The PowerPuff Girls

By JustSira

807 23 11

What if... What if, the girls were born in a complete different world without superpowers ? Bertha, Beatrice... More

A new beginning ?
Let's do this one more time !
The boys are back in town...
Memories, memories...
And the party started !
What was that again ?
And the elections started...
A deal is a deal.
Goals and responsabilities.
Girls night !
And the contest started.
Menace and danger.
Music and chills.
More than human.

It's a secret.

21 2 1
By JustSira

A new day began for the Powerpuff girls at their high school. Bubbles was in her art class, talking to Robin.

« Are you sure you and your sisters are okay ? »

« We told you one hundred time, yes. Don't worry. But it's still cute. »

« I'm not the only one who was worried... »

They looked around the class and everybody was paying attention to their conversation and pretending they weren't when they were caught.
Bubbles sighed, it has been like this all the morning since Bubbles and her sisters had set a foot in the high school.

« We are fine, it was just... unexpected. » said Bubbles.

« The Rowdyruff boys were calm, they didn't cause any trouble and now... I never seen any of them so agressive since their come back. Even Boomer. » 

The heart of Bubbles tightened when Robin mentioned Boomer.

« I know... » added Bubbles.

« And the video Princess posted went viral ! I don't know what can I think of it. Mister Morbucks seems to want to help, but the Rowdyruff boys... »

« He doesn't ! » she said abruptly.
Everybody stared at them and she whispered to Robin.

« I think it's fake or at least their not doing it for helping people. Don't forget the elections have started. »

« But he helped a lot of people with funds. »

« Trust me. Robin, I don't know what did they plan, but it's not good for any of us. »

« I... »

The door opened with a bang, letting Brick in. He was in a terrible mood, giving everyone a dark look, lingering a little longer on Bubbles before sitting down in his favourite spot.

Robin blushed very hard when she saw Brick and Bubbles gave him back his dark look.

« We shouldn't talk about this anymore. » said Robin in one breath. « Bubbles what are you doing ? »
With her eyes were glued to Brick's back, she approached him. Robin tried to stop her, but before she tried anything, Bubbles stood in front of Brick, so this way he wouldn't ignore her.

« I need to talk to you. In private. » her tone was dry.
He rolled his eyes, but he knew this confrontation was inevitable.

« I'm coming. »

They went outside of the classroom, and for more intimacy, into a desert corridor, far enough away  that the others students could not hear.

« You know I should beat you until you beg for mercy, right ? » the fists of Bubbles began to clench.
She was upset about the fight, about the destruction of the park, about dragging Boomer into the fight and about seeing her sister fighting a crazy teenager.

« And why exactly ? Because we saved you and your sister from a fight you would have lost for sure ? Your welcome. »
This time, she could see the fire burning in his eyes, his rage directed at her.

« Are you kidding me ?! You forced Boomer to get into a fight and we saw your brother fighting my sister ! And I'm supposed to thank you ?! »

Bubbles was shaking with rage and her blue eyes met his red ones. Nothing, nothing inside of those red eyes, only boredom and a fire. Burning. Slowly.
He chuckled a little, the corner of his mouth turning into a smirk of disgust.

« Funny to see how you worry about Boomer. You don't know Butch and you don't know Boomer. »

« Maybe I do ! » she replied back.
He laughed before he lost his smile and his eyes, this time, took a dangerous shadow.

« You don't know him, stop pretending you do. »

« Stop controlling him ! You may be the leader or something but Boomer is not your puppet ! »

His smile fell and the fire in his eyes grew, higher.
« That's where you wrong. Whatever I do or say, I don't control my brothers. Sorry to break your illusion. » he said dryly.

Bubbles didn't know what to respond. She was stunned and barely noticed Brick deliberately pushing and walking back to the classroom.
Boomer attacked her of his own free will, even if they weren't that close, he did this to her and on purpose.
Bubbles felt her heart tighten as she thought about what Brick had said. Brick was right, Boomer can think and act on his own. They weren't close, but only in her mind.

After a moment, she went back to class with a heavy step when she heard miss Perla coming.


At the lunch, the girls gathered with Robin around a table. Blossom arrived with a stack of books. She had her nose in them and a spoon into her mouth.

« Mister O'Brian asked me to help the contest. I'm going to present the school and the competition to the scientists. I'm so excited ! But I need to know everything on my fingertips. »

« Put that book down. Isn't it too much work ? » Robin took the book of Blossom.
Blossom never felt that energetic before. She has powers, energy and super strength, she thought she could accomplish a lot of things.

« Fine... But I'll study back in ten minutes. »

« Blossom... » Robin shook her head, it was hard to stop Blossom studying.
« Someone can talk about something else than classes or studying. Bubbles ? Did you start your repetitions ?»

