The Psychic Underdog (Teen Ti...

By Sparky824

197 4 6

Six teens have formed a team: A leader trained by the dark knight, an alien from Tamaran, a boy turned into a... More

Kyle's Bio

197 4 6
By Sparky824

Name: Kyle Cooper

Hero Name: Ness

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Spieces: Metahuman





Bio: Kyle Cooper was born from his parents. His parents' occupations are different. His Father was a fishermen while his mother is an expert in the science. His father met his mother during a matchmaking party hosted by their high school classmate. They then hit it up. They got married, & then had Kyle. Kyle wasn't exactly going to inherited the genius from his mother. As he is growing up, he was...average. Sure, an average build, average looks, & average grades, but no social life because of an incident. You see, when he was 2, he stumbled upon a empty beaker. With no one around, he walked towards the table & bumped into it, causing the beaker to fall next to him. He didn't get hurt in the process, but something, in the future, has happened. During the night, when he was five years old, his father decided to take him on one of his outing on his fishing. During the time, he saw his father & friends grab a lot of the fish form the net, Kyle then see a strange book & show it to his dad. He then looked at it & decided to asked about it to John Constantine. Meanwhile, Kyle & his mother is looking at the book. His mother wasn't too keen on using this book. John & his father decided to head towards the house, but as soon as they got near the door, John sensed the dark powers. They then went to the spot where the book released two Philosopher's stones. John then saved Kyle, but in the end, his parents are now trapped in the stones. This broke Kyle as he awaken his his new Psychic energy. With a new goal, he vowed to free his parents.


Psychic Energy Manipulation: Kyle can manipulate psychic energy: the energy associated with, manifesting, and utilizing psionics. The origins of psychic energy can vary from being an unknown fundamental force or form of quasi-physical energy to purely intangible and invisible mental energy from a different state of totality or dimension.

Psychic energy is essential for psionics to operate properly because psychic energy is the fuel and power constantly charging them. Since the user is commanding psychic energy, the user can construct anything, perform attacks, contain, drain, to even generate any psychic ability and manipulate them.

Limitations: Control is extremely important. Unconscious use of this power can be dangerous.

Connection to Psionics, Cosmic Psionics, Omni-Psionics, Absolute Psionics, and Psionic Godhood.

Mental Manipulation: Kyle can manipulate the mind, the mechanism of proceeding information and set of immaterial facilities that are linked to it. He can create, control, customise, negate and otherwise fashion parts and functions of mind as perception, desires, thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, attention, personality, behaviour, psychologic and intelligence in variety of ways.

Beneficially, this ability can be used to unlock one's inner potential, bestow talents and skills, improve mental capacity. Destructively, this power may shatter minds, grant diversity of mental disorders and take over others. Either way, users possess outstanding power that make them force to be reckoned with.

Limitations: Does not work on mindless beings (corpses, animated objects, robots, etc.). Users of Indomitable Will/Mental/Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious). Users of Mental Regeneration can recover quickly and built-up resistance which eventually develop into immunity. May be limited to a certain number of targets at a time. May not work with users of Brainlessness and Pinnacle Mind. Utterly useless against users of Absolute Mind, Fathomless Mind and Almighty Mind.

Psionics: The users of this are psychics who possess a multitude of psychic abilities and powers in various forms such as; telekinesis, telepathy, extrasensory perception, teleportation, etc. The exact number of psychic powers a user can possess at once varies per user, level of powers they're able to generate, psychic family heritage, and natural evolution. All enabling this particular ability to act as an umbrella power for all the powers connected to it using the same energy source.

These abilities are considered supernatural phenomena related to psychological attributes of consciousness, such as the emotional and (possibly) spiritual.

Limitations: Sometimes overuse of psychic abilities can lead to serious drawbacks such as severe headaches, brain damage, etc. Vertigo users can cause serious damage to psychics. Some users are likely to lose control over their abilities if not trained enough.

Psionic Augmentation: Kyle can enhance the psionic abilities of themselves or other's so that they can reach high mastery level and control instantaneously.

Limitations: May only affect the powers of oneself or others. A mental connection between the user and the target may be necessary.  May be limited to enhancing at certain places or times. The amplification may be temporary.

Psionic Detection: Kyle can sense the presence of psionic/psychic powers and possibly gain detailed understanding about them, including their type, quality and intensity.

Limitations: May be overwhelmed by too many powers around them. May only detect the powers from a close distance. Users of Psychic Shadow/Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious).

Psionic Empowerment: Kyle become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from the thoughts and psionic/psychic energies and powers of oneself or others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the psionics or even slow or stop aging.

