The Stars, The Moon & Everyth...

By IamMagnoliaGrey

3K 180 3

Join Magnolia for the crazy journey she is about to embark on. Magnolia Bane, warlock. Daughter of Magnus. Ra... More

Season 1:
1.1 Pan-demon-ium
1.2 The Shift
1.3 Memories
1.4 The Banes
1.5 You rang?
1.6 The Rave
1.7 The Summoning
1.9 JailBreak
1.10 Long Day?
1.11 Oh no...
1.12 The Institute
1.13 I guess time wasn't in our favor.
1.14 **Alternate Universe**
1.15 The Trial.
1.16 Don't give up.
1.17 Fight for this one.
1.18 Traitor
1.19 Hotel DuMort
1.20 Hatred for Bitty
1.21 you promised.
1.22 Rise.
Season 2A:
2A.1 Where are you?
2A.2 Need to find him.
2A.3 He's here.
2A.4 Come with us.
2A.5 Why did you do it
2A.6 If aught but death part thee and me.
2A.7 Connected & Chaos.
2A.8 You are a good guy.
2A.9 Martinis and Beers
2A.10 Roommates.

1.8 I understand.

143 7 0
By IamMagnoliaGrey

          The next day, the two just relaxed at the apartment together. Magnolia showed her father several of her favorite mundane movies/ tv shows and books. The night had fallen when Magnolia shot up from the couch, her eyes shifting.
"They're coming." She said

"Who's coming?" her father asked

"They're at the door." She said
Magnus hopped up from the couch racing to the front door, he opened it to reveal Simon and Clary carried in a groaning Luke.

"What happened?" He asked

Luke groaned as the two carried him through the threshold.

"He was attacked." Simon said

"Luke." Magnolia called out, clearing off the counter. She walked over and placed a white sheet over the couch.

"We need a warlock. He needs either one of you." Clary said

"Lay him here." Magnolia said

"Where are you? I can't find you." Luke mumbled

"Luke, I hope you can hear me, we are here to help." Magnolia said

"Where ar- where are you? Where-where-where are you?" Luke called out

The four of them all held him down as he was trying to fight against them.

"Jocelyn!" He called out

"No, Luke, it's Clary. Can you hear me?" Clary asked

"Clary, listen to me. have to listen to me. I have to tell you, just in case--." Luke said

"No, don't even say it, don't." Clary panicked

"No, Listen to me." Luke argued

"Luke!" She said

"Was he bitten by an Alpha?" Magnus asked

"Yeah, why?" Simon asked

"Crap." Magnolia whispered

"Three, two, one..." Magnus counted

Luke lets out a giant roar, as his eyes shifted to their canine state.

"Oh my god." Clary said

"Stand back please." Magnolia said

Her hands gleamed their emerald energy, holding him against the couch. Luke began to yell in pain, Magnus ran to their pantry of supplies pulling out a special bark.

"We don't have a lot of time." Magus called out

He placed the bark into the man's mouth.

"It will take a few moments to take effect." He said

"What's happening to him?" Clary asked

"Random werewolf transformations. It's a side effect from the poison in the alpha bite." Magnus explained

Luke finally relaxed as the bark took effect, Magnolia was able to release him from her magic taking a deep breath.

"You okay?" Simon asked

"Yeah, just need to take a breath." Magnolia said

The two quickly bandaged up his injuries, Magnolia walked off putting the supplies away as Magnus began looking for things to create the antidote. Clary and Simon stayed with Luke in the living room as the Banes were in the kitchen.
"Does something seem off about Simon to you?" She asked

"No, why? What do you sense?" he asked

"Whether it's his mind or himself but something is happening to him." She said

The two continued grabbing ingredients, before one of them grabbed the cauldron.

"The bark will stop the transformation for now, but Luke needs an antidote to stop the poison in his system." Magnus said

"And we don't have all the ingredients here." Magnolia said

"Just tell us what you need and how to get it." Clary said

"No, you stay here." Magnus said running onto the balcony

"Luke will need you when he wakes up." Magnolia said

"If he wakes up." Magnus said

"Magnus!" "Dad!" The girls yelled

"I'll go." Jace and Simon say

We all turn to look at Jace walking in, blood on his face.

"Great, there's about to be a "mine is bigger contest." Magnolia huffed

"Jace, what happened to you." Magnus said

"Luke's car may have found its way into a pole while I was stashing it. I don't do mundane driving." Jace said
"That's why we portal." Magnolia said before walking out

"What do you need?" Jace asked

"No, I got this." Simon said

"Phoenix eyes, moon salts and Idris fulgurite." Magnolia said walking in before walking down the hall

"Oh and one more thing, we're going to need Alexander." He said looking at the three

"Why do you need Alec?" Jace asked

"Virgin Shadowhunter energy for Lia." Magnus said

"That explains so much." Simon said

"Um, Alec yeah. I can't." Jace said

"Jace, just ask please. You need to talk." Clary said

"Trouble in paradise?" Magnus asked

"We need those ingredients." Magnolia yelled down the hall

          Magnolia was standing by the cauldron stirring the chunky mixture, throwing things in, her father beside her doing the same. Clary walked over looking at the concoction, confused.