« Hmm... oh no. »
Bubbles was barely listening to the conversation as she played with her food.

« Okay... and you Buttercup ? »

The eyes of Buttercup were scrutinizing the cafeteria, she haven't seen yet Butch and was on her guard waiting for any surprise attack.

« I think you are all too nervous ! » said Robin.
She caught the attention of the girls.

« Obvisouly, I was attacked by a crazy, psycho boy, Blossom has her contest and who knows why she is taking it too far and Bubbles isn't smiling which is suuuuper weird. » said Butterucp, after all she was maybe paying attention. The girls looked at her a bit embarrassed, she touched a nerve.

« You all need a break. I know recently it's have been hard for you, girls... You know what I'll organize a sleepover and you are all come, it's not a suggestion. »

« Wait are you serious ? We aren't 7 years old. » said Buttercup.

« A sleepover ? » asked Bubbles with interest.

« But we are busy.... I'm not sure if it's a good idea. And we still have monster attacks. » said Blossom.

« Enough, I almost haven't spend time with you since you return. I have missed my friends and you need a break. »
The girls, feeling guilty, looked at each other. In their world, they were all friends with Robin, it's time to spend a moment with her, far away from their new responsibilities.

« Fine... » said Blossom.

« Yeah ! A sleepover. » said Bubbles, she hugged Robin in her arms.

Buttercup rolled her eyes but smiled too.

« Ok this weekend, in my house. »

« No way ! After all, we won't have to do it in a dump. It's not like we live next to your house since... always. » said sarcastically Buttercup.
Robin punched her shoulder, but not enough to hurt her.
'Since always...'

« I can't wait ! » said Bubbles eating her food with joy. The perspective of spending a moment with her friend and her sisters erased her altercation with Brick.


As usual, Bubbles went to her music class, her heart pounding with anxiety. She hoped very, very, very hard not to see Boomer first, or at least not being alone with him. When she opened the door, she saw him, like always, next to the window with a music sheet. His blue eyes met hers, but she ignored him, not even a smile. Her eyes slid over him. Hopefully for her, Mary was here and she talked to her, waiting for the class and the teacher to come.

When the class was complete and mister Salvatore arrived, they started to plan what they were going to do.
The class and the teacher already decided who will play, Bubbles, Mitch, Pablo and Boomer. The other students will help them and practice in case they have to replace someone.
Bubbles was excited, she took place behind the drums with her drumsticks. They began to play. Bubbles used her sticks to hit the drums, to hit her feelings and that made her feel better, she was shaking her head in rhythm and in all directions. She won't think about the boy playing bass in front of her, she won't think about the way he attacked her, about Brick what he had said and the way he talked to her. He was right after all, Boomer was not a puppet but no one could fool her.
She knew there was much more in this guy, something in his eyes that made her want to know him better... But after what he did, she won't try anything.

When the break time came and it was the turn of the other students turn to practice, Bubbles sat in a corner of the room. She was lost in her thoughts, but angry enough not be bothered by the others. The song of the other was loud enough to cover the voices around her. Boomer came to her with a bottle of water.

« Do you need some water ? » he asked softly.

« No. » she said dryly.
Boomer was surprised at how dry she was, she never used to be like that with him. He cleared his throat.

« Hmm, you were good. » he said, trying to make a small talk.

« Are you finished ? » she said.
He didn't know what to said. « Good. » she stood up, ready to find another place far away from him.

« Wait... » he took her hand and she immediately pulled it away.

« Are you going to stop me again ? Are you going to use your electric powers, or maybe your lasers ? I remember very well how you tried to stop me.»

« You don't understand... »

« If you were forced to attack me, I would have understood, but you weren't. You did it on your own. » the anger was rinsing in her eyes.
She was staring at him, waiting for him to answer, but he didn't. He didn't say anything and looked at her. Nothing in his eyes. Not even a shade of regret.
She sighed of course, what was she expecting exactly ?

« Think whatever you want. » he said and he sat down on the chair angrily.
They ignored each other for the rest of the repetition. Bubbles forced herself not to stare at his shoulders rolling under his t-shirt or the way his hands were moving on his bass, or the way his face was frown. She focused on her drums, hitting harder and he did the same with her.


During this time, Buttercup practiced with her soccer team. She was an attacker, and rushes to the goal dribbling everyone. She was nervous about meeting Butch. Not because she was afraid, she had beaten him and would done it again if she have to. Not because she saw her bones wracked and healed soon as the Chemical X could. But she was nervous to see him again...

After the match, Buttercup went back to the cloakroom to get her towel. The cloakroom was next to the basketball court, and the only way to see the cloakroom was to take the hallway. When she entered in the hallway, she found Butch standing in front of the cloakroom.

« No ladies here... » he said, using his X-ray vision.