Psionic Healing: Kyle possesses the psychic ability to heal himself or others of any mental and/or physical aliments by using psychic energy.

Limitations: May be limited to healing oneself or others. Extensive usage may cause strain on user. Will not work on non-living matter. May only heal non-fatal wounds.

Psionic Resurrection: Kyle can fully revive themselves and others through their own psionic power.

Limitations: Psionic Negation. User may need to keep their psychic power active to keep themselves or others alive.

Psionic Negation: Kyle can negate superhuman powers and effects that originate from psionics. In addition, psionic objects/items and potions are rendered useless. Psionic creations even weaken, and eventually crumble, disperse or dissolve in the his presence.

Limitations: Only works on abilities, effects, and creation psionic in origin. May require one to be up close to negate the psionics. May be difficult to activate. May be difficult or impossible to turn off. May not be able to stand with a group of psionic-using allies. May only be able to negate the active powers of psionic creatures leaving innate powers untouched. Negation Immunity/Negation Countering/Cancellation Bypassing

Psionics Bestowal: Kyle can give psionic capabilities to others, either permanently or temporarily.

Limitations: May be temporary.

Psionic Field Projection: Kyle can create a field made of psychic energy. This psionic power could be from himself or from others. Within the field, Kyle could demonstrate many psychic abilities that they may not possess outside like telekinesis, mind reading and maybe even more advance psionic techniques.

Powerful and skilled users can affect where and when the field is active. Though usually at the center of the field, some users can make an independent field that can pull things to the center of the separate field instead of the user. With further practice users can even set a timer on when the field activates and deactivates. At a high enough degree of force, the field can be used to crush or explode objects within its center.

Limitations: Anti-Psychic Presence. If field is made from user's own psychic power, it could strain them.

Psychic Attacks: Kyle can release/use psychic energy/power to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

Limitations: Users of Psychic Energy Absorption/Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious). Firing may be involuntary reaction or released in constant stream. Users will be exhausted when too much energy is used. Users may be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once. Users need control to avoid unnecessary destruction.

Mental Attacks: Kyle can release/use mental powers in combat to various attacks/effects.

Limitations: Users of Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious). Firing may be involuntary reaction or released in constant stream. Users will be exhausted when too much energy is used. Users may be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once. Users need control to avoid unnecessary destruction.

Psychic Elemental Attacks: Kyle can release/use psychic elements to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

Limitations: Users of Elemental Absorption/Elemental Resistance/Psychic Energy Absorption/Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Elemental Immunity/Psychic Immunity (impervious). Users may require outside source of psychic elemental energy/power to create a blasts. Users may not be immune to effects of own blast. Users will be exhausted when too much energy is used. Users may be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once. Users need control to avoid unnecessary destruction.

Telekinetic Attacks: Kyle can release/use telekinesis to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

Limitations: Users of Psychic Energy Absorption (highly resistant) and Telekinesis Immunity (impervious). Psionic Drain is the perfect counter. Users will be exhausted when too much energy is used. Users may be over-charged/wounded if too much energy is used at once. Users need control to avoid unnecessary destruction.

Telekinetic Heat Vision: Kyle can release/generate an immense amount of heat from his eyes through telekinetic influence, which can be used to burn, heat, melt, weld, etc, targets.

Psychic Constructs: Kyle can change psionic/psychic energy into different forms and objects of varying detail and permanence, ranging from simple shapes and images, to individual elements, substances and materials, to functional items such as tools and weapons, to more complex creations such as living or non-living entities, entire structures and even environments in certain cases. Depending on their control over the source of their constructs, those who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.

These constructs can either be confined to metaphysical and often immaterial environments, such as the Astral Plane or within Mental Worlds, or be capable of manifesting within physical space.

Psionic Weaponry itself has many dangerous effects, including warping the minds of others, igniting pain sensors, destroying physical portions of the brain, and destroying psionic forms or astral projections.

Limitations: Construct structural strength may be limited by the users will. In most cases, constructs will return back into their original state if the User becomes unconscious, leaves the proximity or otherwise loses contact/control of the item. May be limited on how complicated constructs they can create (ie. no/limited amount of moving parts).

Psychic Energy Absorption: Kyle can absorb the psychic energy, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.

Limitations: May be limited to how much one can absorb. Absorption Immunity/Absorption Negation.

Psionic Drain: Psionic drain is a rare and powerful ability against Psionic users in order to increase the user's own psionic level and psychic powers.

Limitations: The user may find that there are a few individuals with very high psionic levels that will prove impossible or difficult to drain their psionic energies.

