The Show Must Go On || Alastor

By ahelplessfangirl_47

4.7K 130 14

Y/N Morningstar. Twin sister to Charlie (although older by 3 minutes) and heir to the throne of hell. What ha... More

A/N and Welcome


721 19 2
By ahelplessfangirl_47

"Charlie?" A voice asks, approaching the young princess of Hell with a soft smile.

She looks up, slightly startled. "Oh shit. Did you two hear all that?"

Her girlfriend, Vaggie, chuckles lightly. "Uh, yeah. We were right there."

Charlie smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, I get pretty worked up after an extermination happens. The story helps."

Y/N sighs, looking out at pentagram city and the damage that was caused by the most recent extermination. "I know, sis, me too." She sits next to her twin sister, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Vaggie smiles at the two girls. "Don't worry, I enjoy your theatrics. Are you ok?"

Charlie turns to face her as she sits on her other side. "I'm fine, just thinking– you know, family stuff,"

"Did you two hear from your mom yet?"

Charlie shakes her head sadly, while her sister scoffs lightly at the thought of the woman who basically abandoned them.

"How long has it been now?"

Charlie puts on a fake smile. "Not that long... only..."

"Seven years." Y/N uttered bitterly, turning her sharp gaze back to the window. She had taken their mother leaving a lot harder than Charlie did, refusing to allow thoughts of her into her mind. It also didn't help that their father had grown... distant in the last few years as well, barely bothering to call the two girls at all. And when he did, it was always Charlie who he talked to.

"-- doing something important, I'm sure," Charlie continues, standing up and pacing over to the window. "But this kingdom was something she really cared about... something we care about." She gestures to her sister who smiles gratefully up at her. If one thing was for certain, she would always be on Charlie's side, no matter what– family drama and daddy issues be damned.

"Well... at least your not alone," Vaggie says, moving closer to Charlie and holding her hands.

"I just hope that what we're trying to do here will work," Charlie explains softly as the two sink back onto the couch. Vaggie smiles. "It will. I have faith in you,"

Keekee hops onto Y/N's lap, making the girl grin and pet the small cat's head.

"All right, come on, Alastor says he has something to show us," Vaggie says, getting up and heading towards the door, but not before sending a small suggestive wink towards the older twin. Y/N rolls her eyes in response, ignoring the slick smile that her twin sends her at the mention of the radio demon.


"Soooo what d'ya think?" Alastor exclaims with a large smile as the commercial ends, turning to face our stunned expressions. Vaggies face contorts in anger. "I'm sorry, what the FUCK was that?"

Y/N flinches slightly at her harsh words, and Charlie continues a bit calmer than her girlfriend. "Uh, yeah... one note."

Alastors nails harshly scrape against the top of the television as his smile strains. Y/N laughs softly at the clearly annoyed look on his face as her sister critiques the video. "First off, thank you for making this– seriously AMAZING– but um, maybe the tone is a bit... off?"

A faint radio static is heard, interrupting her for a moment. "We want people to want to come here, this makes it look... um..."

"Bad. The word you're looking for is bad." Vaggie crosses her arms in annoyance.

"Funny, I was going for hilarious!"

"It didn't say anything about how we are trying to save demons from extermination– which is the whole fucking point!"

Y/N speaks up, "Vaggie does kinda have a point Al, the commercial was to let sinners know we are trying to help them,"

Alastor simply continues smiling, although now a bit more natural than before. "Well my dear, I haven't been active in Hell for some time, and everyone remembers me from my radio show – the proper medium to express oneself – but you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement," He stops pacing and smacks the top of the television with his cane, "So I decided to have a little fun with it."

Vaggie continues to scold him, while Alastor stands there with his wide grin, eyes occasionally flicking towards the girl sitting next to Charlie's raging girlfriend. Her rant ends when Angel Dust raises his hand from the other couch.

"What?" Vaggie questions loudly, clearly still ticked off by Alastors commercial.

Angel grins smugly. "If you're filming a commercial, can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here~" He winks while pointing to himself with all four of his arms.

Vaggie deflates. "Angel, you're a porn star."

"A famous porn star! I'll have the horniest sinners knocking these walls down to get in." He lays back down on the couch with a wide suggestive smile decorating his face.

"Angie, love ya, but we are not filming a porn as a commercial," Y/N says, giving her best friend a look.

He simply shrugs in response. "Why not? Sex sells, don't it? I swear, if you film me going at it with Mr. Fancy-Talk-Creepy-Voice over here, you'd be rollin in participants willin' to stay at this tacky hotel N/N,"

Alastor responds with a bored look on his face. "Haha. Never going to happen."

"Angel, I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to, um, attract folks to the hotel, but I really don't want to... exploit you in that way." Charlie attempts to reason with him, but he waves her off.

"Oh please baby~ this body was made to be exploited! I got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs, I got the lung capacity, ha hoo I got the LEGS!" He sits up and starts quickly listing off other things too, "The gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff that everyone thinks are tits–"

He's cut off by the sound of Charlie's phone ringing loudly, with the caller ID of a rubber duck showing up on the phone. Y/N scowls slightly as her sister gets up to take the call. "I'll be right back,"

"I can keep going all night baby~"

"Angie, please don't," Y/N says, but the amused smirk on her face gives her away. He changes the subject. "Hey, I have a question," Angel asks, leaning closer to his best friend. "If freaky face over there is so powerful, why can't he just make people stay here?"

