The Stars, The Moon & Everyth...

By IamMagnoliaGrey

12.4K 508 5

Join Magnolia for the crazy journey she is about to embark on. Magnolia Bane, warlock. Daughter of Magnus. Ra... More

Season 1:
1.1 Pan-demon-ium
1.2 The Shift
1.3 Memories
1.4 The Banes
1.5 You rang?
1.6 The Rave
1.7 The Summoning
1.8 I understand.
1.9 JailBreak
1.10 Long Day?
1.11 Oh no...
1.12 The Institute
1.13 I guess time wasn't in our favor.
1.15 The Trial.
1.16 Don't give up.
1.17 Fight for this one.
1.18 Traitor
1.19 Hotel DuMort
1.20 Hatred for Bitty
1.21 you promised.
1.22 Rise.
Season 2A:
2A.1 Where are you?
2A.2 Need to find him.
2A.3 He's here.
2A.4 Come with us.
2A.5 Why did you do it
2A.6 If aught but death part thee and me.
2A.7 Connected & Chaos.
2A.8 You are a good guy.
2A.9 Martinis and Beers
2A.10 Roommates.
2A.11 Flashbacks & Next Steps.
2A.12 Next Morning & Awkward Talks.
2A.13 Let's Party.
2A.14 La Chat Roux
2A.15 The Truth & Betrayal.
2A.16 Dot & Decisions.
2A.17 He Lied.
2A.18 The Aftermath.
Season 2B:
2B.1 Demons, really?
2B.2 Let's Bait
2B.3 It's not a game.
2B.4 The Fight

1.14 **Alternate Universe**

314 12 0
By IamMagnoliaGrey

      Clary gasped as she stood in her kitchen, she looked around realizing she was in this alternate universe. She turned and saw Valentine walking toward her, she grabbed a butter knife protecting herself.
"Where's my mother?" Clary yelled

Valentine laughed confused.
"Is this for one of your cosplay skits? Uh, honey? Come in here, you gotta see this. No seriously, you have to let me come with you, just once, okay? I want to see what you do with these things, okay?" Valentine said

"Val, you're not allowed to do cosplay. You stick out like a sore thumb." Jocelyn said

He walked up as Jocelyn walked out, toward her.

"Mom." Clary said

She ran up hugging her mom, as Jocelyn stood confused.

"Wow, if you miss us this much, you should really leave the dorm room more often." Jocelyn said
Clary stared at her confused, realizing a different universe.

"Right, sorry." Clary said

Clary walked toward the easel, looking at one of her mother's paintings. It was signed by Jocelyn Morgenstern.

"Clary, in honor of your father's mad hatter party." Jocelyn said
Valentine laughed

"Your mom made waffles for you. Come on kiddo, you gotta eat something right?" Valentine asked

Clary sat down to eat with her "family" when her father leaned back in his chair.

"So Clarissa, when do I get to meet this new man in your life, hmm?" Valentine asked

"Val..." Jocelyn hissed

"What? I have to...give my stamp of approval, right?" He asked

"Oh Clary, look at this commercial, it's hilarious." her mother said

Clary turned back looking at the tv.

"And almost broke when The Banes helped me figure out what I was supposed to do with my life. Now?" Hodge's voice said

Hodges did a spin-kick talking about a dojo.

"After being mauled by a suspect's dog, The Banes helped me realize that maybe the police force wasn't my calling. So I opened up a rare bookstore, now I'm doing what I love." Luke said

"Thank you, The Banes." Hodge and Luke said

Magnolia and Magnus pop onto the screen, with giant smiles dressed the complete opposite of what they usually wear.

"Hi, We're the Banes." They said

"Father and Daughter duo," Magnolia added

"Come in today for a tarot card and psychic reading." Magnus said

"We'll help you find your way." Magnolia said staring into the camera

"I have to go." Clary said
"I thought you were spending the morning with us." Valentine said

"I have a last minute assignment due that I haven't even started yet, so.. I gotta go." Clary said racing out

"Well, we'll see you tonight right?" he asked

"Clarissa?" He yelled 

         Clary was walking around several food trucks on her phone, when a hand grabbed her.