« What are you doing ? » she said dryly.

« Butterfly... » he flipped back with a large smile.
« How do you feel after our little fight ? »

She didn't say anything, but just stood in front of him, waiting for his next move.

« What ? You don't say anything ? Are you scared after our little fight ? »
Buttercup frowned her eyebrows and clenched her fists. ' Too easy...' he thought with a grin.

Buttercup just blew and tried to touch the handle, but he stopped her with his hand. She immediately pulled her hand away.

« Do not touch me. I don't have time to lose. »

« You liked it... » he leaned closer to her, « You are. Just. Like. Me.»

She grabbed his collar, ready to punch him in the face. She is not like him ! She can't be like him !
But she didn't want to give him what he wanted. She stopped her fist a few inches from his face, but coach Davis coughed behind them.

« No ! No fight between you two ! We all see what you both did this weekend. Butch ! This is the third time I find you in front of the girl's cloakroom. And you Buttercup, you are supposed to be the role model. For the trouble, you will give me 200 pushups, both of you, after practice. »

« I didn't do anything ! He was...» said Buttercup.

« Are you going to deny you were almost going to punch him ? »
She mumbled for herself and let him go. Butch kept his smile.

Coach Davis wasn't kidding. For Butch and Buttercup, because of their powers, it wasn't that hard but very long. She told to the girls to go back home without her. Coach Davis sat in a chair in front of them.

« Keep going kids, I'll be back soon. I got my eyes on you.» he pointed his eyes with his two fingers before aiming them to Butch and Buttercup.
When coach Davis was far away enough, Butch said :

« I'm sure he went to pee, he pees like every two hours. »

Buttercup didn't answer as she did her pushups.

« If you're going to stay that silent, it's not going to be fun for me... »
No answer, she stood silent, concentrating on her work.

« You're pretty boring... what I was waiting from a Powerpuff girl ? » he kept talking alone.

« Shut the f**ck up. What do you want ? »

« You are showing your claws, I like it. »

« I'm not kidding. »

« All right, when I said you're like me, it's because you are. »

« If you say that again, I'll cut out your tongue. »
He laughed and she started to get more upset.

« I haven't finished. You and I, we're the same deep down. You always hold your powers, trying to not hurt anyone and protect everybody and bla-bla-bla. But you liked it, fighting with me, without any restrictions. Because you knew I could handle it, that's why you liked it. »

« And why did you fight me ? If you haven't attacked me I wouldn't have fought you back. »

« Because I love to push my limits. I saw it in your eyes. We have the same spark. »
She didn't answer back, lost in her mind, she liked it but she will never say it to him. Never.
After a moment Buttercup asked:

« Is that why you were shaking ? »

« I'm flatted, you're watching me. »

« In your dreams. » she said dryly, « You came in front of me twice shaking like a creep. »

He laughed, he laughed twice and those laughs made her upset. What is it so funny for him ?

« Let me keep this secret for now. I can't tell it to my enemy, right ? »

« Then stop talking like if we are friends. »

« You're right, you're too annoying for me. »

« Shut the... »

« Butch ! Buttercup ! I told you to keep your mouths shut. You'll give me 100 more. »

Until they finished their punishment, Butch and Buttercup didn't talk and soon as it was over, she flew away from the high school, from Butch, heading to her house and took a shower.
Washing this day, washing this confrontation and washing his laugh from her mind.


The girls were following a guard, in the jail, a lot of criminals were here. Some of them arrested by the girls, they were screaming, pushing, spitting... One even tried to grab Bubbles's hair, but she dodge him before he could touch her.

« Sorry for this, we have to keep Sedusa in an other part. She could create a chaos... like always. » said the guard.

« No worries, sir. » said Blossom for the guardian.
« We will ask Sedusa some questions and we go back home. She'll try to trick us, stay on your guard. » she said, this time for the girls.

« Obviously Blossom... » said Buttercup, rolling her eyes. « You have told us this a hundred time. It's creepy here. » she said, as a prisoner licked a wall in front of her.

« Just hear it one more time then. » she replied back.

« Girls... » said Bubbles, « At least, try to pretend to be mature. »

« I'm mature ! She is the immature one ! » said Blossom and Buttercup at the same time.

« Whatever. » Bubbles rolled her eyes.

When they arrived in front of Sedusa's jail, they could see a strange scene happening in front of them.

« Are you sure you doesn't want anything else ? » asked a guardian.

« If you find informations about the Ivory Stone, I would love to have them. »

Sedusa was on a comfortable chair, in her jail. One men is massaging her feet while the other one was filing her nails.

« Whatever you want... » he said with a stupid smile.

« Oh, Jerry ! You brought me some guests... How sweet you are.» she said with a devilish smile.

