The Stars, The Moon & Everyth...

By IamMagnoliaGrey

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Join Magnolia for the crazy journey she is about to embark on. Magnolia Bane, warlock. Daughter of Magnus. Ra... More

Season 1:
1.1 Pan-demon-ium
1.3 Memories
1.4 The Banes
1.5 You rang?
1.6 The Rave
1.7 The Summoning
1.8 I understand.
1.9 JailBreak
1.10 Long Day?
1.11 Oh no...
1.12 The Institute
1.13 I guess time wasn't in our favor.
1.14 **Alternate Universe**
1.15 The Trial.
1.16 Don't give up.
1.17 Fight for this one.
1.18 Traitor
1.19 Hotel DuMort
1.20 Hatred for Bitty
1.21 you promised.
1.22 Rise.
Season 2A:
2A.1 Where are you?
2A.2 Need to find him.
2A.3 He's here.
2A.4 Come with us.
2A.5 Why did you do it
2A.6 If aught but death part thee and me.
2A.7 Connected & Chaos.
2A.8 You are a good guy.
2A.9 Martinis and Beers
2A.10 Roommates.
2A.11 Flashbacks & Next Steps.
2A.12 Next Morning & Awkward Talks.
2A.13 Let's Party.
2A.14 La Chat Roux
2A.15 The Truth & Betrayal.
2A.16 Dot & Decisions.
2A.17 He Lied.
2A.18 The Aftermath.
Season 2B:
2B.1 Demons, really?
2B.2 Let's Bait
2B.3 It's not a game.
2B.4 The Fight

1.2 The Shift

546 24 0
By IamMagnoliaGrey

 A few days later, Magnolia was lying in her bed reading another one of her books. She did many things to pass the time, mainly painting and reading. She recently just got back from the mundane bookstore, grabbing a tea on her way back. The woman sat up, her eyes shifting into their cat-like state, feeling a disturbance. She got out of bed walking down the hall into the main living area. Magnus sat on the couch, flipping through a magazine.

"Did you feel that?" Magnolia asked

"What?" Magnus asked

"There was a shift." She said
Magnus looked up seeing her eyes, her hair now changing as well.

"Something is happening." Magnolia said

Magnus rose from the couch walking to the window.

"Get dressed, my flower, it's time to mingle." Magnus said
"Are we going to the club? Why do I need to go?" She asked

"Come on, we are going to figure this out." Magnus said

The girl walked out of the apartment building walking back toward the coffeehouse grabbing another tea. She sat out on the patio watching the mundanes walking by not realizing the world isn't how it's seen. The chair behind her scratched against the floor, a body taking the seat.

"What have you heard?" Magnolia asked

The person lifted the coffee to his mouth, taking a sip.

"I need something, I felt a shift." She said

"Jocelyn is missing." Luke said
She turned to face him, concerned now.

"What? Where's Clary?" She asked

"She is somewhere, I'm trying to find her." Luke said
"I can track her, try to help." Magnolia said

"Save your strength, I will come to you if needed but thank you." He said
"Of course." She replied

"You know, she would draw you. She never remembered who you were but she always remembered what you looked like." Luke said
She looked at her hands, a small smile across her face.

"I need to go, we are asking around if anyone knows anything. If they felt anything." Magnolia said

"Stay safe out there." Luke said

"You as well." She whispered walking off 

Magnolia walked into the club at dusk seeing multiple warlocks around discussing.

"What have you found out?" Magnus asked

"Jocelyn is missing and so is Clary." She replied

"Anything else?"

She shook her head.

"Well Valentine is rounding up warlocks, we have to go under." Magnus said

"What? Why didn't you lead with that?" Magnolia asked

"Didn't want to worry you, plus our home is now becoming a safe haven for them." He said

"So be it, let's get out of here." she said
The two turned facing the wall, their eyes shifting, green and blue wisps emitting from their hands. A large portal opened, and the warlocks began walking through. After about an hour, the club was now empty and there were a couple stragglers left.

"Hurry up warlocks, last train to salvation." Magnus said

Footsteps were heard from the front door, Magnolia turned seeing Dot running toward them. She continued directing several people toward the portal.
"Magnus, Nolia. Hey. Why haven't you answered my messages? Jocelyn's missing and I--" Dot said

"We've been a little busy protecting our people from certain death." Magnus said

"What are you talking about?" Dot asked

"Jocelyn's brilliant plan is screwed. Valentine knows a warlock brewed the potion that put her to sleep. He's hunting warlocks down one by one." Magnus said

"What, so you're leaving?" Dot asked

"You've always been a quick study, Dorothy. It's our only choice until we know what Valentine is up to, I'm not risking my daughter for no one. Now let's go." Magnus replied

He pulled her toward the portal, Dot stopping him.

"No, I can't. I've been portaling all over the city looking for Clary and my magic is dangerously low. I need your help." Dot said

"Are you really risking your life for a Shadowhunter?" Magnus asked

"This isn't us vs them, Magnus. If Valentine gets the cup, we're all doomed." Dot said

Magnolia walked over standing beside Magnus.

"Ready?" Magnolia said

"Valentine can't kill what he can't find." Magnus said

"Come with us Dot, save yourself." Magnolia said

When Dot stared at the two, Magnus leaned back slightly grabbing Magnolia's shoulder pulling her with him. The two disappeared into the portal, closing it behind them. 

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