"Hey, where have you've been? We've been texting you for like twenty minutes." Simon said
"Simon, get out of the sun." Clary said shoving him

"Hey what the hell?" Simon said
Clary realizing what she had done, looked back at him.

"I know that look. Caffeine deprivation. Come on, tweek." Simon said grabbing her hand

"Simon, I do not have time for coffee today." Clary said
"No, no, no. I know that look in your eye and when you get that look, I either have to caffeinate you immediately or accept full responsibility for you killing someone and you know who I am with blood." Simon said grimacing walking off

Clary turned, eyes wide, spotting Isabelle and Alec, now completely bare of runes.

"Is that new?" Izzy asked

Clary looked down at the shard necklace, smiling.

"Yes, I got it a couple days ago." Clary said
"Oh it goes with the dress? Because you're getting ready at my place tonight, right?" Izzy asked

Clary looked at the two, confused.

"Ready for what?" Clary asked

"That's not even a little bit funny. I have poured my heart and soul into planning this anniversary party for the Institute and the theme is amazing." Alec said

Simon was off waiting for coffee when Jace poked his head out the service window.
"Here you go, buddy." Jace said

"Thanks man, this one's for Clary." Simon said
"She's here?" Jace asked

He looked over to spot her. She was listening to Izzy and Alec's conversation.
"But seriously, what is with this guy and the Mad Hatter?" Alec asked
"Visionaries are quirky and crazy. You don't get 4D internet tech thinking inside the box." Isabelle said

"I'm beginning to wonder if you don't have a thing for your boss." Alec said

"Like, if clary's dad would ever go for me." Isabelle said smiling

"Wait, my dad?" Clary asked

"Uh... No, I'm totally kidding. I mean, I'm not crushing on your dad, right? No." Izzy said
"Right, of course not. That'd be totally weird." Clary said

Now embarrassed, Izzy threw her headphones in, focusing on her phone.

"Order's up. We're setting up at six, right?" Simon asked

Alec nodded, as Simon turned to Clary.

"Okay, I need your help tonight...loading. This gig could be huge for me." Simon said
Clary was turned around, her now chest to chest with Jace, a smile on his face.
"Hey." He said
"Hey." She smiled

"You wanna get out of here?" Jace asked

"Sure." Clary said, slightly confused.

Jace pulled her off behind the truck, as he placed his lips on hers. He pulled away as she looked up at him.

"I can't wait for tonight." Jace whispered

She looked at him, confused.

"For the party?" Clary asked

"Just shut up and kiss me." Jace said pulling her back in

Clary snapped out of it, looking around remembering this isn't her world.

"Stop, sorry I can't." she said racing off

           Clary raced all the way to The Banes' shop, she was now seated with Magnus as she was reading her cards. He flipped one over, a smile on his face.

"The lovers, you are in a happy relationship. This man has a strong hold on you, you feel a magnetic attraction to him that you cannot escape. Tonight will define your relationship, you hope he is your soulmate." Magnus said

Her mind began to wander as she was falling for the glamour of this world.

"But secrets revealed will threaten to tear you apart." magnus said

A cat flew on to the table, snapping her out of the glamour looking around once more.

"You don't have a cat." Clary said

"Oh we have two. Chairman Meow and" Magnus said picking up the first one

"Church." a voice said

Clary turned as Magnolia walked down the stairs, circle glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. She walked down, holding a book to her chest, as she took a seat next to the mean looking creature.

"I'm not actually here for a reading. I know you two are warlocks, Magnus and Magnolia." Clary said

The two stared at her.

"I'm a shadowhunter." Clary said

The two begin to laugh as Magnus begins to clean up the cards as Magnolia walks over blowing out the candles.

"There are no more shadowhunters." Magnolia said
"Haven't been for hundreds of years." Magnus said
"I can prove it." Clary said

She rose from her seat, the two watching her closely. She was showing her bare back and shoulder. The father and daughter look at one another, confused looking back at the redhead.
"All we see, you could use a serious tan." Magnus said

Magnolia covered her mouth, stopping herself from smiling or letting out a laugh.

"Right, bad strategy. No runes in this dimension." Clary said
She walked over grabbing a couple sheets of paper and pen walking back over to the two.