Alastor laughs in response. "Oh trust me, I can," The sound of radio static peaks for a moment and the room gets slightly darker, Alastor's antlers growing ever so slightly at his words before everything goes back to normal.

"Why do ya think I'm here?" Husk calls from behind the bar. "You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listening to you fucks bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcing me?"

"I like being forced," Nifty speaks up from beside him, peeking up above the counter top. Husk sends her a disgusted look. "Keep that to yourself Nif,"

"What, you don't love being here with me whiskers~?" Angel teases from his spot on the couch, having looked back at the grumpy bartender.

"Call me whiskers again and I'll jam that bottle down your throat," Husk threatens.

"Kinky~ c'mon, keep talking dirty~"

Y/N sighs, "Angel, leave the poor guy alone for a minute– and no, we can't force sinners to stay here. They need to choose too, or else it won't work,"

"No offense N/n, but I'm choosing to stay here, and I think it's all stupid. We're in hell, toots, that's kinda the end of the road ain't it?"

Vaggie cuts in. "Well maybe it doesn't have to be. Just because nobody has made it out before doesn't mean it's not possible,"

Angel lays a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, whatever means I can keep crashing here rent free. Crack is expensive."

They didn't get the chance to respond before Charlie poked her head around the corner. "Y/NVaggieholyshit!!"

"Ah! What?" Vaggie questioned as Charlie waved the two of them over, a large grin on her face. The two girls get up with a fond smile and follow her down the hall.

"What's going on...?"

Charlie bounced up and down with excitement, taking a deep breath to steady herself before she explained, "My dad just called– he said that the leader of the angel army wants to meet – he asked if Y/N and I – could go instead!"

"But the extermination just happened... what could they want this soon after–?"

"I can do this, somehow I know it," Charlie sings hopefully, reaching up, lost in thought, "I'll get heaven behind our plans,"

"There's just no way, we can blow it," She grabs her sister's hands, spinning her around towards the center of the lobby as Y/N joins in. "Not this once in a lifetime chance..."

"To change their minds," Y/N sings, feeling the same hopefulness as her sister towards their goal, "And touch their hearts,"

"Or whatever angels have,"

"This could be bad," Vaggie mumbles doubtfully.

Charlie goes over to her girlfriend, reassuring her. "Cheer up Vaggie, this could be swell,"

The two sisters sing together before running out into the streets of pentagram city. "Something tells me that today will be a happy day in hell!"

"Ok but just, don't sing to them–"

"Those bitches are halfway down the street," Angel comments from the doorway, Alastor next to him as he watches with a fond look as the two princesses of hell dance across the streets.

"Are they–?"

"Oh their dancing,"

Vaggie groans, knowing that this would be the case with the two of them.

"There's a warm fuzzy feeling that wafts through the air, every street so revealing it's hard not to stare," Y/N grimaces and leads Charlie away from the window she was looking through and into the middle of the street.

"It's a realm so appealing it beats anywhere, if you don't mind the smell..." She turns away, gagging slightly from the stench of the dead corpse next to them.

"It's a happy day in hell!"

"Hi Mister," Charlie greets as the twins walk past a sinner on the bench.

"Go fuck yourselves!" Y/N quickly pushes Charlie away from the scene as they continue down the road, where other sinners joined in on the song.

"There's an endless trash fire that's burning my soul,"

"Got a ton of barbed wire to shove in his hole,"

"Doin' what is required, we all have our role,"

"I'm not doin' well..."

"Another shitty day in hell!"

The girls push past the negativity of the citizens, standing on top of an overturned car, "If we can show them, the dream we've dreamed, that any soul can change,"

"Then they will know everyone can be redeemed, from the evil to the strange!!"

Y/N jumps down from the car, "We can hear all their stories, the lost and displaced,"

Charlie continues, her sister helping her with her own dismount, "And we know that their more of an acquired taste,"

"But if we open the door and we give them a place, at our Hazbin Hotel, it'll be a happy day in hell!" The girls jump onto the back of a van labeled 'HELLUVA NEWS', driving them through the city towards their destination.

They drove past a large tiered building, with a large crowd of demons surrounding a display of TVs, the latest broadcast airing across them.

"From the porn studio, where the Cinephiles go to watch award-winning demon, 'The Cocky Shows!'" Charlie sings out, smiling at the people around her before leaping off of the van with her sister.

"To the Cannibal town, where they don't wear a frown," Y/N continues, as they watch a trio of cannibals dig into the corpse on the side of the road. Blood splatters up as one of the demons rips off the corpses' arm, throwing debris up at the two girls. "Cause HOLY SHIT ohmygosh whyyyyy,"

Charlie steps away, her eyes squeezed shut but the look of determination is still clear on her face. "And I don't give a crow that– his brains got in my EY-EY- EYE!"

Y/N rests a firm hand on her shoulder, "Cause I know we can spare them, from Heavens genocide–"

Together, they sing in front of Heaven's headquarters, their hearts filled with passion that fuels their drive for their cause. "We can do this, we just know it! We'll get Heaven behind our plans. There's just no way we can blow it, not this once in a lifetime chance!"

"To change their minds–" Charlie says, facing the entrance before a large demon steps in front of her, opening his coat. "-- and touch my parts!"

The girls cringe, inching away from him. "... uh, no thank you, we're just gonna– fulfill our destiny!"

"Your loss bitches!"

"I can already tell..." Y/N finishes, looking at her sister with a fire in her eyes that they both share, along with a confident grin before the two leap up the stairs.

"Today is gonna be a fucking happy day in hell!"


Thanks for reading loves! Hope you enjoyed :)

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