Psionic Energy Conversion: Kyle can absorb the psychic energy of others and use it to convert it into other types of energy.

Limitations: May have to be careful around others' negative thoughts. Too much may overload the user.

Psychic Energy Containment: Kyle is able to capture/contain/trap psychic energy inside a container, such as a room, box, jar, entity etc., and use it later by releasing it, causing various effects on the target.

Limitations: May only be able to contain psychic energy in a certain vessel. May require focus or psionic power to contain psychic energy. May not have control over psychic energy, whether contained or released. May originate from non-living sources, or hauntings.

Psychic Energy Generation: Kyle can generate psychic energy: energy of the mind and psyche. The energy generated can be used for different purposes.

Limitations: Anti-Energy Manipulation/Energy Absorption/Energy Drain/Energy Erasure/Energy Immunity/Energy Negation/Psionic Drain. May not have control over generated energy. May require good psychological health to generate psychic energy properly, mental illness could cause the energy to become volatile.

Psychic Energy Solidification: Kyle can solidify or give solid-like properties to psychic energy with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond.

Limitations: Usually the change is temporary and short-lived. May be unable to revert subjects/objects if melted to original form. May need to stay in physical contact. May not be able to use ability on certain energy forms

Psychic Force-Field Generation: Kyle can create force-fields out of psychic energy, either around themselves or to a wide radius around an area.

Limitations: The force-field's versatility, size and formability depend on the user's skill. It can only protect what is behind it. The force-field's strength, reliability and duration depend on the user's psychic strength and stamina. Particularly Absolute Attack and Absolute Strength may break through the force-field. Constant assault and/or powerful attacks, may cause migraines, or even possibly, in the worst cases, brain damage or coma, depending on the attacks' power and the user's durability. Certain powers or entities may be able to ignore, penetrate or break the force-field. Psychic Energy Absorption can absorb force-field energy, weakening, damaging or destroying it. Selective Interaction. Shield Penetration/Shield Removal. If being airtight, it may cause asphyxiation after prolonged use.

Psychic Infusion: Kyle can infuse objects (usually weapons), beings, or powers with psychic energy/forces, empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities and efficiency.

Limitations: Users of Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious). May need to touch the object. May be tied to user's emotion.

Psychic Shield: Kyle is highly resistant to any/all mental intrusion, including psychic or empathic powers, Hypnosis, Mental Hallucination, deception, etc. Telepathy only "hear" static, while mind controllers will have trouble manipulating those shielded.

Limitations: Users are only resistant, not immune. Doesn't work against physical abilities or actual attacks. May require mental discipline and focus to prevent external penetration. Mental Shield Penetration may be able to penetrate the shield. Meta Fear Inducement can affect them directly regardless of how powerful their psychic shielding is. Powerful opponents may still be able to affect the user to some extent. Shield may have to be consciously activated. May have weakness against Consciousness Separation and Consciousness Shattering. Objects that bestow it may interfere with the user's psychic abilities.

Psychic Immunity: Kyle is completely immune to any/all psychic phenomena regardless of its nature and origin (natural, supernatural, magical, technological, etc.). His mind cannot be controlled, damaged, read, influenced, emulated, altered, detected or communicated with, forcing users with telepathic allies to rely on alternate means of long-distance communication, usually via technological or magical devices.

Simply put, Kyle's mind cannot be entered or affected in any way, making him perfectly immune to any mind-related effects and abilities.

Limitations: Depending on methods how this ability functions, powers that interfere with brain or senses could potentially affect the user's mind as opposed to directly Influencing the mind. Brain Manipulation, Sense Manipulation and Neural Impulse Manipulation may counter this ability. Applies to psychic phenomena only, the users are still vulnerable to physical, soul-based and other supernatural occurrences. Completely prevents any form of telepathic communication, requiring the use of external devices. Users of Absolute Psionic Power, and Immunity Bypassing may be able to affect the targets mind. Omni-Absorption/Almighty Absorbing Replication/Immunity Bypassing/Power Negation are the perfect counters. May not last forever.

Psychic Element Manipulation: Kyle can form their psychic energies into physical elements and manipulate the psychic element created, each element having a different associated effect on the mind.

Limitations: The range, magnitude and amount of psychic element depends on mental strength. If the user is mentally unstable, the psychic element created by them will be too.

Psychokinesis: Kyle possess psychokinesis, the psychic ability to move, manipulate or otherwise interact with energy and matter with mental effort alone.