"I'm from an alternate reality." Clary said

"If that were true...without an anchor, you'd be assimilating into this world." Magnus said

"Believe me, I am trying to fight it. Which is part of why I need your guys' help." Clary said slapping the papers down in front of the male warlock

Magnolia walked over, looking over her father's shoulder seeing the drawings of demons.

"In my dimension, ShadowHunters still battle demons and now there is something so much worse. I need your guys' magic to help me stop it." Clary said
Magnus stared over the pages, Magnolia looking at Clary.

"We can't help you. Our magic's gone dormant." Magnus said

He rose from his chair walking toward the balcony.

"Then wake it up." Clary said
She looked over to Magnolia who rubbed her hands together. Clary was about to say something as she walked off into the shop. Clary looked through one of the books as Magnus was mixing things together.
"This better work, Lia come on." Magnus called out

Magnolia walked over, grabbing one from her dad. The two cheered as they drank it down.

"What does that do?" Clary asked
Magnus grimaced as Magnolia slightly gagged.

"Hopefully... kick start our magic." Magnus said

Magnolia placed her cup down, looking nervous, fidgeting cuz if she had something to hide.

"And?" Clary asked

"Give it a minute?" Magnolia asked

Magnus watched as Clary looked through the book, pressing his stomach lightly. Magnolia burped lightly, slightly embarrassed.

"That book is very precious." Magnus said

"So please be careful." Magnolia implied

"Warlock spells are preserved in all their grandeur." Magnus explained

"It's stunning." Clary said
Magnus felt in his stomach nothing was working.
"This isn't working. This is the longest I've ever abstained, from a lot of things." He said walking off

"Why don't you try something simple? Move that." Clary said

Magnus concentrated as faintest blue wisps flicked out of his palm.

"Usually you have a little bit more...flourish to it." Clary said putting her hands around

"She is usually the calm one." Clary said pointing Magnolia

"I do not look like that." Magnus said

"Well..." Clary said making a face

Magnus tried slightly harder as nothing happened, suddenly the object flew over landing in Magnolia's hand. Magnus and Clary standing there shocked.
"You did it." Clary said
Magnolia looked at her dad, ashamed.

"I have for a while, I don't know how but it did. I'm sorry dad." she said
"I will get it, it's okay." Magnus said

"Guys, we just have to find the Portal." Clary said

"We still need an energy signature of some kind to track it." Magnolia said
"Maybe we will try something different. I don't know how this came into this dimension with me." Clary said grabbing her necklace

"Because it's of this dimension. It belongs here." Magnus said

The two grabbed the shard, both feeling the power flow through them.

"Oh now that's what I'm talking about. We have lift off." Magnus said

Clary looks over to Magnolia who holds a smile on her face.

"The energy is very faint. It's been dormant for a long time, like me." Magnus said
"Let's see if we can wake it up." Magnolia said

She grabbed her father's hand, closing her eyes.

"Can you see it?" Clary asked

"Yes, it's in a sub basement of...Fort Knox." Magnus said

"Is that?" Magnolia asked

"Literally Fort Kn-." Clary said 

"Not, but it might as well be, it's in the Institute." Magnolia said

"Why is that a problem?" Clary asked

"Seriously? High tech, high security. Impossible to get into." Magnolia explained

"And hosting an anniversary party tonight that I have a hookup to." Clary said excited

Magnus and Magnolia look at one another as Clary's phone goes off.

"Damn, you two meet me at seven at the Institute. Dress to impress." Clary said taking back the shard

She walked out leaving, Magnus and Magnolia looked at their outfits, confused.

           Clary walked into Isabelle's home, seeing her standing in the mirror crying.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Clary asked

"Kickboxing class. I thought, why not? Quick class after work and boom! Home to see you." Izzy said
"Well you got the boom part right." Clary said
"Andrea's foot went right into my face, she has to pick today to finally land her roundhouse." Izzy said
"It''s okay. We'll fix it." Clary said

"Oh my god! What are people going to think? And then Alec worked so hard to plan this, I just cannot not go to the party and what am I supposed to do?" Izzy ranted

"Hey. we're going to fix it." Clary said sitting her down

"Okay, but then we have to fix you and Jace because the two of you not talking really messes with my chi." Izzy said

Clary turned to look at her, shocked at the words coming out of her friend's mouth.