Jerry didn't answer to Sedusa, his eyes focused on the two others guards. The veins in his neck popped up and he yelled :

« Tom ! Ben ! Get the hell out of here ! Great, now I have to find someone else to replace them, again. That's the third time this week. I don't know how do you do to brainwash them but I'm going to find out. »

« I know you love to see me. Both of you can go, darlings. » she moved her hand to let them go and they left with an idiotic smiles as if they were in a dream or a distorted reality.
Her green eyes were glued to Jerry who hardly swallowed his saliva before he stared back to the teenagers next to him.

« This sl*t is all yours. You have 15 minutes. »

Sedusa suddenly stood up and slapped the glass in front of her. Her hair were ready to attack Jerry but obviously the glass stopped it. The green eyes of Sedusa were full of rage.

« Do you know what the sl*t is telling you ? One day all of you are going to pay ! »
Jerry smiled and leaned against the glass.

« Waiting for this day, you are going to rot here and whatever you do, you will not be able to seduce any men under my command. At least not enough to get you out of here. »
While he was laughing, Blossom was boiling and she couldn't stop herself to reply :

« Sir, I think your manners are in appropriate. And I think you must go before your attitude made us very angry. Do you understand ? Oh, and if I hear any more insults about being a sl*t or something, the things won't end correctly. »

« We can't say anything with this new generation... » he left while he was cursing against the new generation and how the things have changed from his area.

Blossom sighed and Bubbles and Buttercup, with a grin, were staring at her in disbelief.

« What ? I hate sl*tshaming. »

« You cursed... and twice. That's my girl. » said Buttercup, wrapping her hands around the shoulders of Blossom.

Sedusa were staring at them, before she giggled and said:

« If one day someone would have told me that a Powerpuff girl will take my defense... Just for that, I will be happy to talk to you.

« We are not here for a small talk but we have some questions for you. »

Her black pupils, shaped as diamonds like a snake, analyzed them. Her hair moved slowly around her head.

« What do you want ? »

« What is mister Morbucks hiding ? »

She smiled even more, her hair moving faster as the excitement rise up in her eyes.

« So, everything is about mister Morbucks... not even me... And why should I tell you anything ?» she said while her chin was resting in the palm of her hand.

« Because we could get you what you want. »

Her hair shuddered of excitement.

« How do you know what I want ? »

« I saw the way you looked at him at the gala. You want to keep your secrets ? Fine, we won't ask you anything about them, but we want to know what he's hiding. »

She didn't say anything for a moment, before finally speaking :

« I want the Ivory Stone. This and my freedom. »

« Forget about it ! » said Buttercup, « It's a trick, I'd rather ask to Princess. » she turned around ready to go but Blossom grabbed her shoulders before she left.

« Buttercup, we already talked about it. Princess won't say anything. » sighed Blossom.

« What is the Ivory Stone ? » asked Bubbles.

« I'm not going to reveal all my secrets now. This stone is keeping in Morbuck's mansion. I tried to find it, but I failed. Give me the stone and I'll tell you whatever you want. »

The girls looked at each other... Blossom with no expression, Bubbles with a smile and Buttercup arms folded and frowned... They nodded, accepting the deal.

« Fine. We can't get you out of here but we'll find it, but we have to be sure you won't be lying. »

« You could cut my hair again if I lie. And I don't want to lose it so I won't lie. I'm stuck here anyway. As long as I've got the Ivory Stone...»

« Deal. »

When the girls were ready to leave, Sedusa added when they turned their backs.

« Oh and one last thing you have changed, I mean not only your bodies but in your mind too I can feel something has changed but I can't tell what. » she said mysteriously.

Bubbles gave her a last look over her shoulder as they left.

« Do you think she knows something about why we are here ? » asked Bubbles.

« Maybe, but first we have to find the Ivory Stone. » said Blossom seriously.

« And we have to convince mister Morbucks or his daughter to let us in his mansion. Good luck, because I won't do anything on this side of the plan. » said Buttercup, her arms still crossed.

« We weren't waiting for you to do anything with her. » said Blossom.

« Oh please, spare me your saliva. She doesn't like you either and... »

« Stop ! I'll take care of this part of the plan. You'll do the researches about the Ivory Stone. Got it ? » said Bubbles.

« Fine. Anyway, I need to see Harry. »

« And me, Mitch. »

« And me ? »
Blossom and Buttercup stared at each other before staring back at Bubbles.

« I'm sure you'll find something to do, okay ? » said Blossom while she was wrapping her arm around Bubbles's shoulders, trying to comfort her.

« Yeah, like helping the professor or cleaning your part of the bedroom. It's a total mess. » said Buttercup, her hands on her pockets.

Bubbles stick out her tongue and they laughed even Bubbles was a little disappointed to spend the evening alone...

They left each other, flying to their respective activities.

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