"What's all this for?" She asked

"The base for the potion." Magnolia said

Magnus poured in a glowing liquid as Magnolia stirred it in.

"We need to have it ready before your boy toys get back." Magnus said

"What if they don't get back in time?" Clary asked

"You can't think like that, biscuit." Magnus said

"Think positive, birdy." Magnolia said walking from the two

"That's all I can think about. Guys, I don't know if I can do this anymore. Okay, I'm an art student, all of my adventures are supposed to be two-dimensional." Clary said

"Who says?" Magnus said

"Me." Clary said
"Well, paint a better picture." Magnolia said grabbing something off the shelf

"Look, it is one thing to draw monsters and demons, but it is completely different to see them up close and personal. I don't know what I'm doing." Clary said
Magnus and Clary walk back toward Magnolia, stirring the cauldron.

"Don't sell yourself short. You forget, I've seen you in action, Clary Fairchild." Magnus said

"Jocelyn! No, don't... don't..-" Luke groans

"Luke, I'm here. I'm here." Clary said

"Let me take your pain away." Magnolia said

"No, no." Luke moans

"Agitation only makes the venom work faster, do it." Magnus said

"I need to tell Clary." Luke said

"Save your strength." Clary said

"No, you need to know. No, please." Luke pleaded

"Magnolia, do it." Clary said

Luke groans in pain.

"Magnus, you need to tell her, all of it. Promise me." Luke grunts

Magnus stared down at Luke before placing his hand on his daughter's shoulder. Magnolia rubbed her hands together, igniting the green wisps before placing them down onto his chest, her eyes closed as she breathed out deeply. Luke continues to groan as the green energy moves its way down his body.

"The poison is spreading." Magnolia huffs

Luke loudly grunts.

"Your boys need to hurry." Magnolia huffed

She calmly rushed her magic through the older male, taking the pain away. Magnolia was finally able to subside Luke's pain as he passed out. She leaned against the back of the chair, taking a breather.

"Tell me what? What's so important that Luke risked his life?" Clary asked

"Everything Jocelyn hoped to hide from you." Magnus said

"Told you it was stupid." Magnolia said getting up walking down the hall

Magnus walked closer to Clary, conjuring up a sketchbook with a pen.

"Why?" Clary asked

"When you were younger, I'd watch you sketching. Magnolia would give you pointers, it was your bliss. You're gonna need some bliss now." Magnus said

      Magnus explained everything to the young Shadowhunter, Clary looked confused by what the warlock was telling her.

"How could the clave not see?" Clary asked

"ShadowHunters believe in the Law as absolute. They could never conceive of one of their own going astray." Magnolia said
They looked at her as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"My father didn't go astray, Magnolia. He went insane." Clary said

"What happened back then is happening again. The Clave refuses to believe that Valentine's a threat." Magnus said

"Nineteen years ago, their lack of vision allowed the Circle to almost decimate the entire Shadow World." Magnolia said
Clary looked between the two.

"That was the Uprising?" She asked
"Yes. Valentine wanted to create a new Shadowhunter army and for that he needed the Mortal Cup. He knew it would be on display at the signing of the Accords as the show of the Clave's power. He seized the opportunity to accomplish everything he wanted. Destroy the Accords, murder Downworlders and secure the Cup." Magnus said

Clary began to pace back and forth as Magnolia changed Luke's bandages.

"How could my mom and Luke be a part of something like this?" She asked

"Jocelyn and Luke tried to prevent the Uprising. They tried to change Valentine's mind about Downworlders." Magnus said

"Obviously, they didn't." Clary said anger in her eyes

"Clary, if it wasn't for your mom and Luke, the Circle would have won." Magnolia said

She turned back to finishing her work on Luke as Clary finally took a seat across from him, sketching in the book. As Magnolia stayed sitting on the floor beside the couch as Magnus was along the back of the couch.

"Ever since I found out Valentine was my father, I wondered how my mother could be married to someone like that and why she stayed." Clary said

Magnus walked near the redhead, who's eyes stayed glued to the paper.

"She had to stop him." Clary said
"And safeguard the cup." Magnolia added

"Everything Jocelyn did, she did to save the people she swore to protect. She took her oath as a Shadowhunter seriously." Magnus said

"I understand, but how does that help me find the cup?" Clary asked

"Maybe Luke thinks if you know your mother better, you'll know where she hid it." Magnus said

"Okay that makes no sense." Magnolia scoffed grabbing a book off the coffee table

"Then tell me why she gave up being a Shadowhunter?" Clary asked

Magnus looked over at Magnolia before crouching beside Clary.

"Because the one thing in the world she loved more is you. She had to protect you." Magnus said
"From my father, the lunatic." Clary said
"Bingo." Magnolia said

Clary and Magnus looked over to the tiny woman.

"Sorry." She awkwardly smiled

The couch began to shift behind Magnolia, she turned hearing Luke grunting.

"Luke. Luke?" Clary asked

She rose from the chair racing beside Magnolia.