"Are you sure those are the colors?" Izzy asked

We will make it work." Clary said

"Okay, because if I don't show up to the party, your dad and Simon are going to kill me." Izzy said

Clary began to apply the make-up over the bruised skin, trying to be gentle.

"Do you think you could get two of my friends on the guest list tonight?" Clary asked "Um.. well, if you make this work, I'll do anything for you." Izzy said

           Clary arrived at the party, looking around for The Banes. She turned to see her parents dancing, smiling and laughing together. She turned to spot Jace, dressed nicely.
"Jace, hi," Clary said looking around

"Clary, what's going on with you?" Jace asked

"Nothing." Clary said

The two continued to talk as her father spotted them, deciding to pop over and meet the man his daughters had been talking to.

"So, this must be the Jace I've heard so much about." Valentine said
"Yes, sir, yeah.' Jace said holding his hand out

"Sir is for my father. Call me... Mr. Morgenstern." Valentine said grabbing his hand

"Okay, um." Jace said
"Um, dad, this is our song." Clary said
"Oh right, well nice to meet you." her father said walking off

"It was a pleasure to be nice...uh nice to meet you as well." Jace stuttered

Valentine laughed it off bowing before leaving. Clary went to walk off as he pulled her back gently.

"Clary. What's going on with you? You ran away from me this morning and you didn't respond to my texts all day, and now you won't even dance with me?" jace said

"I'm sorry, okay? Really, I am. I just... I've got a lot on my mind." Clary said
"Just one dance." Jace said

"Fine, okay. One." Clary said putting her phone down

"One? You got somewhere else to be?" Jace asked

They walked onto the dance floor, swaying with one another. Clary looked around the room once more before wrapping her arms around Jace and allowing herself to enjoy the dance. The glamour of this world was once again setting in, as Clary's phone dinged, it was Magnolia and they were caught in traffic.

          Magnolia and Magnus walked up to the front doors, the security with the list was standing there. Her father walked up, talking with the man, telling him their names.

"Sorry not on the list." He said
"Check it again, I told you, We're on the list." Magnus said

"You're not here." the man said
Alec walked toward the three, looking down at Magnolia looking her over.
"What seems to be the problem?" Alec asked
"These two want to crash the party." The mans said
Magnolia and Alec's eyes stay on one another, small smiles on their faces.

"I'll be responsible for them. Come on in." Alec said

Magnolia smiled at the guard before swiftly following behind Alec, with her father close behind.

"Do you know him?" Magnus asked

"No idea, but I can." Magnolia replied

Magnus looked around at the décor, grabbing his own beverage as Alec grabbed two cups, handing one to Magnolia.
"To us." Alec said

Magnolia smiled at him, drinking from the cup noticing Clary dancing in the distance.

"And you are?" Alec asked
"Magnolia Bane, but you can call me Lia." She said

"Alec Lightwood." Alex smiled

"Thank you but un -can you excuse me for just a moment? I need to tell my dad something, just wait here." She said
Alec nodded as she walked over to her father.
"Dad, Dad! Clary is right there, go help her." Magnolia said

"What about you? What will you be doing?" He asked

She turned looking back at Alec, who smiled and waved in her direction.

"I have a date." She said

He smiled at her, kissing her cheek, before she walked off grabbing on to Alec's hand as he whisked her away into the night. Magnus walked over to Clary, grabbing her hand.

"Come on, let's go." Magnus said
Clary looked at him confused.

"Who are you?" Clary asked

"Clary, it's me, Magnus." He said
The glamour blocked her out as she asked if she knew him.

"Focus." Magnus said
"Okay seriously let go of me." Clary said

Magnus snapped showing his cat as Clary stood frightened

"What is wrong with you?" Clary asked

Magnus snapped again showing their other cats.

"Dude, I-"

He snapped once more showing a rune, when she finally came to, snapping out of it.
"That was close." Clary said
"You're telling me. This way, let's go." Magnus said
"Wait, what about Magnolia?" Clary asked
"She has a date." Magnus said

He moved to the side, showing Clary. In the distance was Magnolia dancing with Alec, laughing, having a good time. Clary and Magnus raced off for the stairwell, not knowing someone was following. 

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