Limitations: An opponent with superior physical strength than the user's mental strength may break free or even be immune to the ability altogether. Psychic Energy Absorption/Psychic Immunity/Psionic Negation. Might be linked to or unwittingly triggered by emotions, thoughts, dreams, causing the user to be unable to control or possibly even access their ability. May trigger a psychic defense mechanism by being in life threatening situations. Mental illness can affect the user's capability to use this power. Might be physically or psychologically fatiguing, straining, or even crippling for the user, with the user either bleeding from the nose or eyes, falling unconscious, entering a coma, or even dying from the mental effort of using the ability. May only be capable of moving objects they could physically move. May be able to affect only targets that they can physically perceive or within a certain range and distance from them. May only be able to manipulate a limited number of targets or a limited amount of size/mass at once. Use of the ability may be channeled through the motion of the eyes, hands, or fingers. The user may need to perform specific gestures to utilize the ability, such as touching their heads, meaning that their abilities could be nullified if the user cannot move their bodies or visualize their target. However, with enough advance practice, users may not need to rely on specific gestures at all, and all their abilities direct for sheer thought and will alone. The user does possess the potential to perform sophisticated telekinetic operations; however, they require tremendous cognitive abilities, so they don't overload their mind when they perform an advanced technique.

Superpower Manipulation (Limited to menatl & pyshic powers): Kyle can create, manipulate, remove, change, etc., the supernatural energies/properties in all beings that give them their powers, including themselves, thus allowing every variation of superpowers and manipulative ability.

Limitations: Well defined or established powers, such as Universal Irreversibility, Omnilock, Probability Manipulation, etc. are slightly resistant to this power (re-scripting of a certain aspect is possible, but not the core properties). Users of Meta Power Immunity are immune. Opposed by Anti-Power Manipulation. Energy expenditure in the form of mental power etc. can vary from little too extraordinary depending on the mastery of the power by the user (users could self-bestow Infinite Supply, eliminating this limit). Users of Power Anchoring cannot have their powers manipulated. May be unable to create powers, being limited to manipulating only already existing ones. May be limited to a certain nature of the abilities (DNA, Magic, etc.). Usually requires the Powers as Programs trope to work. Susceptible to users of Meta Power Manipulation. The range of this ability may depend on the user. But it's relevant to point out that the Meta Power Manipulation ability has a theme of controlling any type of power throughout any type of existence. A superpower can be better described as a type of category for a superhuman trait within an individual. Meaning that any user of the superpower manipulation ability would be limited to only manipulating the unique superhuman traits found within sentient beings. While any user of the Meta Power Manipulation ability would be capable of doing so much more. Meta power manipulation can be better described as the ability to control the essence of power throughout any type of existence. While superpower manipulation would be controlling the rather specific unique superhuman traits found within sentient beings.

Telekinesis Manipulation: Kyle can manipulate telekinesis or telekinetic-associated abilities of others, himmself, or both. He can control the power levels of the capabilities, from decreasing a telekinetic's power to only manipulating a little mass equivalent to earbuds to a mass equal to planets. Kyle can remove and add additional abilities or even augment them to transcendence.

Limitations: Limited to only manipulating powers related to Telekinesis. Power Anchoring.

Telepathy Manipulation: Kyle can manipulate the telepathic powers of others or oneself to various effects such as bestowing someone a telepathic related ability, weaken them, induce limits, or augment them to the point they can manipulate the minds of everything and anything they desire.

Limitations: Limited to only manipulating powers related to telepathy. Power Anchoring.

Teleportation Manipulation: Kyle can manipulate the teleportation of oneself and/or other beings. Making either appear in a different place instead of their target and even prevent them from teleporting.

Limitations: May be limited to a certain type of teleportation, i.e., only manipulation spatial teleportation, but not Elemental Teleportation. Possibly only able to teleport others and not oneself or vice versa

Alchemy: Kyle can utilize Alchemy, the magic and scientific pursuit of the power of the Philosopher's Stone and Universal Panacea, focusing on Elemental Transmutation (ranging from transforming base materials into purer (lead or iron into silver or gold), to making permanent changes on the state of matter (making glass malleable or durable, etc.), various forms of Elemental Manipulation (especially electricity and fire) and Life-Force Manipulation (Immortality, Healing and even creating life or at the least clones/homunculi). He also know how to create potions (for rejuvenation and immortality) and magical items, although these are generally for practical use.

Limitations: Likely demands the use of a laboratory/workshop and time. Might have to channel it through use of an object, like the Philosopher's Stone or Hermetic Circles, especially when using advanced alchemy. Effectiveness depends on the user's knowledge and skill level.

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