"

"Oh, I've been singing since I was small," I revealed.

"So, a gift, then. A stunning talent." She took me to the opposite end of the courtyard. It was a section I had yet to venture to, so I settled my focus on our surroundings. I then noticed an open hut in the distance, and we soon arrived at its steps.

I immediately grew confused when a man bowed in greeting. "Princess," he said.

It took a second, but the realization hit me hard, and my jaw fell open as I paused. My mother would take a broom to my rump if she knew I had failed to address a royal. A ROYAL!

"Please, forgive me for my ignorance." I dropped to my knees.

"You do not have to bow so greatly. My brother would appreciate it, but I find it unnecessary. A slight bend of the spine or a small curtsy should suffice. Do you understand?"


"Good, now stand."

"Yes, ma'am." I did as the princess instructed, clasping my hands together and looking anywhere but at her.

"Would you like a refreshment: tea or some wine?" She sat in her chair and pointed to the one across from her. "Come sit."

I nodded and trudged up the steps.

"Axel, bring our guest a fresh bowl to clean her hands and some tea."

"Right away, Princess."

I thought lycans didn't engage with humans. I thought we were invisible to them. If so, why was this lycan going out of her way to accommodate me—a tiny insignificant human? I didn't belong at this table, sitting across from a royal. I wanted to return to my duties, far from her observant eyes and striking presence.

Axel soon returned with an assortment of items and placed a bowl before me. I eagerly dipped my hands into the water and scrubbed away the dirt as he poured me a cup of tea.

"What is your name?" The princess inquired. I softly uttered my name and continued picking the dirt from under my nails.

"What can I do to make you more comfortable, Sayora?"

"I'm not sure how to act, so I would rather sit here quietly and avoid bringing shame to my family."

"You can do no such thing," the princess scoffed. "I would prefer if you showed a bit of personality and acted normally instead of sitting here as a mute. You can be yourself and speak freely with me."

"That would be improper," I countered softly. The princess clicked her teeth in annoyance or dissatisfaction, and I wanted to melt away into the earth.

"Do not offend me, Sayora."

"I'm not trying to."

"Then be yourself and speak freely. You won't meet my gaze, so the least you can do is talk."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Stop calling me ma'am. I'm only twenty-five Winters. That term seems too elder-like for my taste. Just call me Princess."

"Yes, Princess." I sipped my tea and nodded as the hot liquid saturated my throat. I didn't expect the taste to be so pleasant. The tea was fresh and delicious.

"Will you sing for me?" The princess leaned forward at my reaction.

I wanted to reply, but my hesitation gave way for Axel to speak up. "Princess, you shouldn't be late for your training."

"Ah, yes. Thank you, Axel." She waved her fingers over the small table, and Axel stepped forward to clear it.

"I try to visit the gardens more often, but my training takes precedence." The princess stood and ran her fingers along her neatly woven braid. It fell over her left shoulder and down her chest.

I then carefully examined her garb. I noticed her boots earlier but didn't take heed to the princess's tight trousers or silk shirt. She wasn't wearing what I imagined a princess to wear, but it made her more intimidating.

"Next time, then. I would love to hear your voice in full, so be prepared for my return."

"Yes, ma'am. I mean, Princess."

The princess chuckled as she descended the steps. She then disappeared quickly—her movements long and swift.

As I returned to my duties, I couldn't help but notice the many stares from my peers. I quickened my pace and soon stumbled upon Grace.

I sighed deeply. "I didn't mean to draw attention to myself. I was only—"

"It's a great honor to be noticed by Her Royalness. You should be grateful."

Grace's tone was soft and airy for once, which surprised me. I knew she wanted to inquire more about my conversation with the princess, but she kept our talk brief and walked away.

That evening, I lay in bed with a full stomach and a smile gracing my face. I made a fool of myself today but couldn't help it. I wasn't expecting to meet a lycan so soon, let alone a royal. I tried my best to keep from overstepping my boundaries. Thus, I found it difficult to "act normally" around the princess.

What is normal when in the company of a lycan?

How does one be themselves while in the presence of an apex predator?

Lycans are one of the fiercest species in existence. Knowing said fact, I couldn't muster the courage to hold the princess's gaze. I only saw her eyes for the briefest second. Yet, her orange orbs reside inside my memory.


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