"Magic's wearing off." Magnus said

"It was our fault. It was our fault!" He yelled

His body tensed up, he groaned and growled loudly against the leather cushions. Clary removed the bandage covering the Alpha bite.

"It's worse." Clary said

Both warlocks clapped their hands together, rubbing them, energy growing in their palms, they placed their hands over his torso, pressed him back into the couch, concentrated on stopping the spreading and holding him down. The blue and green swarmed around the werewolf as she kept her eyes closed trying to keep calm, breathing deeply, both slightly struggling.

"We're running out of magic." Magnus said
"What do I do?" Clary asked

"The potion stock still needs Komodo scale, she's gonna need your help." Magnolia said calmly

"Are you sure you got this?" Magnus asked

He stared at his daughter, looking for confirmation.

"I got it, go." She huffed

He nodded, the blue falling away as she pressed down harder.
"We'll add the rest when they get here. We'll have to feed it to Luke." Magnus said

"What about her?" Clary asked

The two turned looking at Magnolia, the green a strong vibrant color laying over Luke's body.

"She'll hold on as long as she can, but we need to hurry." Magnus said

The two walked into the other room, where the base potion was located. Magnolia faltered slightly, a hand pressed against her back, her eyes finding the person now beside her.
"Alec." She huffed

The two stared at one another.

"Help me." She breathed.

She raised her hand, breathing heavily. He stared into his eyes, he lifted his hand playing it out in front of her.

"Take what you need." He said

They grabbed each other's hand, lacing their fingers together. He lifted her back up, so her hand was above Luke's body. Alec stayed beside her as she held on, she kept her breaths calm and her eyes were closed once again. Luke began to grunt louder, trying to break free, Alec closed his eyes focusing on his energy to help her.

"Clary!" Simon and Jace yelled

Clary raced over to the two.

"Do you have it?" She asked

They nodded, handing her the ingredients, she raced over to Magnus, throwing them as he stirred swiftly. Magnolia and Alec were still going strong as Magnus quickly transferred into a smaller cup for Clary to feed it to him. Clary raced over pouring the concoction into her father figure's mouth. After a few seconds, the grunting stopped and Magnolia was able to let up. Luke took several deep breaths opening his eyes, smiling. Clary returned it as she looked to Magnolia who looked completely drained but held a smile on her face. The tiny woman fell back into Alec as Magnus stood by watching.

"Hey Clary." Luke huffed

Alec looked down to Magnolia who leaned back into his chest, taking deep breaths.

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah, thanks." She said

        Magnolia and Magnus helped Luke get comfortable and re-bandaged up before Clary walked in, The two looked at her before looking at one another.

"We'll leave you two alone." Magnolia said

"She has a ShadowHunters to talk with." Magnus said

Magnolia squeezed Luke's hand before walking out after her dad, she grabbed Clary's hand giving it a squeeze before walking out of the room walking down the hallway. She walked out into the living room seeing Alec scrubbing the blood off the couch.

"You know you don't need to do that. I have magic for that, you know?" she asked

"I think you've exerted yourself enough for one day." Alec said
She walked past him, over to the mini bar grabbing a glass of wine for herself.

"Would you like a drink?" She asked

She looked over her shoulder, seeing him lifting himself off the floor coming closer to her. She poured a basic martini, handing it to him.

"To us?" she asked

He clicked his glass to hers, taking a sip, making a face. She gave him a smile, silently laughing.
"Not much of a drinker?" She asked

"Why did you ask for me?" He asked

"I didn't." she said

He was silent as he looked over her entire face.

"It was probably my dad, he knows something we don't." She replied

"Like?" He asked

"I'm guessing he senses something between us but I'm happy that you showed up." She said
"You are?" He asked

She stared up at him, nodding.

"Because I wanted to see you again." She said

"Why?" He asked

"Why'd you come?" Magnolia questioned

"I'm not sure." Alec replied

"For a long time, I've closed myself off to feeling anything for anyone. Woman or man. You've changed something in me." She confessed.
The two stared at one another, Alec almost saying something before his phone rang, interrupting the moment. Magnolia took a step back, looking away from him taking a large sip of her wine.

"Hey. Hi, Mother." Alec said turning away

Magnolia turned, staring out the large windows looking at the world around, dark skies.

"Of course." Alec said

She turned looking at him, placing his glass down on the table beside him, holding up his phone.

"Duty calls." He said

"Of course, something wrong? You seem tense." She asked

Alec stared at her taking in the sight before him, she was still wearing her lounging clothes and her hair was placed in a claw clip with several thin pieces falling out.

"Maryse must be recruiting you for something...unseemly." She said

"Magnolia, listen. I wish I could- I just- I don't know how-" Alec stammered

She placed her hand on his chest, issuing him to stop.

"I understand." She said

She turned to pick up his glass, handing it to him.

"Stay until you finish your drink?" She asked

He stared at her, a smirk on his face. They exchanged looks as he grabbed the stem of the martini glass. She smiled, grabbing his hand pulling them toward the two chairs behind them, talking between them.

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